Member Reviews

I picked up Hometown Cowboy by Sara Richardson because I’m trying to keep my Netgalley ratio as close to 100% as possible. That includes going through my backlist of review titles. What I found was a sweet contemporary romance. Don’t let that fool you though! Richardson could spike the heat in this story with no warning whatsoever!

I enjoyed Hometown Cowboy. I started it on my commute between states and set it aside for awhile. It really took some time to get going for me. I liked Jessa enough but there were just times when I would roll my eyes at her a bit. I can’t really describe it. She certainly wasn’t “too stupid to live” but she was just a little less together than I typically like to see heroines. I think part of that is that she wanted someone…..anyone really to love her and give her a happily ever after. The bar was kind of low for candidacy.

Then there is Lance. He embodies everything a “typical cowboy” is which is to say dumb as a fence post when it comes to pesky things like emotions. For the most part I found this to be tolerable. I liked Lance enough but to be completely honest I felt like he didn’t have much of a personality or story. I had to look up his name to write this review and I finished the book only a few days ago. Now Lucas (Lance’s brother)…..he’s a different story. I’m actually kind of excited for his book.

The shining star in Hometown Cowboy for me was Luis. I apparently have a thing for lonely old men. Nothing will zing my heart faster and I have no idea why. None. It’s weird, I know. There were a few other secondary characters that I enjoyed and I am looking forward to seeing them in future books.

There are some things that Richardson addresses in Hometown Cowboy and I can’t really go into it with much detail without spoiling the two biggest plot points. What I will say is that I felt they were dealt with without much fanfare. I found that to be anti-climatic. The story builds up these two pseudo-mysteries and then when they are discussed it just seemed so blasé.

In the end Hometown Cowboy by Sara Richardson was a sweet contemporary romance. I enjoyed it but the only reason I’m really going to continue the series is because I’m curious about the remainder of the brothers.

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I really loved this story. I could have done without the foul language peppered through the story, including a few f-bombs and the sex scenes. The story was beautiful and would have been even better without those things.

Jesse had lost her father a year earlier. She had returned home to assume ownership of the rescue center that had been her father's dream. Her father's best friend, Luis Cortez, helped her at the rescue center. He had three boys, Lance, Lucas and Levi. Lance, the oldest, was a bull rider and had been very successful until recently. He seemed to have lost his touch. He had come home to train for The Worlds. He needed Jessa's help to keep an eye on his dad. Something wasn't right with his dad and he didn't have time to figure it out right now so he enlisted Jessa's help. The more time Lance spent with Jessa, though, the more he saw her in a different light. Lance had never wanted to be in a long-term relationship and never saw himself in a happily everafter scenario, until Jessa.

Jesse wanted it all, including the happily ever after. She had been engaged several times but had her heart broken repeatedly. She was done with men and relationships, until Lance. She wasn't sure if she could ever have what she wanted with Lance. Would they be able to get past their family's relationship baggage to find happiness for themselves?

I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I had so much fun reading this and getting to know Jessa and Lance. It was just so entertaining and sweet. By the end, I was smiling big time!

A hot, stubborn cowboy plus a woman who is trying to avoid love? Those two combined made for such a great story. I loved getting to learn Jessa and Lance’s histories and watch them open up. I thought they had fun chemistry and I liked their flirting and banter. I loved the humor and Jessa’s attitude about love. They both have some issues they were working on and I liked the drama that those things brought to the story.

This was just fun to read and lose myself in, totally enjoyable. There was a great cast of characters. I liked Jessa’s relationship with her girlfriends and how sweet that was. The relationships between the women brought some laugher to the story and was really entertaining. I loved the male bonding with the brothers, I am such a sucker for that. They had a really interesting back story that seemed to very much shape who they are. It will be fun to see where the series goes and what adventures will happen. For the most part I felt this was a light read but there were some serious moments involved and emotions came into play, I like how it all blended together.

I really liked the overall story and details. Not overly in depth but it was really descriptive and had a great build. I thought the writing was really good. The first half seemed a bit drawn out to me but the second half had a great flow. Low heat. Nice drama. Awesome connection between the main characters. I was kind of back and forth between liking and loving it but the last 25% pushed me over to love!

Such a sweet love story about people finding love, healing, and truly connecting!

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Jessa Mae Love is a small-town vet who is unlucky in love. She starts right off by being dumped via text, which also makes her lose her number one donor. Lance Cortez has been busy training for his next rodeo. However, when his dad’s heath takes a turn for the worst, he feels he has no choice but to find a way to help him. His best solution is to talk his dad’s friend Jessa to move in with them.
This sounded like a cute and quick read. However, I really just didn’t like Jessa very well. I also didn’t care for Lance. Unfortunately because of that I just couldn’t get into this book.

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very tropish but entertaining =) would read more from this author

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An amazing introduction to this series featuring Lance Cortez, a yummy rodeo cowboy, and Jessa Mae Love, an animal loving veterinarian. With follow-up stories scheduled for the two younger brothers, Lucas Comeback Cowboy & Levi Renegade Cowboy.

