Member Reviews

This is a very emotional charged book. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. It had a good story with emotional depth. It deals with a very difficult subject, but Cassie Mae handled it well. The characters were very well developed and you really felt like you knew them by the end of the book! This is the first book of hers that I have read, but will not be my last!

I received an advance copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Pillowtalk by Cassie Mae

Title: Pillowtalk

Author: Cassie Mae

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Loveswept

Date of publication: April 4th, 2017

Genre: Romance

Number of pages: 191

POV: 3rd person

Where you can find this book: Amazon

Book synopsis (from Goodreads):

In this heartfelt romance from the author of the All About Love series, two people who thought they’d given up on passion turn to each other for emotional support—and maybe something a little more physical.

Kennedy Walters has had a tough year. Now she’s come to the lakeside town of Lyra Valley to finally say goodbye to the memory of her first love. But while she’s staying at his sister’s B&B, Kennedy is shocked to find herself undeniably drawn to a handsome local heartthrob—especially since she isn’t sure if she’s ready to move on.

Aaron Sheppard returned to Lyra Valley because he was fed up with the big city and everything it didn’t have to offer—like the beautiful, down-to-earth girl staying at the B&B. Aaron’s enjoying a little flirtation until he realizes that she’s Kennedy Walters, the girl who was dating his best friend. But after a power outage strands them together, Aaron and Kennedy wind up sharing some intimate conversation. And over the course of a night that neither will ever forget, they learn just how compatible they could be—if only they knew how to let go and fall into each other’s arms.

Look for Cassie Mae’s charming All About Love novels:

My review:

If you are looking for a book that focuses mainly on sex, then pass on this book because while sex is had in the book, it is not the main focus. Don’t let the title fool you like it did me. I really thought that there was going to be no plotline, one-dimensional characters and people having sex at least once a chapter. Instead, this is a beautifully written book about first love, grief, forgiveness, letting go and moving on.

Kennedy’s boyfriend, Jared, died a year earlier from cancer. Destroyed by grief, as any normal person would be, she put off spreading his ashes until she felt that she could handle it. Which I thought was great that the author did that. I have read too many books where the heroine is grieving and then the hero comes along and everything is forgotten and/or is made miraculously better. Not in this case. Kennedy is still raw from losing Jared and she doesn’t want anything to do with romance or men. And that is what made this book so bittersweet to me.

Aaron was Jared’s ex-best friend. Their friendship ended shortly after they graduated high school. I am not going to say why it ended only this: teenage boys are stupid and make stupid mistakes. He knew who Kennedy was and felt awful that he was so attracted to her. In his mind, it would be betraying Jared again. I was heartbroken for him because he hurt so bad. I kinda wanted to reach through the book and give him a huge hug. I also cried when Chelsea (Jared’s sister) talked to Aaron and basically gave him the go-ahead to go after Kennedy.

There were a few touches of humor in the book. Like when Kennedy hit on Austin, who is Aaron’s gay twin brother, and then went off on Aaron, assuming it was Austin when she saw him kissing his “friend” (use your imagination for the meaning) about two hours afterward. I was giggling my fool head off. She was so mad and then that turned into being beyond embarrassed. Charlie the husky puppy was another point of humor. He was comic relief for a couple of scenes when it was needed.

The sex scenes were hot. While there were only two sex scenes, I felt that the build up to them was awesome. There was so much sexual tension between Kennedy and Aaron, it wasn’t even funny.

I loved the end of the book and the epilogue. Talk about a perfect ending for a great book!!

How many stars will I give Pillowtalk: 4

Why: A great book with relatable characters. I felt that the author did a great job portraying how hard it is to let go of a loved one and she also did a great job portraying how hard it is to get over losing a loved one.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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I would rate this book 3.5 stars. It has a good plot line, but for me the heroine spent way too much time living in the past. It was hard to follow the story at times too. It was an interesting story, but just fell a little flat for me.

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Cassie Mae

Very sweet and emotional story. I really enjoyed the majority of this book. The cover is super cute too.

