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Hisses and Honey

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Reading Hisses & Honey was a lesson in learning to give up on a series, for me: I should have stopped reading the Venom trilogy back at book one. I just absolutely loved the opening of Venom & Vanilla. I thought the time Alena spent on Vashon (or maybe more likely Widbey island?) ruminating on her life while she died was quietly beautiful and understated. But then when she's plucked from the jaws of death, the world slowly falls apart. I also appreciated how difficult it was for her to become something that her religious upbringing loathes and shuns. That almost could work as a metaphor for coming out as gay after internalizing hardline fundamentalist homophobia -- the trouble is not simply external, with hate from parents and community, but internal, with self-loathing as well. Largely, though, this interpretation isn't supported by the text. Alena is also a judgmental, unlikable protagonist who is steadily rewarded with friends and admirers for no compelling reason. Plot developments were either foreshadowed with a two-by-four or came out of left field.

Additionally, I found the whole manner by which the American government dealt with the Supes perplexing and ridiculous. One of the reasons I loved Robin McKinley's Sunshine (which has some similarities with the Venom trilogy: a baker protagonist, the sort of mid-apocalyptic feel) was her attention to details such as bureaucracy and zoning. Which, look, I know that sounds wonky and ridiculous, and one one level is a personal quirk. But I cannot for the life of me figure how, on a practical level, the United States annexed the sovereign nation of Canada for use as its personal dumping ground. That this is said to have occurred in Europe and Asia does not make it better. I'm honestly willing to accept gods and monsters well before I'll believe that happened bloodlessly, or at all. Maybe this is just that the very premise of gods and monsters requires a leap of faith, which I know on a professional level how complicated navigating local governments can be, let alone two national ones.

My complaints with the series have not improved as I've read the second and third outings, and in some places have become fixed dislike. I should have done the trilogy a favor and stopped at book one; I do not like being a hater on a series which is clearly meant to be good clean fun. Alas.

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Humble baker turned supernatural Alena Budrene is lovely and lethal, and for the first time, she’s owning it. Finally rid of her low-life ex-husband, she’s free to date sexy vampire mob boss Remo, who respects her as both a Supe and a woman. She’s on good terms with her difficult mother, and she’s growing comfortable with her powers. But just when it seems things are falling into place for Alena, Hera strikes again: the Aegrus virus rages across Seattle, threatening the life of everyone in its path—including Remo, infected by Hades. The only way to stop the carnage is to face Hera and her army in a no-prisoners battle to determine the fate of the human race—and Alena’s future.
Even though this was a third book in a series, I decided to try it anyways as it sounded interesting. It wasn’t bad. It starts right up with action, but I’m assuming that maybe the last book ended suddenly. I did like Alena, I just think think it would’ve been much more enjoyable had I started with book 1.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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A fun urban fantasy, with enough twists & turns and unique story to never be trite or predictable.

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Excellent conclusion to an excellent series! These books are a quick fun read. I enjoyed the mixing of the Greek gods with the supernaturals. Haven't read anything like that before. It was a pleasure following Alena as she went from timid mouse to strong independent woman. Hope this isn't the last we see of these characters.

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It was a solid read if you like a mashup of the supernatural and Greek mythology.

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I found this a real let down after the first two instalments.
The story appeared to be rushed and the characters became confusing.
A real disappointment after the first two novels.

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Wow! Alena just keeps getting stronger and sassier!

I love Shannon's ability to draw you into the story and make you a part of it. You can't help but root for Alena with her insecurities and burgeoning strength which sometimes seem so at odds with each other. This final part of the trilogy is a true coming-of-age story for our heroine.

Having beaten two of Hera's heroes she now must face a third WITH a monster... and a raging increase in the Aegrus virus to boot. Can she - and her friends and family - triumph over Hera, or will all be lost?

With the ending of this story I can't wait to read a spin-off series which is so strongly hinted at! ;)

