Member Reviews

When retired hockey pro Drew, finds out he had a daughter 12 years ago after a one night stand, he is thrown for a loop. His life is in turmoil and he doesn't know what to do with himself, let alone a kid. When he meets Chloe, his daughter, his life has a new purpose. Chloe's mom is dying and Chloe and her Aunt Peyton are struggling to hold it together. Drew finds a new purpose in life and learns to be the shoulder that Peyton and Chloe can lean on in this awful time. Peyton has a high powered job in NY and when she comes to take care of her sister and niece, she never expects to find someone like Drew. Drew and Peyton make each other stronger during this trying time. This book gave me all of the feels and I absolutely loved it. My heart broke for this family and then it was so full for the love that Drew and Peyton and Chloe all found together. This is a great read.

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Five stars for Dancing in the Rain! This story is so well rounded and makes you feel so many emotions. It's about hope and finding love in places you'd never expect. It's heartbreaking and contains a powerful lesson: life's too short to not take chances when it comes to love and the things that make you happy. An incredible read.

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Loved loved this book!

Gutting wrenching would be the best way for me to describe parts of this story. If you’ve ever had a serious illness or lived with someone who did, you’ll know that feeling you had when things got tough. The main characters of this story are a former hockey player and the aunt of his child. But the tough part of the story is the mother of that child who was diagnosed with a terminal cancer. Drew Sellers is the hockey player who spent one wild college night with Sara Watt, did the right thing and used protection, but she ended up pregnant. She raised their child on her own because she had no idea who he was or where to begin looking.

Years later, when she fell ill, she was finally able to figure out who he was and approached him knowing that he had a right to meet his daughter if he wanted. Her sister, Peyton, would fill her role as parent when she wasn’t able to but Chloe deserved a father as well. Of course he didn’t believe her – he’d had his share of women who claimed to have his child for the monetary benefits of a pro-hockey player. Now he no longer had that distinction after suffering a career ending injury.

Drew had enough issues in his life, like trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his future when money wasn’t an option. Parenting just wasn’t one of the things he considered. Peyton knew just what she wanted in life and had to adjust to the changes coming when her sister was no longer here.

The author did a fantastic job of describing the emotional toll it takes on a person when you know that someone you love is going to die and you can do nothing. The story is about a hockey player but it is who he was and how it molded him to be what he is now. It isn’t the typical romance of a star falling for a ‘regular’ person. It’s about sitting down to look at yourself and what you have done or will do with your life. Romance is expected but this one is a real tear jerker with a well deserved HEA.

I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest and unbiased review. No compensation was expected or accepted for the review.

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I loved this book.Its one of kelly Jamiesons best.Drew is a retired hockey plyer,due to injury.He find out he has a daughter from a one night stand.Peyton is her aunt and her sister is dying.When she meets Drew he's a mess.The story is an emotional journey that had me rooting for them throughout the book.Well done Kelly!

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This story is a little different from Kelly Jamison's other hockey team stories. Yes we have a hockey player but he had to retire due to an injury. He hasn't accepted it and spends his day drinking and not moving forward. Until one day he discovers he has an 11 year daughter from a one stand from college. Sara, who he barely remembers is dying and only recently figured out his full name and found him. At first he thought she was out for money and doesn't believe her. She hopes he wants to meet her but leave it up to him. He is so confused and terrified. She also lets him know her sister Peyton will be raising Chloe when she dies.
This is a journey for all four characters. There was laughter, angst, and plenty of tears. Peyton and Drew relationship was a slow process and fit the situation. There were times the story was a little slow and picked up toward the end. Still a good story

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Oh my goodness this book!!! I have read several of Kelly Jamieson's books and loved them. They are usually really good and extra sizzling. But this one is in a league all its own. This one had me in tears, seriously streaming down my face. This story is filled with so much emotion. It is just simply beautiful! Peyton, Sara, and Chloe just grabbed my heart and did not let it go. Add in a hunky man who is damaged and vulnerable, but wanting to do right by his daughter. I do not even have the words to describe how much gnus story touched me. So many loves...sisterly, mother/daughter, aunt/niece, father/daughter, and friends/lovers. So if you read this, which you should, have your tissues handy.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher.

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Heartwarmingly sweet and touching. Drew and Peyton’s story will pull at your heartstrings while reminding you that life should be lived to the fullest.

