Member Reviews

This is an excellent self-help book. If complacency is at the root of your fear, you’ll benefit from reading it. The author goes into great detail about the causes, effects, and ways to combat complacency and other sources of fear. A very good read and source of inspiration.

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I had started reading this book quite a while ago, then set it aside. Recently I noticed it again, perhaps now was a better time for me to be open to the ideas presented. I was able to read through it quite quickly this time.
The writing is clear and straight forward.
I did take numerous notes.
This is a book about finding your purpose and what you have a passion for. It is about facing fears, letting go of others' judgments about you (why should they even matter?) and learning from any regrets or missteps you have made in the past.
The book claims to be a five step process, but in reality it is about changing your mindset, your focus, and learning how to take hold of the bravery that already lives inside of you.

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The Bravest You is a novel that gives you a blueprint of how to conquer your fears. There is a part that discusses common fears along with a five-step bravery process to overcome these fears. I found this book to be a very unique and interesting self help novel. The novel was presented in a very clear way and I believe that the discussion of fears and a way to overcome them would be helpful to a large segment of the general population. This is a type of book that can be a resource for many professions , including education, where many students struggle with self doubt and fears.

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I was barely able to get this downloaded within the short download window, and then it was inadvertently deleted from my ipad. I am not able to keep up with my non-fiction requests, and am no longer requesting them at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to review this title, but I will not be reading it at this time.

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At the moment I will only give a rating to the book and I hope it is possible for me to write down my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I am very grateful to you because your publications are great, especially in the topics that interest me most. Thanks and blessings.

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Repetitive and uninspired self help title . The writing doesn't seem natural and the book could use some editing. Use of PDF format made the font tiny and near impossible to read.

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Awesome story. Can’t wait to read more from this author!!!

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Are you brave? Do you follow your passions, your heart, your intuition? Or do you live your life in fear, limiting your reality? 'The Bravest You: Five Steps to Fight Your Biggest Fears, Find Your Passion, and Unlock Your Extraordinary Life" by Adam Kirk Smith is an amazing collection to guide readers towards overcoming those fears, finding and following your passion, and unlocking an extraordinary life.

As we grow up, we have dreams to become these great people, affecting the lives of others and we begin to work towards those dreams. Then, life happens. We create a monotonous life, a life of routine, and we stay in those limitations, yet we dream of bigger and better, but we just don't have enough time to get there. Our dreams get pushed aside while we work on the here and now.

Let's get past the obstacles life and thrown at us and work towards becoming a braver us! What are you passionate about? What passions make you thrive? What are you willing to do without expecting to get paid to do it? What can you do that will leave a lasting impact on your life?

"Passion is and always will be the force that pushes you forward to find success - nothing more, nothing less." ~Adam Kirk Smith, The Bravest You
Once you find your passion, you will find your purpose. Don't limit your reality if you haven't found your purpose!

This author also describes having hope. Break out of mediocrity and do something grand.  Use your intuition and previous life experiences plus the knowledge obtained along the way to achieve your purpose.

Create new brave habits to achieve the success you desire. Momentum will come when your passion comes from within, not from external forces. You need that drive, that grit, to keep going beyond where you've ever gone before.

Personally, I have found the tips in this book to be very useful and enlightening. There are many quotes within this book that I have highlighted and shared with my friends on social media. In my field of work and in my business, this book has come in very handy.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who feels stuck, who wants to achieve those dreams, or who feels there's just not enough time to work on anything else. This book was provided complimentary for an honest review on NetGalley.

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Pretty good tips for those who really don't know what to do to help themselves. I recommend for those who are just starting to want to change and have no idea what they can do.

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I could not get through this book. The subtitles pulls you in thinking you're going to learn these five great ways to change your life but what you get is rudimentary writing and advice. I had to bail.

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The Bravest You introduces Smith's unique five-step bravery process that helps us fight the ten biggest fears we all face and attain the success we desire. I was expecting something to be an eye opener, but a lot of the books is what is written in most self help books. There's a lot of repetition and quotes and examples of famous people. Frankly, I don't care about famous people. Talk to me about the so-called "average" girl next door and how she overcame agoraphobia. This wasn't a compelling book and it took me awhile to read it because I kept putting it down for something more interesting.

Thanks to the Penguin Group for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Bravest You by Adam Kirk Smith is a practical book on how to overcome your fears and live your life with passion. There are five key steps that help get through and they are laid out well in the opening chapter of the book. The rest of the book is divided up into common fears of modern life such as the fear of inadequacy (and Imposter Syndrome) and the fear of missing out.

I agree with other reviewers that it can be repetitive at times and additional editing may have been needed to get it tight.