**I received a complimentary e-copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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This is the final book in the series and the author doesn't let us down . Things are looking up for Alena . She is on her way to proving that she is alive and get a divorce from her slimy ex husband .  She i falling in love with the oh so sexy Remo . vampire mob boss . Family is getting along . Her mother and her are mending fences so to speak .  Until Hera wants to play with her again . Will Hades and Hera destroy everyone or will Alena stop the war before they take everything away from her.   
  I love this series and fell in love with Alena and Remo. When we started the series we find Alena a naive young woman who can't believe what has happened to her . When she was turned into a monster from Greek mythology . We see her grow up and into her new role in this book . She isn't backing down from anyone . She is up for the battle of her life . Even when tragedy hits . She takes on the Gods to stop what is about to happen . She is kick ass and taking no prisoners .  Remo kind of takes a back seat in this book . He is attacked and Alena has to fight to get him back to normal . He is stricken down by Hades .  I will say that these characters are well written and developed . You can't help but cheer for Alena and swoon at Remo's feet .
      This author takes Greeks Gods and monsters and twists them around . Where the monsters are the good guys and the Gods are waring with each other over the world . Zeus is running rampant all over town, not caring what is going on.  There are some things that if the author wanted to continue the books she could expand on. LIke Tad and Dahlia, Zeus and Alena's grandmother and Sandy she needs a love .
 There are twists and turns a plenty in this book . I love Ms Mayer's writing style and loved this series . She takes us on a fun filled joy ride that will make you giggle through out the whole book .  The series is light hearted and fun . I do really hope that she continues the story in the other characters . They would be awesome spin offs . I would love to know about Zeus and grandma. You have to read the first two books for book three to make sense . I strongly recommend  them to you if you want a fun read full of angst . laughter and romance amongst the war of the gods . Check out the Venom trilogy . You will not be disappointed .

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A great ending to the trilogy. Action packed and a variety of twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Overall great series to pass the time if you're into mythology and the paranormal.

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Yet another fantastic series from Shannon Mayer.
this was the third book in the trilogy and I only found out about the series from book 2, however I quickly picked up the storyline and became submersed into the Greek Mythology world with a twist.
Drakina is such a strong heroine and its really to good to see that she doesn't need to have a powerful hero to carry her along.
A spin off series would be fantastic!! She is a fantastic writer and I definitely recommend all of her books to everyone.

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HISSES & HONEY finds the fun that was so vital to the first novel. After the getting her divorce and besting Theseus on live TV, Alena has taken a large step forward for supernaturals. Human’s respect her, even treat her like a celebrity. But even then, Alena just can’t win. She gets her bakery but loses her man. Instead of cagey characters, who tease Alena that they know a something she doesn’t, in HISSES & HONEY revelations are dropped like bombshells. Everything that should have been explained in the first two books are finally thought out. Family secrets are out! Characters finally tell the truth! Bad guys are actually killed! Each page is loaded with information -- so much so that I wish Mayer had just explained them earlier.

There is so much plot in the novel that it’s hard to tell where the focus is supposed to be. Important events are forgotten. For the final book of a trilogy, a reader should know exactly where the plot is taking them. Am I supposed to care more about the Aegrus plague or the vampire drama? Should I care about Hercules or Alena’s lineage? This unevenness is exemplified with Remo and Smithy. Remo both supports Alena’s strength but also abandons her in order to protect her. He coldly leaves her, then begs for forgiveness. The introduction of Smithy in the second book was a bit of fresh air. He was sensible, talked like a grownup, and you definitely felt the heat between the him and Alena. Giving Smithy a large role in HISSES & HONEY makes sense, but inconsistent characterization lets him down, even before Ernie’s love arrows force the attraction further. (These love arrows have such a rapey vibe. It’s explained away that the arrows foster an attraction that’s already present... but the characters change so much when they’re hit with an arrow, it’s uncomfortable)

Overwhelming plot aside, the worst elements of the second novel (the abundance of mysteries, the sulky main character, the emphasis on Alena’s baking puns and terrible version of curse words) have been greatly reduced. There’s a greater focus on Alena’s personal history, but she’s not obsessed with sticking it to her husband or rebuilding her bakery. The romances become too much (seriously Ernie, a woman is capable of being single for more than four hours), it they don’t detract from Alena’s self-reflection. It’s almost like we’re back to the Alena of the first few chapters of VENOM & VANILLA. If the second book gave you cause to abandon the series, this one should make you pick it back up.

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I have absolutely loved this series. As a trilogy it has been highly entertaining and i have loved every minute of it.

In this final volume, Alena is still seeking her divorce, is on the outs with her family and with Remo, deals with more of the Pantheon, visits Hades in hell and goes up against a 9 headed Hydra, Hera, Aphrodite, Hades, Hercules, and the vampire council. Hard to believe it was all put into one book, but it was fun and flirty, sexy and sad, daunting and daring, but bloody and brilliant.

The final pages of the book set up a new spin off series between 2 of Alenas relatives, which has a lot of promise so i will be looking out for those in the future.

