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Tags: Adult, eARCS, Fiction, NetGalley, Review
Author: Cherry Adair
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance
Series: Cutter Cay
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Published: April 4, 2017
Rydell Case’s ship is his home, his heart, and his reason for being. After his ex-wife left him—taking his brand-new megayacht, Tesoro Mio with her—she sailed off with a royal billionaire and out of his life forever. Now Ry spends his days searching for treasure—until his ship is hijacked. With the prospect of his salvage business tanking, he needs both the ship and his ex back—if only she didn’t despise him more than any man on earth.…
This book is part of a series, but can easily be read as a stand alone. And there are a couple of trigger warnings that should be included for violence and death of an infant (this takes place before the story starts, but is pivotal to the plot and is frequently mentioned).

If you’ve read any of the other books in the series (or other books by Cherry Adair), this one does not disappoint. There is tons of action and lots of steamy love scenes. There are also twists and turns in the plot along the way that take you by surprise.

The main characters- Addison and Rydell are complicated and nuanced, as are the supporting characters. I loved getting to know everyone on Rydell’s team; especially since the earlier stories in the series are all told from the Cutter family’s POV, so it’s nice to see that their arch-nemesis is actually a really good guy too.

I definitely recommend this book (series and author as well) if you love romantic suspense! I can’t wait to read the last book in the series.

Disclamer: I received and eARC of this book through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A few thoughts about this book going into it was that I wasn't going to like it. I loved it. It was fast paced and the characters had depth. You hurt for them and you felt what they were feeling. The sexual content had some heat to it but it wasn't so intense that you needed keep flipping pages cause it was excessive and unnecessary. It was enough without being over the top. You have a very flawed hero who knows he's got his flaws and owns up to it - which to me, I found way sexier than the alpha male persona that is so over done nowadays. The heroine is strong but she isn't afraid to show that she wants a second chance...I just like the fact that it wasn't angst with these two. Yes, there was sorrow but there wasn't the angst that you see so much in books today that just make you want to throw your kindle at the wall and scream "why are you doing this to me?" So, yes this was a book that was finished in 5 hours because I wouldn't allow my family to bother me and when they did, I just ignored them. Is it worth the time and money? Yes, it is. It's worth spending an evening with some cocoa and kicking back on the chaise lounge and blocking out the rest of the world.

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Hurricane by Cherry Adair is a fabulous second chance love thriller. Loved the complex characters, unique story and suspense! Highly recommended.

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When the Cutter Cay series first began, with Undertow, I was a huge fan, but as time has gone on I have liked it less and less. I didn't really care for the crossover of the T-Flac agents into the series. Rydell Case has been in the series since the beginning and the family nemesis, or that's how he's painted. We're not sure what his motives are, but he's having a hard time with his ex-wife leaving and his savage business is on the verge of failure. Over the course of the book I felt sadness, felt the chemistry between Ry and Addison sizzle off the page, and murder. Discovering why the divorce between these two occurred was sad, but the fact that they are able to fix their differences is inspiring. This story was different than the last couple, but I think that this one goes back to the type of story that we had with Undertow, I enjoyed this story.

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Having just finished Stormchaser, I came away with nothing but disdain for Rydall, this story definitely changed my perception...justifying the adage that there are to sides to every story... simply put, he was a man who took care of his family.

There was romantic suspense, drama, intrigue, murder, and some pretty intense moments...pirates, hijackers, and a storm at sea...with subtle humor that balanced out the story. The author brought to life the beauty of the ocean with under water dives that were breathtaking.

Hopefully there is still some life left in the series...Peri??? Her story needs to be told...the hint at the end of the story left it wide open for that to happen.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and Netgally. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Wow sometimes mothers are just plain too much to deal with.... this book is full of hidden agendas, misunderstandings, lost love, and intrigue.

For leading men, Rydell is on the top of my list. He's intense, broken, deeply in love, and struggling to win back the only woman he will ever love. There is an intensity to his personal story and how he goes about rectifying mistakes that are intentional and unintentional. I loved how focused he was on saving his company and getting his ex back. I heard about him in Stormchaser (Cutter Cay #4) and was curious about his story.

