Member Reviews

This book gives you two hot and steamy stories in one book. The characters in both books were fantastic. The more I read from this author the better they get.Both stories are action packed, making them very hard to put down till you'd finished them. You will fall in love with the characters as you read. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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I really liked these two books they were well written with super characters cant wait for more of this series would recommend

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I'd give this 2.5 stars.

This ARC was kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I've read Olivia Cunning's Sinners on Tour series and liked the majority of those stories, some more than others. I was hoping for something similar with this series, and I suppose that's what she delivered, though I don't think the stories hold together as well when serialized like this. I applaud the guts it takes to try it out, but it didn't work for me.

I should start with a disclaimer: I came into the series in the middle, so I had to pick up the details of the story beginnings from context. That's okay; I knew that going in, and it doesn't bother me much, really.

But because it's always possible that other readers may do the same, there are a couple of things I'd like to see in each part to make it easier on everyone. First, there should be a couple of quick physical description details for the main characters up front. Even readers who've been on board from the beginning may not remember what the hero and heroine look like. The lack of mention of hair color or build until well into the story made it more difficult for me to picture the scene.

Second, because these novellas are so short, and there aren't many pages in which to move the story forward and further develop the characters and their conflict (especially with as many secondary characters as there are), any extraneous stuff needs to be skipped. With Treat Me, Jacob and Amanda aren't even in the same room together until chapter 3 in an 18 chapter story. That's too much time before things really get moving. And since we want to see the relationship develop, it would be great to see them interacting a bit with their clothes on but without additional company. I don't think there was a single scene until the restaurant at the end when Jacob and Amanda were dressed, together, and not with either Jacob's daughter or ex-wife. Basically, if they were alone, they were having sex. Don't get me wrong--I've read enough of Cunning's books to expect lots of hot scenes--but having them boning every time they're alone doesn't give a complete picture of them as a couple.

Now with Thrill Me (Owen and Caitlyn's story), I spent a considerable amount of time wondering if we'd end up with a poly situation, but I couldn't tell if it would turn out to be Lindsay or Kellen. Owen spent a lot of time thinking about both of them in addition to Caitlyn. It made for an odd dynamic because it feels like we're still pretty far from a payoff with either option if poly is the way this is going.

In terms of characterization, I was confused by Caitlyn. She's a successful professional, but relatively inexperienced sexually. She seems unsure about what she likes, but is also more commanding in sexual situations than I would have expected. I guess I would have liked more insight into her mindset so the character made more sense.

I liked Owen; he seems like a genuinely nice guy raised in a genuinely nice family. I'm interested to see how things play out with Lindsay, especially now that his mother is in the picture. And the cliffhanger involving the band, and the kiss, and everything...well, that was a whole lot of shit hitting the fan, and will make it difficult for readers of the series to wait for the next installment.

So, not quite what I was hoping for, and I'm not convinced to go back and read the previous books or continue on, but I can see why rabid fans might do so.

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(4.5 stars)
Jacob and Amanda’s follow up book had we swooning over Jacob. She’s all hard exterior but soft on the inside, especially when he’s with Amanda and/or his daughter Julie. The ending left me totally bummed and wondering how the heck it’s all going to work out.

In TM we move on to Owen and Caitlyn’s follow up. I loved seeing Caitlyn climb out of her shell. I’m very tired of Lindsey and found myself wanting to slap Owen half the time with his thoughts of her. I definitely think she’s going to cause a lot more trouble down the road for these two. The ending of this one had me crying one second and picking my jaw up the next. I hate that I have to wait for their next book.

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I was a bit lost and this is my fault. I have not read the other books in th series. I liked Jacob and Amanda's relationship up until she did what her sister wanted and then for me this was predictable. Although Jacobs subsequent reactions were interesting I am not sure that I will purchase the next book

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I have always enjoyed Olivia Cunning's books! Each character is it's own. They are strong and there is not one that is the same. They each have their own personalities. You LOVE each character even if they are wrong, but you LOVE their dirty minds more!
Jacob is a sweet man even though he comes about to others as rough around the edges. I really dislike his wife (my mom never let me say the word HATE). That is really how I feel about Tina. Amanda would do something to make sure the people she loves are not hurt worse by being selfish! LOVE HER!!!!
Owen is such a sweetheart and I love him and his goofy, foolish, naive ways! He kind of is clueless when it comes to women and it just makes you LOVE him more! There is a lot that happens between the rock group and the women in their lives. There is a bombshell at The end of this read and I want to know what happens!!! I will be definitely reading the next in this series!! You have to read these books! In order is a way to go or you will be confused throughout the book!!

I received this ARC from the publisher via Net Galley for my honest review!!

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I love Olivia's writing. She writes the best band romance series. Her Sinners series was one of the first band romance I read & ever since then I'm always looking for more from her. She never disappoints & she also writes the best sex scenes!! :)

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Treat Me: Jacob and Amanda are doomed from the start. Their story is a whirlwind of hot chemistry and deep emotions. The dynamics for this story are off the charts! This was a tanged web of hot mess that you'll love from the first word and cuss a blue streak for the follow-up.

