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Down & Dirty

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Down & Dirty
Tracy Wolff

Grab your tissues! Your in for an amazing time with this awesome sport themed romance. A little bit of laughs and some tears shed while reading this one. My first Tracy Wolff book and it definitely won't be my last. This one grabs your right from the beginning and keeps it going till the end.
I look forward to the next Lightning story coming soon. Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I love sports romance in general and that one wasn't too bad. I had a few issues. For one I couldn't really connect with the characters. Also the story itself was good but nothing unforgettable. I wanted it to have more sparks (and not just the bedroom kind, but really the characters connecting on a deaper level).

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This was such an emotional book. We have a quarterback who is known as the golden boy, but nobody really knows him and what he is going thru. Then we meet Emerson, a sassy artist who is just trying to pay the bills as a new realtor. The way they meet in funny, and they have an instant attraction to each other, but she tries to fight it, because she does not want to lose her new job, which he steam rolled in having her in to show him houses. As they start to spend time together, she sees they is more to him, and that he is fighting some sort of battle. Then the real tragedy hits, and it breaks your heart, but even as he pushes her away, she fights, and they end up having there HEA. worth reading

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Emerson and Hunter meet on Emerson's first day on her new job at a real estate agency and convinces her boss to let Emerson show him some houses on the market. This is a great read about true love and the heartache of losing a sibling. Tracy Wolff has created the perfect book for readers you have laughter, love and heartache. I highly recommend this book for all readers.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley.

Tracy Wolff long ago became a one click author for me. Her books are always sexy and more often than not involve an alpha male and a sassy female main character. Insta-love is definitely a theme throughout her stories so be forewarned if that's not your thing.

I'm a sucker for a sports romance which is hilarious to me as someone who doesn't watch sports. In this story, we've got a football player and a real estate agent. I loved Emerson (the female mc). She was sassy and hilarious and independent. Hunter (the male) was sexy, confident and just the right amount of cocky without being awful. The vulnerability he showed later in the story was a welcome surprise and I really liked the entire story.

If you need a quick, smutty read, this is one I definitely think you should pick up.

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Wow!!! I was not expecting such an emotional story that had me in tears, laughing and swooning. A gorgeous romance with hot steamy scenes and a unique story - I loved this book!

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This book was so good and hot! The way Emerson and Hunter meet is less than ideal, but then he does his best to make up for it with her. He wants to hire her to find him his perfect place. No one else seems to listen to his needs. But what the two of them get is so so much more!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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This is the story of . . .
Hunter, NFL quarterback and Emerson, artist at heart, real estate agent-in-training by day. After a humorous if slightly humiliating first meeting, Hunter tries to make up for his blunder by hiring Emerson as his real estate agent. He needs the perfect home for his family, the sooner the better. It doesn’t hurt that by hiring her, he has an excuse to spend time with her.

Emerson is looking to make ends meet. Desperate to keep her job Emerson goes all in to match Hunter with the home of his dreams. Knowing everything that is riding on closing this deal, Emerson tries to keep things professional but Hunter isn't some who gives up easily.

The more time they spend together, the more they reveal about who they really are as people not just labels and cliches. Soon it’s not all business between them, but something a whole lot more intimate. But although Emerson is letting down her walls around Hunter, he has some secrets he’s holding back that may just end things before they even begin.

What I loved about it:
Down and Dirty had humor, heat and heart. I wasn’t expecting such an emotional read but it showed you a side of Hunter that fleshed him out. It was hard to read about his family life but I also respected that he had to deal with his issues in his own way. I loved that Hunter was such an affectionate person. He was always touching, holding, hugging and kissing that it was kind of addictive to read about. But he was also not afraid to verbalize his feelings. He saw Emerson and wanted her and he did everything he could to win a chance at forever with her.

As for Emerson, she was a really nice heroine and I mean nice because when Hunter shows his flawed side, it aint pretty. She put up with a lot from him because she knew it was the right thing to do and I kind of loved that about her. She genuinely cared for Hunter and wasn’t afraid to reach out to him even knowing that this could mean the end for them. I’m glad that things worked out for both of them in the end but I did have to bring out the tissues towards the end there.