Kennedy is visiting her deceased boyfriend, Jared's hometown to scatter his ashes. She has held on to his ashes for about a year and a half. Now she feels she's ready to let go.
She works up the nerve to hit on this super hot guy on the train. But he tells her he's not interested because he's gay.
Once she arrives at Jareds sisters house she sees super hot train guy kissing some girl in the driveway. So she lays into him about lying to her only to find out that it was the guy's twin she rode with on the train.
So now she is attracted to this super hot straight guy, Aaron. And she feels super guilty for being attracted to Aaron esp when she finds out he used to be best friends with Jared.
Aaron falls head over heels for Kennedy but fights it because she's Jared's.
So the two of them go back and forth with the guilt of them betraying Jared.
I enjoyed this but was a little depressing at times.
Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with the arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

Love Austin and his brother Aaron. Aaron is on a journey. A journey to find peace, happiness, himself and forgiveness. His best friend died and it has him trying to come to terms. Terms with his life and the past. Trying to forgive himself and move on. Except in the process of doing this Aaron has fallen for the girl he feels isn’t his. He feels he is reliving the past and he is hurting himself for it.

The guy is great. he is honest and loyal. Kind and caring. And he feels. Feels with all he has. He is fighting himself as well. Watching him fall for Kennedy and try to find balance was wonderful. We got to see a flawed man come to terms with things. See him fall in love and let go. See him find his peace and comfort and learn to let go.

Kennedy was still grieving. For her Aaron helped her forget. But with it came guilt. She lived again and that pained her. Why? Because she loved Aaron’s best friend and felt love only comes once. Aaron though had her learning to be again. She became herself and felt peace once more. She battled her confliction of moving on and falling in love. Of letting another into her life. It was a fascinating plot see play out as she battled her heart and mind.

Watching these two bring each other alive and at peace while falling in love was entertaining, sweet and sensual. Aaron was the perfect one for Kennedy and they both understood one another. I hated at the end when Kennedy almost lost it all. But loved the kindness and understanding ways of Aaron when they found themselves and each other once again. He allowed her to see that she didn’t have to let go of her first love only let love in again in a different way. And that was the most sensual thing of all in this book. Aaron’s compassion and understanding. His love was boundless and selfless. Such a wonderful story with romance, learning to let go and let love in and learning to forgive.

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Oh Kennedy and Aaron...what a great pair. This was a heartfelt love story. Kennedy's first love, Jared, passed and she went to his hometown per his wishes to spread his ashes. She met some of his longtime friends. And new feelings crept into her heart because she became friends with Aaron, Jared's ex best friend. She was having a difficult time letting Jared go. And feelings starting brewing with Aaron . This is a story about moving on and healing and forgiving yourself for having new feelings. This was a wonderfully written story that had my heart aching and blooming at the same time. Just a wonderful, sweet romance. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy.

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Kennedy was now on a train and she had been traveling for three days. Kennedy was heading to Lyra Valley. Jared had been to Kennedy but was fully against marriage to anyone . Then he felt it would be wrong to marry Kennedy when he was closer to death than life. Kennedy had held onto Jared’s ashes for more than a year. A stranger passed by and Kennedy accidentally elbowed him. Then he sat behind Kennedy and soon he offered to help Kennedy unknot her hair. The man untangled her hair and introduced himself as Austin. Kennedy was attracted to Austin and didn’t know how to handle her body’s response to him. Then the man realized Kennedy looked familiar because he had seen her at Jared's funeral. Austin had known Jared since Jr. High. Then Austin told Kennedy he was gay. Kennedy had got lost hiking with some friends and somehow lost her friends Jared had seen her and turned around the day they met. Chelsea was Jared sister and co-owned with her husband Daniel the B & B that Kennedy was staying at. Kennedy had met Chelsea a year ago. Then Austin pulls up to the B & B with a woman -Natalie and kisses her goodbye. Then the man told Kennedy that she was confusing him with his twin brother Austin he was actually Aaron. Aaron was surprised a complete stranger could make him feel so much with so little contact. Jared and Aaron had been best friends until Lissa. They both had liked her but Jared was more forward then Aaron tried to back off and it didn’t work after H S graduation Aaron and Lissa had sex and Aaron told Jared almost right after it happened at first Jared thought it was a joke and then Aaron actually saw Jared fall apart and sob. Aaron had still lost Jared’s friendship and that had been the end of Lissa and Jared. Now Aaron was falling for Kennedy big time and she was Jared’s even though Jared had been dead for a year.
I loved this story and felt it was a great read. I imagine it would be very hard to let someone go who had died young from cancer and was your first love especially when you are starting to want and care for someone else the first time since his death even though it had already been a year. I loved that Jared’s sister Chelsea was all for Kennedy moving on with her life and finding happiness again . and Aaron also especially since it was with each other. I felt bad for all the guilt Aaron kept from what happened with him and Lissa and consequently Jared. Even after meeting Kennedy Aaron tried to stay away from her and act cold. This was an excellent read. I choked up at times which just means this story really touched me and of course that is always great when reading a book. I thought Kennedy and Aaron made a great couple and was cheering for them. I was glad Aaron tried to understand why Kennedy acted the way she did and forgave her when the time came to forgive or not. I loved the plot. I loved the characters and I loved the ups and downs of this story and I highly recommend.

