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Highland Hellion

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Member Reviews

I really enjoyed Rolfe and Kate's story. She had decided to train from a young age and was not you typical highland lass. Rolfe was so honorable and sometimes this put him at odds with Kate. I loved the bantering between these two and it had me laughing out loud. This was a great addition to the Highland Weddings series!

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Cross dressing heroines. Chicks in pants. Whatever you want to call it, it’s an old familiar plot trope but one that I love because it makes for such an adventurous story. And what an adventure it is in Mary Wine’s Highland Hellion. There’s just something about a strong highland man with the right woman. Together, they’re unstoppable.

Katherine Carew was the illegitimate daughter of an English earl. Abducted to Scotland at age 14 by the Earl of Morton, regent to the Scottish King, the earl had plans to marry her off. Marcus MacPherson, a war chief, rescued her. She’d been disguised and trained as a boy under Marcus to protect her from her English heritage being discovered. Marcus had been more of a brother to her than anyone she’d ever known. He’d made certain she grew strong and skilled in fighting. Katherine had gladly discarded the often tedious ceremonies of England as she’d settled into the highlands. Now that she was 20, life in England was just a memory. She was free and, as a boy, allowed to run wild. To enjoy the freedoms that women weren’t allowed to enjoy. She took pride in her riding, fighting and archery skills.
When her true gender was discovered, Katherine’s whole world changed. Now she felt like a stranger in her own clan. The men she’d thought of as her friends, now turned traitor, calling her English. She didn’t know the women. She lacked the skills of other women her age. Where she’d been able to hold her own with the men, she knew little about being a woman. She longed for the times when she could escape the drudgery of woman’s work and ride her horse through the countryside. Those moments were her only time to restore her spirit.
On one such escape, she ran into Rolfe McTavish and his men who were on MacPherson land to do some innocent cattle stealing. They were surprised when the woman they captured took a flying leap onto her horse and rode off like a man. Rolfe was intrigued by this unique woman and knew he had to have her. Later, on another escape from woman’s work, Katherine came across another clan on her land. The violent, vengeful clan of the Gordons. Realizing that the men were about to attack Rolfe and his men, Katherine made herself a target to distract them. Unfortunately, this time her escape attempt failed and though she fought bravely, she was captured and taken to Gordon Castle. When it was discovered that the captive boy was a woman, the laird declared her a witch and ordered that she be burned at the stake. When Rolfe discovered that Katherine had been captured, he had no choice but to save her. He owed her. She had protected him and his men from attack by the Gordons. So Rolfe and his men entered the castle grounds and managed to rescue Katherine in the nick of time. But rather than return Katherine to her clan, Rolfe decided to take her home and ransom her to the MacPhersons. She needed to be taught a lesson about running wild through the countryside with no thought for the consequences. Unfortunately, Rolfe’s father, Laird McTavish had other plans. He intended to give her back to the king’s regent in exchange for the regent ennobling his line.
As Katherine traveled to court with Rolfe and his men, she learned much about him. Not only was he very attractive, he had honor. She knew he didn’t want to follow his father’s orders but he would obey the laird. Rolfe, though aggravated with Katherine, was mesmerized too. They couldn’t fight the attraction, and once they kissed, they didn’t want to fight it. Katherine had never realized her body could feel so much delight. She enjoyed Rolfe’s kisses, craved his touch, and wanted more. She felt practically wanton with him. Rolfe tried to hold back but the more he was near Katherine, the harder that became. Their feelings for each other strengthened with every moment they were together. Could Rolfe give Katherine up and deliver her to an uncertain future?
What a fabulous story by new-to-me-author Mary Wine. I was captivated from the start by Ms. Wine’s writing style. With just the stroke of her pen, she manages to masterfully portray both the beauty and the ugliness of the time period. Her multi- faceted characters are hard, tough, proud, fearless, and loyal. I loved Katherine. Living in a world where her blood was hated, her courage was her soul possession. Her evolution from boy to woman was a delight to read, and I loved that the outcome was the best of both genders. She could be a woman but still embrace those “manly” things that made her unique. I also loved that Rolfe realized her hellion ways were what he loved most about her. The secondary characters of neighboring clans were every bit as captivating as the main characters. I enjoyed seeing the opposing clans working together for a common goal. I’m anxious to see what’s in store for them as well. Though #3 in her Highland Weddings series, I had no trouble reading this story as a stand- alone. It won’t be a stand-alone for long though as I intend to read the others in the series as soon as possible. Let’s face it, who can resist the adventure and romance of these Highland hunks? A Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team Selection.

