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Fighting for Love

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Wonderful story about forbidden love between an incredibly sexy fireman and a woman living an unhappy life. Sparks flew from the first chapter. Love it and will definitely recommend it.

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"I didn't know I was this hungry until I tasted you."

I don't even know where to begin on this one. I get recommendations all.the.time and a lot of times they don't work out for me. As it so happens to be, this one was recommended to me as well, so naturally I was a little hesitant. Odd coming from a blogger, right? I know, I know....hypocritical. However, once again, this friend must know me well enough, because this book, while it started out a little slow and didn't hold my interest immediately, there was just enough to hold me in and keep me going. I am so glad I did too. It picked up and ended up being a smile-worthy book for me.

First and foremost: FINN WAS IT!!! He was so damn sexy and I loved the way he treated her. Talk about a reformed playboy! I loved the way he treated her and I enjoyed the lighter side to the book. It veered toward serious a few times, but the comedic side to the story was quite strong. My favorite parts were when Rory and Finn were together and were exploring each others minds and bodies; the connection wasn't just physical, but emotional and mental as well. They were kinetic. There was always a draw, a spark, something tangible every time they were near each other. They meshed really well with each other. I loved how romantic he was, and Elliott captured the "different kind of love" aspect really well. The realizations that things were different, that you desired "more", were very obvious and I enjoyed that aspect of it.

I love me some firefighters, but I love me a strong man that knows what he wants and fights for it too. I really enjoyed their dynamic and the way they countered each other. If one was having a problem, the other saw a solution. If one was upset about something, the other provided a different perspective. Their banter and jokes between them were definitely fun and I giggled quite a bit. I liked how well they worked together and learned from each other. I really really did!

A little truth: It was repetitive in some spots, outlandish and quirky in others (read: OTT), with scenarios I couldn't quite connect with at times. Rory had some moments where I truly wanted to shake her because her thought processes took me out of the scene and made me roll my eyes, but I knew that was "who she was" and could accept it. There were also some side stories/characters that were just not ok...but it added to the overall aspect of the story. This is an easily recommendable book for me because it did have all the elements to a good story there, but I only wished it had a little more depth to it. Was it somewhat cliché? Maybe a little bit, but it was a young, light and easy read that you can tackle in one sitting. It was worth the smiles.

"If I wasn't careful, Finn Ward would quickly become an addiction."

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5 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs and heartbreak.

Before reading this story please read the below books first
Searching For Harmony (Boston Love #1)

This is Rory and Finn’s story. Rory is working in her mother’s law firm after getting out of law school. She is busy and does not have time for games. Finn is a firefighter. He is also funny and enjoys his time away from work. He does not want to take life all serious. He wants to have a little fun while he is single. But when he meets Rory he just wants her any way he can get her. Rory is attracted to Finn but not sure he is right for her. With the differences in these two they can keep their relationship going but is it coasting them both? Are they ready to admit the love each other or will not admitting it force them to let the other one go?

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I was able to connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book.

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Genre: Romance - Firefighter, Comedy
Stand-alone: Yes
Part of a Series: Yes - Book 2 of the Boston Love Series
POV: Rory and Finn
Steam-level: Rather toasty

I absolutely loved this book! In it we meet Finn (who we briefly met in Book 1 Searching for Harmony) and Rory - His Captain's daughter. The Captain who, for some reason, does not like Finn. Captain Adams sticks Finn with the crazy station puppy as a punishment for an unknow crime.
But the dog and the terror he causes are hilarious. And the reason the Captain doesn't like Finn? OMG, freaking adorable.

Rory has always been a Daddy's girl and he's expressly forbidden Rory to date firefighters which makes Finn and Rory's relationship sad (because they have to sneak around) and hot (secret scorching kisses anyone?). Finn is sweet, caring and loving - a total keeper. Once I started this book I had a hard time putting it down. I was completely addicted. I laughed, I cried and of course totally fell in love with Finn and Rory. I cannot wait to read more of the Boston Love Series from Kelly Elliott.

I received an Advanced Copy of this book for free from the author/publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily giving an honest review.

