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Guilty Pleasure: Part 1

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I never hesitate to pick up a new book by Lora Leight. She is one author whose books I truly enjoy. Guilty Pleasure part 1 doesn't disappoint. As always, it was filled with a lot of sizzle and well written. I would recommend to anyone. You'll enjoy it!

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A first chance that felt a long time coming…

Lora Leigh knows how to weave scorching heat with heart-touching emotion and Guilty Pleasure Part 1 is just that. Khalid and Marty have known each other for years, their attraction simmering all that time. Marty had been too young, the circumstances were wrong and, years later, many of the things keeping them apart were still true…

“They’d been playing this game for ages, it seemed.”

Their dangerous jobs, complicated family and known threats were no longer enough to stem the desire they both spent years trying to avoid. Marty was pushing the envelope and Khalid was going to catch it, whatever the consequences. And those consequences were going to include spine-tingling pleasure…

“And Marty didn’t recognize that emotion herself because… she had felt it for Khalid for so long, that it had simply become a part of her.”

This novella-sized installment is only the first story in the three-part series and it has set the groundwork for a lot more heat to come….

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I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book. I am loving the plot and it had just enough sexuality to keep you guessing. I am going to read book 2 and 3 right away to continue to see what more happens with these characters.

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Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

After years of fighting their attraction to one another, Khalid and Marty are finally getting their chance. Khalid has been a figure in several of these Bound Hearts book and I've been waiting to see if/when he was going to meet his match in the woman he always wanted but felt he could never have. Marty can hold her own. As an FBI agent, she's got a curious streak a mile long that's only matched by her stubborn streak. I also loved that she was the child of two club gives a glimpse of what's to come for her/Khalid/Shayne.

There were a few things missing from this book that I really wished Leigh had added - more about Marty's family and their make up, more about Deerfield and his issues with Marty, and more after the final scene. This one felt like it ended VERY abruptly...which made me sad after all the build up.

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Loving the start of this sizzling hot sexy romance series. So glad I have the other parts so I don't have to wait to finish Marty, Khalid and Shayne's sexy hot story!! Definitely loving the triad theme!

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Marty is a very strong female character, if you like your women on the docile side Marty will not be your type of girl. Marty is one that tends to kick ass first - ask questions later and damn if that isn't the the thing that makes her so HOT especially to Khalid, and Shayne.

The Club is a very secret group that Marty's parents are a part of and so is Khalid, it's an exclusive club where members take a third into their relationship. Marty wants Khalid and always has, never-mind their age difference or the fact that Khalid is a club member and that means that if he was to get into a relationship that he would want a third to be a part of it...she wants him and now is the time to make sure he knows just how bad.

This was a quick read that had a very slow start for me, I was having a hard time connecting with the characters. There were times I felt a little lost but then it all turned around and I really got into the story.

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Guilty Pleasure: Part 1 is the first installment of a three part serial. In this part, we meet Khalid Mustafa and Marty Mathews. We also meet Marty's fathers, though her mother is in France; Shayne, a CIA operative that occasionally works with Khalid; Sebastian, an Interpol agent, who might be retired. Marty's godfather, Zach, is the director of the FBI, making him her boss also, but he uses "the Club", a very exclusive men's club, as his own personal undercover recruitment pool, including Khalid.

Marty has been in lust with Khalid since she was 15, and she's also been "investigating" him for the last two years, at the behest of her immediate supervisor, who dislikes her and her godfather. Between Marty and Zach, they have been able to cover up everything that Khalid has done that would appear to be terrorism, since everything he's done has been done to help the FBI bring down real terrorists. Once Marty is finally taken off Khalid duty at work, and is allowed to take her first vacation in two years, she decides to go on personal Khalid duty. She decides to take the bull-headed man by the horns and finally seduce him, since they've been flirting off and on for years, whenever their paths crossed.

Khalid, with his well known self control, isn't sure he will let himself be seduced, as that he has a dark past when it comes to loving women. And his two younger brothers, who ARE terrorists, have decided Khalid cost them personally and financially, so they are going to hit back at him. Khalid's biggest fear was that they would find out about Marty and try to take their retaliation through her. He finally decided that it's better to bring her closer, explain the dangers so she knows what she's getting into, and he chooses a third. He asks Shayne to share Marty's bed and share in the responsibility of her safety.

Would I recommend this book? Short answer, yes. There was tons of action, even in this short section of the whole, and the sexual tension was off the charts. I believe this is my first or second Lora Leigh book, and she knows how to display a couple or threesome. The excitement of the different relationships and the tension of possible upcoming events make up for my annoyance of the shortened sections. Luckily all three parts have been released, so I don't have to wait for the next one to come out!! Give this book a chance, it's definitely worth it if you like a steamy menagé!!

