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DNF Review - Similar to How the Hell Did This Happen?, I requested this back after the election because I was p*ssed off. I still am, I dislike this entire administration. The reason I lost interest in this isn't that my opinions changed, but that reading about politics just tends to make me angry and confused at this point and that honestly, I don't want to read the stuff I have to read for Gov/Econ let alone extra stuff, not the books fault, just a change in personal preference/interest in reading. I know this book is more humorous than serious like the other one, but the basic reasoning still applies.

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Former Congressman Trey Radel is not a bad guy, he just made bad choices during his stint in Washington D.C. This is the point of the book as well as a look into the inner workings of Congress and the issues that plague the current political landscape.

Radel chronicles his life before Congress as a TV and Radio personality, the campaign, the early days as a congressman and the schedule. I learned a lot about fundraising, the congressional committees, and the daily life. I think most people are frustrated with the workings of Congress and the perception of a lack of work for the American people. I think the book does shine some light on the behind the scenes work we do not get to see, but also the insane amount of time spent fighting.

However, I do feel like I am less optimistic about the ability of Congress to come together across the aisle at all, and about the idea of "working for the average american." I feel more jaded about the sheer amount of money flowing in from special interests and donors, there is no chance of common sense coming out ahead.

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Good book regarding politics and Washington, DC. Love the humor but frankness that the author presents throughout the book. This book will have you looking at our elected officials sideways. And some of the bills that are is a book that you will go back and read again and probaly see something that you missed before. This book will have you laughing and shaking your head. If you like reading about the political arena and/or Washington and the political arena, this is the book for you. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review.

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This is written at the same speed as Radel lived his life. There is no time for pointless description,he just gets on with it. It is a roller coaster story of ability,seizing the moment and letting it all blow up in his face. More seriously,though,it also gives an insight into the workings of Congress which many of the political stars named in the book should find uncomfortable. Radel should be congratulated for lifting the lid on shady dealings. This is an illuminating and riveting read.

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