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Fault Lines

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Charlie Hazard is a security expert, having been a body guard and more in some of the most critical situations on the globe. Then, a woman approaches him and introduces him to the most cutting edge technology on the globe. Technology that can even give a person a glimpse into the future. Technology some would rather wipe off the face of the earth than allow to hit the markets. Charlie has his work cut out for him if he decides to help them.

Fault Lines. This one was suspense, not my normal read. But it was good. Great, even. The technology that was introduced was fascinating. Can I give a little away? (view spoiler) I don't know if it is a kind of tech that can actually be replicated in the real world, though it reminds me of some of the slightly telepathic abilities I've seen in fantasy novels. I can see why the elite business gurus wouldn't want it on the market. It really does wipe out everything they've done to brainwash people into living a life exactly the way they say to. That part was really realistic. I can see the CEOs of some of the largest companies conspiring together how to rule the world. Sounds like a conspiracy theory my uncle once said.

The novel was filled with action, danger, and spattering of romance. Dull moments were few and far between. I enjoyed it. It may not be my usual genre, but it was good and I recommend it.

I received a complementary copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I haven’t been disappointed by a Thomas Locke book yet! I would be surprised if I ever were. Right now I have a whole list of adjectives running through my mind about this third book in the Fault Lines series…

Jaw-dropping!… Exciting!… Brilliant!… Thrilling!… Genuine!… Exhilarating!… Dangerous!… Heady!… Impelling!… Spine-tingling!… Intriguing! Enthralling! Charged!… Engrossing! Absolutely outstanding!

Locke has kept me on the edge of my seat again. I would genuinely love to see the Fault Lines series made into a movie (if Hollywood didn’t mess it up too much).

I found that there is a theme running throughout Fault Lines. The theme is that of relationships. Genuine bonds vs tenuous bonds. Relational bonds vs dictatorial bonds.

Genuine relationships rely upon truth, respect, shared values, and genuine caring. This caring must be shown with actions and not just words. These relationships create a unity that is almost impossible to destroy.

Then there is the group in direct opposition. Their group dynamic is tenuous at best as it is created by intimidation, vengeance, financial reward, and a desperate need for status within a group.

It isn’t hard to realize which group will ultimately succeed.

Julio is an example of the type of person that can be a pivotal member of a group bonded by respect and love. What a kid! The kind of life that Julio was dealt will either break you or make you. Add in a person or two that genuinely see something in you and who care… and show that care through genuine action; that can definitely make you. Julio’s character (as in… “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual,” not a character in a book) is truly admirable. He doesn’t go down a path of self-pity but seeks self-improvement and that kid is genuinely loyal. It is exciting to see what Julio and the three other dynamic members of the team can do with this healthy kind of group dynamic.

Locke always leaves me breathlessly awaiting the next book. Locke ends Fault Lines in a way that provides me with the hope that another book is planned for the Fault Lines series. I pray so!

Without reservation, I recommend the entire Fault Lines series. Happy reading!

As a reviewer for NetGalley, I received a review copy of this book in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. My thanks to NetGalley, the author, and publisher.

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Fault Lines is a very well written suspense. This book has a great plot with lots of twists that kept me guessing. I highly recommend this book.

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It will take you away!
A haunting non-stop psychological action book. Why do you read? I personally read for entertainment, something to “take me away” but I also like to learn something, expand my knowledge. This is a book that would make a great movie. Lots of action, beautiful European settings. There is a group of scientists who have discovered a way to tap into the human mind and have an “out of body” experience where you can see into the future. They are up against a powerful company that would like to steal that knowledge and use it for their gain. Lots of danger there, and a fight for their lives. Coming from Baker Publishing I expected this to be a Christian read. Although it is a “clean” story I didn’t find a true Christian tie-in. It’s a good read, very well written, but I found it lacked depth, was disturbing and I did not have a good feeling when finished. I really like Thomas Locke, but I don't think I personally would read the next in line for this series.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Author and Revell/Baker Publishing Group - Netgalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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As a security expert, Charlie Hazard is all about taking control of the situation. But when the stunning Dr. Gabriella Speciale draws him into a secret psychological project, risk parameters are shattered. Every move brings him to the edge of one fault line after another, and Charlie struggles to stay clear of a maelstrom of entangled dangers.