As far as leading ladies go, I'll be honest here and say that I really didn't like Addison even though I understood her hurts. There was such a hardness in her that I couldn't understand. Towards the end of the book I finally connected with her and I was thrilled with how quickly she understood what happened to end her marriage and how she confronted everyone involved to find her personal resolution. Then I got to see the amazing women Rydell loved. the author did an outstanding job in this character both in the beginning and end of the book.

This book was filled with many twists and turns and because of the personal interaction between Rydell and Addison I give this 4 STARS.

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I enjoyed this story. I love anything written by Cherry Adair. The action scenes keep me interested and the story line usually keeps me intrigued. This story started a little slow for me, but did draw me in.

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I must admit that I got into the Cutter Cay series a little too late. I read the fourth book of the series, "Stormchaser" and really enjoyed it. This series has everything that you could possibly want from a romance. "Hurricane" is the fifth book and it is no exception. The story is riveting and will literally have you sitting on the edge of your seat. The hero and heroine are a match made in romance heaven. They may deny their feelings for one another but there is just so much heat and chemistry between them that you can feel it from a mile away. And who doesn't love a romance about second chances? Well, if you, like me, enjoy a great romance than this is definitely the book for you!

Rydell Case has had a very difficult year. He has not only lost his baby daughter, but also the love of his life. His ex-wife Addison doesn't want to be anywhere near him. To add insult to injury he lost his mega yacht to her in the divorce settlement. So when his other yacht his hijacked by pirates, he has no chance but to convince his ex-wife to let him use the "Tesero Mio" to salvage treasure. Treasure that he desperately needs. But that is easier said than done as Addison has no intention of forgiving him or letting him commandeer her yacht. She has a new life and plans for her future and wants nothing to do with Ry, even though her heart and body tell her otherwise. So will Rydell not only get the treasure but also win his ex-wife's heart?

Addison Di Marco loved Rydell with her whole heart. But after the devastating loss of her baby girl and Ry's subsequent disappearance from her life, she wants nothing to do with him. She is back with her former boyfriend Darshi, a Prince, and keeps telling herself that Ry is the last man that she wants in her life. If only she could get her heart and body to listen to reason. But with pirates and art thefts and even a murder, she knows that regardless of his faults Ry will never let anything happen to her.

An exciting and hot read! Beware! Some very hot love scenes that will fog up the screen of your kindle ;) Not to be missed!

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Rydell Case has had nothing but a horrible string of bad luck. Now, the Tesoro Mio (My Treasure), the new yacht, is his only hope. Unfortunately, it now belongs to his ex-wife and she hates him. With a salvage job that could be worth millions and his salvage ship stolen by pirates he has no choice but to face the HURRICANE and go to Addison and make her understand his world is collapsing around him. Once he sees her again he finds that this salvage job that has nothing to do with buried treasure but everything to do with buried pain and love.

Addison De'Marco wants nothing to do with her ex after the way he left her desolate and alone at the most horrific time of her life. He certainly still looked the same and she couldn't believe he expected her to help him. No ... the last thing she needs is to be pulled back into his world and face the painful past. But after a few home truths she is caught up in his world and thrown into terrifying danger. Contrarily, it is a danger she might have had to face alone if she hadn't allowed Ry back into her life.

HURRICANE is a deeply emotional read that will grip the readers heart strings from beginning to end. We are taken back to author Cherry Adair's Cutter Cay series with this book but this time we get into the life of “enemy” Rydell Case. And what an emotional ride it is. I don't want to go into to too much detail because I don't want spoil the book but shall we say Ry and Addy had a couple of people conspiring against them. So that I am clear, this is not just an angst, let's talk it out and fix things storyline, though Rydell and Addy do manage to discuss a few home truths. It took some very cold manipulation of a heartbreaking situation that led to blame being laid on each head and time needs to be taken to clear the air and I believe Ms. Adair did a sensitive and impressive job with this subject. I do have to add that Addy, who comes off very girly, does know how to kick some righteous butt. When she learns of Ry's financial situation she dives right in to do what she can and when there is physical danger, she is right there.

I also got a kick out of the members of the diving crew when they come aboard. They add humor and a needed lightness to the situation and are the perfect back up when danger comes. They are a part of the Case “family” and show it in many ways throughout the story in the way they treat Ry and Addy. I love the ending when it is mentioned that the couple from “Stormchaser” are getting married and how Ry must behave. (You have to read that one to understand.)