Thrill Me: Owen and Caitlyn are a very adventurous couple. I found both characters very likable and charming. I kept waiting for that pivotal - wtf - moment and wasn't disappointed when it finally came. Lord, what happens next in this story?...!!!

As always, Olivia Cunning sells it with her witty dialog and developed characters. Another must read in the continuing Sole Regret saga.

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Treat Me - I've read all the other books in this series and wasn't disappointed with this. I enjoy Olivia's writing style and the stories and characters. I like Jacob and Amanda and also like that we got to see a bit more about Julie...............I don't like crazy insane Tina.

Have to say I also love a good cliff hanger which this does have but I'm so impatient at waiting for the next book to finish the cliff hanger.

Thrill Me - There's a lot going on in this book. Firstly Lindsay just annoys me BUT I do want to know what the outcome is with her. Owen and Caitlyn make a good team but fulfilling so many of her fantasies so quick has me wondering what happens once they're done? I like the Owen and Kelly storyline too and want to know what happens next. I will keep waiting for the next book. I also liked that we got a glimpse into more of Jacobs story.

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Olivia Cunning is a rockstar when it comes to rockstar romances. I'm a big fan of the Sinners series and was looking forward to the Sole Regret series.

I just can't seem to connect to the Sole Regret books. I think my main problem is the wait between the installments and the fact that there's always a switch in couple. It would've been much easier for me to bond with the characters if it had been one book per couple, like with the Sinners on Tour series.

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Two sexy, action packed adventures from the guys of Sole Regret. Warning neither of these stories has a HEA or even a HFN but you know there has to be at some point. In the first of these two installments we watch Sole Regret's sexy vocalist, Jacob "Shade" Silverton fall off the deep end which is a change because he usually has it pretty much together. Watching him with his daughter is sweet watching his ex screw him over not so much. In the second we watch Sole Regret's sweet bassist, Owen "Tags" Mitchell caught between what he wants and what he should do. Can he make a go of it with Caitlyn? Is the baby really his? And what the heck is going on with Kellan? I look forward to the resolution to both these stories.
I’ll admit I would have liked this a whole bunch more if it weren’t in this format but the stories sucked me in and made me want to know more.

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This was quick steamy reads. They did not measure up to backstage pass but were good all the same. I hope to read more from this author.

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I am a big fan of the author and her prior Sinner's Series... This series, the Sole Regret Anthology, has several story lines related to individual band members that can be confusing as there are so many secondary characters. I remain a fan of the author but not of this series. Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the reading recommendation.

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I liked them. love a good bundle

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Treat Me-This is just the beginning of life getting harder and harder for these characters. Jacob falls for his ex-wife's sister, is at his last straw of patience with his band mates and misses his daughter. Tina is a conniving manipulating b*tch that likes to make everyone miserable. Jacob doesn't stand a chance if he keeps playing by her rules, neither does Amanda. Mistakes are made and they need to be fixed. But I have a feeling that before I get to read about the fix up on the next story, things will only get harder. Jacob is loosing all that he cares about in only one weekend. Life gets so complicated that he just snaps feeling trapped. Will he be able to recuperate everything and everyone?

Thrill Me- If you ever make a sex list make sure you got this man to fulfill every item on it. I feel for Owen because he is a sweet sexy character with good feelings and great intentions. He deserves the woman he wants in his life, all in with deep feelings for him without having to worry about taking care of a groupie having his potential child. And not just that, I also think he deserves a special man in his life. If only he would take action and stop pleasing others without doing something for himself first! If only those around him, special to him, would stop denying their feelings!

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a good set of stories by Olivia Cunning. Hot and well-written. Thanks!

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Olivia never fails to bring the heat with her Sole Regret books. Whew. I wish there was more, but I shall wait for the next installments.

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Olivia Cunning is a rockstar when it comes to rockstar romances. I'm a big fan of the Sinners series and was looking forward to the Sole Regret series. That said, I'm sad to say that Olivia Cunning writing in this serial format doesn't work for me.

Broken down into separate installments, it becomes difficult to track each member of Sole Regret, not to mention their lady loves, one pregnant groupie, and side characters. The issue of the paternity of groupie Lindsey's baby is getting particularly icky as she nears her due date and her very presence is a huge obstacle to Owen's relationship with Caitlyn (Thrill Me).

Shade's story (Treat Me) doesn't feature Lindsey, but secretly sleeping with your ex-wife's sister proves to be an icky situation as well. Throw in the other members of Sole Regret and their issues with hidden feelings for each other, distrust after Adam's addiction problem, fear of abandonment, and another stalkerish groupie, and the band is on the verge of falling apart.

The serial format bounces from one over-the-top cliffhanger to another, and I just don't have the patience to wait between installments. I wish the author had followed her one whole book for each band member format, like with the Sinners series. At this point, I'm undecided if I'm done with series or should wait to pick up things after the series is completely finished.

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Olivia's writing is spot on the plot twists and turns are never expected but always good. if you haven't read her before- go! find her other books! you won't be disappointed!

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