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Dancing in the Rain

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Another Kelly Jamieson success, in this book we get to fall in love with Drew, Peyton, Chloe and Sarah. Their story is not all hearts and rainbows but it's a real one, they help each other become better persons; by being together they become stronger and there's nothing they can't face.

They have been put in an impossible situation and Drew steps up and becomes who they need him to be, he is ready to do anything to help them.
He discovers he is much stronger than he though he was, and that helps him move on from his own problems.

Peyton is loosing everything and her life is changing faster than she can handle. On top of all that there's him, he is everything she wants and she can't have him.

I love the chemistry between the characters, they are perfect for each other, and we get to read about them fighting their attraction until there's nothing they can do to stop it.

An amazing tale about love in all it's forms, and just how far are you willing to go for the people you care about.

It all about enjoying every moment like it was your last, even if that means dancing in the rain.

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I have read several Kelly Jamieson's books, and although I am fairly burned out on the sports romance genre, this book was truly wonderful. When a book has me racing through it, causing me to laugh out loud and then cry major tears, I know I have had a satisfying read. This book is so much more than a sports romance. In fact, as Drew is a retired hockey player, one could almost say it wasn't a sports book. This book centers on cancer, loss, a young tween, and love! Love is felt all through this story, and I for one, am glad I read it. Thanks for a great read. Thanks also to Netgalley and the Publisher for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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4.5 Stars

Down on his luck and feeling lost without any direction Drew is struggling with his retirement. Suddenly things are changing for him again. He finds out he has a 12 yr old daughter he never knew about. He finds himself helping where he can as Chloe goes through the sad life changing events. Forming a strong relationship with Peyton, Chloe's aunt.

Peyton struggles as she watches her sister and only family left die thanks to the Cancer she has been fighting gracefully. She gets to watch her beautiful sweet niece discover and begin a relationship with her biological father. The more time she spends with Drew and Chloe the more she begins to fall but she can't. It isn't right, shouldn't happen and she will be leaving again to go back to her career.

Will they find themselves together as a family or will their grief and stubbornness tear them all apart?

This was a very emotional read. The pain and loss of watching you loved one in a battle of life. The new feeling of love and belonging of a new family member. Failure and confusion as to how to rebuild life and move forward while regaining confidence.

*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. ***

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This book deals with a very sad subject matter. Basically, you might want to avoid reading Dancing In the Rain if you have had a love one die from cancer or a prolonged illness.

Despite the heartbreaking situation in Dancing in the Rain, the book was not completely overshadowed by tragedy. Our heroine Peyton is a dynamic women doing her best to stay strong in the face of adversity for herself and for her niece. The hero, Drew, is struggling with his own disappointments in life but mans up when pressed by challenges to do so. I found their relationship sweet and believable and I defiantly wanted them to find happiness together.

Peyton's niece Chloe was also well written. Chloe is young, not quite 12 for most of the story, but she is smart and mature, even as she struggles with her family tragedy like any child would.

I wouldn't call Dancing in the Rain a fun book, but I did enjoy reading about Drew and Peyton's journey together and felt that it was a well written and believable book.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance and doesn't mind going through a good many Kleenex as they read.

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Heartwarming and Charming! This story was emotional, heartwarming and so full of compassion, devotion, strength, family and love. Stressing the importance of living every moment with no regrets, loving passionately and taking the time to truly enjoy life with the ones you love.
Drew Sellers is an ex-NHL star who is floundering in his post hockey life. Forced to retire due to a knee injury, divorced, he has been doing a lot of stupid risky things lately. But when Sara an old one night stand finds him, his world is rocked when he finds out that he has a eleven year old daughter, named Chloe. Meeting his daughter gives him hope, but meeting her Aunt Peyton sets his blood on fire. Now he must get his act together to prove to all of them that he is worthy of their love.
"Love was the biggest risk of all....but it was all that mattered."
Well written with a plot that was a gripping and riveting roller coaster of emotion. It had me laughing, crying and breathlessly happy at the end.
The characters were well developed and lovable, the strength they showed as well as the love and affection that they have for one another was inspiring and made this story real and unforgettable. Loved it! Highly Recommended!

Thank you to NetGalley and Loveswept for providing a copy in exchange for a voluntary and honest review.

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I really liked this book. Drew is having a time. he has just retired from hockey and is not sure what he wants to do with his life, then all of a sudden he gets the shock of his life a girl he slept with once in college had a daughter and he is the father and to top it off the mother is dying but wants drew to get to know his daughter. after the shock wears off he does that but what happens along the way is Drew starts to have felling for his daughters Aunt Peyton. I really enjoyed this book. this was unlike the other books I have read by this author but it was a romance and family book all rolled into one and I really enjoyed it.