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A five- step plan to help you get over your fears in order to enjoy a fuller, more exciting, successful life. Mr. Smith takes you through a journey of enrichment and bravery to achieve your goals. He explains that it might not be easy, but it is well worth the effort. As an entrepreneur, myself, I found it encouraging to remind me that goals can be reached, passion can be the tool to success, but we must be willing to step into unfamiliar waters. Each time we make the transition from being frightened, to being brave, we have already achieved, and as long as we are willing to use our passion to push us forward we can become better persons, better achievers and happier with our lives.

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Written by a business consultant and life coach, The Bravest You is a helpful analysis of different kinds of fears that hold one back from succeeding. But before the author addresses those fears, he describes the five steps of overcoming fear – complacency, inspiration, fear (there it is), passion, bravery (reaching the goal).
Inadequacy, uncertainty, failure, rejection, missing out, change, losing control, judgment, something bad happening, and getting hurt are the fears that the author addresses. Using real-world examples, the author encourages the reader to acknowledge the fear, understand its origins, and then move past it to achieve whatever it is one wants to achieve.
Not every chapter will hit every heart in every life. But chances are high that the reader struggles with at least two or three of the fears the author addresses. Some of the advice given sounds at time like platitudes, but there’s still truth there.

I gratefully received this book as an eARC from the authors, publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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I know no book can magically change your life but I had higher hopes for this book. Although not bad at all, it's typical on what many other books tell you. In the end, all any of us can do is be the best we can be and to do that you have to just start. Books can tell you what you need to know but if you don't start you can't be the best you nor are you very brave.

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So many of us live our lives in fear. Fear can be so powerful that it can be debilitating and oftentimes keeps us from pursuing our dreams and passions.

In The Bravest You, Adam Smith gives you five steps to help you overcome your fears and put you on the path to pursuing your passions and living the life you've always dreamed of. This book is meant to be interactive and is not something that you can speed through. It was very hard for me to read straight through but I was constantly highlighting and making notes about steps I can take in my own walk to overcome fears in my life and points to go back and revisit.

I highly recommend this to anyone who has been playing it safe in life. It's time we all faced our fears and pursued our passions and this book will give you the steps you need to walk that path. If you follow the steps outlined in this book it can be life changing.

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Easy to read, a good book for folks needing a push into doing hard things that will make them happy. A little redundant though.

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I'm bailing after 9%. This book is repetitive and uninspired. The writing doesn't seem natural and the book could use some editing.

There are too many books in the world and this one hasn't sparked enough interest to continue. However, I appreciate the opportunity to read it, so thank you to NetGalley & the publisher.

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I’ve got to be honest. I fell asleep with my eyes open reading this book a few times and had to go back and reread what I had read. 10 pages? How did I read 10 pages on auto-pilot and not comprehend a damn thing? How? Because this book was so repetitive and boring that my mind kept wandering off to more important things. Like what was I going to make for dinner? Or what type of workout did I want to create for my client? Whaaaaat??? Yes, this almost became a DNF. But the trooper that I am, I finished and tried to focus on the good points of this book. What were they? I couldn’t really tell you.

Why does everyone insist on rewriting the points that are spoken about in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. And then they go on and on about why it’s important and why you should do it and how if you do it you will become…The Bravest You! Oh my goodness, the bravest me? Excuse me for being a bit sarcastic but when a book does not give me anything new to add to my life I automatically write it off as a waste of time. A waste of opportunity cost. I could have been reading another book that is helpful. Heck, I could have reread The Four Agreements 10 more times and gotten more out of it. Sorry friends, this book offers absolutely nothing but words on a page that have been said again and again. I would have given it one star but felt like it was too mean.

Thank you to NetGalley, Adam Kirk Smith, and Penguin Group for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Bravest You caught my attention because I struggle with fear in my daily life. Adam Kirk Smiths Walks you through behaviors and thought processes that lead you to fear in aims of helping you get over these fears.
The first few chapters were helpful. There were a couple of activities and some questions to help me take inventory. These gave me some insight on where I am in my life and where I want to go. But the following chapters turn into every other self help book I've ever read.
Like many of these books, the chapters are peppered with stories of CEO and famous people who over came there fears in a way to motivate you. Each chapter is based on a psychological idea of fear such as fear of failing. But the advice is show you thought patterns and tells you to change them. It does not give any advice on how to change them for the most part (the one that comes to mind is research your goals to prepare yourself). So I found the rest of the book not very helpful as I need ways to help me change my thought patterns.
I gave it three stars because I did get something from this book but overall it is not as helpful as I would have liked.

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