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Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Husbands Romance Collection

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I only made it through four of the seven stories and then I put the book down without finishing it. I found the plots to be so convoluted that they could not have happened in real life back in the 1800's let alone today. The characters seemed to lack depth and seemed very one dimensional. This book would most likely be enjoyed by women in their 70's and 80's.

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A collection of Christian Historical Romances – all set in the same town in Kansas, just after the Civil War. Each of the brides in this series of stories is special. The town was full of women who had lost their men during and after the war. They were strong and had shouldered the work for years, but now they decided it was time to bring in some help. I enjoyed getting to know each of them as well as their prospective husbands. Even though the stories revolve around the advertisement for husbands, not all came in from the ads. I found each one to be interesting and engaging.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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I enjoyed this collection of Christian romance stories very much. It is refreshing to find stories that are clean and have a focus on God.

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Such a lovely, lighthearted and refreshing collection of how several Civil War Widows got a bit more than they bargained for when seeking husbands! I love seeing collaborations like this where the authors work together to stitch parts of a whole story together,

I think it would have been better if the stories had also been in chronological order to help with cohesiveness, but that was a minor detail. I very much enjoyed the collection!

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. I have chosen to write this review to express my personal opinion.

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This is a delightful novella collection!

I thoroughly enjoyed each of the seven stories. All of the main characters are wonderful. This collection has an aspect I’d never seen before. All of them are set in one town during the same time period. That means that there are lots of crossovers of characters among the different stories. At the same time each story is definitely separate. I loved seeing how they all interacted with each other.

I really liked the variety of situations the women were in at the beginning of their stories. There were so different and yet they all had the very same problem. There were no men of marriageable age in their town after the Civil War

I understood the dilemma that each of the women faced and why they wanted to find a husband. Then there was the odd woman out who didn’t want to find one and found herself falling in love anyway.

Some of the authors were new to me. Actually that’s my favorite part of reading a novella collection. I have found a lot of great authors through them. This collection is no different. My list of authors to look for has grown thanks to this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. I have chosen to write this review to express my personal opinion.

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I absolutely adored this book! I LOVE the concept of Mail Order Brides. There were a few in the Middle that I thought took quite a while to pick up but overall, it was a great read!

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Though I have not previously read any of the authors in this particular novella collection, I was wanting something short enough to read quickly as I’m one who has trouble putting a story down once I’ve started it. To say I’m glad I read this collection would be an understatement. All of the women were strong and to be admired, as well as their corresponding husbands. Each story held endearing characters who learned as much from each other as they taught and quickly stole your heart. This is one collection I will return to again and revisit at some point in the future. Delightful and definitely recommended.

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Wonderful collection of stories! Written with the reality of life after the Civil War, the mayor of Turtle Springs, Kansas with the vote of the women of the town, runs an ad for Mail-Order Husbands.. Each author features a different women and the husband they choose. I loved these stories about the loss, the struggle to survive the aftermath of the war and the romantic conclusion of these sit down interviews with those men who showed up looking for a bride. If you like stories of mail-order brides... you will love this twist of Mail-Order Husbands!

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This book was a fun twist on the traditional mail-order bride stories. The women of the town advertised for husbands, never dreaming how many would descend upon the town. It was fun to get to know the town residents and I really appreciated the consistency throughout the stories and how they were all inter-connected by the town and residents. Most of the romances did not come about directly through the advertisement, which was yet another fun twist. All-in-all, this is a great book, put together by some of my favorite authors.