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Highland Hellion was a fast paced and super charged historical romance that was feisty, fun and thrilling and boy this book reminded me why I admire this author so much, and she can write highlander romances like no other. I was swept away by Highland Hellion, and even though its not my favorite book of the series (book one still holds that title) this book was still a book I fell in love with pretty quickly. Highland Hellion takes places in the early seventeen hundreds in the Highlands. Kate was born English, but she was brought to Scotland against her will when she was only 14 years old, she was trained to fight and ride like regular men. And now she is asked to suddenly do all the “right” things the most women do, which to Kate is downright boring. She can ride and hunt better than most. Kate was quite the most amusing character. I like that she is proud of who she is, and even though she can be a bit too arrogant at times, she also is spirited, passionate and determined. She admits to her own mistakes and suffers the consequences willingly. This is a aspect of her personality that I gravitated towards. Yes the whole high spirited heroine was a fun aspect. But its seeing her become humble and viewing a different side to her. The more emotional side, this portion of her character that grows in this book. We see her realize that every action has a consequence and she learns some valuable life lessons here. Then we have our hero, Rolfe. He is the son of the Laird, and has many responsbilities. But when Kate saves the lives of himself and his men, he is indebted to her. He refuses to leave her in the hands of a enemy clan, and through a chain of events, they end up married through convenience but also affection and desire which slowly builds to love.

There is quite a bit in this story that you learn to admire and even have some fun with too. There is some historical aspects here, but Mary Wine balances it out very well. So that if you don’t like to have too much historical details in a romance, than I highly recommend this one, or any other book by this author. She writes these highlander romances that are so well balanced, and don’t overshadow other aspects. Every part of the story here seemed to flow together just right. We do get to see some more of our villain of the series, and boy he is downright mean and evil. But does bring some adversity that this couple has to face. The romance that builds between these two is quick and fun, their bantering is contagious and this couple gave me plenty of laughs. But they are a wonderful match together, and even though there is some angst between them at first, it definitely gives way quickly. I do think there could have been a bit more emphasis on the love story, the plot tended to overtake the romance at times, and that is the only thing I would have liked to see different.

Overall Highland Hellion was a thrilling ride of adventure, danger, growth of characters and some fun sexy times in the highlands!!!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Erica – ☆☆☆☆☆
5 Kilt-clad Stars

Mary Wine is a new-to-me author, and Highland Hellion is the third installment of the Highland Weddings, which I had no issue reading as a standalone. Wine's writing style was fast-paced, easy to read, and quickly drew the reader into the story. Real emotions were felt by both the reader and the fully developed characters.

Katherine was a unique heroine, and her predicament was just as unique. Judging by the fact that this is the third book in the series, Katherine's backstory is more likely prevalent throughout previous books. She's strong, bullheaded, and determined, but flawed enough to create a realistic character who will admit when they are wrong and grow from their errors. Katherine was a good role model, a heroine that was easy to root for.

Rolfe was a gruff highlander – the son of the laird. Strong-willed, Rolfe also knew when to give in and not only listen to advice, but take it.

Katherine and Rolfe were complementary in disposition, playing off each other's strengths and weaknesses. But the real moral of the story was the lack of autonomy for everyone, especially women. Katherine’s hellion-ness was due in part that she refused to be a prop in other's lives, a possession without a voice, and to just go with the flow and submit. This was achieved through action/reaction, not endless inner monologuing while behaving in a vapid childish way – it felt real instead of manufactured.

A very thick thread of equal rights was woven into the story, in a way that made it beyond accurate of the times, for all readers to see how far we've come and how far we've yet to go further. Not just the women, but all people were born with an agenda fulfilled by those in power over them. There were scenes where it was harrowing to read, and I give mad props to Mary Wine for hitting all the notes. Our autonomy and freedom shouldn't be taken for granted – added to that, we should never press our will upon others.

Highland Hellion features a strong heroine who does what she felt was right, whether selfless or selfish at the time, and an alpha male who did know to bend a bit, creating equals who were compassionate, empathetic, and strong enough to help solidify the highland clans.

I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy highland romances, and I look forward to checking out the author's backlist and more so of what's to come.