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This book is great not only because of the writing style or the ending, but because of how far Alena has come from the beginning. Since book one, she's been a soul with a good heart, but after so many challenges and revelations, she's finally come into her own. I used to be on the fence when I was first introduced to this quiet, judgmental character (raised wrong, mind you) but the second I picked this up, it totally hit me how much she's gained as a strong individual. I did a lot of crying and laughing with this. A very good fast-paced novel filled with suspense and action, love and loss and a whole lot of fun things for fans of Mayer to pick through and enjoy over and over again. The ending was a bit cheesy but at the same time, it fit Alena and the life she chose to live, so a really great read, overall.

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A woman scorned is not to be dismissed and Alena shows us that! So full of love for those who stand beside her she uses the strength she's always had to march through this story to get results/reactions that have the ability to save everyone.

Throughout this story, Alena transforms! Although she doubts herself, she also understands that so many depend on her actions that giving up is never a true option.

Anyone who has ever faced odds that seem overwhelming, will enjoy Alena's story!

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In this final installment of the Venom trilogy, things are going to come to a head between our sssuper duper heroine, Hera, and half of the Greek pantheon. Alena Budrene, Drakaina and baker, has moved on from being the reluctant savior of Seattle and is taking charge on multiple fronts. Not only does she have to worry about Hera's next hero, but she also needs to deal with the vampires, her relationships (both love and familial), a raging Aegrus virus, and the latest psychopathic monster created by Merlin. At least her divorce is over and done with, even if her lousy ex is still hanging around.

I was happy to see that Alena has accepted her new supernatural status and let go of some of the hangups she had as a good girl and Firstamentalist. She is finally coming to terms with the new and dangerous world in which she lives, and that violence will sometimes be necessary in her life. I liked that she stood up to various foes and faced situations head on, even going so far as to protect her family and friends when it was warranted. Her guilt did surface time and again over certain events, but I cut her some slack because her life changed very fast and she has only been coping with this new aspect for a few short weeks.

So there was a lot happening in this last installment of the trilogy, and I felt like the story lacked cohesion at times... like we were just jumping from one event to the next a little too quickly. I wish there would have been more filler moments to build and strengthen relationships, particularly between our love interests. I was also hoping to see the romance amp up between the sinfully yummy Remo and our heroine - but it was not to be.

That being said, I love the mix of supernaturals and mythological figures in this series. In this story we touched on a large part of the pantheon including Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Narcissus, Hades, Hermes, Eros, Hercules and Hephaestus. When you take all the Greeks and throw in vampires, werewolves, warlocks and monsters - you get a melting of supernatural diversity. The social issues in this installment are resolving, with humans more easily accepting the supernatural species, and even showing a small amount of hero worship for Alena, the protector of their city.

While all of the questions are wrapped up by this final episode, there was room left for a spinoff in another part of the world. I would like to see that happen, so I'm hoping Mayer gives us more of this supernaturally diverse universe in the future.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from the publisher, 47North.

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Once again Alena is faced with another Hero, Hercules, trying to bring her down. While she has many on her side, there are many more powerful against her. She must gather her friends and courage to finally overcome the Greek Gods who are against her, all while keeping her family and friends safe. I laughed, I gasped, and I cried. Sometimes I wanted to get up and cheer her on. I will really miss this series

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Hisses and Honey is the conclusion to the venom trilogy.

Alena once again feels isolated as no-one in her circle of friends has any faith in her abilities.

It was nice to get all my questions answered and the baking analogies are definitely the signature for this trilogy, however, this hasn't been my favourite series written by Shannon Mayer for a variety of reasons.

The timeline has always seemed a little bit unbelievable and also the stereotypical romance angle of Remo "leaving" Alena because he wanted to keep her safe, just didn't work for me.

Overall, it's a fun and easy read but sadly, it won't be on my re-read list.

I received this as an ARC which I voluntarily read in exchange for an honest review.

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I am sorry to see it end! The ending was great! I love a good ending! and I "hope: that in the future that maybe there could be a spinoff....or something to revist these characters! Alena is a strong kick butt woman!

Great Series!!!!

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Fantastic finish to a fantastic series. Yet again Ms Mayer has brought us a brilliant story. Great characters and a great twist on the Greek Pantheon

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I received this book free from NetGalley for an honest opinion. This is the 3rd book in the series, and I have to say I loved the series! It is filled with good and bad people. Sups and humans alike. If you like an action packed book, this one is definitely for you. Alena confronts a new hero in each of the books but the twist is who the hero is paired with. The virus is running rampant and she has to figure out why and who is causing it. As usual, Alena attacks it and puts figuring this out plus dealing with the hero at the top of her list. I highly recommend this book. I've yet to read a book by Shannon Mayer that I don't say that about but what can I say, she's an awesome writer that knows how to come up with stories that are hard to put down. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

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