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The Silent Corner

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In The Silent Corner, Dean Koontz has created a terrifying possibility. Not one with a mad man and a machete or clowns living in the sewers, but no less chilling than either of those.

What if there was a spider in brain? Changing your personality? Whispering to you to do things? How would really know?

Jane is a Marine widow. But she's more than that. A top FBI agent and a mother. So when her husband commits suicide, so absolutely refuses to believe it. So she does some research. Jane is such an interesting character. She's focused and willing to do what it takes to protect what she holds most dear. Her experience hunting down monsters for FBI serves her well as she takes on Them.

Jane collects allies and enemies along her roller coaster of ride. There are so many twists and turns, you may need a scorecard to keep track of the players. But They are scary and Koontz's "What If" in The Silent Corner is terrifying and maybe not that farfetched.

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I read most of Dean Koontz's early works, up to around Odd Thomas. I found that in his later books it seemed to be more about pages than plots. I loved his spookiness, heart-warming characters, creative situations, and used to stay up all night to finish the book. Not so with Silent Corner. I realize that this book is really a straight-up thriller, not horror or even spooky, by any means. For the first half of the book I kept waiting for something eerie, something astounding, something scary to happen. Nothing did. I had to force myself to continue reading and finally, about halfway through the book the plot seemed to pick up. He does have a strong-willed, strong-minded, assertive, smart heroine, but I just didn't buy the plot. I did feel that there was over-elaboration in the pacing, locations, and action. After finishing the book, I do not plan to continue this series. I do realize that part, if not a large part, of my disappointment was that I was really expecting a horror/spooky/more techno plot. I do believe that Koontz has many more artful, terrifying plots in him. I just didn't find it in this book.

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Dean Koontz novels are hit and miss for me, I am either utterly enthralled or completely bored. This one is possibly one of my favorites of his, and it's the first in a series! I can't wait to read the second one.

The main character, Jane, is a strong woman with a solid moral code but who will do what she has to in order to stop the evil she is chasing. I really bought in to Jane and her mission and the people she chose to be close to her. At the risk of being vague (I don't want to give too much away), I will say that the subject matter was very interesting and could have been taken to a very crude and X-rated level if Koontz had wanted to. Honestly, I was expecting to have to skip some pages. But I didn't have to, which made this book even more enjoyable to me. More and more, I am coming to appreciate authors who can tell a compelling story without making me wade through the metaphorical trash pile.

I still only gave this 4 stars because I felt like the last quarter of the book was drawn out too much. But bring on book 2! (Like, rapido, por favor =D)

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Dean Koontz still has it, people. The man can write a tale that leaves readers begging for the next book. He had it 30 years ago, when I read my first Koontz book, and he still has it today.

The Silent Corner is one of those story lines that grabs you from the get-go and never lets go. Jane Hawk is one of the strongest female characters I’ve read in a long time. The story line is fascinating. The suspense is totally gripping. The writing is…well, this is Dean Koontz, after all. The writing is phenomenal.

I won’t rehash the story line, which is available everywhere the book sells. Just know this: There’s absolutely nothing to criticize about The Silent Corner. Some say Koontz’s style changed over the years, and it probably did. We all change with time, and as we change, so does our way of communicating. I loved this author through every ‘change,’ because one thing remained unchanging throughout the years: Dean Koontz can write. He can tell a story better than all but a couple of other authors that I’m aware of, and he holds his own even with them. His stories never disappoint, and The Silent Corner certainly doesn’t. I was glued to the pages from start to finish.

Unpredictable. Unforgettable. Fascinating. Thought-provoking. Endless heart-pounding excitement. Yes, it’s really that good.

Off to read The Whispering Room. Another Jane Hawk story? I’m already there!

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Scrappymags 3-word review: One bad-ass thrill-ride (cheatin’ with the hyphens again)

Genre: Thriller/somewhat Mystery, in the vein of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series and the Will Robie series by David Baldacci. But with a kick-ass female protagonist! (Yes!!!!)

Shortest summary ever: Someone messed with the wrooooong chick. Jane Hawk takes leave from her job as a FBI agent several months after her husband’s mysterious (and no-reason-behind-it) suicide. What she discovers runs deep, high into the echelon of the U.S. government. Which means, of course, someone is trying to stop her…

As focused as she is on uncovering the truth, powers-that-be are equally determined she doesn’t.