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I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Mary Wine’s Highland Wedding series. These books feature headstrong heroines, and sexy kilt-wearing highlanders who are brought to their knees by their love interests. I mean, what’s not to like about that combo? I was quite excited going into Highland Hellion, especially knowing that Katherine was a cross-dressing heroine, in an era, when women weren’t allowed to act like men. She was spirited, brash, and very much of a determined heroine. I love how she has turned over her pretty horrible past circumstances, made herself a good life among the MacPherson clan. I especially enjoyed her sibling like relationship that she shared with Marcus, and how much of a role model he was to her. Despite being very stubborn, Katherine had her vulnerabilities, that slowly come to surface over the course of the book. Knowing what we know of Rolfe from the previous book, I was admittedly a little wary of him being Katherine’s love interest, but I thought he redeemed himself beautifully in Highland Hellion. He was very much of the gruff, grumpy alpha hero that I’ve come to expect from this series and I loved him. I loved the slow-burn nature of the romance between Katherine and Rolfe. Though the attraction and lust was instant, it made sense for the emotional connection between the two to grow slowly given they both had a lot of growing up to do. The sexy times were sweltering, and very very passionate. I was a huge fan of these two as a couple for sure. I also really love the political themes and world building in this series. I think they add an extra little something to the story, and makes it stand out among the other highlander books. I’m excited that this series is going so strongly for me, and if you’re interested in reading these books, definitely go for them!

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Did you cut your historical romance teeth on Julie Garwood’s memorable Scottish historicals? If so, you’ll relish the tempestuous and unusual heroine of Mary Wine’s Highland Hellion. Katherine Carew is unforgettable—“Illegitimate daughter of an English earl… Abducted to Scotland at age 14… No family, no reputation… No rules.” Since her abduction she has been allowed to train with the young men of her adopted clan. Wearing the plaid, not dresses, Katherine is a tomboy, a trained fighter, a hellion in the Highlands.

Recently Marcus, the head of her clan, decreed Katherine would have to stop riding out and raiding with his warriors. She rails against her fate. No one is going to curb her wings.

The night beckoned to her with warm air and enough clouds to keep the moonlight low. It was just a ride. A few hours to restore her spirit before she had to resume the role Fate had decided was hers.



Katherine is unworried about tempting fate, even though just days earlier she was almost captured by the men of another clan when she was adventuring at night. Why would she take that risk? Is there a man involved? Oh yes. And she knows his name and his status: he’s “the heir to an honorable Highland laird.”

Rolfe McTavish. Out in the darkness, he’d been a brute to be sure. Not that she doubted he was any less fearsome by the light of day, but the night hours cast things in a way that made them seem more intense. That had to be the reason why she would have sworn she still felt his fingers on her skin. He’d touched her for a mere moment. Moon madness was the explanation for why it lingered in her thoughts.

She’d heard his name many times. He’d held Helen for ransom when Marcus had first brought Katherine to the Highlands. She had been barely fourteen at the time, and grateful to Marcus for not wedding her as the Earl of Morton had demanded [Helen and Marcus’s story is Highland Vixen (Highland Weddings #2)]. Katherine had been too young, and Marcus had been outraged. He had stolen her away into the Highlands to ensure she’d have time to grow up.

She was doubly grateful tonight because Marcus had trained her. Rolfe McTavish would have been sending another ransom note if she hadn’t known how to escape. But she had, and she fell asleep with that truth warming her.

Who should Katherine run into again? It’s as if all the clans maraud for sport and/or nefarious deeds at night. She overhears Rolfe talking about her tits (he certainly wasn’t fooled by her attire when he encountered her) but as annoyed and flustered as she might be, she can’t let him and his men be captured by the “vengeful Gordons,” also out that moonlit night. Rolfe and his men escape but Katherine is not as lucky. Rolfe can’t allow Kat to suffer the consequences of his light-hearted raid: he knows he owes her his freedom. Hence a rescue of a rather ungrateful captive.

Katherine felt her eyes narrow. Christ! Fate was having a merry time with her, it would seem! Why now, of all times, did she suddenly develop an awareness of men?

Why will Rolfe and his men not let Katherine return home? They even speak of trussing her up! Katherine is certain that their leader is behind their inexplicable behavior. Does Rolfe want to ransom her as he did Marcus’s now-wife Helen so many years ago?

Rolfe was watching her, a glitter in his eyes that promised her an argument. Or something else that she wasn’t all too certain of. She decided she didn’t want to know because her belly was twisting as though she was anticipating something.

Clearly the rescue has come with consequences. Rolfe impresses upon Katherine that her willfulness, wandering about at night, led to a dangerous situation. If he and his men had not rescued her from the Gordons, Marcus and his clan would have had to. Rolfe doesn’t mince words.

He started for the door but stopped before crossing the threshold. “If ye can nae think of the men who would fight to avenge ye, than ye are still a child, Katherine.” He set her a hard look before he let his men close the chamber door.

He was right.