The research team abandons the lab on the Florida coast and flees to a mountain refuge in Italy. The battles in Charlie's mind are overtaken by real life attacks. He must grapple with the daunting realization that a conspiracy is taking hold on both internal and external levels. Can Gabriella be trusted, or is she just part of the scheme?

Leave behind your assumptions about the way the world works, and race along the unknown corridors of human consciousness in Fault Lines.

I had previously read other books by Davis Bunn and really enjoyed them, so I was surprised to find out that he was writing under a pen name. His other books have been intense, and this was no exception. There were so many twists and turns it was hard to follow at times, but by half way in, it had me turning pages to see what happened next.

Thanks to Baker Publishing for a copy of this book to read and review!

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I've read and enjoyed T. Davis Bunn's fiction for years, but was surprised that he was writing under a pen name with Fault Lines. As I started the book, I realized the reason why, which was it was completely different than his previous books and he needed to shed his reputation as an author to appeal to a different type of audience. Based on the description, I thought Fault Lines was the first book in the series, and it is chronologically. I could not figure out where the plot was headed with its twists and turns, but it made me check out the other two books in the series.
Charlie Hazard seems like a normal guy working security at a local community center, but that all changes one night when he meets Dr. Gabriella Speciale. She is conducting psychological experiments that create an out of body experience. Although it seems like a typical science research experiment, the plot is much deeper, and will leave the reader flipping pages to find out what will happen next. Sorry for the limited details on the plot, but much more detail would qualify as spoilers.

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I enjoyed this book so much but I have to admit that I was a bit confused. I have previously read Double Edge (an ebook prequel to the series), Trial Run, and Flash Point. So I was expecting Fault Lines to be book three in the series. It's not.

Fault Lines is actually book one. (Yes, it was published last but it is really the first.) When I began reading the book I kept thinking I've read this before. It's because I had. Double Edge is covered almost verbatim in chapter one of Fault Lines. The story then continues on giving details that nicely bridge into Trial Run.

So if you're like me and already read what are now books two and three don't worry about reading Fault Lines. You'll have details that you already know but there will be a nice clarity to what is going on. In fact I'm thinking of going back and rereading Trial Run and Flash Point.

If you're new to this series go ahead and skip the ebook and dive right in to Flash Point. You'll be starting at the beginning and I can assure you that you are in for a real treat. I like Thomas Locke's (Davis Bunn) writing and this series is my favorite so far. If you like suspense with a bit of sci-fi elements thrown in this is written for you!

I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.

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I haven’t read anything by this author so I was excited to try a new book. Unfortunately I didn’t read the book description very well because I don’t care for “psychological thriller” books. I had a hard time getting into the characters and plot.

From the first chapter it seemed unrealistic and weird to me that Charlie would get into a vehicle with a strange woman and drive to a secret, undisclosed location. I read about half the book before I just put it away.

If you like this author’s writing style or psychological thriller mystery books, than you may enjoy this one!

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A thriller that will keep you reading. Fault Lines is a book that will leave you rethinking how things are and looking at things with a new light. Charlie thinks that he knows what is going on, but soon finds himself questioning many things. He has to look twice at everything to make sure all is as it seems.
I received a copy of the book from the publisher, the review is entirely my own.

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This book was like a battle of wits on steroids—and by steroids, I mean a combination of spec ops and quantum physics! But don’t worry if quantum physics isn’t your thing. There’s nothing the average person (like me!) can’t understand in this story. All you need to know is that Dr. Gabriella Speciale has discovered a way to separate human sensory awareness from the body by combining and varying different pitch frequencies, allowing a person to be transported through time and space. Simple, huh?! But truly, if I can follow it, you can follow it.

Although this is the third full length novel to be released in this series, chronologically, this book takes place before Trial Run and Flash Point. If you have read the novella Double Edge that released way back in 2015, you will recognise the opening chapters in Fault Lines (and now that I’ve told you, you won’t be sitting there wondering why it seems vaguely familiar, like I was!) Fault Lines gives us the full story of how Charlie Hazard came to be involved with Gabriella’s team, and even the story of why Reese Clawson is determined to obliterate Gabriella’s entire group. And it’s intense!