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These delightful novellas deal with war widows in search of mates following the War Between the States. Abigail Melton, who took over her deceased father’s role as mayor, advertises for potential husbands to come to this small Kansas town for interviews with seeking women. The results bring cowboys, a disabled veteran, an English nobleman, a reporter, and others seeking a new start. The tales of pain turn into life-changing events for those involved. I think the authors did a fine job offering variety and satisfying stories. Get a glimpse of life during this difficult period of history and enter into the town’s life with the intriguing characters there. I received a copy through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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I received a copy from NetGalley; this is my honest review. The score is actually 3.57, which is not that bad at all.
- GENERAL NOTES: 1. It would have been fun to have the months (authors) in order. For ex. I read May before April and so on. 2. Something you cannot escape from this kind of book is that when one author writes about someone in one of the first stories and you get another author write about that same someone later on, a few books later, say, well you cannot remember what was being said about it, good or bad. 3. This is a good post-war american western anthology. I really loved the background of the story (newspaper ad brings grooms over small town). 4. Except for 3 authors, they do not loose time, lines or ink for verses, prayers and what-not. 5. Expression "Smart-Aleck" appeared in mid 19th century, but used in a book set in 1865-1866. 6. Expression "A woman too old to care about training another husband" "I reckon I can train any man to be a good husband"!!!!! What kind of Christian thinking is this?
1. Abigail's Proposal ***: Col.3:9 reads Do not lie to each other. When we're Christians we do not sin on purpose. This story does, abundantly.
2. The Kidnapped Groom ****: Sweet and funny.
3. A Clean Slate ****: A few small sermons that fit well within the story. About forgiveness.
4. Sunshine of my Heart ***: No surprises, no fell good, not funny, absolutely no romance. It's all about planting the soil. Drags on a bit too much.
5. Come What May ****: Good post-war romance.
6. Dime Novel Suitor ****: It's fun when you understand the title. Some sermons some prayers. Some fitted well in the flow, some didn't. Too bad the end doesn't say much. Lovely story.
7. Louder than Words ***: Why put all that stuff in the beginning?? Why waste even more lines/ink with quotes at each chapter? I didn't mind the poem. I minded the rest which didn't belong in such a short story. The end was strange to say the least.
Epilogue: There was no epilogue but we could have used one short one to wrap-up everything that happened during the seven stories.

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Abigail’s Proposal by Cynthia Hickey
My Review.
This is the first story in the book and sets up the whole book. After the war there are more women than men and rather than let there town die the women decide to find husbands by sending out advert seeking God Fearing men. While Abigail is mayor she has agreed to look for a husband and in the meantime appoints Josiah as Sheriff. Josiah has no intention of getting married but is attracting attention from all the ladies so says he is engaged to Abigail which makes for an interesting time. With some the day of the auditions coming we learn not is always as it seems. We see just how trustworthy Josiah is and how level headed Abigail is also. A good start to the book.
The Kidnapped Groom by Susan Page Davis
My Review.
This is my favourite story in the book. I could tell Susan had written the story as it is in her style of writing. I love how Sam is kidnapped by two small children who think they are doing right by their mother. They know she needs help and want her protected and also need some the love of a father. Maggie is horrified when she finds out what the children have done and then circumstances come into play. Add a banker who wants her farm and you have an interesting tale.
A Clean Slate by Susanne Dietze
My Review
This books is about Birdy who is the schoolmarm who doesn't intend to get married but is out to protect her friend. She lost her fiance in the war and also has issues she needs to comfront. Drew wants to better himself he is estranged from his brother and wants to start a new. Throw into the mix Birdy's friends little girls who tend to be scene steelers. I have to admit I took awhile to warm to Birdy as she is a little controlling and can seem cold but as you learn her story you can understand why she is like she is.
Sunshine of My Heart by Darlene Franklin
My Review
This is an fun story. Debbie wants to be married like her sisters. She moved west with her parents and wants to marry someone who will also help with the ranch. Zack came to the auditions because he no longer has anything left in Maine for him. Zack is new to ranching but has taken a real shine to Debbie and will learn for her. I love the way they both have so much in common and try to make a go of it. I got frustrated with Debbie's father at times. Another good read.
Come What May by Patty Smith Hall
My Review.
I Have to say Chardy is one of my favourite ladies in these stories. She has her hands full with 4 younger brothers to look after and a store to run as well as a homestead. The boys have been expelled from school. Luke has returned from the war disabled and feels he is inadequate for anyone. Chardy needs help and Luke decides he can help her and in the meantime at least watch over her brothers and maybe help on the homestead. While there he confronts many of his issues. I love the interaction and what both learn about themselves.
Dime Novel Suitor by Carrie Fancett Pagels
My Review
This is another story I really enjoyed I felt for Caroline as she too has so much she has to do she is responsible for siblings and trying to keep a restaurant and inn going and has an older sister who tends to meddle and not listen to Caroline. What is fun in this story is Barden isn't looking to be a groom, in fact has no idea about what is happening but through a misunderstanding becomes a suitor when he is actually applying for a job. Barden is just what she needs for the restaurant and also is so level headed and I couldn't help liking him. Once again we see Caroline struggle with issues that she needs to deal with to move on.
Louder than Words by Gina Welborn
My Review
This is the last story and deals with a journalist who is moving west and writing stories on the way. He is interested in finding out more about the advert for husbands and why they advertised. He meets Jane who is happy in the town and wants to stay. She has been there for a few years now and wants to make it her home town. While she wants a husband and family of her own she also struggles because she feels she is not fully accepted due to her heritage. She has captivated J.R and I love how he works at trying to win her.

