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Vanishing Act

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Vanishing Act is a lovely, really well developed story about a burned-out movie star and the beautiful young local woman he meets when he goes off the "grid". Life has gotten to be too much for Landon Price and he just needs a break from it all. Against the advice and wishes of his agent he trades in the limelight and heads for some much needed down time on a remote, scarcely inhabited Hawaiian island. There, thanks to one match-making ball of fur, he runs into the gorgeous and slightly sheltered Zara. There's an instant attraction on his part, but Zara, even without knowing who he really is, doesn't have much interest in the handsome stranger. He's too cocky, too overwhelming, too unrelenting. But he's determined to break down her walls and show her resistance to him is futile!

Landon, or Lance as he's known on the island, and Zara have a sweet romance that really blossoms over the weeks he's in Hawaii. After initially pushing him away, Zara discovers there's so much more to Lance than what she expected. And even after finding out who he really is, her feelings are too deep and she decides he's worth being with.

Zara and Lance encounter a few obstacles on their path to a happily ever after, namely her father, Lance's career, and the distance between them. But thanks to an unexpected ally, Zara realizes she needs to finally take charge of her own life, even knowing her father won't be happy with the choices she makes. It's time she started living on her own terms, instead of continually letting the past stifle her.

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4.5 Stars!

I loved this book. While some may read the blurb and think this story is nothing new, just another story of a movie star meeting a girl who has no idea who he is - not once while I was reading this book did I feel bored or like I’ve read this story before.

While Landon may be a Hollywood heart throb, he’s still very grounded. Family is very important to him. He had something terrible happen to him in his personal life and he just wants to step out of the lime light for a while, so he heads to a remote island in Hawaii where he meets Zara.

When you hear about a character like Zara, who’s unfamiliar with a movie star like Landon, you wonder what kind of character they are. What young female couldn't possibly know who the current celebrity hearts throbs are? Zara, who lives on a remote island in Hawaii, that’s who. Few people have cell phones because cell reception is practically non-existent, and the local theater doesn’t play current movies. I didn't think she was especially sheltered or naive, just not up on the current trends.

This was such a sweet romance. I really enjoyed watching these two characters getting to know each other better, while watching them grow as individuals as well. I definitely recommend this book.

ARC kindly received from publisher via NetGalley.

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Vanishing Act is the perfect sweet, with a little heat summer read.
Landon is a Hollywood star who just needs a break. He feels like his whole life is an act. He can't remember when he was just himself. So he plans a trip to an HI island where the people are laid back and there is no internet and the TV show Friends is the current show.
Zara is a 23 year girl who is a little be on the innocent side. She hasn't much experience with men. He father is very protective of her because of the families past history. So she has been sheltered to a certain extend. When she meets Landon she is surprised at how quickly she is drawn to him. Landon is thrilled she doesn't recognize him as no one on the islands seems to. Landon feels for the first time he doesn't have to put on an act before the cameras. He is completely smitten with Zara.
I personally like a little angst with my romance. Everything was a little to easy for me. Still a good story.

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This is a sweet romance with very little angst or action to the story but has a sweet HEA . For me that made it drag more than I would have liked. Both characters seemed to be well thought out, but again, this was such a NA romance even with Landon being 31 years old. Zara felt very young to me, and I am realizing that I have passed the stage where young love interests me. I thought the story line worked well, and the writing was as good as her other books, this book for me though, just felt too young for my tastes. Thanks as always to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review!

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Landon Price is a movie star who is burnt out. He has become his on screen and Hollywood persona and is worried about losing his true self. He decides to escape to a small Hawaiian island to regroup, rest and rediscover himself.

Zara Jobert is originally from South Africa. Her family relocated when she was 10 during some political upheaval and the death of her oldest sister. She is at a crossroads herself, trying to assert her independence from an overly protective father.

Landon and Zara meet when her dog runs away and ends up at his bungalow. He is immediately smitten. There really is no plot. The book is him chasing after her and talking repeatedly about how beautiful she is. While he pursues her, he continues to hide his true identity.

Both characters fell flat for me and I felt no heat. If I rolled my eyes one more time, they were going to roll right out of my head.
I have been trying to read this book for a week. After putting it down and reading two other books, I picked it up again. At 40%, I stopped again. I thought, I’ll read the epilogue to see if it inspires me to finish. It did not. This is a DNF for me.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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I've been a fan of A.M. Madden since her Back-Up Series and I will read anything that she writes. So when Vanishing Act became available, I gobbled it up. I always have fun with the highly sought after actor going into seclusion only to come out with the love of his life, which is what this book is basically about. 