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Pillowtalk by Cassie Mae is a difficult book for me to rate. Not because it is well-written because it most certainly is. Not because it is an interesting read, because I read it in one sitting, (fairly short) because I didn’t want to put it down. Also not because the characters are well-developed, likable ones, because they are. I especially liked the dual POV of Kennedy and Aaron.

However, it is with the characters that I had a problem, especially with Kennedy. She has an obsessive nature that really comes out with her treatment of the urn carrying her late boyfriend’s ashes. Even though I was glad that she found love, I would have been happier with the ending if she had found a great therapist.

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Beautiful story about second chances, letting go and healing.

I loved the story line. The romance is insta-attraction and while everything happens in a relatively short while. It also felt real and had depth. It's loaded with emotions, in the best way. But if you are a believer in the one love and all that, this might not be your thing.
For me however- I dont believe there is a soulmate or in the one big love and all that- this was refreshing and heartwarming. As both MCs struggle with the past, both are hurting and both need healing. Their new bond does not negate the past, it's new yet affected by the past and still it is something independent. I think it reflects life.

The book has Mae written all over it. I actually at some point thought it might be part of a series, it feels in correlation with her other books. I guess it's the writing style, the humor and her slightly different take on romance. And definitely the character building.

The reason I kept thinking it's connected to another series, but couldn't place it, is because I felt like I knew the support cast after a short amount of time. The same goes for Kennedy. I am talking a chapter in. The book is written from both Kennedy and Aaron's POV, but in the beginning it was just Kennedy... And I seemed to know so much in such a short time that I felt I must have known her from a previous book.. but when I checked I realised this is a standalone.
Both MC's go through a tremendous process of letting go. And both their difficulties felt real and tangible. I could relate to both of them. Their chemistry is palpable. The only little thing I found abit over dramatic was Aarons time at the lake and it's sudden solution.

Just like most of Mae's book this is full of sass, interesting characters. It's real-life romance at it's best. And the end left me smiling and swoony.

Heartbreakingly beautiful, full of hope and insight.

Beautiful story, that is a must read of fans of the author. Definitely one of my favorites of her.

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Writing a romance where death plays a huge role is tough and I have to hand it to author Cassie Mae for doing such a great job of making it part of the story without, well harping on it. There are points in Pillowtalk when you just feel Kennedy’s pain, viscerally and I just wanted to wrap her in my arms and help her through it all.
But who needs me when you have Aaron and Lyra Valley?
They both came to town for different reasons but it turns out those reasons share a lot of similarities. The death of her boyfriend and his former best friend, Jared, brought them both back to the place where they both needed to heal and that part spoke to me on many levels. After a tragedy you sometimes just want to change your life up a bit, change from a fast-paced life to a much slower one or seek comfort from the people and places you would have run from before the tragedy.
As you might expect this story was filled with angst. This is a pretty angsty topic so there are no surprises there but it’s understandable. These two aren’t immature kids making a big deal out nothing, they have real life issues to deal with and sometimes that sh*t is hard. Kennedy is having a hard time letting go of Jared even though she needs to. At times I wondered if he was as great as she made him seem because people in general tend to turn everyone into angels after death, which maybe would have made her indecision a little more logical.
I do have a couple of quibbles. The first was the talking to the urn and all that…really? I do get grief but it seemed a little much but we all handle grief in our own ways so I let it pass.
But the constant guilt…yeah, no. Nope. Uh-huh. Yes they both has ties to Jared and that might make it a tad weird. Except Aaron hadn’t been in his life for years at his death, which was one of the things that brought him back home. And sure it had been a year and maybe that wasn’t enough time to move on…for some. But you like him and he likes you, let’s talk about the thing that binds us when we feel like it but let’s maybe not feel so guilty. All. The. Time.
It was annoying but I did enjoy Pillowtalk for the most part.
The story was well written and the characters were developed so I would definitely read Cassie Mae again…but maybe with less feels next time.