This is just my own feelings but when I read about a couple and like them together as much as I liked Hunter and Emerson, its twice as hard to read a bad break up or dramatic blow out between them. Hunter goes through some heartbreaking stuff and he’s in a really dark place so I get why he lashes out, but it doesn’t make it any easier to sympathize with him and at the same time want to beat him over the head for treating Emerson so crappy. :(

Memorable Moments:
There are actually a couple of memorable moments in this one.
1. The erotic statues scene– I loved this scene, it was hilarious and scorching hot all wrapped into one yummy package. Like seriously I was laughing one minute and mad blushing the next. Where, as before, there was simmering sexual tension, the dam pretty much broke during this scene. It was some hot and heavy smut and did I mention memorable?

2. The second most memorable moment is when Hunter mentions he is a twin. His devotion for his sister really got to me. My heart broke for him because he was so clearly a brother grieving for his sister.

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Confession: I've been burning out on sexy books lately. I skim over most sex scenes and focus on finding something to grab me by the feels and take me on a swoony emotional ride. So when I tell you that this book has some of the sexiest scenes I've read in a long time - that not only did I not skim over them, but I couldn't look away from them, they held me in thrall, breath catching, pulse racing, legs squirming because hot damn and holy wow Ms. Wolff slays the physical chemistry in this book.

Maybe you already know that. Maybe this is what every Tracy Wolff book is like, but this is my first by this author and I was caught off guard in the very best way. Because not only was it seriously so scorching hot, but it also grabbed me by the feels and took me on the exact sort of emotional ride I was looking for. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that. I expected, well, down & dirty, but I didn't expect it to pack the emotional punch that it did. The connection between Hunter and Emerson itself is charged with emotion and tenderness that was unexpected and extremely touching, but there's more going on here than just two people falling in love. This story went deeper than I expected it to, and because of that, I loved it so much more than I was expecting to.

On top of that, it's funny. I laughed out loud more than once. The flirty banter was delightful - I completely adored the way Hunter and Emerson sparked with each other. I loved them together -- his cocky, entitled athlete to her plucky, unimpressed, normal girl. I love that she gave him a run for his money. I love that he surprised her at every turn. They were so much more than I expected when I first started this book - but they kept me smiling, breathless and happy throughout nearly the entire book and, man - it just single-handedly pulled me out of a book slump.

Down & Dirty is a complete win for me - football, sassy heroine, smokin' hot chemistry, and enough genuine and heartfelt emotion to leave me satisfied and happy. It moves very quickly and has a sort of "insta" feel to it, but that didn't bother me in this particular story. Sure, there are some things I may have liked to have seen fleshed out a little more, but I still thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent reading this story. I loved the heck out of it and am so glad I picked it up. ~ Shelly, 4.5 Stars

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Sizzling Hot, Sweet and Sexy! This story was excellent. Oh my Down & Dirty was an incredibly enticing. The main characters are sexy and engaging. A arrogant hero with moves that don't quit, and a smart, witty heroine who turns his world upside down. It is funny, fast paced and hot as hell! I loved their sparring and banter and the build of heat as their attraction grew. I also enjoyed seeing the personal side to our hero and his relationship with his family, it showed the vulnerable, heartwarming and loving side. This story will keep you glued to the pages. Couldn't put this down and read in one sitting. This is the first story by Tracy Wolff and I can't wait to read more. I love finding new author, and Ms Wolff will now be a auto click buy from now on.
Loved it! Highly Recommended!

Received an ARC through NetGalley and the publisher Random House Publisher and voluntarily wrote an honest review.

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Hunter and Emerson are just perfect together. The banter between the two is so much fun. Did I mention how hot they are? Ridiculously so hot! As always Tracy Wolff writes a great story. I couldn't put it down and finished it in one day it's that good. The ending gutted me then put me back together. And I loved all the characters in this book. They added to the story perfectly. Maybe some of them will get their own story.

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I love Tracy Wolff and was so excited to see a new series from her.

Down and Dirty is a light, fun romance which challenges stereotypes and shows first impressions can sometimes be wrong but lead to something very right.