Zara has been living on her small island in Hawaii for a long time now and it's pretty clear that she isn't that emerged in current pop culture. They lead a simple life but you can tell that she's always wanted to break free and do something else. When her dog takes off on her and ends up in the arms of one of the most handsome men she has ever seen, Zara's life takes off in a new direction. 

Landon ends up in Hawaii after needing a moment to escape everything. He's pretty much off the grid and absolutely no one knows where he is. He quickly adapts to the peaceful life that Hawaii is offering him but one look at Zara and she consumes him. He will do whatever it takes to make her his. 

Here's the thing about this book. It certainly has some great moments and I seriously enjoyed the relationship between Marshmallow and Landon. In fact, I might have enjoyed a little bit more than the relationship between Zara and Landon. The moments between man and dog were absolutely hilarious. 

I enjoyed Landon's banter and the fact that he goes after what he wants. He certainly has charm and swagger and he is easy to connect to. Separately, I liked Zara as well. I think she has her moments and can banter just as well but I fell short with them together. I honestly think it was because the first part of the book moved way too slow to me. It was almost 50% before the two of them figured out what was really going on with them and I just felt the pace and progression to that point was slow. Of course, this is my own opinion and I think others might not think that at all. 

Don't let my rating fool you, I did enjoy this book and I do recommend it. I just needed to be honest about my own struggle to really connect to the main characters and the pace. Honestly, if you like the actor falling for someone who has absolutely no idea who he is and that bit of freshness, then give this book a go. I think you might enjoy it.

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OMG, this book made me swoon so hard. I loved Landon. He was nothing like I expected him to be-sweet, gentle, down to earth and not afraid to go after a good thing once he found it. Reading about guys running away from love gets tiresome but Landon runs toward it in Vanishing Act, and it was so refreshing. He's still a solid man though with a sexy mouth.

I couldn't get enough of Zara's innocence. I can't imagine growing up like her but at the same time I wish I could experience her naivety. She's such a beautifully complex character and perfect for Landon. I loved the progression of their relationship. Even though they both had doubts, they went for it with all they had. Even when Zara found out Landon's secret she didn't run away and abandon him like I was expecting. This is just a really good sexy romance from beginning to end. I could keep reading about Zara and Landon forever!

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Landon is a highly sort after Hollywood star. He needs a break. Taking a break is against his agents, Roger's wishes. I loved the interaction between Landon and Roger. Landon didn't back down. Landon takes a break and goes to Lanai, Hawaii. He's not looking to find love, he just wants a break from the rush and bustle of his Hollywood life but while there he meets Zara. Zara has a dog made Marshmallow but Landon calls him Spike. Marshmallow is how Landon meets Zara. Zara is a great character. They wasn't one thing I didn't like about her. These two have great chemistry. It's a good read.

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AM Madden is a new to me author. I really liked the blurb that went along with this book so I signed up to review it through NetGalley. I liked the story line but I just could not connect with the main characters. All in all, Vanishing Act was an OK story.

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Vanishing Act by A.M. Madden - 5 Stars

This is the story of Landon Price and Zara Jobert. Landon is a Hollywood actor at the top of his game. He is burnt out and needs some time away from the spotlight. He decides to vanish to a small island in Hawaii where he can recharge for 6 weeks. Zara is a young woman who grew up sheltered on the island and is unaware of who the new vacationer really is. They meet as a result of her runaway dog who Landon calls "Spike" because Marshmallow is just to emasculating a name.

This book has it all. Romance, introspective reflection on the meaning of life, humor, and sexy scenes too. The character development is complete and the story flows quickly from beginning to end. It is told in dual point of view so we can see both sides of the developing romance. The interaction with Spike had me chuckling often.

When I "closed this book" I wanted to do two things. Take my husband on a trip to a secluded tropical island from some R&R and adopt a little dog who understands me.

I absolutely recommend this book.

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Vanishing Act by A.M. Madden

If you are looking for a simple sweet drama-free contemporary romance between a gorgeous young woman and a slightly older A-list heartthrob movie star then this book might be just the one for you. Landon is in Hawaii taking a break from his hectic schedule when he meets Zara Jobert and sparks fly. Flirtation, kisses and eventually more are all part of the courting of Zara by Landon.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept for the ARC – this is my honest review.

3 Stars

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This is my first time reading a story written by this amazing author and I was far from being disappointed. This 5 star story kept my undivided attention solely on this great book.

Landon his a famous actor that needs to get away for a while and regain his energy. He never thought he would fall head over heals in love in Hawaii. Upon meeting Zara, he can't get enough of her. Zara is fascinated by "Lance" but she thinks he's an accountant on vacation. She will learn the truth and all hell will break loose.

I really enjoyed this wonderful love story that had just the right amount of angst and drama to keep me focused on the story. I really loved the characters, especially Marshmallow aka Spike. He was a great added bonus to compliment an already great story.