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4 Stars
Fighting for love is the second book in the Boston Love series. Each book can be read as a standalone. This was my first book and I was not lost at all. Kelly Elliott gives the reader a great love story and she did not disappoint with this book!
Fighting for Love is Finn and Rory’s story. Finn is a lady’s man and does not believe in relationships. At least that is what he thinks! I liked Finn and his sense of humor and his soft side when it came to his family and friends. And then there is Rory. Rory is a workaholic lawyer working at her mom’s law firm. She feels like she is always trying to prove something. I liked Rory, but I did not like how she let her parents have so much control over her life, especially her dad. They treat her like a child and she lets them. That is my biggest complaint about Rory, but she is such a sweet and loving person it’s easy to love her.
Rory and Finn first lay eyes on each other at a meeting and feel an instant connection, and usually I don’t like that but it was written so well that I did like it. Even though they felt an instant connection they took it slow and got to know each other. It was tough too because they had so much chemistry that you wanted them together now, but the wait just made it better. They had so many obstacles to overcome. The main problem is her dad who is Finn’s boss and has an extreme dislike for him. Do they have what it takes to overcome her parents and their own issues to get to their happily ever after?
Fighting for love was an emotional read, but also a funny one! I loved all the secondary characters and how it made the book so much more than just about the main characters. I loved this book from start to finish. A definite read!

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Finn Ward enjoys being a firefighter and being single. Even though his parents are constantly nagging him to settle down he wants to enjoy himself while he’s young. Then he meets a gorgeous lawyer, Rory Adams, and suddenly settling down doesn’t sound so bad.

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This is a sweet romance between two people who meet, are attracted to each other and work to figure out whether they can and should have a lasting relationship. Finn is a firefighter who checks all the boxes citizens have. You can depend on him. You can trust him. He is easy enough going and fits in easily. The one problem, if this is even a problem, is that he is not settling down with one woman, as his parents want. They are continually after him to find “the one”. Finn, on the other hand, enjoys his bachelorhood and is unsure he wants to settle down. That is, until he sees Rory at a union meeting and is smitten. Rory is fresh out of law school, working at her mother’s firm, hoping to make a name for herself and not rest on her mother’s reputation. At the meeting, when Rory sees Finn, she is also smitten. However, she has agreed with her father, a firefighter Captain, to never to date firefighters, which causes some problems for her. Still, a relationship begins and develops between the pair. It was interesting and fun to watch how each of them grew during their relationship. They started with a lot in common: their large families, their family connections, etc. The book was interesting to read, though it did drag a bit and there were some cuss words used throughout. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading the book and watching this pair grow in their relationship, as I said, as the story progressed. I also enjoyed watching them work for what they believed in. This is a well-written, easy to read book that brings home the story of a first true love. It definitely can be a great beach/summer vacation read for anyone who picks it up. If you enjoy reading a romance, this is a good book for you. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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wow! Kelly did it again. She amazes me every time she puts per to paper, and fingers to the keyboard. Finn and Rory are exactly what the other needed. They not only have amazing chemistry, but they complete each other. Kelly set the house on fire with the second book in the Boston Love series. Cant wait for more!

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5 Stars!

Kelly Elliott will always be a favorite author of mine. I love her writing style and the words she uses to slay me... and but importantly I always connect with her words, on a deep Moe intimate level. Packed with heart, heat and forever... Kelly gives readers a fantastic standalone installment in the Boston Love Series.

Fighting For Love was an addicting that hooked me from page one. Finn and Rory had me lost between the pages, racing with them to get to their happy ending. Sexy. Sweet. Fun. Enticing. Seductive. These two took me on an absolutely unforgettable journey.

This book wooed my soul and sucker punched me right in the heart. These two, gah I loved them, and even that push and pull... their chemistry was so undeniable and electric... I thought for sure Finn was going to set me on fire only to have to put it out.

Classic Kelly Elliott and the perfect reason why I love her words...... and her. Great for the start of warmer days, grab this amazing romance up today.

I highly recommend this book.

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This was my first book by Kelly Elliott and the blurb definitely caught my eye. Hot firefighter? Sign me up. This book had some unexpected drama for me which I had to weigh against the overall cuteness of the book-which is why I'm rating this book a 3.