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This was a good book. I loved the story about an ex-hockey player having to pick himself up and change his life around for a dying women he barely remembers and their now 12 year old daughter. Throw in the Aunt of his tween girl who he leans on for support and you have a beautiful story.

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What an emotional and incredible book! I've read several Kelly Jamieson books and this has been the best, by far, as to emotional involvement. I really felt this book. I believed the turmoil these people were going through and how they grew close by the tragedy.

The support of Peyton to her sister Sara who is dying of Cancer was inspiring. The support of Drew, who just found out he has a grown daughter by Sara, made him such a great hero. The fact that he was already dealing, horrible, with his own turmoil from losing his hockey career, seeing his daughter slowly lose one parent opened his eyes to what was important in life.

I have no complaints or wishes that anything was done differently. I can't deny that the things I didn't like was meant to happen to create a strong foundation. I just warn you to have tissues sitting by you as you read.

ARC provided by Netgalley.

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This is a beautiful love story. It’s not only about the love between a man and a woman, but about the love of a sister, a daughter, an aunt, and a father. I normally try to stay away from anything related to fatal illness as it can take me to a bad place. Amazingly enough, this story has so much love in it that I never got totally lost in the sadness. It actually led me to remember that devastating illness and loss can often times bring out the very best in people. Dancing in the Rain is a perfect example of that.

My heart ached for all the characters in this book. They are each struggling to deal with either their current loss – Drew and his career, or their future loss – Peyton and Chloe and the illness of their loved one. What shines through is that the care, love and support they give to each other can help to bring definition into a life unfulfilled.

This is a fast paced read and despite the heavy angst that it holds, it still had plenty of fun banter, laughter filled scenes and all the steamy goodness this author is known for. I loved every moment of Mark and Peyton’s journey to overcome so many obstacles on the way to their happy ending.

Dual POV
No other woman/other man drama

Will post on Amazon when released

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Dancing In The Rain
By Kelly Jamieson


Heartbreakingly Beautiful

Trust me when I say open your heart wide open for this book. You will feel so many emotions and the author did a beautiful job taking you through each one. Sara is who I would call the glue that sticks everyone together. Dying of cancer and by pure fate she sees the man who fathered her daughter twelve years ago on a magazine in her doctors office. They had a one night stand as freshmen college students and never knew each other's last names. Drew is completely blown away by the news of a child he knew nothing about. When he's faced with retiring from NHL after eleven years with the same team due too a knee injury. He is definitely lost in life and questions if he's in the right frame of mind to meet his daughter. Chloe is almost twelve and her life is falling apart. She's watching her mom die and it's been the two of them together always. Peyton knows her sister Sara doesn't have much more time, after watching her fight a battle against cancer for the last two years she knows it's almost time to say goodbye.

These four are brought together for all the right reasons. Each bringing unique circumstances to the other but the question is how will they come together and find something beautiful.

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, sad, heartbreaking, loving beautiful book it's a must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Let me start by saying I think I just read a book that had everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. This book is written in dual POV my personal favorite and flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. I just wish we could have seen into the future a bit more in the epilogue. Grab the tissues and start this amazing book!!!

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Bittersweet story filled with emotions as well as humor. Peyton has somewhat put her career on hold when she went back home to Chicago to take care of her niece and terminally ill sister. After suffering a career ending knee injury ex pro hockey player, Drew is trying to find out what's next when a woman of his past springs a surprise, he's the father of an eleven year old girl. This story covers the heartbreaking of a tween, Chloe, losing her mother to cancer as well as meeting her father. Peyton is trying to support her dying sister while comforting her niece plus she's trying to keep her job in New York even if her boss has little empathy for the hardship she's going through, oh and her niece's new found father is sexy as hell, her emotions are zigging every which way! Drew is unsure of what he wants to do, hockey was his life, but he knows he can't turn his back on Chloe or her dying mother. Even though there is a heaviness to the cancer story line the chemistry between Drew and Peyton brings in lighter notes and great humor. I really enjoyed this story and how all the life changing aspects intertwined to a wonderful ending.

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Charming, poignant and sweetly romantic!

In this new novel by Jamieson she takes a little sidestep from her usual fun-loving, lighthearted rom coms and give us a much deeper, emotional story involving Drew, a disheartened hockey player struggling with the loss of his career and the unexpected news that he is the father to an 11-year-old daughter; and Peyton, a successful, determined woman floundering between the career she has always wanted and her ever-increasing role as caregiver to her sister and niece.

The writing is smooth and seamless. The characters are sympathetic, complex and real. And the plot is a soul-searching journey filled with familial relationships, compassion, honesty, support, rapport, loss, life and love.

Overall this truly is a captivating, heartwarming story that may have you in tears for more than half of it but will definitely leave you satisfied and smiling by the very end.