She detested the facts and the harsher side of Fate for not making her see the truth in some easier fashion. But life had never taught her any lessons the easy way. Today was no exception.

For whatever reason, Rolfe is determined to keep her in tow rather than let her return home. Unsurprisingly, Katherine doesn’t take this edict lying down. Rolfe’s father is also less than pleased—he doesn’t want his son to lose his heart to an illegitimate, undowered girl. But possibly Fate has something to say about that because Rolfe and Katherine are powerfully attracted to each other.

She knew he was going to kiss her before he angled his head and fitted his mouth against hers. She moaned softly, unable to remain silent as sensation went flowing through her like a dam had ruptured. She’d never realized what it held back, and now it swept her with its power and rolling her completely within its current. The kiss was hard, just like his body. He didn’t allow her to keep her mouth closed, but pressed her lips open with the motion of his own as he moved his mouth over hers. It was overwhelming, like a clap of thunder directly overhead.

Rolfe and Katherine are bold, brave, and when necessary, devious. They face many obstacles in their journey to happiness but Rolfe is in love with a woman who leads him a merry dance and will stand shoulder to shoulder beside him, no matter what life sends their way.

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This series is superb. The stories move from one to the next so seamlessly that it feels like a tapestry of unfolding events that build upon each other. Lady Katherine Carew was rescued by Marcus MacPherson from the court of King James when he won his freedom and his wife. Marcus went one step further when he allowed the young girl to dress and train like one of the boys of the clan.

Unfortunately for Katherine this level of freedom wearing pants and fighting like one of the boys can't last much longer now that she's hit her twenties. The gown clad Katherine unfortunately does not gain the same level of acceptance in her clan with her lack of womanly skills. Headstrong and used to running wild she's off in the highlands creating mayhem in the name of helping her clan.

Rolfe MacTavish has been intrigued by Katherine from his first meeting when she foiled their attempt to rustle some MacPherson cattle. On another occasion when Rolfe was in danger Katherine put herself on the line to save him. Unfortunately for her he repays her for her generosity of spirit by returning her to court and the guardianship of the Earl Of Morton.

Can these two come together to forge a meaningful future? The story telling and level of detail is superb. If you enjoy Scottish historical romance then this is a not to be missed series.

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Book: Highland Hellion
By Mary Wine

Series:Highland Weddings, Book 3

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
1.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog
2.Tartan Book Reviews
3.Purple Tulip Book Reviews

Heat Rating: Hot

Overall Rating: 5 Kilts


In this novel it is about the heroine Katherine Carew and honorable hero Rolfe MacTavish. He is the heir to a Highland Laird who hates the English. They meet hilariously too on a cattle stealing mission per say! Katherine is illegitimate and English born, but loves manly pursuits. For example: like wielding a sword, archery, riding horses, wearing kilts and her tomboyish hellion ways.With no family, reputation,and dressing in the disguise of a lad = total freedom in Katherine’s world. Plus Katherine was kidnapped at the tender age of Fourteen. As she was offered to Marcus in Book 2 as a wife, who is the Macpherson War Chief. Instead he saw the danger this child was in, so he secretly brought her to Scotland. As her English step-mother was jealous of her, plus she was kidnapped for her dowry since her father was a wealthy English Earl. She was saved from this situation and raised by a kind,caring,and good hearted Scottish family. The man who was supposed to be her husband is more of a big brothet Now she has become a total hellion. Will Rolfe MacTavish try to change her independent and tomboyish ways?

Ha! Rolfe does not know what he is in for! As Kate may not have been born in Scotland but she is a Scottish lass in every way that counts! One spunky lass and will never surrender her independent ways. The MacPherson War Chief, Marcus taught her to fight just like his men. So she enjoys freedom and manly pursuits,l more than the pursuits of Highland women.Running a home or needle point is not her thing at this time.

Even though she does some amazing deeds there are some that will never approve of her English blood. Mainly Rolfe’s father even after she had been abducted once again, to save Rolfe from harm. His father wants no English under his roof! Plus there are dangerous enemy clans like the Gordon’s who are always sneaky and treacherous and always up to no good with their evil deeds! Laird Column Gordon wants revenge and MacPherson blood for the death his son R Lye Rob! Yet Bhaic MacPherson killed him for good reason- wife stealin how can Rolfe save Kate and Kate stay together with so much danger in Scotland especially for an English Lass. Beside many oppose to a union between these two Mainly his father. Will this star crossed together deny their true happiness or ignore everyone else and find true love?