Karma has a really funny way of leading you to be where you should be and who you should be with, in Emerson's case the journey is via a zen master uber driver. Embarking on her first job post degree, Emerson has one heck of a day before she even starts. A broken down car, the aforementioned uber driver and then getting completely drenched by a dirty puddle. Not a great way to start your new job in real estate with a mega-bitch of a boss.

As it turns out the perpetrator of the puddle incident is a rich client of the real estate agency Emerson is now working for. First impressions of Hunter would make you believe he is an entitled d-bag with a truck full of baggage. However, as we get to know him better it is soon apparent that there is far more too him than he would have you believe; he bucks the dumb jock stereotype and has a lot more in common with Emerson than I would have anticipated.

There is a lot going on in Hunter's life which he is having problems dealing with, it is these problems that have lead him to look for a new house. People come into our lives for a reason, and this is certainly the case with Hunter and Emerson. Emerson adds balance to Hunter's life at a time when he desperately needs it.

The chemistry between Hunter and Emerson is undeniable and an explosion inevitable, although neither expect the level of comfort they gain from each other. Unfortunately, Emerson has issues of her own regarding independence and the need to prove she isn't the same as her mother who relies on men to take care of her.

I really liked the way in which Emerson and Hunter complimented each others lives. I would love to see more of them as the series progresses :)

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I love Tracy Wolff's romances. She has the perfect combination of sweet and spicy with a healthy dose of humor and a hint of dirty thrown into the mix. Her heroines give as good as they get and her heroes are just delicious! Down and Dirty is the first book in her new Lightning series which stars the hot players of the Lightning football team.

Hunter Browning is the star quarterback of the team. Having been voted the sexiest man alive more than once, he is what fantasies are made of. He is desperately in need of a house, but not just any house, he needs a place that feels like a home - not the average requirement a rich, single athlete asks for. He is just about to lose hope when he runs into Emerson or rather splashes her from head to toe on her first day of work. There is just something about the curvaceous blonde that has his blood boiling and he is determined that no one else but her will be able to find his dream house.

Emerson Day has been having a bad morning. First her car, which is literally a moment away from finding itself in the junkyard breaks down, than the Uber she orders comes too late and is driven by the calmest and slowest driver ever to drive in San Diego. She desperately needs this job and can't afford to lose it on her first day. But when a truck splashes her from head to toe, making her outfit see through and more appropriate for a strip club, she is furious. As if that wasn't enough the truck's driver happens to be the most aggravating man that she has ever met. Granted, he is also the sexiest man that she has ever met, but she can't get away from him fast enough. That is until he demands that she be the realtor to show him around!

A romance after my own heart! This book will make you laugh, swoon, pant and even cry. Beautifully written, it will surely leave you wanting more. Hope that this will be a looong series and we will get to meet many more hot football players ;)

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I wasn’t too sure about Hunter at the beginning of the book, but as you learn more about him, you understand why he seems like a he is conceited and entitled. When Emerson didn’t fall at his feet like other women, Hunter was intrigued. I really like when the woman are strong and don’t fall for the fake charm, so I really loved that even though Emerson knew that Hunter was the star quarterback, she treated him just like another guy.

The characters in the book were so engaging and likeable, Hunter’s teammates, Shawn and Tanner, and his sister, Heather. Part of this book is very sad when Hunter’s sister dies. He does not deal with her death very well and pushes Emerson away. At this point, most women would stay away but not Emerson! She gives him some space but then goes to him.

Lots to love about this book as you see the love grow between Hunter and Emerson. Some parts were hilarious, like when they were viewing a home with the erotic sculptures in the yard! I also liked that there were things they found out about each other that surprised them – when Hunter sees that she is an artist and tells Emerson that he studied art, also. Their sex scenes were so explicate and helped you feel their connection. Also, the way Hunter showed her that way he did art was cute. Another interesting thing that made me love this books was little things like Emerson realizing that she really liked selling homes because she liked helping people find a home that would make them happy.

Such an captivating story so I had to keep reading until I finished the book! I am really looking forward to the next book in this series!

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Down & Dirty
By: Tracy Wolff

Hunter an NFL player with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Emerson a new realtor needs her job to prove she can not only take care of herself but her needs as well. Both judge each other before words are spoken.