My first book by Sara Richardson and I already added this series and her other series, Heart of the Rockies to my TBR. This author has a knack for pulling my emotional strings.

Side Note: The three brothers names confused things, too similar to each other.

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A combustible romance complete with amazing romantic moments, fear invoking drama, characters that weave themselves into your heart, and best of all, two characters who will live on in my memory as the epitome of love. Ms Richardson has created the type of story that lives on long after the last page has been turned. Lance and Jessa are now part of my belief in love always finding a way

There were plenty of light hearted moments to give further dimension to the story. If any character could make me laugh out loud, it was in point, the bra and panty debacle involving one of her first encounters with Lance. The laughter was the perfect counterpoint to the drama, making for the a HEA story to weave its way into and stay in your heart.

This book was provided by the Publisher and Netgalley, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I really loved and enjoyed this book. Really a great start to this new series by the author. Was hooked from the very start. Super excited to see where this series go's.

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HOMETOWN COWBOY is the first book in Sara Richardson's Rocky Mountain Riders series. This Rocky Mountain Riders series centers around the Cortez family. The Cortez brothers have a complicated history with each other, as well as with their father Luis. Veterinarian Jessa Mae Love entrenches herself in the lives of the Cortez men, and specifically bewitches Lance, when she comes to stay and keep an eye on Luis. Although Jessa's arrival at the Cortez homestead is at Lance's request, he had no idea at the time how Jessa would change his life.

Years ago, a series of tragic events blasted the Cortez family apart and kept them estranged for several years. Lance Cortez has a lot on his plate -- trying to prove he's not a has-been bull rider, dealing with his increasingly disoriented aging father, and unexpectedly reconnecting with his brothers. It is at this crossroads in this life, that Lance unexpectedly falls for girl- next-door Jessa. Jessa and Lance have great chemistry, and I like how they care about each other as friends -- in addition to being incredibly sexually attracted. Sara Richardson goes into detail describing the effect that the abandonment by Lance's mother had on his ability to form a committed relationship with a woman. I like the way Lance gains some self-awareness and a desire to change, after talking things through with Jessa and his family.

HOMETOWN COWBOY is a homespun family-centered story about love, and lives in transition. Sara Richardson tells a story that is very emotionally powerful about flawed characters doing the best they can. Although there are a lot of heavy themes in HOMETOWN COWBOY, there is enough humor and steamy scenes to balance things out. Lance's brother Levi strikes me as being something of an enigma, so I look forward to seeing what kind of story Sara Richardson gives him. I can't wait to read Naomi and Lucas' story next!

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This was truly an enjoyable read. The story-line was cute and funny and really sweet. Not too high on the angst, but a bit heartbreaking at times. Predictable conflict towards the end (because what romance story doesn't have one of those lol) but not boring or cliche. I thoroughly enjoyed my first read by Sara Richardson!

Copy provided for blog tour review

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This was a very enjoyable small-town western romance. It was sweet the way Jessa helped with Lance's dad no matter what, and the relationship between Jessa and Lance grew in a very believable way.

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Jessa Mae Love is done with relationships. No matter how tempting he might be, she cannot--will not--fall for a man like Lance Cortez. The outrageously handsome cowboy is practically a living legend in Colorado, as famous for riding bulls as he is for breaking hearts. What would a big-time rodeo star like him see in a small-town veterinarian who wears glasses, rescues animals, and cries when watching rom-coms? Turns out, plenty.
Raising bulls, riding the circuit, and looking after his ailing father--Lance never stands still for long. Yet Jessa catches his attention, and the more she tries to resist him, the more he wants her. When she agrees to move to the ranch to keep an eye on Lance's dad, Jessa tells him they have to keep it professional: no flirting, no sweet talk, and definitely no kissing. But with Jessa now living under his roof, that's easier said than done . . .

I liked Sara Richardson's start to her new series and her side characters. I really think that this was more of a 4.5 star read but I round that bad boy up because the side characters were really good. I think that the books to come are going to be better. The first book is usually when you're fleshing out all the characters and figuring out their personalities and whatnot. The storyline was predictable but all romances are...the guy gets with the girl! Would you really read the book that has the guy meets girl, they date and then break up in the end? No? Didn't think so!! That would be so depressing, I'd need therapy myself and would have to schedule it in on my own calendar. So, for a start - she did really well. Another thing I really like is that she didn't draw out the DRAMA. I'm a drama hater. I admit it. I don't like my drama with a side of angst so this was really right down my alley. Pick this up for a light weekend read. Seriously, you won't be disappointed.

I was given a copy of this ARC from the publisher on NetGalley for an honest review. All of the above comments are my express opinions and no one else's.