Highland Weddings:
Highland Spitfire (Book 1)
Highland Vixen (Book 2)
Highland Hellion (Book 3)
Highland Flame (Book 4) *** TBR 9/5/2017

This is the third book on the Highland Weddings series which I have read each in consecutive order. I think it is more fun as I enjoy connecting the character dots. For example the heroine of this book was first introduced in “Highland Vixen”, Book two. Of course readers can read this book as a stand alone book too.

I have been reading Mary Wine books for many years and she never disappoints me. She is gifted in her unique storytelling signature style. Another novel with a breathtaking Alba setting, and spectacular dialogue with fabulous character development. In additionquick paced action packed plots within plots! This always makes you wonder what could possibly happen next? Plus it has all the elements Scottish historical romance readers love! I highly recommend this book plus the entire Highland Wedding Series! It is an exhilarating read from start to finish!

I can't wait for “Highland Flame” book #4, the story of Diocail Gordon and widow Jane Staffordshire.

I received an advance reader copy from the publisher. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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This is book three in Highland Weddings series and right now my favorite. The reason for it is its heroine and her backstory. As the story opens, I really thought I may not like her, but as I learned more about her, I liked her more and more. I admired her strength and pluck. I thought she held up her own against men or women and her relationship with the hero was so much fun to follow.

This was a well plotted and fun story which moved fast and furious. Characters in it were complex, fun and witty and the setting magical as the author paints us time long passed with such details that sets ones imagination into overdrive.

If you’re a fan of medieval, men in kilts and tropes in which heroines live up to the name of “hellion”, you’ll love this one.

Melanie for b2b

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I love a good Highland romance. Especially when the female isn’t some wilting idiot. With a title like Highland Hellion and a girl wielding a sword on the cover, I knew I was in for a lot of fun with this story. Kat was simply out of control. She was kidnapped as a young teen, taken to Scotland, traded off to be married to some old dude, found herself instead being adopted by her would-have-been husband, and trained in the ways of fighting. Actually, she disguised herself as a boy and trained with the other boys at the keep. So, to say that Kat was a handful is an understatement. She’s not just some headstrong female, she doesn’t see herself as a female at all. She finds her sex to be a handicap and enjoys the freedom that the guys get. Yeah, Kat gets into a lot of trouble in this book.

I thought Rolfe and Kat were great together. They were both headstrong characters who wouldn’t go down without a fight. Sure, sometimes they were their own worst enemy and would dig themselves in holes, but that made the story interesting. I liked that the author didn’t write their romance as a back and forth sort of thing. Instead, these two pretty much realize their attraction from the start and it builds from there.

I will say that I have not read the previous two books in this series but I didn’t feel like I was missing anything. The author does a great job catching the reader up to not only Kat’s past, but Rolfe’s as well. So while Rolfe and Kat were characters in previous books, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything.

Highland Hellion was a fun read. There’s a few suspenseful moments that left me wondering if they were going to make it out unscathed and what would ultimately become of these two characters. However, there wasn’t anything really new to this story that I haven’t read before. Nothing really stood out to me or set it apart from other Highlander romances I’ve read. It’s still an enjoyable read though.

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5 stars

Mary Wine’s tales always transport me to the far-away and long-ago Highlands where danger and feuding are forever present. Highland Hellion is one of her best. I highly recommend it.

Bastard born to an English noble, Katherine Carew, at age fourteen, was sent to Scotland to be used by the Earl of Morton in his efforts to keep England from invading Scotland and to bring peace to Scotland’s “forever-feuding” Highlanders—Highlanders who hated English blood. She becomes the Highland Hellion.

Marcus MacPherson, ordered to marry Katherine, pulls a fast one on the Earl of Morton. Marcus marries Helen, the woman he loves, and spirits Katherine away to the far north where he trains her along with the young men of the MacPherson clan. However, at age twenty, she is told she cannot go on raids with the young men. She must now start dressing like a woman and doing things women do, things for which she has no training.

She rebels and sneaks out at night on her horse. The raiding neighboring clans capture her and use her to their own advantage or, at least try to. Her hard-won courage is her sole possession. She calls up every ounce of that courage to survive in a world where she is hated just because of her blood.

Rolfe McTavish takes Katherine from the cruel Gordon clan. Rather than take her home to the MacPherson clan, he takes her to his clan’s stronghold to teach her a lesson.

Here we have the beginning of a turbulent love story that sends the heart racing. Love versus duty becomes a major issue as Rolfe’s crippled father, the Laird of McTavish, against his son’s wishes, plans to use her to gain title and position for himself.