This romantic and tender story about a forlon retired NHL star who unexpectedly meets the daughter he didn’t know he had and the woman who’s taken over her care was so very easy to love. There was such a vulnerability in the developing relationship between these people who meet under sad circumstances, but their bond feels absolutely right.

Ever since he was forced to retire due to a bad knee, Drew Sellers has lost his way and feels completely unprepared and unfit to meet the almost twelve year old daughter he just recently found out he had. But not only will the loving and protective Aunt Peyton hear none of his self-pity, she’ll also cause him to want to be a better and deserving man of both woman and girl.

Peyton Watt was all about her career, or she used to be until her sister’s health requires her to move temporarily from NY to Chicago to take care of both her sister and her nice. To make matters worse, her niece’s gorgeous but very unemployed father seems to be drowning in drinks. But after spending some time with him, she gets to see the caring and good man buried under all that self-pity. Can they overcome all the obstacles life throws at them?

This story will inch its way into your heart with its tear-evoking plot and wonderfully developed characters. Drew, Peyton and the young Chloe feel real with their sad plight and need to embrace life; and because they felt so genuine their story stuck me even more and I found myself cheering for them wholeheartedly.

Peyton and Drew are unexpectedly thrown together by life altering circumstances and while they work to build a relationship revolving around Chloe they’re forced to deal with their careers or lack there of, grief, denial, anger juxtaposed with happiness, acceptance, attraction and love. Dancing in the Rain had me captivated from start to finish.

Drew was very much down on life engaging in destructive behaviors. Peyton never saw having family in her life. He has a very interesting wake up call. She has to re-think her priorities. They’re forced to get to know one another, rely on each other, they had to figure out the strong attraction between them and even though they seamlessly fit in each other’s lives, they had difficult choices to make. I loved watching Drew figure out his life and how to be a parent and I very much enjoyed their delicious slow burn romance.

Having read several of Kelly Jamieson’s hockey books, it was came as a wonderful surprise that this book was different from the rest. This is my favorite Kelly Jamieson book. It is heartfelt and emotional, highlighting the importance of living life to its fullest.

Dancing in the Rain is a standalone contemporary romance by Kelly Jamieson. It’s a sexy, poignant and sweet love story written from both points of view with a happy ending.

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Kelly Jamieson’s DANCING IN THE RAIN is an incredible heartfelt read. NHL star, Drew Sellers, is forced to retire due to a knee injury. He discovers he has a twelve-year-old daughter, a result of a one-night-stand in college. Then he reluctantly finds himself attracted to his daughter’s aunt, Payton Watt. This contemporary romance takes place in Chicago and New York.

I adored DANCING IN THE RAIN. The story was genuine and profound. I love how everyone grew and seems to learn from each other.

My heart went out to Sara; she was a good mother to Chloe and sister to Payton. She is a strong heroine with wonderful values.

Chloe is an amazing girl. I love that she fights for what she believes in. My heart broke for her loss. I was glad Drew came into her life.

Peyton is a wonderful sister and aunt. She is a determined business woman who ends up reevaluating her priorities. She is smart and determined.

Drew is a great guy. He has a difficult time with having to retire early and having gone through a divorce. He understandably goes through an identity crisis. Sara, Chloe, and Payton seem to come into his life at the right time. He grows tremendously throughout this story.

Drew and Payton have amazing chemistry. It is understandable why they are reluctant to get together. They are an amazing couple.

Kelly Jamieson did an astounding job with DANCING IN THE RAIN. It had me laughing and crying. I was invested in the characters. I enjoyed the plot. The story dealt with hard issues and had worthy life lessons. The ending was perfect. I loved this story. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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Dancing in the Rain by Kelly Jamieson.......Wow, Another fantastic book by this fabulous author. This story has all the feels and is beautifully written. I loved watching the story unfold for Drew and Peyton. Kelly Jamieson is an amazing storyteller, I have loved all of her books. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book from publisher via NetGalley.

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This was my first book by this author and I throughly enjoyed it.. The book has a great plot and believable characters. Have you're tissues ready.

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Kelly Jamieson is a go-to author for hot and steamy hockey romance novels. If you are a fan of the genre you probably are familiar with her work. This book, however, is a little different than what we usually see with her hockey romance books. For one thing, we have a hero who isn't at the peak of his career and who is the star of his team. Instead, we have a hero who, due to a serious knee injury, had to retire and just can't seem to accept his new path. He drinks, he is always angry and can't seem to stop himself from starting bar fights. In a nutshell, he isn't your ideal "hero". He may still have the looks, but he honestly isn't the kind of guy that you would pursue.