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Well written storyline and well developed characters hooked me right from the very first page and kept me totally enthralled with the story until the very end! This was the first book that I have read from Cassie Mae and it definitely will not be the last!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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This book was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. It was so touching that you will need Kleenex to read this book. It was a beautiful story of someone moving after the loss of a loved one. The story was told so beautifully.

I hadn't read anything by this author but I am so happy I did. I can honestly say anyone who reads this will love this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Net Galley

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Kennedy lost Jared, the love of her life over a year ago. She's brought his ashes, to his hometown, as he requested. She meets Austin on the last part of the train ride. Their conversation is interesting and fun. She is blown away when he says he's gay! Kennedy was only looking for a friend...
Impressive fun romantic read. Serious issues are covered in refreshing ways. The story is told realistically and with humor. And sizzle, too! Add a well told story, likeable characters and pleasant characters and you've got a good read! 3 1/2 stars.
Voluntarily read an ARC thru Netgalley and publisher, for honest review.

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4.5 stars -- I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion. (and actually, I sort of alpha/beta read this story as well)

I was kind of worried about rereading this one, just because it does pack an emotional punch, and sometimes when I know that going in I'll avoid it (I do this with movies and TV shows too -- *cough*Season 3 of Rectify*cough*). But I hadn't written a review after beta-reading this one (which I normally do), b/c I knew parts of the story were going to change and I wanted to read the final version before giving my final thoughts. I've also been in a really picky reading mood, so I didn't want that to affect my reading either...but alas, with release day coming up (and being here today) I knew I couldn't put it off any longer! Unfortunately I feel like my mood did affect my reading a tiny bit, so I'm trying to channel my earlier thoughts as well to compensate. Because I truly adored this story BOTH times I read it, and I want to do it justice.

So that sounds like I'm going to say something bad about this book, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Ms. Mae is one of my favourite authors because she always manages to give me very *real* characters, and she has done it once again with Kennedy and Aaron. What I mean by real is that I feel like these are real human beings out in the world, that they are inherently flawed, but are the kinds of people I'd like to know. And in this story they BOTH go through a whole gamut of emotions, and some of the most difficult ones: grief, betrayal, and guilt. Ms. Mae didn't just sluff off her responsibility while giving them the love story they deserve, she sucked out all my feels.

I could understand Kennedy's grief so much. Even just imagining losing the love of my life to that hateful disease, I'm not sure how I'd ever pull myself out of that grief. I felt like the road that she traveled in this book was one that I could empathize with. Yeah, she's under a very silly misapprehension for much of the book, but I can honestly see my brain making such weird assumptions when in the thick of that grief. Perhaps if you've never experienced grief, you might not understand how consuming it can be, but as someone who's lost her father as a teen, I can wholeheartedly say that it can mess you up big time, and that everyone deals in different ways and at different speeds. And so I felt for what Kennedy was going through, and how much she struggled between what she thought in her head and what she felt in her heart.

When I first heard of the concept of this story from Ms. Mae, I hadn't understood just how impactful *Aaron's* story would be. I kind of thought the heartache would mostly be centered around Kennedy's side. But oh no, we get so much more in this story. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be Aaron and living with his own guilt and remorse and never feeling like he had the chance to resolve it. I felt just as many feelings for him as I did for Kennedy. And I felt his grief over the loss of his best friend too. I thought it was kind of perfect that they were able to share that, it wasn't something I had anticipated, but it was something that I loved about their dynamic.

And hoo boy, Aaron is MEGA book boyfriend. Quiet, unassuming, a bit more nerdy? DAMN. I want him. I do. I want him. And his dog, Charlie, too. And his glasses. GAH!

And their chemistry together really worked for me. Not just in the steam section (which OMG, from the laundry room to the boathouse to the bedroom, DAMN), but I really felt their connection as friends too. I felt the intimacy of their bond. It happened pretty fast, but it worked for me somehow. But I don't mind insta-love sometimes, especially when people are older and know what they want.