How Mary Wine works things around so all the clans that had tried to use Katherine end up in Edinburgh area wanting to save her makes spellbinding reading.

Lastly, Adwin, Rolfe’s mentor since he was a child, sees Rolfe scolding and almost crushing Katherine for doing a super courageous thing to save Rolfe. Adwin tells Rolfe in no uncertain terms: “Do not let her affection be strangled by your pride.”

How a happy-ever-after comes out of all this is amazing.


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Highland Hellion, by Mary Wine is an captivating historical romance.

Even though she's English, Katherine Carew grew up in the Scottish highlands, due to being abducted by a brotherly laird, and then she secretly trained to fight alongside the clan's warriors. However, she was captured and met Rolfe McTavish, heir to another highland laird. Katherine and Rolfe are attracted to each other, yet they continue to disagree, particularly about her highland hellion ways. As the extensive story unfolds, they are forced to deal with various family complications and issues with their enemies.

Since it's the third book in the Highland Weddings series, it's ideal to start with the first book to meet all the characters, yet it's not necessary to read the books in order. I'm looking forward to reading Highland Flame, which is the next book in the series.

Highland Hellion is recommended and geared towards those who enjoy reading historical romances, particularly stories involving highlanders.

Note: I received this book from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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~ARC from NetGalley. ~

This is the 3rd book of the series, From the previous book, Marcus was able to help Kat escape. From there, he permitted her to train as a man would. However, he was not prepared for the day that she become a woman.

This book tells us, Kat's life after 6 years. What i love about this book is the way it was how they met and how they repeated saw each other. It was one capture to another. I felt as though her life was a constant battle on survival and there were times that I wanted to shout at her for the decisions that she made. But the way she was treated at the latter part of the book? That was something i really want to reach out and yank someone and throw them away. It was too cruel.

Rolfe? I love him. Most especially when he was so into Kat. There are times that I hated his decision, some of them were not well thought, However, I do admire him on the grounds that Kat is his price. Yes, he wants to bed her, but he did not let passion over take his duty as a man,. For Kat is a maiden. I think that was one of the best parts of the book.

I gave this 4 stars.

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I absolutely loved Katherine and Rolfe.. Katherine was the PERFECT heroine, sassy, strong and loyal.. At first I thought she was going to be headstrong and naïve but the gal learns quick and realized her mistakes right off the bat and owned them.. Rolfe was doing the right thing but somehow it all backfired on him.. His honor and loyalty could have cost him everything including his life.. This was by far my favorite of the series.. action packed, sexy and wonderful plot with 2 amazing main characters.. Ms. Wine also set up the next storyline perfectly! I for one cannot wait..

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Katherine is an illegitimate daughter of an earl. She was abducted and hauled off to Scotland when she was fourteen, with the plans to marry her off. Marcus MacPherson rescued her from that fate. But being English in Scotland can be even worse, so he allowed her to train with the men disguised as a young lad. Katherine excelled in her training keeping up and even besting some of the men. She was strong in body and extremely strong-willed in spirit. When she was older and her gender was revealed, she was forced to give up what she loved, and do things more common to what a woman would do within the clan. She was miserable. No one liked her-the women she was forced to learn from, nor the men she trained with and used to call friend. Longing for a carefree existence once again, wishing she could ride her horse and clear her mind, she needed an escape! She took to riding in the wee hours of night. One night, she happens upon Rolfe McTavish and his clansmen stealing cattle on MacPherson land. Happy with her capture, she surprised them all by leaping to her horse and riding away leaving their jaws dropped! Rolfe was excited that this woman had that ability, and where did she learn from? He vows to find out more!

On another of Katherine's escapes, she sees another clan on MacPherson land-the Gordons. They were a mean, take no prisoners, kill everybody and everything type of clan. She sees they were ready to capture Rolfe and his clansmen, so she distracts the Gordons putting the target on her. Katherine was captured even though she fought tooth and nail. Set before the Gordon laird, it's discovered she's a girl. He labels her a witch and that she will burn at the stake. Rolfe discovers Katherine was captured and feels it's his duty to save her since she saved him. Noble and honorable, but things don't go as Rolfe expects, and now he and Katherine are embroiled in a clan upheaval that could unite all the clans or make things even worse.This story was filled with adventure! Katherine is one strong woman!! I liked her and her demeanor! You knew she was going to be a hellion as the book title refers but gosh, she was hell on wheels! And Rolfe, he struggles with his attraction to her. He is likeable guy with values weighed down by his position within the clan. Katherine makes him want to break out of that mold he's in. Their chemistry is immediate. Katherine struggles as well-not really knowing what to do. She's been among men most of her life and now her feminine side is rising to the forefront. I liked how she took control and wasn't meek one bit! If she liked something, she let him know!!