I liked Finn. I thought he was hot and cute. I enjoyed his relationship with his family and I really enjoyed seeing him fight for Rory. It's mentioned, often, that Finn is a serial dater, that he doesn't commit, so watching him want to try to commit was satisfying.

Rory was a bit tougher for me to like. I got that she was sheltered-but at times it was borderline obsessive how sheltered she was. I found myself struggling a bit to reconcile the tough attorney with the naive girlfriend BUT I did like her exploring herself with Finn.

These two definitely had chemistry-that was never an issue. The sexy scenes were sexy. I believed the two of them wanted to be together-and I wanted them to be together too. I just wanted them to get there a little faster than they did.

There was some unexpected drama that was in here, and it's definitely spoiler material in my opinion, so I'm just going to say I didn't think it was necessary. There was enough conflict without throwing in a curveball at the end in my opinion. It took away a bit from Rory and Finn-putting the focus on another couple entirely and I just didn't think that needed to happen.

Overall, the book was cute. I did like the characters and I did like the characters together. This was a quick read for me and I would recommend it if you're looking for a hot firefighter book.

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Book Review: Taming a wild fire, firefighter that is, can be challenging but oh, oh so rewarding.

Fighting for Love (Boston Love #2)
by Kelly Elliott

We revisit the Boston firehouse from Searching for Harmony (Boston Love #1) focusing on firefighter Finn Ward. Finn has a reputation of dating every woman that flirts with him much to the dismay of his fellow firefighters including his boss.

They want him to mature enough to have what they have, a spouse, a family, love and security.

One day at a union meeting Finn is overwhelmed by a beautiful lawyer, Rory Adams. He tries to flirt to with her but is constantly thwarted by his boss.

He thinks that someone like Rory would give him a serious reason to give up his playboy ways. The only problem is she is the daughter of his boss and his boss has issued an order that she can’t date firefighters but above all others especially not Finn.

Rory is working harder than everyone else at her mother’s law firm, trying to prove she deserves the position her mother gave her. She is trying to please both her parents until she meets Finn and realizes she might have to break a rule or two to be with him.

She hates having to keep him a secret, but her father could cause serious trouble for Finn possibly even putting his job at risk. Finn wants Rory to realize there is more to life than just working 80 hours a week.

Author Kelly Elliott creates another wonderful story delving into family drama and how parental expectations can help or hinder the life of their children. There is also the theme of judgement ever present in everyone’s lives. Finn is judged for his surface persona of being a womanizer and Rory is judged one, as the boss’s daughter given a prominent position and two, a workaholic.

Diving into their respective personalities you can see there is much more than meets the eye to both of these characters. They aren’t cookie cutter, cardboard cutouts.

Elliot has written a deep romance full of new adult angst and insecurity as these two characters learn to navigate adulthood and all of the responsibilities that go along with it. These characters grow not only in emotional maturity but also in realizing they have to live their own lives on their own terms while still being respectful to their parents.

Fighting for Love encompasses the conflict not only between them, but within themselves and who they want to be.
Be sure to read the first in the Boston Love series, Searching for Harmony.

Visit Kelly Elliot’s website

FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title by NetGalley for review purposes only; no other compensation was awarded me

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Fighting for Love is a touching romance between attorney, Rory, and firefighter, Finn. The romance is complicated by Rory's father, who is Finn's boss. He doesn't want his daughter dating a firefighter, so they keep their developing relationship a secret from him. They have a few hurdles to overcome before they can have a lasting relationship.

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Seriously, this book is too cute...or at least the ending was!
But I've been told cute is a bad word, according to Finn, handsome is better. Not really sure that applies but go with it!

Rory is the daughter of a lawyer and a fireman. She is a lawyer. She meets a fireman. There has always been one rule her father handed down- NO FIREMEN! No dating, sexing, or marrying firemen. None. Nope. Nada. No Way. Not in a million years. Not on a box, not with a fox... You get it?!

So what's a overly controlled her whole life girl to do, run. Run the other way from the hot firefighter begging for a date. It's completely normal to turn down someone that you are so wildly attracted to. It's a legitimate reaction to run from what your daddy says is the devil.

But when the naughty smile, gorgeous eyes, and seductive voice of said devil are all you can think about...Maybe, what daddy doesn't know won't hurt him?

Maybe...But not likely!