There were a million favourite scenes in this book for me. From the tree party to the dirt biking to the lake party for making me smile and swoon. And then there's the moment in the closet and on the dock for making me cry. I felt everything, from light to heavy. And it flowed seamlessly in the book, just as it did for Kennedy and Aaron. And the ending was sweet and perfectly satisfying. Which pretty much sums up how I feel. It may have taken me on a rollercoaster of emotions, but it left me feeling sweetly satisfied.

And that's what I have to say about that.

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This was a heartwarming story. I may or may not have teared up a bit there at the end. I really admired Aaron for being so accepting and understanding of Kennedy's feelings. He really is a good guy who just made a few stupid mistakes when he was younger. I loved all the characters in this book. There wasn't a lot of romance in this book, but when there was some it was hot. I honestly don't think I would like this book as much if it was filled with a bunch of sex scene. This is more of an emotional book and learning how to deal/move on after losing someone you love. This was well written, emotional, and inspirational. If your looking for a book that is more emotional than steamy hot romance and make your heart warm, this is the book for you. I have personally never been in this situation before, but after reading this book I feel like I would be able to deal with the situation better if I ever were put in it or knew someone who was. I highly recommend giving this book a read!

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4-4.25 STARS

Kennedy Walters lost the love of her life, Jared. Now, one year later, the grieving Kennedy heads to Jared’s home town of Lyra Valley to scatter his ashes and to say her final goodbye. But as much as Kennedy wants to honor Jared’s dying request, saying goodbye proves harder than she ever could have imagined. Staying at his sister’s B&B and mingling with the people from Jared’s past, does little to lessen the sorrow that Kennedy holds close to her tattered heart.

After years of living in LA, Aaron Sheppard returns to Lyra Valley, searching for the fulfillment that has been missing in his life. But, once upon a time, Aaron betrayed his best friend Jared, and nothing can ease the guilt that he still harbors. Despite his recent efforts to repair the broken friendship, Jared died before Aaron was able to make amends. Now, faced with an overwhelming attraction to the girl that Jared once called his, Aaron struggles to keep his feelings for Kennedy in constant check.

Told in an alternating POV, author Cassie Mae gives us an inside peak into the anguished mindsets of both Kennedy and Aaron. Suffering from conflicting emotions (ranging from grief to regret to betrayal), both fight their mutual attraction out of a misguided sense of respect for the man they both once loved. But what are the odds of Aaron returning to Lyra Valley at the exact same time that Kennedy came to say her final goodbye? Perhaps fate (or Jared) was somehow guiding their actions, and the two were destined to meet. Perhaps their union was always meant to be.

An angst-filled romance that evokes a myriad of emotions, “Pillowtalk” is a compelling story that pulls you in and refuses to let you go. It’s a story of love and loss; guilt and regret; sorrow and redemption. It’s about seeking solace in someone else and reaching for the future instead of remaining stuck in the past. It’s about basking in the light that had been hidden in the dark.

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What an emotional, heart-wrenching yet heart-warming and romantic read. Once I started this book, I did not want to put it down. I was wrapped up in the story and all the emotions. Cassie Mae takes us on a journey of love, loss, mourning, grief, regret, letting go, forgiveness, and second chances. This pain and loss was from both main characters. Kennedy was his love, Aaron was his former best-friend. Kennedy couldn’t let go and say good-bye, Aaron never got the chance to make things right after a falling out several years ago. Their unexpected and undeniable attraction tears them up and fills them with guilt. Yet, the pull is so strong and the feelings are overwhelming. How can something that should be so wrong, feel so right? It feels like betrayal but healing and powerful at the same time. My heart broke for them right along with cheering for them and rooting them on.

I really loved this book and definitely recommend it.

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An up and down ride through second chances and learning to let go. Learning to love again and realizing that is ok. Life doesn't stop just because the one we love stopped living. Kennedy's journey to letting go but still holding on is amazing. The fear that comes from giving your heart and risking loss is felt in Kennedy's emotions.

Aaron needs forgiveness, but he needs to forgive himself first.

Cassie is so great at giving us a sweet, loving read with just the right amount of broken and just the right amount of swoon.

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This was a really emotional, heartfelt romance. There were so many emotions for these characters - guilt, attraction, regret, sadness. Even though this was the most emotional book I have read by this author, these characters still had the same adorable and sweet charm that Cassie Mae is known for writing. I couldn't help but love both these characters. I really loved this book and can't wait to read whatever this author writes next.

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