Overall this is one great historical to read! Plot twists, sexy times, and sheer adventure keep you enthralled from beginning to end! I especially loved the ending! If you love historicals or even if they are not your usual thing, give this one a try! It's a book worthy of diving into!

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Katherine is an illegitimate daughter of an earl.  She was abducted and hauled off to Scotland when she was fourteen ,with the plans to marry her off. Marcus MacPherson rescued her from that fate. But being English in Scotland can be even worse, so he allowed her to train with the men disguised as a young lad. Katherine excelled in her training keeping up and even besting some of the men. She was strong in body and extremely strong-willed in spirit. When she was older and her gender was revealed, she was forced to give up what she loved, and do things more common to what a woman would do within the clan. She was miserable. No one liked her-the women she was forced to learn from, nor the men she trained with and used to call friend. Longing for a carefree existence once again, wishing she could ride her horse and clear her mind, she needed an escape! She took to riding in the wee hours of night. One night, she happens upon Rolfe McTavish and his clansmen stealing cattle on MacPherson land. Happy with her capture, she surprised them all by leaping to her horse and riding away leaving their jaws dropped! Rolfe was excited that this woman had that ability, and where did she learn from? He vows to find out more!

On another of Katherine's escapes, she sees another clan on MacPherson land-the Gordons. They were a mean, take no prisoners, kill everybody and everything type of clan. She sees they were ready to capture Rolfe and his clansmen, so she distracts the Gordons putting the target on her. Katherine was captured even though she fought tooth and nail. Set before the Gordon laird, it's discovered she's a girl. He labels her a witch and that she will burn at the stake. Rolfe discovers Katherine was captured and feels it's his duty to save her since she saved him. Noble and honorable, but things don't go as Rolfe expects, and now he and Katherine are embroiled in a clan upheaval that could unite all the clans or make things even worse.

This story was filled with adventure! Katherine is one strong woman!! I liked her and her demeanor! You knew she was going to be a hellion as the book title refers but gosh, she was hell on wheels! And Rolfe, he struggles with his attraction to her. He is likeable guy with values weighed down by his position within the clan. Katherine makes him want to break out of that mold he's in. Their chemistry is immediate. Katherine struggles as well-not really knowing what to do.  She's been among men most of her life and now her feminine side is rising to the forefront. I liked how she took control and wasn't meek one bit! If she liked something, she let him know!!

Overall this is one great historical to read! Plot twists, sexy times, and sheer adventure keep you enthralled from beginning to end!  I especially loved the ending! If you love historicals or even if they are not your usual thing, give this one a try! It's a book worthy of diving into!

5 Stars/3.5 Flames

This book was gifted to me for an honest review. The review and ratings are solely my opinion.

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Always an honest review in return for ARC. Hellion?? Rebellious?? Says who? Oh aye, there's nothing better than a brawny Scot. After this, I am looking for the next chapter!

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I love Mary Wine's historical romance stories and this one did not disappoint. The characters were fun, witty and strong. Katherine might of been born English but she was as strong as any highland lass. Rolfe MacTavish didn't know what he was getting himself into when he decided to teach Katherine a lesson for her hellion ways. Taking her home to hold her for ransom but his father the laird has only a title in mind and sends word to the kings keeper Morton. Knowing his son wants Katherine he will prove he has control and send Rolfe to deliver Katherine to her fate with the Morton. He underestimates Rolfes need for Katherine and his strength to stand up to his father to have what he want and he wants Katherine above all. That is if they servive Mortons rath.
I loved the ending of this book. I can't say more for it will give to much away.
*Book Obsessed Chicks Review team

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Perhaps the rating could be argued by many. HOWEVER; I stand by it! This author has never let me down yet. Reading what happened to the child to be bride from the original series was super! While the plot is one that has been used before, there is a freshness as well as a depth to this writing that some others lack. It is truly a great read. I fell in love with the characters and definitely thought the heroine could of been a little more mature however, all in all it was a superb read. An adventurous story with different layers of elements all in all....a great read. I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna

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***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Highland Hellion by Mary Wine
Book Three of the Highland Weddings series
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date: June 6, 2017
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Illegitimate daughter of an English earl... Abducted to Scotland at age 14... No family, no reputation... No rules

Heir to an honorable Highland laird... Can't believe how well tomboy Kate can fight... About to learn how much of a woman she really is

Scotland is seething with plots, the vengeful Gordons are spoiling for a fight, and the neighboring clans are at each other's throats. All it takes is a passionate hellion with a penchant for reckless adventure to ignite the Highlands once more.

