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Illegal Contact

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This is a solid 3.5 for me. While I liked this book, I just didn't love it. I honestly felt like I read this story before, many, many times before. Good beginning to a series that I will definitely continue to read.

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3.5 stars

A little slow but it was a sweet story and I enjoyed it overall. Gavin is a professional football player who gets into a legal skirmish due to his temper. As a result he's on house arrest for a few months and needs to hire a personal assistant. Noah is recently out of college and has lost his first job. He's desperate for money so he's willing to take any job. Including that of cranky football player's assistant.

The story starts with a bit of an enemies to lovers type vibe. Gavin is super difficult and honestly I didn't blame Noah for not liking him. I didn't either. As the story goes on, Gavin starts to open up and the two men become friends. Slowly they become more. For those of you who like slow burn romances and UST this is going to be your jam. It's almost 70% before these two even kiss.

The slowness was a bit of an issue for me. Not in how slowly it took them to become lovers, that part was fine, just the entire first half was slow for me. I didn't like Gavin at all and the overall plot was just not catching my attention. Then around the half way mark or so it picked up and held my interest until the end.

Noah's character is what kept me connected. I really liked him and I felt bad for him. He was a nice guy in a bad situation. His snark and smart mouth towards Gavin also made me smile more than once. Gavin's character bugged me for two reasons. One was he was just an ass. I didn't find him to be a likable person at all until very late in to the story. The second is an on going issue for me with this author's books. The last few books I've read the characters all talk the same way and use the same slang. These characters are always "salty", "thirsty", "triggered" and "fuck boys". It makes them all sound like variations of the same character and makes me feel like I've already read this all before. So...Gavin felt very "been there, read that before" to me.

This book was sweet and a bit romantic. Something a bit different from this author. Overall I enjoyed it. I didn't love it but I did like it enough that I will be reading the next in the series. And, on that note, we meet some of Gavin's friends who will be MC's in later books and they were interesting.

**ARC provided by publisher through Netgalley*

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Swoon swoon swoon. With a slow-burn romance, well-developed heroes, and fantastic side characters, this book hit everything I love. I dare you to finish this and not absolutely love Gavin and Noah.

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I've read quite a few sports romances and I can't say that this broke any new ground on that front but Hassell's writing is so good and the characters so vibrant you can't hep but be drawn in to Nash and Gavin's struggles and story.

My favorite thing is that both guys were so refreshingly honest -they didn't admit things to themselves at times but were always upfront with each other - even if it hurt to hear.

I did wish there was more to the ending - maybe an epilogue but I <3'd it.

Perfect for fans of Sarina Bowen's/Elle Kennedy's M/M sports series

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This was a sweet enemies to lovers romance and I really enjoyed the banter between Noah and Gavin. Gavin is a grumpy football player who is on house arrest and Noah is hired as his assistant. The two can't stand each other but Gavin hires Noah because of his lack of care about him being a famous football player. Eventually, hate turns to like, which turns to lust and feelings both can't ignore.

This was a fun steamy read I would recommend for any sports, M/M, and romance lovers!

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This book definitely shows how versatile Santino Hassell is an Author.

-He can do pnr with the brilliant Stygian,

-He can do real life,gritty stories with the Five Boroughs Series,

-He can do something a bit softer and very sexy with Illegal Contact.

Gavin is a NFL player,under house arrest for an altercation.He's definitely not into the celebrity lifestyle ....he's not into social media,
....he doesn't really care what opinions people have of him.
....he's grumpy,unapologetic and the last thing he wants is a P.A. invading his life.

Noah is a bit of a geek with a whole lot of sassiness.Fired from his previous job, for an indiscretion he's got no intention of repeating,he's back living with his father.Add into the mix he's got mounting debts,he needs a job .....and fast.He's got zero interest in football,in fact he's got no idea who Gavin is when he goes for the job interview.

So sparks definitely fly between these two.Gavin's not about to change his ways anytime soon and Noah certainly isn't going to put up with any crap from Gavin.The banter between them was just brilliant.There are more layers about these two men as the story unfolds.....

Gavin grew up in the system and wants to give something back to kids in a similar situation he was in growing up.And Noah is definitely not a push over and starts to get very protective over Gavin.

This is a slow burn but (sometimes ), and definitely here the sexual tension is just as hot as the actual act.This Author is a master at creating some of the most sexually compatible characters and Gavin and Noah are no exception.

This is set to be a fantastic series by one of my absolute favourite MM Authors...

Highly Recommended.

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I was skeptical about enjoying a "football book", but great writing. Hassell knows how to build layered characters and relationships while still writing some steamy romance!

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I wasn't meant to start Illegal Contact. Because it releases on August. But !!! I opened it and read a couple of chapters and it caught me. The story and interactions of Gavin and Noah made me so happy I couldn't stop reading, I actually finished it all in one go (I started it in the morning and finished it at 2am the same day).

