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Trying It All

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I really love this series and this great group of guys and the women who have wrangled their hearts. Each story so far has been very unique but the stories have meshed so well with this tight nit gang. I enjoyed getting inside Riley's head and knowing why he was such a control freak. It was heart breaking to think he took the blame for a tragic event during the ACS accident. When one feels weak in something like he did, they do try to control things to counter act that weakness and never be in that position again. Always planning for the what ifs, Riley is knocked off his socks with Chloe's friend Summer who he sees as reckless and carefree.

Summer is holding on to her own issues that have shaped her life. Having survived a horrific attack and near death experience, Summer handles herself completely opposite as Riley. Carefree, living every single second like it might be the last and no plans for a future she doesn't think she will see anyway.

Summer and Riley have the love/hate type of relationship at first. Snarky with one another and down right rude, but could it be a mask to the extreme sexual tension and inner spark/connection they feel for having suffered a similar tragedy.

These two don't know how to handle one another and the ways they have chosen to deal with life despite having had a similar experience. Riley can't allow Summer's flighty ways influence his well controlled, thought out and planned life, while Summer doesn't like the stick protruding from Riley's @%%.

When these two get together, let down the walls and just have fun and enjoy themselves they are super sweet together and a true Naked Men perfect couple. But when life bursts that bubble, Summer and Riley slip back to the old ways and put the walls back up.

A good story that I enjoyed reading. Can't wait for Josh's story- and maybe Jerry?

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3.5 stars
This was an overall good contemporary romance. I enjoyed Riley and Summer's interactions. I found it predictable in places, and it didn't suck me in as much as other books in the series had.

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Riley and Summer...just typing their names makes me happy.

These two seem like oil and water, but they're really more alike than they think. They need each other, they love each other, and it's pretty damn perfect!

This whole series makes my heart happy, and I need the next (last) one right now, although I don't know what I'll do with myself once they're over!

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Trying It All is the delightful fourth book in The Naked Men series written by author Christi Barth. Every story has been excellent. Don't assume, as I did, that Naked Men is all about sex, because it's not. The characters are fantastic and the storyline is clever and interesting. Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Loveswept for the advance copy.

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The Naked Men are back in Riley's book. When Riley met Summer the buttoned up man with plans and alternative plans, met the girl who lives for today and spontaneity, they didn't like each other and could flay one another with just words. The problem is that their friends are going to be getting married so they have to find common ground. Easier said than done.

When Summer and Riley meet, every time is like a verbal sparing match. That is until Riley picks her up to save her from getting hit by a cyclist and kisses her. Now, things are confusing.

The guys and girls are taking a trip and Riley goes to Summer's to try and call a truce even if for only the weekend, so they don't make the others uncomfortable. But what happens when he gets there is not what he planned on happening.

The trip goes really well and Summer starts to see Riley in a new light but that may not be enough.

Riley is happy with how the trip went but when the guys start teasing him he starts to push them away from that topic. No way could he and Summer be together, she is too reckless. Except maybe not. She did get him out of his comfort zone.

As the book goes along we find out more about Riley and Summer and the reason they are the way they are. That they have feelings for one another. But will it be enough to change for each other or are they clinging to their fears to strongly to let go?

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an interesting, well-written story, especially the backstories of the two main characters. I had a hard time, however, connecting with either of the characters, and I didn't really feel their chemistry. Perhaps it was because I had not read the previous books in the series. I definitely felt like I was missing out by not having read the earlier books. I like the author's writing style enough that I want to now read the other books, and maybe I'll feel a greater connection to some of the other characters. I'm particularly eager to read Chloe's story, as I really liked that character in this book. I would recommend this book to other readers; I have no doubt that plenty of readers will connect with these characters just fine and will enjoy the book.

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Still a great premise for the series. Overall not my favorite of the set. Nice to see all the rest of the gang but I wasn't as invested in this couple. Great writing but the story was somewhat predictable and the characters did not endear me to their love.

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Love the Naked Men series. Full of heat, emotion and wonderful characters. You don't need to read in order, but you'll want to read them all.

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Riley is a very cautious man, but that doesn't stop some of the things he accidently blurts out, “just because we kissed, that doesn’t grant me special access. I can’t take things for granted. I can’t assume I can talk about your underwear, for God’s sake, let alone hope to see it.” Riley will try new things and be adventurous with his woman, but the man has his limits, “no. ***l to the no. Sex in a car was one thing. Sex in an official branch of the Smithsonian with children running around and the even slight possibility that a wild animal might decide to use us for a snack is a hard limit.” I really enjoyed this book, I loved Riley.

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