I’m not going to say anything about the plot. That would be totally spoiling it. But I will say that I love the character of Charlie Hazard. And I promise it’s not because we’re told his late wife described him as ‘an old soul trapped in an underwear model’s body’! (Although you won’t hear me complaining, either!) But Charlie is quietly intense, loyal, and honourable. He has some totally mad skills, thanks to his time as an Army Ranger and training covert operatives on field techniques, and when it comes to a battle of wits, Vizzini would lose before he arrived, and even the Man in Black wouldn’t know what hit him!

The icing on the cake is Thomas Locke’s writing. I find myself highlighting passages simply because of the delicious way he phrases things. It’s what first drew me to his writing, and the main reason why I picked up the first book in this series, despite it being so far out of my usual reading genre.

Just one thing. Please tell me there is another one coming—to continue the story after Flash Point! *bats eyelashes*

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I really am looking forward to the next book in this series. I need to know what is going to happen to this group of people. Where will this project go? There were many twists and turns throughout this book. Everyone had a slightly different reaction to what was happening in this experiment. I received a copy of this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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Charlie Hazard is a security specialist and is very good at his job. One day, a young woman named Gabriella Speciale shows up and throws a wrench into his work and his life. After a high-speed chase when they manage to get away from some rouge bikers, Gabriella talks Charlie into becoming a part of a secret psychological experiment which changes Charlie’s perspective on life. There is corporate opposition that is threatened by what breakthroughs might occur by this group and they are out to put an end to the research and to the team. After relocating the lab from Florida to Europe, Charlie must decide how to best protect his team and to find if he can trust Gabriella.

So, this seemed to be more of a prequel to the first two installments. When reading Trial Run, Charlie is already part of the team and here we get to see his first interactions with Gabriella and see how more of this started. It was a little confusing at first, but then it all started falling into place. Granted, I had to go back and reread Trial Run so that I could remember everything that had gone on previously and I’m glad that I did! I had to put everything b ack into perspective with Charlie, Gabriella, Brett, and of course Reese Clawson. She just keeps reappearing like a bad penny.

This series has been really fun to read as it makes me look at the world differently. What if what they are doing is actually true; being able to have a conscious out of body experience and witness what else is happening in the world would be incredible. If you haven’t started this series, I highly recommend starting with this one and then moving onto Trial Run and Flash Point. It will make it seem like one quick story!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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Fault Lines was just okay to me. I would give it 3 stars.

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In the book Fault Lines, author Thomas Locke follows security specialist Charlie Hazard and his strange invitation to help Dr. Gabriella Speciale with a secret psychological project. This edge of your seat story is a quick read. It is a bit confusing at times and I still don’t understand the experiment but it was a fun read!
I would recommend this book! I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What an incredible journey Locke (T. Davis Bunn) takes the reader on in this speculative suspense book. Starting in a Florida community center with three unlikely allies,with Charlie and his compatriots fleeing to Italy in a quest to expand the boundaries of time and space, Locke's Fault Lines is a very tense and exciting book.

The characters are presented little by little, as different situations occur,then seem to create fault lines as if the story has hit a definite snag or precipice. Eventually, the reader gets a feeling of knowing the characters. Charlie Hazard is former security detail, hand-picked by Gabriella and her group of scientists to provide safety for themselves and the secret work they are hiding from a very powerful enemy, the Combine.
Who is on the side of right, is everyone what he or she seems, and which team has the wits and power to win this "game" of life and death?!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Revell and NetGalley. This in no way influenced my opinions, for which I am solely responsible.

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Full of action, this book starts off with a bang and continues the ride until the end. I have read the previous books but I was still a little confused about some of the characters. The premise was a bit far fetched. The characters had depth and one felt as if they were right there in the action. I deeply missed any reference to anyone having a real, true and dynamic relationship with the Lord. It was a clean, action packed read but devoid of any spiritual emphasis.

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