What’s good under the hood: I’ve read a handful of Koontz’s books, all in the hair-rising-on-my-neck variety. Creepy. Eerie. Chilling. This is a departure from that game and firmly in the Jason Bourne ballpark. And it’s done WELL. The pace is no less than indy-fast with surprises around every sharp corner. The best part, bar-none is Jane. She’s wicked-smart. Quick. Nimble. Thoughtful. Manipulative. Calculating. Logical. Lovable. Bad ass (yes, I have a girl crush ). She’s ON IT, never a damsel in distress (THANK YOU!!!). It’s refreshing to encounter Jane and I can’t wait to know more!

What’s bad or made me mad: Another book I can honestly say… nothing.

Recommend to:

*Any best-seller type reader. I am NOT an action movie person, UNLESS there’s a great story and this fits that bill plus more.
*Action lovers. It’s in the Jack Reacher/Jason Bourne vein like I said.
*Those who want a quick-read, fast, keep-you-awake read

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Ballantine and Mr. Koontz for introducing me to Jane, and for years of (wonderful) sleepless nights.

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Despite a promising description, I was not really dazzled by The Silent Corner. There are a few things you should maybe know before you decide if you should take my word on this one:
1. This is my first Dean Koontz book (I think). If I have read him before, it was a long time ago and I don't recall.

2. My dad loved Dean Koontz. I know this because I was the one who packed up his books and he had countless Dean Koonz (& James Patterson) novels. Many were hardcover purchased as new release.

3. This is the first Dean Koontz book published after my dad died. I requested an advance copy from NetGalley because I very much wanted to continue my dad's reading habits as a way to feel closer or perhaps pay tribute to him.

I set a really high bar for this book. I didn't love it and I don't plan to continue the series, but I think it just wasn't my kind of thriller. I love a good thriller, but this read more like a rogue agent in pursuit of a conspiracy theory. And, like all good conspiracy theories, it's entirely believable that power-hungry people with too much money could someday seek the kind of power that is described in the book.

I grabbed another Koontz book off of my dad's shelf, so I'll give him another shot. This conspiracy thriller was not to my taste, and perhaps I wanted to love it a little too much for personal reasons. In my opinion, it could have been shorter to keep the suspense moving faster and near the surface.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy for review.

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I have not read a Dean Koontz book in several years. I loved his secret government operations and intense thrillers but think I grew out of them at one point in time. Something made me decide that I should read The Silent Corner and I am really glad I did! It fits in perfectly with my current run of books about the downside of technology, though of course with a Koontz twist!

Jane Hawk is trying to figure out why her husband committed suicide. While many might just tell her “you just never know,” it seems pretty obvious that there is something more to the situation. As she investigates, she realizes she is on the right track when she and her son are threatened. Jane takes her FBI expertise and goes off the grid to keep the bad guys from finding her son and tracking Jane down. In this book, Mr. Koontz is at his twisty devilish best!

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Thank you Dean Koontz for writing a female hero! Jane Hawk is just the woman we need to untangle the great conspiracy and the bad guys. I had stopped reading Koontz for a while - everything seemed the same- so I was pleased to get an ARC from Netgalley of this new novel. It's always news when an established writer starts a new series and sometimes it's an uphill battle to win over old fans but he's done it here. Jane is a complete character- you'll feel for her as she tries to solve the mystery of her husband's suicide and to stop other families from suffering the same fate. She's smart, she's smart aleck, and she's determined. Try this one for a good page turner.

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The best compliment I can give this story is it is typical Koontz. Koontz has a way of wanting you to read his books, at least most of them, in one sitting and this was one of those.

What is different is the concept. I can’t even imagine where Koontz came up with this story of people changing into robots which is just beyond odd and yet there is so much to the horror that you can’t put it down.

The characters are riveting and I can’t wait to read the next in the series. Koontz rarely disappoints and this one certainly doesn’t.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Silent Corner introduces readers to a new heroine, Jane Hawk, an FBI agent looking for answers behind a highly suspicious pattern of suicides, to include her own husband's. Through Jane's investigations, she discovers that the patterns are a result of some kind of advanced technologically driven mind control scheme. This is essentially where the weirdness that I typically think of when it comes to Dean Koontz ends. Jane seems like a head strong, leading lady whose not afraid to answer the tough questions. Unfortunately, I just could not get past the writing with the long run-on sentences and extremely wordy descriptions. I skimmed over a decent number of sections of the story because it just got to be too distracting. In my opinion, not Koontz's best work.