Drew Sellers may have retired from the Blackhawks and can no longer play professional hockey, yet he still loves the game and can't imagine his life without it. He has no idea what he's going to do with his life. He is bitter and angry. The last thing that he needed was to find out that a one-night-stand that he had 12 years ago while he was in collage resulted in him becoming a father. He barely remembers the woman he slept with. But when Sara informs him that she only recently recognized him on tv and decided to come forward to talk to him because she only has a couple of months to live, he can't find it in his conscience to say no to meeting his daughter. Chloe is an 11 year old girl who knows that her days with her mother are numbered. Her only family is her aunt Peyton who has come from New York to help them.

Peyton Watt has a successful career in New York. She has been going back and forth to Chicago to help her sister and niece, but she decides to take an extended leave to help them through Sara's last days. Amongst all the pain and sorrow Drew and Peyton find themselves drawn to one another. They try to deny their mutual attraction, but it seems to be the only hope and happiness that they have.

To be honest, I can't really say that I saw this book as a romance. I don't know, but I just couldn't find myself rooting for Drew and Peyton. Maybe it was because of how realistic and emotional Sara's situation was written, I just couldn't understand or sympathize with them. If not for that, the story was heartbreaking and I have to applaud Kelly Jamieson for her portrayal of cancer and it's devastating effects on not only the patient but to all those who care for them. I wish all those who are battling cancer strength and full recoveries.

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I’m a blubbering mess after reading Dancing in the Rain by Kelly Jamieson, but in the best of ways. This book was a serious journey and it deals with all kinds of life changing moments in people’s lives; death, grief, divorce, career changes, a surprise “baby,” new love, and so much else and it would be easy to assume that a romance thrown into all of that would be lost, but it absolutely was not. Ms. Jamieson did a fantastic job of writing these two people building a relationship while they dealt with more things going on in their lives than any two people should have to deal with in a lifetime. I’m actually in awe of the way this story was crafted; there were many layers to it and each one was intricate to the big picture. Speaking of which this is the type of book that would absolutely make a wonderful movie. Heartbreaking yet uplifting, sweet yet sexy, and profound, Dancing In the Rain was impossible to put down.

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When I started this book, I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting. I’ve read a few books by Kelly Jamieson, but this one felt different somehow, right from the get go. On one hand it seemed sort of more mature, the pace was slower, the time frame larger. Everything happened at a slow pace, and while it made it also a slower read for me, it also made the most sense for the story and the characters, and it also made the plot more impactful.

Dancing in the Rain is told in dual POV in the third person, and I have to say that this bothered me a bit, because sometimes I didn’t know whose POV I was reading. I also didn’t quite get if that was intentional or not, but it wasn’t the best 3rd person POV I’ve read from Kelly (Back Check takes the cake for that!).

But the characters… I loved the characters! Drew was such a great guy, and I loved to see him going from unsure and uncertain about himself and his future, to a confidence person about his abilities, as well as his role as a dad. I loved loved loved his relationship with Chloe, it felt just right, and he was such a great and positive influence on her. And Payton was awesome too, she was just so strong, and even going through so much, she was still fun and loving.

Chloe was just an awesome 11/12 yo girl. I loved the hell out of her.

The plot was well constructed and it was carried on so well. The romance was slow burn with a hint of forbidden, and I loved it. And the best thing for me? Even when the adults were at odds with each other, they didn’t take it out on their relationship with Chloe. They were mean or vindictive. They knew the other one loved the girl just as much, and they wanted the best for each other.

This is definitely a stand-alone romance worth reading, about finding your purpose when you lose your whole identity, priorities changes and dealing with the most unbearable pain. Read it!

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I’m a blubbering mess after reading Dancing in the Rain by Kelly Jamieson, but in the best of ways. This book was a serious journey and it deals with all kinds of life changing moments in people’s lives; death, grief, divorce, career changes, a surprise “baby,” new love, and so much else and it would be easy to assume that a romance thrown into all of that would be lost, but it absolutely was not. Ms. Jamieson did a fantastic job of writing these two people building a relationship while they dealt with more things going on in their lives than any two people should have to deal with in a lifetime. I’m actually in awe of the way this story was crafted; there were many layers to it and each one was intricate to the big picture. Speaking of which this is the type of book that would absolutely make a wonderful movie. Heartbreaking yet uplifting, sweet yet sexy, and profound, Dancing In the Rain was impossible to put down.