Thank you to NetGalley, especially Random House - Loveswept, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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For me this was a perfect read, this book has it all, i laughed and I cried but more importantly I fell in love with every character. Drew Sellers NHL career has been cut short through injury and just when he thinks his life can't get any worse a chance meeting in a coffee shop has his past coming back to haunt him, his world is not only turned upside down it's turned round and round. Emotions run high but as the story progresses you find out just who the real Drew Sellers is, a kind loving man who steps up to take what life has in store for him.
A fantastic read from the very talented Kelly Jamieson

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Drew Sellers has found himself at a crossroads, his career in the NHL has come to an end, and he never really had a back-up plan in place for himself, so he is stuck in limbo, not ready to let hockey go, even though it has already cuts ties with him. And if losing his career wasn't enough, he just went through a devastating divorce, apparently while he was playing on the ice she was playing in the bedroom with a fellow team mate of his. At this point he feels as though he doesn't really have much to live for, to get out of bed for, or look forward to... that is until a woman from his past unexpectedly comes back into his life, armed with a life changing secret. One that is certain to change the course of his life... and finally give him a reason to smile.

The moment Peyton Watt opens the door to find Drew Sellers standing on the other side, she is instantly taken with him, sure he is cocky as all get out, but he also has a softer side to him, one that she is sure not too many people get the pleasure of witnessing, and it draws her in. She wants to know the man behind the charming smile, the one that is full of whit, and whom she can tell has a big heart. Question is it ready to open up for her, and all that she is bringing into the relationship?

This touching story is sure to seep into the recesses of your heart and move you beyond words, and renew your faith in power of love... I have to say it is some of Ms. Jamieson's best work yet! When I read the synopsis for it I thought I had a good idea of what I would find between the pages, but she took this one to a place I never saw coming, and it took me on one hell of an emotional roller coaster... and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the ride!! Peyton and Drew were quite the pair, the minute they walked onto to the page I knew they were a match made in literary heaven, even if it took them several tries to get it right! Their road to finding their happily ever after was a little bumpy, but for me that is what gave it a very realistic feel, love is messy, and sometimes complicated, and these two found a way to make it work for them... and boy what a joy it was to witness it! Highly recommend this one, it is sure to leave you with a happy heart!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.

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This book isn't the usual Kelly Jamieson fare and as much as I wanted to like it, it fell a little flat for me.
There were however some good things about the story, Drew getting his act together and being a father. He was rather likable when he finally got himself together. I found Paige a little over the top and really hard to relate to, and couldn't see where she and Drew clicked. Maybe it was just me, but
they were and Paige especially detached and didn't seem to engage my interest. Too much whining. That only goes so far until it becomes distracting.

I love the hockey series so much and this book just seems to not quite fit in with the others, again just my opinion. I look forward to the next book in the hockey series.

**arc from NetGalley and Loveswept in exchange for a fair review**

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Kelly Jamieson, author of several hockey romances including the Aces Hockey series (with Back Check, and Icing) gives fans a little something different with Dancing in the Rain. Drew Sellers was a Chicago Blackhawks star player until an injured knee ended his career. He's handling the end of his dreams through excessive amounts of alcohol when he gets another life changing surprise: finding out that a one night stand in college resulted in a daughter. Chloe is now twelve and dealing with the fact that her mother, Sara, is dying. Drew knows nothing about kids and is terrified he'll fail Chloe as a dad. After all, he doesn't have his life together, how can he be there for anyone else? Chloe's aunt, Peyton, is trying to handle her job, her jerk of a boss, her niece, and her sister's health. The last thing she needs is a guy like Drew getting involved. She plans out everything and Drew and her attraction for him are not in those plans. But could their clashing life styles be exactly what Drew and Peyton- and Chloe- need to get through the hard times?

Dancing in the Rain is a stand alone novel that deals with some heavy issues. Drew is dealing with not only the loss of his career but an identity crisis and borderline alcoholism as a coping mechanism. Then comes a surprise daughter and a whole new identity crisis: is he father material? Peyton may have a career that she loves but she hates her boss- who seems not to know the meaning of the word 'compassion'. Her job is in New York City, her niece and sister are in Chicago. She not only has to deal with the very personal fact that her sister is dying, she has to try to be strong for Chloe and figure out what's best for the family. Jamieson does a wonderful job of making the family's situation real and relatable without allowing the story to get bogged down at any time. She keeps things moving forward and for every step back Drew or Peyton take, they also figure out how to keep going forward. The reflections both do on their lives and what they want to do with careers, as well as the difficulties they have in figuring out career-life balance, especially touched a chord for me.

