Member Reviews

Reviewed this book before. I'm not sure why this is on here twice! Jami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Small Favors is a charming series that I read (and purchased) many years ago and am very excited to see being re-released! Small Favors is a smutty comic, but don't let that lead you to believe it's not also very sweet and full of love! Highly recommend it for my fellow ladysmut fans.

Received a free review copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved these comics when they came out and I'm delighted they finally received a nice collection. Of all the types of erotic material out there, and there are so, so many, possibly the smallest category is funny erotica that is sexy, not abusive, and Small Favors is at the top of the list. Buy this. Quiickly.

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Very imaginative and quite an exciting book. Read it in barely 10 minutes so ti was pretty quick.

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"Girly porno" just makes me laugh haha but the story was definitely not appropriate for people under 18! Despite the charming art style, the content was not very innocent. It was a fun read for sure though! It's girls having fun with other girls and I find it so amazing that there are no male characters! None! Well, who needs 'em? Quite a cute graphic novel.

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A hardcore lesbian porno romp is the last thing I expected in my pile of reviews. The art is good and I'm sure if you're interested it will get your rocks off.

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So this is what I get when I don't read book descriptions. Didn't make it farther than a few pages. Apparently this is a porn collection. And it's heavy from the beginning. Just not what I'm in the mood for, Plus there was no build up. Just look, there it is. No thank you.

Added Goodreads
Added Litsy

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A lesbian who can’t stop with the self-loving is told to cut it out—there’s a lifetime allotment of masturbation? Wonder if there’s an actual number (asking for a friend)—and is given a helpful little blonde imp to keep her fingers and dildos in check. Little Nibbel is also helpful in letting me know the next section is a dream sequence, so thank you! Plus she’s really cute, incredibly funny in her naiveté. She’s the best part of this, playing a big part in the stor, as well as defining the title.
For me the other best part was how the author wasn’t afraid to break the fourth wall of get meta. Something as simple as “Bet you had to shower after that one!” makes for a big guffaw. Even when the author doesn’t know where to go with the plot we’ll get a line like “Who was that girl on page 104?” I thought it was the neighbor, but I guess I was overthinking it. And I also wondered who was taking the photos.
Very explicit sex is depicted, which is for the most part fine, though I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that, had it been a man taking her so roughly rather than a blonde pixie with a strap-on, there’d be all kinds of protests. There’s a small interlude of Nibbel doing herself on a lightbulb that made me laugh so much. Spaghetti and wooden spoons just got a lot more sexy, but it helps if you have a Barbie-sized pixie playmate. And the safari story was extra hilarious, along with the dramatic cry of, “Alas, we are exposed!”
There’s about 15 pages of early sketches and outtakes at the end, the best feautring Nibbel playing Rock ‘em Sock ‘em. . . better yet, Nibbel being playfully attacked by the dialogue bubbles. . .
Most of it is done in simple black and white sketches, quite effective. When it at a certain point turns to color, it’s a little jarring.
It’s a fun read, if nothing else because it treats sex, especially lesbian sex, as fun. Another reviewer nailed it by calling this “innocent and lighthearted.”

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A fun little read of sex and light hearted fun! This is the pulp art and stories that was hidden in the pages of high brow sex magazines of the past. More fun and exciting than the actual photos. A terrific little read.

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All power to this masterpiece of erotica. From an artist I doubt I've ever come across (oo-er) comes a silly premise (woman told to stop w**king, so gets a conscience – and the two, woman and conscience, do nothing but ravage each other, the end) but a great fun spirit. Suitable for both genders, but perhaps talking more to the female one, this is a brilliant book, and one well worth resurrecting. (But please stop splitting files needlessly, purely to raise more traffic counts on netgalley.)

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Small Favors was a surprise, in every aspect. From the moment I saw it on NetGalley I was impressed by what it had to offer. Both the idea behind this graphic novel, and the art featured are amazing. It's funny and at moments touching, but what it is most of is original. I really liked the style of the art which seemed almost innocent, despite the nature of the storyline.

Note: I do recommend this read, but please bear in mind that it's 18+.

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I never thought that I'd be into a lesbian porno graphic novel but Small Favors is terribly charming and sex positive that you can't help falling in love. There are several stories, some just a couple of pages long, but it always ends up with everybody having sex. There's not much in terms of plot and the one main arc is that Nibbil is Annie's conscience in humanoid form, supposedly to keep Annie from masturbating all the damn time but she turned out to be a companion and enabler. This was unexpected!

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First time reading from this offer and this book being the 3rd in the series, I would definitely go back and read books 1 and 2.

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Small Favors is a graphic novel about a woman, her conscience, and her crush on the woman next door. Sexually explicit, funny, and oddly touching at times, our introverted main character deals with her extroverted conscience Nibble and spends a lot of time without having any apparent means of supporting herself. Basically, it's lesbian pornography in a graphic novel.

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I'm not sure what I was expecting, but Small Favors was a surprise. Definitely for an adult audience, but it was a fun read. I was actually surprised by how much I liked the short vignettes. While the art wasn't over the top, it was well done. I am glad I got outside my comfort zone to try something new.

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This was uh.. not what I expected... It was super super SUPER raunchy. Like Porn raunchy. I'm all for porn by women for women, but this was a bit too much for me.

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As this was actually just the end of the book my previous reviews apply to it as well. It is quite cute. A lovely quick read.

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Review contained in volume one.

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See comments on part 1/3.............................................

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Lively, charming and diverse, with an art style that makes me think of Jaime Hernandez crossed with the classic newspaper cartoon strips. But just to be clear on the key detail: when the cover describes it as 'girly porno', it isn't kidding. I saw Netgalley had this and figured, she co-wrote an Adventure Time comic, it's from Oni, how hardcore can it be? Surely that's just a wry title for something which, at most, will be risque along the lines of Sunstone or similar. Well, no. It's absolute filth. Probably contains fewer pages with the protagonists fully dressed than Lost Girls. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just not the sort of thing I'd necessarily review as a rule, if I didn't owe Netgalley some feedback. Because while any review is by definition subjective, some are more subjective than others, and if there's one thing more subjective than whether comedy is funny or not, it's whether porn is hot or not. So: if you like polymorphously* perverse girl-girl(/-girl(/-girl)) action, with no pretence at a message beyond 'Sex is fun, so why not, eh?', which dodges any risk of male gaze through coming from a female writer-artist, you'll probably like this. If not, it really isn't for you.

*Assuming that term is still appropriate if someone is changing size rather than shape. Close enough, I think.

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