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Jessa Mae Love is not looking for love at all. She’s way to busy trying to keep her animal shelter open and her role as small town veterinarian keeps her very busy—very busy… too busy to be lusting over the living legend rodeo star in town… nope, definitely too busy for Lance Cortez. Until Lance offers up a proposition she just can’t turn down—keeping an eye on Lance’s dad while Lance trains for the rodeo finals. He’s trying to prove he’s still “got what it takes” on the rodeo circuit and doesn’t have time to focus on keeping his dad out of trouble nor the time to focus on the gorgeous now grown up Jessa. Nope… not even when she’s under his roof, no matter how tempting she may be…

Lance has been busy getting busy on the rodeo circuit—but he’s looking for one more shot at taking the crown in bull riding—he just needs to keep his head in the game, but when Jessa enters the picture, Lance is hesitant to admit that maybe there’s something more to life than just bull riding—maybe something with Jessa.

Whoa… hot, sexy cowboy versus sweet, smart veterinarian? Who will win the battle of wills—lust, love or fear? Jessa is trying to keep up with life. She’s still smarting from her father’s recent death—and her father was best friend’s with Lance’s dad, Luis. I love the relationship between Jessa and Luis—it’s very sweet how Luis takes Jessa under his wing and steps into a fatherly role. The same with Jessa taking on a daughterly role in how she keeps track of him and deeply cares for him. I also really liked Jessa and Lance together—they’re hella sexy but also have this deep seeded spark that’s the cornerstone of their relationship. They both have baggage that needs to be overcome, but damn, it’s worth it in the end. I look forward to more sparks flying with Lance’s brother’s books—Lucas and Levi will soon have me swooning too!

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4 Stars from Renee!

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, secrets, and heartbreak.

This is Jessa and Lance’s story. Jessa is done with relationships. She is tired of falling. Lance is a player and nowhere near what she should look for in a man. But the pull is there. She is a small-town veterinarian what would he ever see in her anyway? Lance is always moving around. Riding the circuit and taking care of his father he is always on the go. But one look at Jessa has him halting in his tracks. The chemistry is off the charts but she is resisting him. Makes him more than determined to get her and keep her forever. When she has to come, and stay under his roof he ups his game and decides nothing will stand in his way.

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I recommend this book.

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Jessa has been in love with being in love her whole life. After being dumped, she swears off men and relationships. She's known Lance her for years, but she never really looked at him. Until the day he barges into her house and catches her practically naked.
Lance can't take his eyes off Jessa. Why hadn't he ever noticed her curves before?
I really enjoyed this sweet read. Jessa is strong and true to herself. Lance is a stubborn alpha male. Their chemistry is off the charts.
The writing is good and the story flows well. It's told in both Jessa and Lance's POV. Can be read as a standalone but with hints of the next story lines.

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Sadly, I was in bed with the flu for a few days, and this was just the perfect book for a time like that- when you want a cute, fluffy fun read to pass the time. Add in a hot cowboy and his brothers? I'll take it! One scene in particular is laugh out loud funny- Lance comes to Jessa's house when she is definitely NOT expecting guest, and hilarity ensues. There's undeniable chemistry between Jessa and Lance, and a great cast of supporting characters. Looks like we'll get to see Jessa's friends and Lance's brothers in future installments.

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This is the first book in the series and it was a great start. I got sucked right into the book and I couldn't put it down. There were moments in the book that had me tearing up. I really enjoyed the characters. I liked the banter between them. I also liked the close friendship the women have. Lance's past has jaded him on the thought of marriage, but sometimes it just takes the right woman. Even though Jessa's love life has let her down so many times she still has her heart set on her own HEA. What happens when a romantic soul and a commitment phobe come together, well you're going to find out in his one. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Put any sort of animal rescue or veterinarian in a story and I'm going to read it. And Jessa just has a huge heart and it's obvious to see. And after her latest boyfriend breaks up with her, she's over love, men and relationships.

Lance is a rough n tumble cowboy who isn't good enough for Jessa. But Lance's father Luis is Jessa's best friend and the perfect person to take care of his father and keep him from getting lost when he goes hiking, etc. Plus Luis helps Jessa out at the rescue. And it doesn't hurt that they find each other attractive although Jessa's friend warns Lance off Jessa. She's too sweet for him. But that might be just what he needs.

I can't wait for more of this series. I'm curious if it will be one of the brothers' stories next or Jessa's friends, or both??

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This is a fantastic introduction to Richardson’s new series. We get to meet some great characters and have little glimpses at what is probably going to be future story-lines, but without cheating these two out of a well-deserved HEA.

Jessa is a kind-hearted, giving person … and Lance is her opposite – closed-off, gruff, and private, he’s got a big heart but he’s also got some demons. When Jessa’s friendship with Lance’s dad puts them in each other’s orbit, Lance is thrown for a loop. He should definitely be staying far away from the good girl looking for Prince Charming, but there’s something about her that just draws him in.

The back and forth between these two is a ton of fun. He’s all prickly and she’s got a ton of spirit, so you know that sparks will fly. They both know that they shouldn’t be together but the attraction is just too hard to resist. After the required blow-ups and misunderstandings, hurt feelings and apologies, everything comes together well.

Between his brothers & her friends you know that there are more of these to come and I’m looking forward to it. These people all need things to go their way as soon as possible.

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