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Divine Awakening

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Divine Awakening is book four in The Divinities series. The end is here.

This series does need to be read in order. The plot continues throughout the series and each couple we meet, meet up and develop a relationship throughout the books until they get their own.

Divine Awakening starts where Dark Divine ends with Desiree and Lex stuck in the underworld. They must find a way out and join the others to stop the coming apocalypse. I liked Lex and Desiree. She’s looking for her lost son and is grieving; because of the things she’s done to keep him safe and in the process trusted the wrong person. Lex doesn’t want another mate, but can’t help the pull towards his destined one. Things move fast and before you know it we are at the ending battle that will determine the fate of the human world.

Divine Awakening gives us the conclusion of the series. Secrets revealed, family’s coming together, mates finding each other, and more. Things wrap up nicely and everyone gets an HEA.

If you enjoy insta-love and quick fast-paced adventures then this series is right up your area.

Rated: 3.5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by After Glows via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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Desiree was a Divinity witch.but couldn’t find him so she went to the demon Lex for help.Desiree had tried to find her son and save him Lex is a divinity guardian. Desiree, Lex, Zach and Lydia were walking stealthily around the corridors of Khan’s castle. Teddy and Bear were Hectates Hellhounds. Then Lex states” They’re here”. Lex had a home in the underworld but didn’t spend much time there. At least not since Khan took over. Lex had a sense of dark magic from his dark demon side and his connection to Hecate who was the Goddess of witchcraft. Khan had hidden Teddy Bear from everyone. The hounds couldn’t survive being apart much longer as they were Siamese twins and their magic and souls were were linked. Lex found Teddy in a room a few feet away. Then he heard the heartbeat of the hellhounds. The hounds were Lex’s family- what little he had left. Desiree needed to get her son Matthew out once the hounds were free. Lex was warned the castle is about to blow in about two minutes or less. But then Desiree said Matthew had been there but was now gone. Then Lex teleported them back to his place. Lex didn’t want a mate but he found one in Desiree but he was holding back Lex had been betrayed by his mate three hundred years ago. . Desiree and Lex had both been deeply hurt by others and had decided to close their hearts to anyone. Lex then talked to Hecate telepathically and she said she was handling it. But Lex had to find Khan and get the Dark Sinew from him. But when she closes the portals he would have to find a different way to get back to Earthside. No one but the Gods could cross from one realm to the other once the portals were locked. But Hecate told him to find another way out. Desiree said the portals were all closed. Now Desiree was was stuck in Hell with a death demon without the earth her divinity craved. Then Desiree decided she would find her own way out and called to the lost souls but then they all attacked her . Then a hell hound stood before her and shifted into Mathew. Desiree called to her son “ Matty” who said no one calls me that who are you and Desiree told him she was his mother. He knew he wouldn’t remember her but she had to try. Mathew then said “ my mother is dead”. Desiree said Somoan had lied to them both. Then Matty said “ it has begun” and runs off into the forest. Then Desiree told Lex their best bet at finding Khan had just run away. Desiree wonders if deep down Matthew realizes she is really his mother. The Dark Sinew is now fully charged and can make the dark divine obey. Desiree is fighting her feelings for Lex, Desiree also realizes her son is way more powerful than she had thought. Because of Samoan’s lies Desiree had betrayed her people . Lex and Desiree had to figure out how to stop the war. The was is between the divinities and the demons. Mathew is being used for dark purposes. Mathew actually takes part in ending the war between the demons and the divinities.
I enjoyed this last book of the series immensely. It had a great plot. It was pretty much non stop action from the first page until the last. I never had a problem keeping my attention on this story. This is a fast paced short story. But I will say you should read the series in order or you will be lost. There are also exciting twists in this story. I loved Lex and Desiree together and rooted them on. I also loved that Mathew ended up helping to end the war. I loved the characters of this story and I highly recommend

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'Divine Awakening' by Lia Davis is book Four in the "The Divinities" series. I have not yet read the other books and I do strongly feel that you should do so as this seems to continue a story that has been going on in the previous books. Ms. Davis writing was really nice so I was able to enjoy this book but I am going to follow up with getting the other books in this story since I enjoyed this one so much. "My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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wow. Fourth and final book of the series. Loved so much. Definitely the best out of them all. There actually was a lot going on here, yet At the same time it doesn't seem like it. Very fast paced, but enjoyable.

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You know when you get hooked on a TV show like Buffy and then it ends? Yep, that is how I feel about this series. As much as I would love to see this series grow, I have to say this is a great ending to a wonderful series! This book picks up from where book three, “Dark Divine” ends; with the rescue of Teddy and Bear, Hecate’s hell hounds. I felt Desiree and Lex complemented each other, both strong characters with equally tragic pasts. They worked together very well after begin trapped in the Underworld. The book’s story is a very quick paced story, secrets revealed and families brought together to overcome the evil Samoan.
Even though the story is short it is filled with non-stop action, with some perfectly added sexy love scenes. This series is one that needs to be read in order and worth every penny. If you would like to open yourself up to a new exciting world, this is a great series for that. I give this book 4 ½ ☆'s

***I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Barclay Publicity via NetGalley. This is my honest opinion and has not been influenced by the author in anyway.***

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This 'book' starts right in the middle of the story, with our protagonists Desiree and Lex trapped in the underworld trying to find Desiree's son Matthew and fight their way out. I expected this to be the prologue, in the way some books do; teasing us with the Big Finale before going back to the beginning and telling us what led up to that point.

Three chapters in, I realised that wasn't going to happen. That this book is in fact basically just a chapter (the final chapter, apparently) of the Dark Divinities series. And that unless you've read the first three, you are not going to have the FAINTEST clue what is going on. There are entire chapters devoted to characters and scenarios that appear to be nothing to do with the plot, that are clearly revisited from earlier books in the series.

We don't see Lex and Desiree meet. There's no physical description of either of them, There's no 'recap' of how Desiree's son was taken by a demon. Nothing makes any sense.

When you are writing a book in a series, it is important to remember that your readers may not have JUST finished your last book. That there may have been many stories in between your last book and this one, and that therefore it is incumbent on you to at least remind them of what has happened previously - and hopefully to welcome any new readers who may have picked up this last book on a whim. If you DON'T do that, then your book isn't a book; it's merely a chapter in a larger story.

It's clearly a complicated world with some unusual rules of magic that the author has created here. I feel like she is trying to create something similar to Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series, but the fact is that you can pick up any book in that series and jump right in. Try that with this series and you'll end up utterly confused.

I did give this book a fair go, because if I'd enjoyed it I'd have gone and bought the others in the series to figure out what was really going on, but I just couldn't get engaged with the characters. The (couple of) love scenes were brief, lasting no more than a page, and skimmed perfunctorily over the sex act.

The paperback edition of this title is 118 pages. Double that page count to turn it into its own book instead of just a chapter in a larger story and it might be worth reading. As it is, I just cannot recommend it.

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Another good story by Ms Davis. Good romance and characters. I found the story to be very entertaining.

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In Lia Davis latest title and the conclusion to The Divinities series. Divine Awakening comes full circle. When Desiree Sanders and Lex a Divinity guarding is trapped together in the underworld they finally release their feelings they had for each other. With that come the knowledge that no matter what has transpired before they could always trust one another.

Though the battle was anti-climactic the other parts of the storyline made up for it. The part I really loved was when Desiree finally found her son and the part he took in ending the war against the Divinities enemy.

I totally loved the entire series, I am totally sad that this was the end.

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