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Loved part 1. One of my fav authors who keep getting better and better

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Agent Marty Mathews has had it bad for Khalid El Hamid--Mustafa since she was 15 and didn’t know what that even meant. For the past 2 years she’s been tailing Khalid as an FBI agent. Now that she’s off the case, she can finally work out her plan to seduce him!
Anyone whose read any of Lora Leigh’s first Bound Hearts books has already met Khalid and has anxiously wanted to read his book. I was very happy that it didn’t disappoint. Although I typically don’t like reading books (or series as the case is here) where one of the main characters was in sexual situations with someone other than their HEA, the scorching series is written in such a way that I have no problem with it. The author has a way of writing strong females with good moral who are a perfect match to the strong males they fall for. I loved reading about Khalid and Marty. I’m glad that the series was re-released giving me a chance to read this. I highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed the first part of this serial - it sucks you in from the beginning with character introductions and the chemistry between these characters is great! I can't wait to see what's going to happen in part 2!

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FBI agent Marty Matthew has been following Khalid as an assignment for last two years. She knew about him more than anybody else and she knew about his secret life style being “third”. She has been wanting to venture out of FBI for awhile due to her direct boss who she couldn’t stand. She was just waiting for right moment when she was called off on Khalid’s duty she takes a vacation and she is determined to seduce him.
She known Khalid since she was fifteen and she has been infatuated with him since then. She wanted to be with him but her father and her godfather forbids both to pursue each other. Now is the chance to seduce him.
On the other hand, Khalid was secretly working with Marty’s father and Godfather and it is catching up with his life. Finally this book describes why Khalid is so dark and his life before he met Marty’s father and Godfather.
Marty and Khalid couldn’t stay away from each other and once they cross that line... things are becoming more dangerous for Marty and Khalid.
Finally they are together but accidents are threatening their lives...

Can’t wait to continue the story.....

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This was the first instalment of three parts. It was a slow starter and it picked up about half way through. I thought that it had strong characters and looking forward to reading the next part.

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This book had so much potential but it just seemed to fall flat to me. I had a hard time connecting with the characters, which for a Lora Leigh book is odd for me!! I did really like Marty's attitude. I also liked the way her and Khalid interact, along with their third. I'm not really sure why certain parts of the story took so long to resolve and it just seemed to be drawn out when there was no need to be. The sex scenes were extremely HOT! But that is a given with a Lora Leigh book and can always be depended on! But then the ending just seemed to be extremely abrupt! All in all, it wasn't a bad read. It just seemed to be lacking something. I would still recommend it as a read just so you have all the interconnecting stories with it.

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Fantastic first part of this three part book. Looking forward to reading all the other two parts.

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Loved this book, there is action and hot steamy action. Marty and Khalid finally give in and the fireworks fly.

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Another erotic thriller from Leigh. Although the story was rather long (I read this as a three part book series) it was full of action. While knowledge of the other books in this series is not required, it does help to know the characters of the series and how they intertwine.

Note, I did receive a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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Guilty Pleasures One
Khalid has been a recurring character in this series. You can't help but fall in love with him. You know that he is always being watched. In this book you get to meet Marty, the agent that has been assigned to follow him. You're introduced to each character and find that they have an undeniable pull between them....Very HOT chemistry and brilliant story telling.

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I have voluntarily reviewed this advanced review copy of this book provided by Netgalley.

This is book 1 in the Guilty Pleasure series and it is a great introduction into both of the characters. This book will help you to understand what is really going in both of their lives and why they are the way that they are. Although things don't go directly to the bedroom it definitely gets warm in the room when Marty and Khalid walk in.

Overall a great book. I may have gotten this book as an ARC but I have purchased the full book in the past and enjoyed every second of it!

Marty Mathews has grown up knowing that there is more than just the standard kind of relationship... where boy meets girl and falls in love. Marty knows for a fact that sometimes...2 men meet one woman and some very naughty interesting things happen.

Khalid has always wanted Marty but he knows that she was not ready for everything that he had in store. So instead of storming the castle and stealing its princess he has watched from afar keeping her safe and happy without her knowledge.

And so the story begins...Marty is tired of waiting for Khalid to come to her and Khalid thinks it is too soon to give into what he desires. There real question is can Marty convince Khalid that ready or not she's coming to get what she wants or will Khalid shut her down before she even has a chance to get what she wants? Read and find out!

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Love Lora Leigh's books. This the first in a 3 part novel and she does not disappoint.

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This three part serial left me wanting more. The characters, Marty and Khalid had palpable chemistry. The plot kept me on my toes and I can not wait to see what happens next!
I voluntarily reviewed a copy via NetGalley.

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