If you want an emotional ride, the feel of the sea with it's mysteries, romance at its sweetest and steamiest, danger and action then HURRICANE is a must read.

Annetta Sweetko, reviewer for Fresh Fiction
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After his ex-wife left him and sailed off with a royal billionaire taking his brand new yacht, Rydell Case spends his days searching for treasure until his ship is hijacked. When his salvage business gets into trouble he needs both the ship and his ex back to save his business. .

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Hurricane is action packed, steamy, romantic suspense. Rydell has just about lost everything: his salvage business is about to go down the drain, and he's lost his wife to divorce. He needs the ship his wife got in their divorce to bail his business out, but to do that he has to take it back from said ex, Addison. Lots of action and steam ensues when they see each other again. And then come the villains, and they are definitely villains. Thank God Ry is a badass, and so is Addison, because the two of them are more than a match for them and come out the winners in the end.

I love Ry. He's tough, sexy and willing to do whatever had to be done to get the job done. Addison, though, I had a huge problem with. She acted as if the entire breakup was Ry's fault, when in fact, the fault was pretty equally on both their shoulders. But, she never once acknowledged her fault. I like that she is strong and smart, but she is lacking in that humility trait, the humble trait that every good hero and heroine must have when it comes to admitting one's own faults, especially to the ones they love. Other than that, though, Hurricane is a top notch romantic suspense story.

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Did not finish. Couldn'tget interestedin the characters

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This is a suspenseful and complex read that is from one of my favorite authors. It is also full of emotions that will have you at times reaching for tissues. It’s a 2nd chance lovers to enemies to lovers romance.
Rydell is a treasure ship salvage hunter. It’s pretty much his life and he loves it. He is married, he is in love with his wife and his new baby daughter. Suddenly his life falls apart when his new baby dies and his marriage falls apart. He wasn’t home when the baby dies and his wife suddenly ends their marriage. His wife, the love of his life leaves him and goes back to her former boyfriend Naveen for support. Their marriage instantly dissolves, leaving both of them heartbroken, the loss changed them.
Rydell wants his wife back, no matter what she wants but she refuses to see him. Right now he is going thru a lot, personally and professionally and he needs the ship she was awarded in the divorce to get his business back up and going. So he temporarily took over his ex-wife's ship and hopefully will win his wife back, even if she is engaged to another man. Not if Addison D’Marco has anything to say about it. She put a lot of distance between her and her ex husband , going so far as getting engaged to another man to quiet the memories of her only love yet once they are together, in the same space , their chemistry blew up on the pages. There are several twists and turns which show outside forces that were at play which caused the breakup of their marriage.
I will say in previous books, Ry came across as a total jerk and in this book, his previous behavior is explained. Yet Addy does come across as somewhat shallow. I had questions about why she didn’t look deeper at certain things and she came across as superficial but by the ending of the book, you couldn’t deny the chemistry and feelings the MC felt for one another. I do wish the author had been able to make the heroine more likeable. Otherwise, great action-adventure, suspense, mystery romance read with fantastic passion between the MC.

My rating: 4.5 stars ****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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So much action and drama! And Ry and Addy were so perfect for each other, working through all kind of emotional baggage and relationship history to develop a great relationship in the now, even amidst all kinds of external pressures and danger.

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I was all geared up to dislike Rydell after Stormchaser but Cherry Adair gives him a tragic and remarkable story in Hurricane. He is not the first antihero that I have come to love over the years but he may be the most misrepresented one. It was his ex-wife that I had troubled liking instead. While Rydell and Addison both suffered through tragedy, while she seemed to jump ship or take the ship in this case easily and quickly.

Hurricane which is part of the Cutter Series is a heartbreaking and heartwarming story. It has less unbelievable events such as the Guardians in Stormchaser and more of the heart needed in second chance stories. There is still plenty of treasure hunting, adventure, danger, suspense and action to go along with the romance. There are characters to love, villains to hate and a mother-in-law to loath. I can’t say that for sure that it is my favorite, still it made me want to go back to read the first three in the series.

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3.5 Stars. I haven't read the previous books in the series but this was enjoyable as a stand alone and I don't feel like I missed out on much from not reading the previous books. I did find the suspense to be a bit outrageous and the villain was definitely OTT but it was an enjoyable book. There were things I really liked about it and a few that drove me crazy.