Standalone told in a dual POV with an HEA. I strongly recommend this story.

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If love at first sight is your thing, then Vanishing Act by A.M. Madden is just the book for you. Bonus, the heroine is biracial and her family fled from racial discord in Apartheid South Africa. This is not your usual cute-boy-meets-cute-girl and falls in love story. Rather, there’s deception and depth to these characters, which makes the story interesting.

Landon Price is famous. He has won an Oscar already, and after his latest film is wrapped up, he needs an escape. Thus he travels with an alias for a name and heads to a little unknown island in Hawaii. Here he meets Zara Jobert, eight years his junior with looks that could melt him into a puddle. Only she doesn’t know she’s beautiful. WHAT? How can a modelesque twenty-three-year-old not know how beautiful she is?

Well, that is part of her backstory. Without giving too much away, we learn early on that her father was very political and black. Her mother was ten years his junior and a blonde beauty from Europe. This interracial union might seem uneventful here, but back years ago when Apartheid was toppled in South Africa, interracial unions were unheard of and dangerous. The Jobert’s felt this danger firsthand with a crime resulting in the death of Zara’s sister. Hence Zara was sheltered to the greatest degree. And why we understand why Zara can be so clueless.

And what I love is how Ms. Madden turns this movie star into a “normal” person.

My eyes searched the faces for the one I’d hoped was there… I had thought long and hard over the obsession to see her again. I came up with only one logical explanation. Going in, I had no expectations of having any kind of a sex life while I hid in paradise.

..I hadn’t had a wet dream in years.

Yes, celebrity and all, we see Landon through the eyes of Zara….a real person.

Our eyes connected and held. I waited to how she’d respond.

What I didn’t expect was for her to say, “I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into what I assumed was the kitchen…clearly I once again freaked her out with my honesty, I knew her well enough to know she just needed to take a few minutes to digest what I said. But I couldn’t regret sharing these little tidbits of information. When near her, weirdly enough it all made sense.

Let’s face it, folks, we all have a celebrity crush. And we all want our celebrity crush to be normal, or have normal feelings. And lo and behold, Landon is our man. Of course, the truth of his real identity finally comes out and puts a monkey wrench in things. But as we've come to hope and love in romance, there is an HEA.

Also, Zara is biracial. Sure, she's tall and beautiful. But she’s different than what we normally see in today’s society. She’s not white. Don’t get me wrong. I like reading about all colors of our rainbow. It’s just dominated by western European norms. So I get excited when a main character deviates from that norm. Someday there will be so many characters of all backgrounds I won’t have to point out a biracial heroine. Until that day, here’s a start.

Thank you, A.M. Madden.


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A hot Hollywood star finds himself burned out and in desperate need to find himself some peace and quite and be away from prying eyes and paparazzi. But how is a person whose face is known around the world supposed to find that peace? Apparently at a remote location in Hawaii. A place so remote and behind that they hardly have cell service. The perfect place for a heartthrob like Landon Price, or as he is calling himself in Lanai, Lance White, an accountant from New Jersey.

Landon has finally found the one place on earth that he is incognito. But it seems that his peace is about to come to an end when a fluffy Maltese finds his way to Landon's bungalow. Upon searching for his owner, he finds the most stunning woman he has ever seen and life as he knows it will never be the same.

Zara Jobert lives a very sheltered life on the island. After the murder of her older sister, her family fled South Africa to come to Hawaii. She feels that there is something undeniably magnetic about the sexy tourist who her dog just can't seem to forget and leave. But can this attraction be anything more than just a holiday fling?

A perfect beach read! The story's main character is Landon. We only get to read Zara's point of view after the ninth chapter. I have to admit that I did find Zara to be a little to naive, but I guess considering the sheltered life that she has led, it only makes sense for her to act this way. An entertaining and fun read!

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This story was so unique to me. We have Landon Price who is a successful Hollywood star who needs a break from the life. Zara lives in a small town in Hawaii that is off the map. She is very sheltered. When they meet and sparks fly, the harder they fall, the more Landon worries that his life will be too much for Zara.

This book, to me, speaks volumes about what it's like to be famous. How much of your privacy you give up and how you become a public persona and you aren't really just a person anymore. Everyone wants something from you. Landon was not cocky or stuck up. I liked him instantly and fell harder for him as the story progressed. His biggest hang up was how to protect Zara from his life and what being a part of it means. He continually put her first and I loved him for it. Zara was a little sheltered and at times, I wondered how that's possible in this day and age, but I loved how even though she was scared, she didn't make any drastic decisions. I loved Zara and Landon's story. The depth of the characters and the detail of the story were perfect.