You don't know how much I have been waiting for the "football m/m" Santino announced one day on Twitter. I am always down for some sports romances, not so lately because most of them are.... lit the same storyline. But Santino's is a welcoming story for me. Though Gavin and Noah are both white, the cast of characters are very diverse. Both best friends of Gavin are men of color and definitely we are getting a book for at least Simeon, the starting QB (hell yes SANTINO WROTE A STARTING QB A MAN OF COLOR). Santino even calls out how "football calendars" are all filled with white players when the majority of players in the league are black and non-black MOC.

I loved every second of this book. Gavin is a bisexual tight end of the New York Barons in house arrest because he commited an agression and is being punished. He hires an assistant, here enters Noah, and these two meet on the wrong foot. They dislike each other and are 24/7 always fighting and bantering but in between all of that they get to know each other and actually form a bond and an understanding and begin to like each other. It's so good to see this development, it's a slow burn romance to be honest. My heart gave out when they first kissed because Gavin has A SUPER CRUSH ON NOAH IT'S OBVIOUS MY BB BOY.

I just want to shout about my favorite parts (all the book tbh) with someone lmao.

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My heart is SO full by this story. Let me tell ya'll something ... no one has EVER come close in my heart to Michael Rodriguez (if you don't know who that is, Imma need you to get out from under your rock and read the right books ;) ) but now Noah Monroe has been born.

It's with a full heart and ridiculous pleasure that I scoot Michael over and make room for Noah.

This is one Santino Hassell story ya'll are not gonna want to miss. #TRUST

Early copy provided by Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley for review

(I'll give you more details on this phenomenal feel good story a little later)

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The story starts off with Gavin being under house arrest for getting into a physical altercation. He’s got a bad boy reputation- cocky, volatile, and unrepentant. During his house arrest, it’s decided he needs a personal assistant- someone to run his errands and keeps his affairs in order. His enthusiasm at having a stranger in his home is about as high as watching his team play without him- not much- that is until Noah walks in to interview for the job. Noah who’s not afraid to go toe to toe with Gavin.

Noah interviewed for the job for one reason only: money. Having recently lost his job, student loans and the added pressure of helping his dad get back on his feet forced him to take the position he’s dreading working. What ensues is a high level of UST, snark, romance, heartbreak, and a fabulous end.

My highlights:

-Gavin. Underneath the thorny exterior lay a man who was lonely and reading his evolving feelings for Noah gave me butterflies.

-Noah. Sassy, snarky, loyal Noah. He disliked Gavin from first sight but as the different layers of Gavin began to unfold Noah couldn’t help but fall.

-UST. This is probably one of the best slow burns I’ve read. It kept me engaged and on my toes. I was glued and dying for them to get together.

-The secondary cast of characters was all kinds of awesome even a particular man who made me see red. >> Joe >:(

-The dialogue. It was natural and funny. It flowed seamlessly.

-The climax/conflict. It broke my heart- because I’m sure it happens. It made me rage at the unfairness.

-The end. Sigh, talk about healing a girl’s heart and making it sing with joy. The end brought forth a smile and all kinds of mushy feelings.

I also want to give a special shout out to what I consider: The Best Last 30% of a Book. The last part of this book was jammed packed with all the feelings you want have when reading a romance novel. It was stupendous.

You guys, I can’t recommend this enough! Santino Hassell again has delivered complex, flawed characters that make us swoon. I just can’t get enough of his raw, edgy romance style. 5 Stars!

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I really enjoy Santino Hassells writing style. He describes himself as gritty and I totally agree.

This is a sloooooooooooooooow burn. But I loved it. I love the flirting and obvious sexual tension between the two main characters. The snark that Adam throws at Gavin is amazing. With the slow burn and no insta-love or them immediately hopping into bed together, they were able to really develop a relationship and that was a great thing to see.

Adam's back story with his previous boss was a little unbelievable as I would think something so serious would be investigated and not totally blown off the way it was.

The resolution of the conflict wasn't surprising, but there really was no other way.

I look forward to the next book in the series- with hopefully more Adam and Gavin in it.

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OMG, omg, omg, omg, omg!!!!

There is this elusive unicorn in the book world, a book that is perfectly balanced, emotionally grabbing, funny and flirty, with genuine and likable characters, AND it makes me want to read it again, and again, and again.

Illegal Contact (The Barons #1) by Santino Hassell was just that.

Heart-meltingly beautiful, utterly satisfying and total perfection.

Illegal Contact is a football M/M novel about a mean son of a bitch tight end Gavin Brawley and his PA.