What I Liked:

I really enjoyed Highland Spitfire and Highland Vixen, the first two books in this series and the first two Mary Wine books that I've read. So far this series has yet to disappoint me! While I freely admit that I liked but didn't not enjoy Highland Vixen as much as I'd liked Highland Spitfire, I can safely say that I liked Highland Hellion a great deal, possibly as much as I'd liked Highland Spitfire.

In Highland Vixen, we met fourteen-year-old Katherine Carew, bastard daughter of an English earl, who Marcus MacPherson saved from arranged marriage. Six years later, Katherine is a woman now - but she is a woman who knows how to wield a weapon and handle herself against a man. Unfortunately this leads her to a bit of trouble, but it also leads her to Rolfe McTavish. Rolfe saves Katherine but he isn't going to let her go - not when he wants to protect her, teach her a little lesson in Highlander etiquette, and, well, he wants her in general. A stubborn, reckless English girl and an honorable, protective Highlander will take the Highlands - and England - by storm.

At first I wasn't sure if I would Katherine, because she seemed almost too headstrong. She has had too many freedoms granted, in which she knows nothing about running a home or raising children, but she knows more than enough about standing someone with a dagger or fighting them off. In the beginning, Katherine is excessively reckless, almost stupid, and very selfish. But she begins to see the error in her ways, and how set in her ways she has become. She sees how selfish she has been, and how easy she had it. I love that the author made her headstrong, fierce, and stubborn, but eventually, smart enough to recognize when she was wrong.

Rolfe! Rolfe is a sweetheart, and a little different compared to the other heroes of this story. You can see how similar the ladies are - they are all stubborn and tough. But Rolfe is a little different from the other men. Yes, he is an alpha and he is protective, big, muscular, handsome, attractive, and commanding. But Rolfe is also very honorable, and follows a strict code of honor. He refuses to do anything that would dishonor his father, his clan, and his reputation. Rolfe is a good, good man, and he does right by Katherine every single time. He is all kinds of swoony, and not just physically!

I like this unlikely pair! The stubborn, tomboy-ish girl, and the honorable, duty-bound warrior. One is reckless and impulsive, the other is more stoic and occasionally wicked. It's almost an opposites attract romance (pretty much, it is)! From the start, Rolfe and Katherine have a great connection.

The romance is very sexy and swoony and delightful! Like the previous two books, the chemistry hits hard from the start, but unlike the previous two books, the sexy times erupt a little earlier (though not super early - just earlier than in the first two books). I liked this change in pace! Sometimes the romance in books one and two were frustrating, because you kept waiting for the characters to get it on. Rolfe and Katherine fall in lust very quickly, but falling in love takes a little more time. One thing that surprised me was Katherine's nature in the bedroom - I liked that both characters preferred things a little rough. You don't always see that type of chemistry in historical romance.

The story was very engaging and sometimes a little tense. Katherine is captured by the Gordons, then rescued by the McTavishes, but Rolfe has plans that don't involve depositing her to the MacPhersons. But then Rolfe's father decides that he also has plans for Katherine, and so Katherine and Rolfe are back on the road, to England. It's a busy, busy story! An entertaining one, at that. I love how the author has so many Scottish clans interacting (either fighting, or calling temporary truces but still stealing each other's cattle). Part of the story is about bringing peace to Scotland and having the clans cease their warring, and so far, the author is moving that plot along really nicely.

I really enjoyed this third book in the series, despite being slightly wary of Katherine (from the beginning of this book - but that changed)! From book two, I expected her to be paired with a different love interest (her best friend, but he is not interested in her at all), but he isn't even in this book. I must say, Rolfe redeemed himself wonderfully, and I adored him. This book was great!

What I Did Not Like:

I can't think of anything specific that I didn't like. Maybe one small detail - calling those in the Lowlands "barbarians"? I always hate when the term is "barbarians", in any context.

Would I Recommend It:

If you historical romance, especially Scottish/Highlander romance, you should give this book a chance! The series in general (though maybe Highland Spitfire and/or Highland Hellion - you can probably skip Highland Vixen, though it definitely is good too). This is a really fun and sexy Highlander romance series that I've enjoyed so far!


4 stars. I can't wait to read Highland Flame! We meet the hero of that book in this one - Diocail Gordon - and he is PERFECT. So swoony! I am so excited. Will I like him more than I liked Bhaic? Rolfe? We'll see!

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