Drew Sellers life in on a downward spiral; an injury has ended his hockey career, he has no back-up plan, he divorced his wife after she cheated on him with a teammate, and as his teammates begin to return for the start of the season he is feeling down and useless. Drinking way too much, taking risks, and starting fights seems to be the only thing that dulls the pain until he meets a woman that changes his life trajectory with one sentence, “Yes, you have a nearly twelve-year old daughter.”

This book was intriguing and different because it does not play out the way most in this trope do. Finding out he has a daughter is a bit of a wake-up call for him and her protective and “tells it like she sees it” aunt turns out to be just what he needs to leave his pity party behind and figure out his life.

The romance between Drew and Peyton moves at a slow burn because of the circumstances surrounding them, but I found that quite enjoyable. It forced them to get to know one another and really see they type of people they are. Both Drew and Peyton have his daughter, Chloe’s best interest at heart and I loved watching Drew learn how to parent, make some mistakes, but also understand he wasn’t her friend and tough decisions might not be easy, but were necessary. I really felt that Drew and Peyton brought out the best in each other; they both grew so much during the course of this book.

As a reader, I experienced so many emotions reading this book and was a bit exhausted when I finished, but I was also extremely satisfied. This book is very different from Ms. Jamieson’s usual work, however it is one of her best; her emotional storytelling brought realism to this book, her characters brought it alive, and the message of life is short and hard so take time to dance in the rain is something everyone should embrace.

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Oh, what a tug on your heartstrings kind of book. The extremely difficult situation Drew, Sara, Peyton, and Chloe find themselves in makes you want to have a happy ending, but you know there’s going to be heartache. I’m not going to say more because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it yet. Kelly handled this story so adeptly and I strongly recommend you read this book. It touched me in a way a story has not in a long time. Don’t miss this one!

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Drew is at a point in his life when the only life he has ever know is gone and he is struggling to find direction. He has recently retired from hockey due to injury and divorced his cheating ex-wife but the bombshell that he is the father of a 12 year old daughter, Chloe, from a one night stand and her mom, Sara, is dying changes everything. When Sara’s sister, Peyton, learns that her sister is losing her battle with cancer she leaves her career in New York to help out Sara and Chloe and when she meets Drew sparks ignite. Peyton and Drew become close as they work together to help make the transition as painless as possible and face the uncertainty of the future. Kelly Jamieson has done a great job of allowing you to feel the emotions that the characters are feeling and the growth of the characters as the book progressed make you feel like you were part of the experience. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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4.5 Stars.
Damn I loved this book! It gripped me from the start and did not let up! Have your tissues handy, it perfectly balances sexual tension and tear-jerking moments.

Drew is an NHL star that was forced to retire due to a knee injury. He finds out he fathered a child during a drunken one-night stand in college. Peyton is the aunt to his daughter and she is all over him about being a good father. She is trying to balance her career and take care of her niece during her sisters health problems.

These two were steaming up my kindle. Watching Peyton and Drew interact was amazing. But watching Drew get to know his daughter, tears commencing. I could not put the book down. A definite recommendation.

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Book given in exchange of an honest review.

Another Kelly Jamieson success, in this book we get to fall in love with Drew, Peyton, Chloe and Sarah. Their story is not all hearts and rainbows but it's a real one, they help each other become better persons; by being together they become stronger and there's nothing they can't face.

They have been put in an impossible situation and Drew steps up and becomes who they need him to be, he is ready to do anything to help them.
He discovers he is much stronger than he though he was, and that helps him move on from his own problems.

Peyton is loosing everything and her life is changing faster than she can handle. On top of all that there's him, he is everything she wants and she can't have him.

I love the chemistry between the characters, they are perfect for each other, and we get to read about them fighting their attraction until there's nothing they can do to stop it.

An amazing tale about love in all it's forms, and just how far are you willing to go for the people you care about.

It all about enjoying every moment like it was your last, even if that means dancing in the rain.

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I have read several Kelly Jamieson's books, and although I am fairly burned out on the sports romance genre, this book was truly wonderful. When a book has me racing through it, causing me to laugh out loud and then cry major tears, I know I have had a satisfying read. This book is so much more than a sports romance. In fact, as Drew is a retired hockey player, one could almost say it wasn't a sports book. This book centers on cancer, loss, a young tween, and love! Love is felt all through this story, and I for one, am glad I read it. Thanks for a great read. Thanks also to Netgalley and the Publisher for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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