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Landon is a big box office movie star who has worked the last 10 years straight. He's tired of everything ... his life, the fame, the women and especially the gossip. So he can recuperate, he decides to go off the grid to a small Hawaiian town that seem to be stuck in the 1980s. There he meets the beautiful Zara ... who has no clue who he is. He is instantly attracted to her, but she is young and naive so it takes a while before she trusts him enough to let him in.

This is a sweet romantic story, but very predicable ... I kept waiting for something big to happen. I thought the story had the potential to have so many twists and turns, but kinda fell flat.

I received an ARC copy courtesy of Random House - Loveswept through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A.M. Madden’s Vanishing Act is a sexy, fun romance, where the A-list movie star meets and falls head over heels with one of the few women who isn’t impressed by his wealth or fame. Landon Price is burned out from Hollywood and desperately needs a break. He sneaks away to Hawaii under an assumed name, and only his mother knows where he went. He meets islander Zara Robert, and he is immediately attracted to her and intrigued by her.

Zara doesn’t know who Landon is, and he doesn’t tell her. They find themselves craving each other’s company, and their chemistry is undeniable. As they get to know each other more and like each other more, Landon becomes trapped in his deception. He does not know how Zara will react when she finds out, or if she will want to be a part of his lifestyle.

I love when a hero falls hard for a heroine, and Landon is a goner when he meets Zara. He’s sweet and caring, and sexy as hell. They have a great dynamic, and I enjoyed how their relationship developed. Vanishing Act has everything we love in a romance and should be on everyone’s to-be-read list.

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Book Info
Kindle Edition
Expected publication: July 4th 2017 by Loveswept
Edition Language English
Other Editions None found
Source:Netgalley EARC

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USA Today bestselling author, A.M. Madden returns with a brand-new novel of seduction.

After personal heartbreak and professional setbacks, Landon Price is running on empty. If he doesn’t take a break from the public eye soon, he’ll risk becoming another cautionary tale in a town that’s full of them. So in between film projects, Landon asks his agent to clear his schedule and then he simply . . . vanishes. Renting a discreet home on a remote Hawaiian beach for the summer, Landon begins to recharge. And in the process of finding himself, he meets a beautiful, feisty local who challenges everything he thinks he knows.

Zara Jobert has no interest in being a conquest for a cocky playboy from the mainland—even one with undeniable charisma and movie-star good looks. So she’s pleasantly surprised when the handsome newcomer’s persistent advances mellow into cozy banter and a sneakily seductive intimacy. When Landon reveals his true identity, Zara’s hurt that he lied, but she doesn’t care that he’s famous. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same way. And falling for Landon might come with a heartbreaking choice—between Zara’s old life, and a new love.

Vanishing Act is a stand alone novel meant for readers 18+ due to adult content.

My Thoughts

Landon Price is a huge movie star who at 31 finds himself on the brink of burnout. He has accomplished his goal of having fame, fortune and being on the A-list of celebrity stardom. However, now having done so, his non-stop work schedule has him tired to the point of feeling like he will collapse if given no break soon.

Finding the perfect getaway where he can relax, unwind and basically simply exist with no demands on his time is hard but a little town in Hawaii is chosen and using an alias Landon makes his way there for a chance to decompress out of the sight of fans or papparazzi.

Zara Jobert is a 23-year-old resident of his chosen Island town Lanai, a young South African woman whose family left home to settle in Hawaii off the beaten path for personal reasons when she was very young.

These two have lived very different lives but now their paths have crossed and an attraction between them becomes all consuming. When reality rears it's ugly head causing Zara to learn that the man she has fallen in love with is not who he presents himself to be will things end before they begin or will she follow her heart's desire?

This was a different kind of romance tale, one that built slowly and never really picked up to a faster momentum until nearly the end for me.

(view spoiler)

[EArc from Netgalley in exchange for honest review]

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I liked Vanishing act. I was hoping to love the hell out of this novel, but it was just okay for me.

Landon is a famous Hollywood movie star that simply needs a break from the limelight. He decides to vanish to a rural area in Hawaii. While there, fate steps in and he meets the woman that he will soon find is his other half and the love of his life...ZARA. Landon is not the only one hiding secrets though....Zara and her family are also hiding out for reasons you will soon find out.

The start of this novel is pretty slow and I had a hard time keeping my attention on this novel. I also found the plot rather predictable.

Enough of the heavy, now onto the positives. I loved Landon/Lance, I loved his commitment to Zara and the fact that he was the one to come forth and reveal his truths. Vanishing Act also has a rather adorable puppy...Zara calls him Marshmallow, Landon calls him Spike. This puppy is definitely a matchmaker.

Overall, Vanishing Act was just okay for me. I may try picking it back up and giving it a reread in the future to see if it was just me and my reading preferences at this time but as of right now it was just okay.

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