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Name of Book Blog: Spook's House Of Books
Link to my review :

A dazzling new series debuts with a remarkable heroine certain to become a new icon of suspense, propelled by the singular narrative genius of #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz.

I very much need to be dead.

These are the chilling words left behind by a man who had everything to live for but took his own life. In the aftermath, his widow, Jane Hawk, does what all her grief, fear, and fury demands: find the truth, no matter what.
People of talent and accomplishment, people admired and happy and sound of mind, have been committing suicide in surprising numbers. When Jane seeks to learn why, she becomes the most-wanted fugitive in America. Her powerful enemies are protecting a secret so important so terrifying that they will exterminate anyone in their way.
But all their power and viciousness may not be enough to stop a woman as clever as they are cold-blooded, as relentless as they are ruthless and who is driven by a righteous rage they can never comprehend. Because it is born of love

My thoughts:
4.5 stars
Kind of strange but interesting at the same time, it did infact hold my attention and made me want to know more about what was happening and why, it also reminded me of the movie THE Stepford WIVES ( the 1975 version) plus it makes you think, all the time your reading if something like this could really happening ,and if so how would we stop it . It does ended in a cliff hanger ,which means it's the first book in a new series, with that said I would like to think NetGalley for letting me read it in change for my honest opinion .

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Although enjoyed this lasted novel by Dean Koontz, it isn't my favorite. I was hoping it would be more like Innocence, which I loved. This was more like Lightning and some of his older work. The story is good, fast paced and action packed.

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Dean Koontz has long been a favorite author of mine, and I usually rip through his novels at lightning speed because I just can't put them down.

I really liked The Silent Corner, but am only giving 4 stars because I did struggle to complete this one. I think that I just didn't connect with the main character like I have in previous books, so it made it a little harder to stay up at night to finish.

His writing is good, as usual, and I like how he is able to incorporate bits of humor here and there.

Give this one a try and let me know what you think! I'm looking forward to the next one.

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I have enjoyed Dean Koontz books since I was a teenager so when I was given an opportunity to receive an ARC for an honest review, I couldn't pass it up! Jane Hawk is an FBI Agent and a strong female lead character. Jane takes a leave of absence at work after her husband's suicide, or at least it appears to be a suicide but Jane thinks otherwise. While grieving her husband's death, Jane realizes that suicide rates have gone up and that people are committing suicide in alarmingly high numbers.
Jane is trying to find out the true cause of these "suicides" and finds she is being hunted down by a group of men while she is doing this.

Very fast paced book and I love the strong female lead. While it was a fast paced book it dragged a bit at times for me which is why I give it 3 out of 5 starts. This book is to be published on June 6th.

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3.5 stars, just missing 4 stars due to a slow moving plot in the first half.

I’m a long-time fan of Koontz, having read and enjoyed nearly everything he’s written. This thriller is the start of a new series featuring Jane hawk, and is a departure from his typical horror/supernatural genre.

I love a strong female character and Koontz outdid himself with Jane. I liked her a lot. As with most of Koontz’s good guys, she does the right thing regardless of the personal cost. She’s smart, courageous, and determined. She's badass, but with a heart. She won’t hesitate to kill, but only if unavoidable and necessary.

After Jane’s husband unexpectedly dies by his own hand, she discovers a sharp increase in unexplained suicides across the country. As she looks for answers and uncovers truths, she finds her life in danger from people who will stop at nothing to prevent her from discovering the truth. She takes a leave from her job at the FBI and lives life off the grid to escape detection. Staying ahead of the bad guys is challenging and provides much of the edge-of-your seat action.

The book starts off with a bang and then slows down, bogged down by wordy descriptive writing. The first half of the book was slow moving with very wordy descriptive writing. Well-written for sure, as this is Koontz, Still, I became bored and quickly skimmed large sections. Then at around 65% it was non-stop action and I couldn’t put the book down. The book ends without complete resolution. For that you’ll have to read the next book in the series. I’m hoping it will have more action, less description.