Not only did the blurb check all my boxes it also promised an unique plot. A PA that would turn his boss's life upside-down. I love the strong willed and smart mouthed assistant that has no trouble standing up to the boss. A no-nonsense attitude, with a strong-willed personality does it for me every time. And that's exactly what Noah Monroe was.

And I LOVED him for it!!!

From the very first sentence I was enthralled by Gavin and Noah, and utterly invested in the plot. The back and forth, the sexual banter and flirting, the final culmination had me vibrating with excitement.

When everything works, when a balance has been struck between plot line and romantic tension, and when characters are so easy to fall in love with - I'm in book heaven.

Gavin was deliciously bad. He was the mean one on the field and off the field. He could have cared less about what anyone thought of him. All he lived for was football. Fans and media equally feared and love-hated him. They appreciated his raw talent and his dedication to the team but were also repulsed by his explosive rage and aggression and easily condemned him for it.

But that's exactly what I loved about Gavin's character. He had a personality that stood out from the crowd with a fuck-you attitude that has always been kryptonite for me.

And OMG Noah. My darling!!! He was the apple of my eye. He was a nerdy and hotter version of Clark Kent. A perfectionist and unwaveringly committed to Gavin. His loyalty, tenacity and devotion endeared him to me from the very first sentence. Noah took part of my heart and didn't give it back. I imagine that's how Gavin must have felt. :D

The combination of a nerdy Noah and an athletic power house like Gavin was unbelievably sexy, fascinating and riveting. I started this book and ended it without leaving my chair. It's very seldom that a book speaks so deeply to me, but I had an idea that it would. The first time I read an excerpt of Illegal Contact I knew I had to read this book. Because I fell hook, line and sinker.

I'm ecstatic that Illegal Contact was just the first book of a new series by Santino Hassell. And now I can't wait to read Simeon's story - he was a complete darling and a very naughty boy.

The review will go live one week before release day.

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A Beauty and the Beast-style story with sweet, hot man love!

I absolutely loved ILLEGAL CONTACT! The characters are real, the story is heart-wrenching and brilliant and I just loved the hell out of it! Gavin and Noah had great chemistry right from the start. Complete opposites in character and demeanor and yet, they fit together beautifully.

I totally dig Mr. Hassell’s writing. It’s raw, unapologetic and all-consuming. ILLEGAL CONTACT is a perfect example of love in its purest form. It’s not always sunshines and rainbows. It’s hard work, and often times a battle. Fighting to love each other and to love yourself. And to be able to claim your happiness, despite society deeming it inappropriate or wrong.

I highly recommend ILLEGAL CONTACT to all readers in search of that elusive happily ever after. The journey is not always pretty, but the payoff is priceless.

***I voluntarily read a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions reached are my own***

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I have always been a huge fan of Hassell's and while I enjoyed the book, I felt like they were pale imitations of David and Raymond.

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I am a sucker for geeks, jocks and sports themed books, so I just knew this one was gonna be a big hit for me.....
I loved the story, the MC's and the sidecharacters !!

Gavin Brawley is a famous football player...a tight end to be precise. He is also snarky, growly and has some anger management issues. These issues are actually the reason for him being on house arrest with an ankle bracelet, for the next 6 months.

Since Gavin is not real good at taking care of himself and not able to go anywhere, he is forced to hire a PA.... He ends up hiring Noah...

Noah is a bit of a geek, he has lost his previous job, because his boss was an asshole and he is drowning in debt. He needs a job stat !

These two really don't get off on the right foot. Now Noah might not like the arrogant football player, but money is money and he is seriously lacking... So he can suck it up for the next 6 months.....he hopes.

Being cooped up together in Gavin's big mansion, these two slowly get to know each other and they realize, that first impressions aren't always right. They actually end up being friends...

Now Gavin has known Noah is gay from the beginning and he has even flirted with him, but Noah didn't take any of it seriously... He should have though, because Gavin is not as straight as Noah thought he was, and when the truth comes out...all bets are off !! These two really had it going on ;)

I loved that this book didn't have any insta-love. You could really see the two of them growing closer.... I also loved the last chapters. There isn't a huge HEA, nore like a HFN and a very realistic one. I loved it and I loved how these two suprised me near the ending.....especially Gavin.

I can't wait for the next book to get here. Highly recommended !!!

I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This review will be posted on DBO blog

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I liked the storyline a lot, but I wish there was more character development or backstory. I just never felt like I knew who the main characters were. And the side characters seemed great, but there wasn't enough development there either. I would have liked to hear the whole story about what happened with the old boss instead of vague references.

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I'm struggling to review this as I believe it's my favorite book of Santino's to date. My official review will post close to release date, but for now, the was supremely romantic, exceptionally written, and fantastically perfect. Aside from the fact that a suspension in the NFL for that behavior not being realistic, like at all, it is a perfect summer read.

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