A relationship being hidden has all sorts of warning bells but when you know.

A sweet and charming tale Fighting For Love had me at hello.

reviewed for New Chicks on the Blog

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This is a sweet story with good characters and snappy dialogue. Finn and Rory are less cliched than some romantic partners and very nicely done. I enjoyed this as a perfect antidote to rainy day- it's cheery and optimistic and, well, has a happy ending! THanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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This is the second book in Kelly Elliot's Boston Love series. I have read quite a few of this author's books previously. Kelly Elliot's writing style is comforting to me. I enjoy her stories. They are predictable and always bring a smile to my face. I love falling in love with her characters and being in love when her characters fall. This book didn't disappoint.

This book focuses on Finn and Rory. Finn is Preston's brother (the hero from the first book in the series) and he is firefighter who works for Rory's father. Rory is a lawyer and her father has forbid her to date firefighters (due to their dangerous job and playboy behavior). Of course the two get together and some angst follows with some lovingly sweet moments in between.

It was very enjoyable and exactly the book I was in the mood to read when I picked it up. I'm a looking forward to more in this series.

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3.5 stars

Fighting for Love by Kelly Elliott is a very well written and enjoyable read..

The storyline held my interest from start to end, the characters were relatable and I enjoyed watching them come together.

Fighting for Love is the second book in the Boston Love series and I highly recommend it.
Each book can be read as a standalone.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept for the advance copy..

Was this review helpful? first read by Kelly Elliott.....I wish I could give this amazingly funny book more than five stars. I've laughed & cried reading this wonderfully sweet book., I couldn't put it down until I finished it. The characters of Rory & Finn were just so great & the rambunctious firedog Flash was just too funny. The destruction he created or the chaos he caused most often stole the scenes with him & hot firefighter Finn, who was pressed into training the wayward, trouble making dog. But one good thing came from having to care for Flash, Finn got to see Rory again. Their relationship was sweet, funny & definitely very romantic even though they had to hide it from her parents. Loving someone shouldn't have to be a secret & all secrets have a way of getting out there. Definitely recommend & can't wait to read the other books in this series.

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4 Stars

Fighting for Love is the second title in the Boston Love series, although it can be read as a standalone. I loved the first book in this series, so eagerly anticipated reading Fighting for Love and it didn't dissapoint.

Kelly Elliott is a amazing author she creates compelling, complex, engaging and endearing characters that draw you into the story, and you feel as if you are reading about friends rather than fictional characters.

Finn Ward is a fire fighter, who is used to getting what he wants particularly when it comes to the female population. He likes having no commitments and works and plays just as hard.

Rory Adams is a sweet, strong, intelligent and hard working young lawyer. She's quite sheltered and although awkward at times, puts others first rather than following through on her own desires. She also happens to be Finn's boss' daughter and has forbidden any relationship with a firefighter.

I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between this pair, although their attraction was instant their relationship developed at a realistic pace. They face an uphill battle to form a relationship with doubts, self recriminations and others influencing their actions and choices. Their banter is fun, flirty, sweet and at times full of humor. The sexual chemistry is off the charts and definitely sizzles with heat.

I thoroughly enjoyed the secondary characters, and loved seeing the other Ward siblings appear within this story line and the strong themes of family and friendship that flow throughout.

I adore the Wanted series, and can easily see the Boston Love series, becoming one of my favorites. Overall Fighting for Love is an enjoyable, sweet, tender, passionate, humorous, low angst love story. I look forward to the next Boston Love story, and cannot wait to see which Ward sibling is featured next.

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Fighting for Love is a fantastic, pull your heart strings romantic comedy. It's book 2 in the series, but each book can be read as a standalone. I loved Searching for Harmony (book 1) and was not disappointed.
Kelly Elliott is a fantastic writer and storyteller. She will get you emotionally sucked in right away.

Finn and Rory are very strong characters. Their chemistry makes for some got scenes. Flash is hilarious. I love that damn dog!

The story is told in both Finn and Rory's POV. I can't wait to see who's story will be next. - Reviewed by Christina

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This is the second book in this series by this author. This book can be read as a stand alone read. This author has a fab way of giving you a low angst romance you get hooked into and never want to leave. The characters are fantastic which you will fall in love with as you read. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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