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Let me start by saying I think I just read a book that had everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks you Netgally for letting me read and review.

We would need a handicap accessible room. I'll need to be able to have a mobile scooter and a walker fit in the door ways.

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Great read! Love a good sports romance and this one had all the feels.

Although Hunter has a reputation as a man-whore, once he meets Emerson he leaves all that behind him. There is great banter between the two main characters and lots of laughs but also we get deeper with both. I would have liked a bit more deeper info into Emerson's past but was satisfied as we got a lot more emotional with Hunter - which is unusual in this genre! Loved that.

Highly recommend as it goes beyond the typical sports romance cliche and gives a deeper insight into the characters! Also super HOTTT scenes!!

Can't wait for the next book - maybe another of Hunter's teammates??!!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book via NetGalley.

Safe read - no cheating or OW scenes/info.

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*thank you to the publisher and author for providing an arc*


Down and Dirty is a story about hot, sexy story about a football player and a down on her luck girl, who will have to come together to make the best out of their situations.

Emerson is about to start her new job, which she desperately needs, but of course has car trouble, it's raining, and her uber driver is not only late but takes forever to drive her to work. What else could happen to make a horrible day worse, well a hot guy could pull up to the curb and spray a dirty water puddle right onto you.

Hunter needs to find a house and needs to find one now. What he is not looking for is a woman standing close to the curb, dropping with water from a puddle that he just sprayed on her. When he finds out that she works at the reality company he has hired, he decides to have her take him out to look at houses.

Emerson cannot believe that she is showing houses to one of the greatest quarterbacks in football and especially because she has no idea what the houses they are looking at entail. After looking at houses Hunter is not interested in Emerson finds out what he is looking for so when they go out the next day hopefully they will have more luck.

What they both are not expecting is the instant attraction they feel for each other. Unfortunately they both have reasons on why a relationship with each other would not work right now, but at the same time they can't resist each other.

They will both have to decide if their relationship is something worth fighting for or something that will only last a couple of weeks.

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What an amazing book! From the get go, ‘Down and Dirty’ grabbed me and never let go. It is filled with humor and laughs, a feisty, sassy heroine who gives as good as she gets, and a sexy alpha football star who has a heart of gold. There is also a story of deep pain and grief that tears at your heart and leaves you in a puddle of tears.

The timeline of this book is short, but you don’t get that unbelievable insta-love feel. The connection between Emerson and Hunter is deep and true. It’s more like two halves of one soul finally finding each other and coming together as one. Both Emerson and Hunter are engaging, their banter is witty and fun and the chemistry is electric and quite steamy.

I need to get better at highlighting the standout quotes and sharing them on reviews, but, honestly, I’d have a two page review. There were so many hilarious one-liners, swoon worthy quotes, heart-breaking and heart-warming quotes, that I don’t think I’d be able to narrow it down. All in all, this is an outstanding read and I am so excited to find out there is more to come.

*I volunteered to review an advance reader copy provided by Random House Publishing Group – Loveswept via NetGalley*

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This story has it all from laughs to tears, joy and sadness, frustration and success. The author has a knack for keeping you waiting for the next page to bring another twist to the story. Both main characters are likeable, even if they do some crazy things from time to time. Realistically I can’t imagine a realtor showing a house and receiving an orgasm from the client! But it didn’t seem to change the fact that the two consenting adults couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Emerson is on her last dollar and needs the job desperately or face going home to her parents with her tail between her legs. Hunter on the other hand, has more money than anyone needs, and an ego to match, all of which he acquired by being a very talented quarterback.

He needs to find a home for his niece and nephew to share with him because their mother, his twin, has terminal cancer. He knows what he wants and the real estate off ice owner wants him, not necessarily to sell him a home. But a literal run in with Emerson makes him request her as his agent. And the fireworks begins from there. He’s never had to ask a woman out, they come to him. So when she tells him she can’t date a client, he is just that more determined to change her mind.

This is one of those books that you can’t put down because you are too engrossed in the story. Plan on setting aside several hours to finish this one in a day1

I received an ARC from NetGalley/publisher for an honest and unbiased review. No compensation was promised or received for the review.

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