This book centers around Rydell who has had more bad luck than one person should ever have to face. He's a treasure hunter who's wife left him, his ship was highjacked and crew killed and he's having financial issues with his business. When this book starts Rydell needs a ship to salvage a treasure to save his business and he wants to win back his wife so he decides to use his wife's ship.
She's stubborn and feisty and decides to go along on the salvage.

This book is full of love/hate for the first half and the couple was plagued with miscommunication (which is a trope I really don't like much). I really loved Rydell's character and I actually liked Addison until everything was revealed and then she came across as more of a spoiled character who had no judgement when it came to people. She knows her mother is a horrible person who hates her husband and wants her with the prince but apparently when he acts in a manner which is not at all like him she chooses to believe her mom and the prince instead of facing her husband. I understand she's in emotional pain and shutting down makes a bit of sense but not with people that you clearly know don't have your best interests at heart. What drove me even crazier was that after she finds out how much effort Rydell actually put into trying to track her down and talk to her she's still mad at him for eventually giving up. In fact, she says that if it had been her she never would have given up. That just makes no sense - it was her as well and she gave up right away on him. So this part of the plot took my enjoyment level down quite a bit.

Although I thought the story would be more about the treasure salvage it's really about Rydell and Addison's relationship and the miscommunication between the two and how they solve those issues and find a way back to each other. There is a suspense plot weaved throughout the book and some crazy action at the end. If you don't mind the miscommunication trope that tears a couple apart in a book with lots of action, some suspense and humor than Hurricane is a book I'd recommend.

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Rydell, a treasure hunter, and his ex-wife Addison find themselves in dangerous waters - literally. Trying to get over the past and hoping for a second chance, they face danger head on. Lots of suspense, romance, and action make this a great read.

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Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review

Rydell Case has been the nemesis of the Cutter family since the first book. We only have the Cutter side to draw conclusions from, but they paint him as a villain of the darkest kind. It has been interesting to see what this bad-boy is really all about. This book works on every level with a sad, hot, second chance romance, a mystery as to Ry's motives, and a murder on the high seas and that is before they even get to the salvage site. You don't need to read the previous books as this one is very much a standalone.

Rydell Case has had an absolutely horrid year and now he has to basically hijack his ex-wife and seize control of the luxury salvage vessel he designed and had built only to lose in the divorce. To say that Addison is not happy to see him is a major understatement. She had plans and they definitely did not include Ry taking her and her boat on a salvage. These two are like junk yard dogs circling and taking bites out of each other. The reason for the divorce is so sad and revealed slowly through the first half of the book. They had a deep, sexual love that didn't die even through the tragedy and misunderstanding that occurred. Sparks fly and the battle lines are drawn, especially after Prince Naveen, Addy's suitor, shows up with his bodyguards.

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Rydell Case is larger than life. He won't be beaten by life's cruel blows, by his ex-wife or by the Cutters. It will take all his skill plus a lot of luck to save himself and his family. He still loves Addison. The bitterness of their divorce crushed him. They're together again since he highjacks the ship that she got in their divorce. Now they're both caught up in a dangerous adventure. One which they may not survive. Rydell and Addy are such powerful, passionate characters. I loved how Rydell cared for his feisty wife. They were both destroyed by the death of their baby. My heart broke for them. I wanted them to find they're way back to each other. Cherry Adair wrote a story filled with so much emotion and danger. I was hooked. I couldn't put down Hurricane. This story is filled with so many unexpected twists. I was caught completely by surprise. The ending was a shock. I never saw it coming. I wonder what will happen next in the intertwined stories of the Cases and the Cutters,
I received a copy of the this book which I voluntarily read. My comments are my honest opinion.

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Review: HURRICANE (Cutter Cay) by Cherry Adair
Publication Date: April 4, 2017
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 5 Stars

This book is filled with on-sea daring-do, heart-wrenching recovery from loss and sizzling hot romance. I couldn’t read fast enough! At first I couldn’t bond with Addy. I just couldn’t figure out why she fought the rekindling romance with Ry, then it became clear and I got misty eyed. Art thieves, pirates, treasure hunting – what a fun ride!

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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