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I had an ultimate fangirl moment when I saw that The Silent Corner was available for review on NetGalley. See, I am a huge Dean Koontz fan. Huge. I started reading his books my sophomore year of high school, Ticktock was the book, and I was hooked. I have read every single book of his up to The Husband. Then I stopped. I had two children almost back to back, moved 3 times and honestly, didn’t have the time to read. In 2011, I got my first Kindle and started reading again. I missed reading his books (mine got lost in one of the moves we had). So when I saw The Silent Corner for review on NetGalley, I applied. I was not expecting to be selected and when I got the email that I had been selected, I got up and did a happy dance.

I wasn’t disappointed in The Silent Corner. It was everything that I have come to expect from his books. Plenty of intrigue, action and a hint of paranormal. From the beginning of the book, I was hooked in because I had to find out what Jane was doing and how she was going to do it. Believe me, when a book does that to someone, it is worth reading and keeping (I am talking my SO into buying me the hardcover when it is published).

From the opening scene to the end, which was really creepy, I was kept on my toes. You never knew where the story would end up or what Jane would do. I loved it. Normally, I don’t like it when the author plays mind games or switches to other characters point of views. But in this book, it worked and it helped build the story up to the climax and when the two main storylines intertwined.

What I liked about this book is how realistic it was. What was happening to these people on that scientist’s Hamlet list….that could happen. It is feasible that some nut with a God complex could design something like what is outlined in the book and then use it in the same way. As with all of his other books, there is a hint of truth running through it and it makes you think….what if?? Could it really happen??

The end of the book was pretty intense. All of the storylines were brought together in a way that ended all but the main one. Doing that also left the book wide open for book 2….which I will be waiting with bated breath to come out.

How many stars will I give The Silent Corner: 5

Why: Great plot lines, great characters, and overall a great book

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Violence and language

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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Dean Koontz is back and at the top of his game! This book was action packed from the get go and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat throughout the entire book. With plenty of twist and turns and a terrific new heroine, this book has it all. The ending does leave the reader hanging and I have to say this reader can't wait for the Whispering Room!

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Wow, this one crazy, out there concept that humans could be programmed to hear a couple of words and then turn into robots and do what is asked of them. And, people were buying into it! For a $300,000 membership fee you could visit a place where all the women are there to do anything and everything you ask. This guy even had coyotes programmed to be watchdogs on his very private property in Napa.

A freaky concept that had Jane Hawk looking for answers as to how her husband could be dancing and singing one minute and then slitting his throat in the bathtub the next. And he isn't the only one. The notes they leave before they commit the deed are VERY strange!

I read this book in one sitting as I just could not put it down. Jane Hawk's life, as well as her five year old son's, is threatened. She has bad guys chases her everywhere she goes. The things that she does in order to stay one step ahead kept me mesmerized and turning those pages. I didn't even stop when the sunlight started coming through my windows! I had to finish the book and see what happened.

I didn't realize until the end that this was going to be a series and I can't wait to read the next book!!

Thanks to Random House/Ballantine and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Jane Hawk’s husband commits suicide but she believes there is more to it. As she researches similar weird suicides, she takes a leave of absence from the FBI, sells her home, hides her son with friends and investigate a group she has no idea who they are. But when they send out drones to kill her, it ups the ante. She goes off the grid and soon finds herself in a worldwide conspiracy to control the population. I won’t say anymore, one must read this intense, high energy thriller that may seem far-fetched but could someday happen. A new series by author Dean Koontz that I know I will continue to read. Jane Hawk is one tough bird!

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I really enjoyed THE SILENT CORNER. Caught up in Koontz brand of storytelling, I found myself anxiously turning each page to see what horror Jane would have to face next.

For the most part, I was enraptured by THE SILENT CORNER but occasionally it got a little too descriptive, upsetting the character connects and the flow.

This is the first time I'm reading a Dean Koontz novel and I can tell you now it won't be my last. Koontz writes a memorizing and riveting tale that just grabs the reader in its clutches.

I received this ARC copy of The Silent Corner from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantan. This is my honest and voluntary review. The Silent Corner is set for publication June 6, 2017.
My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Dean Koontz
Hardcover: 464 pages
Publisher: Bantam
Publication Date: June 20, 2017
ISBN-10: 0345545990
ISBN-13: 978-0345545992
Genre: Psychological Thrillers

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