Neither Drew nor Peyton are in a place where romance is a good idea and they are both sure that it's a really bad idea to get into a relationship with each other! But the chemistry between them is undeniable. I liked how, despite that initial attraction, there was plenty they didn't really like about each other at first. Eventually the protective walls are lowered and they get to know each other, seeing the person behind the facade. Peyton and Drew are a lot alike at the core: competitive, stubborn, and loyal. But they approach those core values in opposite ways and without Chloe they might never have made themselves work out all the differences.

While both Drew and Peyton are great, the character who really stayed with me is Sara. In the face of any number of obstacles she has pressed on, doing her best for both herself and Chloe. She faced unexpected pregnancy in college and still not only finished college but got a law degree. She was aware enough of herself and her priorities that she didn't stay in the corporate rat race but chose to work with a smaller law firm so she could have a better work-life balance with Chloe. She fought her cancer every step of the way and when it became clear none of the treatments were going to work she set up everything Peyton and Chloe would need after she passed: guardianship, her will, even her funeral. On meeting Drew, she genuinely understood if he didn't want to be a part of Chloe's life. Despite all her own trials, she tried to make everything easier for everyone around her. Sara is probably one of the most caring and unselfish characters I've ever read, and faced everything with strength, courage, dignity and grace that others in her position could only hope to match.

I'm normally not a fan of books that make me cry, and there were several absolutely tear-jerking, heart-wrenching scenes in Dancing in the Rain. However this was a book that I couldn't put down: full of truly three-dimensional, realistic characters; and the inspiring life lesson that challenges don't come when you are ready for them but that life is short, and sometimes the most precious moments come just by dancing in the rain.

A deep, wonderful, sad, uplifting, and romantic book, Dancing in the Rain will touch your heart and could change the way you look at life. A must read!

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Loved this book!! I have read several of Ms. Jamieson's books and this is not her usual style it was even better. The emotions pouring off the pages made it almost impossible to put down. I was sitting at work crying and working refusing to put it down. Drew has had a rough year losing his career and his wife, which in turn left alcohol as his friend. When he is out for coffee one day he meets a girl from his past who says he has a daughter that resulted from a one night stand. Sara, gives him another dozy she is dying and her sister will be her daughter, Chloe's guardian. She gives Drew the chance to meet Chloe or not. His call she just thought he should know.
Peyton' is Sara's sister/Chloe's guardian and will be the contact with Drew getting to know Chloe.
This book broke my heart watching the drama and painful part of life happen with the loss of Sara. But the way the other relationships went with Drew and Chloe or Peyton, I loved those.
Watching each person realize what was important in life and going after those things just shows you each person can do the same in real life.
Totally hated there story came to end but it was done beautifully! Honest review in exchange for ARC.

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“I guess we don’t know how strong we actually are until we’re faced with the toughest obstacles.”

^^ Ain't that the truth? Dancing in the Rain has its characters dealing with some very heavy, truly heartbreaking obstacles—and trying to navigate their way through them, past them, over them. It's terribly emotional, making me cry… sob, actually, and making me hurt.

Making me feel.

However, it also made me a little impatient. I know that sounds callous—and I certainly don't mean it to be. Because there are elements of this book that are excellent, and those aforementioned obstacles? Definitely in that category. Kelly Jamieson sketched loss and pain and grief in a very raw way, and oof, I definitely felt it.

Not only that, she also brought together a unique family, dealing with revelations and new responsibilities in what felt like an authentic, adult way. But while the development of Drew and Chloe’s relationship was as beautiful as it was ovary-exploding, there was a little something lacking for me in the romance between Drew and Peyton.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed them individually (especially the perfect, charming, troubled Drew) but while theirs was a slow burn as befitting the circumstances, it was sometimes more slow than burn. There were times when I felt like I was re-reading scenes, recovering ground that had already been touched on, and I couldn’t help my growing frustration. Honestly, as deeply emotional as the rest of Dancing in the Rain was—and let's be extra clear, it was—I cant help but feel like there was a spark missing. A spark that should have ignited the burn.

In the end, though, this was a very good book. Despite the missing spark, it was rife with sexy moments, sweet moments and shattering moments. It was well-written in many ways; tearing through me, leaving me hoping for this family to find their footing after heartbreak. I may not have had trouble setting it aside to adult, but I was invested enough to want to see Drew, Peyton and Chloe overcome their obstacles—and to share their pain in doing so…

“It wasn’t supposed to rain. But sometimes life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. You just need to dance in the rain.”

~ 3.5 STARS ~

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Oh my tender tear stained heart...this was quite an awesome journey. I love alpha athletes falling for the girl. But, man oh man was this exponentially more than that. I had literally every feel. While pieces and parts of this book alone may have caused me eye rolls without some sort of really solid writing, character connection and flow...this book had all of that and more so I forgive the oddities. They pale in comparison to the overall story. I loved this book. I might just read it again!

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