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This was a wonderful collection of stories, perhaps one of my favorite Mail-Order Husband stories! I read each story in one sitting, easily connecting with the characters. My favorite was by Carrie Fancett Pagels - she just has a way with words that draw you in and make you feel as if you are in the story. I hope there are future installments similar to this, I would read them in a heartbeat!

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It is 1866 in a small town in Kansas. How shall the town survive without the many men they lost to the War Between the States? A town meeting is called and the decision is made to advertise for mail-order husbands. They sent the word out after deciding that the men would be auditioned by the ladies, thus hoping to keep out those whose intentions were not pure.
Each author has told the story of a different lady, some which have children, some who have siblings to care for and some who have never been married. There are those who learn that trust can be renewed, both in God and man.
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of stories. Once again, these authors have brought history to life.

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This is another great book in the romance collection series! I have read a lot of them and really enjoyed this set too! This collection was unique that they were all happening at the same time and revolving around the same event and ad for husbands put in several papers for one small town disproportionately affected by the civil war. The stories were relatable, believable and distinctly different from each other. You also got a unique perspective on each of the characters as almost all of them were mentioned in the other stories! The hard part about a series where all the stories overlap and each is written by different authors is that there is a high chance of discontinuity. Sadly, this collection is in need of some editing to make the events the same in all the stories. For example, if a character is laid up with a broken arm in one story, she can't be tending her store at the same point in time in another story. The series is still enjoyable even with these discrepancies, which hopefully will be corrected by the release of this book as I recieved an advance copy.

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Seven Brides for Seven Mail-Order Husbands is astounding yes amazing ya'll. I really don't know how to express in words how these stories were but here goes. You have stories of poor widows in a town of them who were made that way because of the war. They get together and send away for mail order husbands and one is the Sherriff. You have leadership to freedom , sadness to joyousness, kidnapping to freedom, miscommunication to communication, seeking to finding, loss to acceptance, misunderstanding to realization and unwanted ado to acceptance. This book is astounding and good - impassioned, judicious, kindhearted and it has such a kaleidoscope of emotions that it makes you feel like laughing, crying and well I could go on - each author has truly (and I mean this from the bottom of my heart) made me feel like a part of the town - a part of the story - you get so invested into the story because you are invested into the characters, you really do love the book within only a few pages - It got me pulled in immediately - and I loved it and so will you!

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Seven Brides for Seven Mail Order Husbands

Turtle Springs, Kansas lost almost all of its menfolk to the Civil War. Now the women, who have been struggling since the war ended, have devised a plan to bring men into town. They have sent newspaper advertisements telling of husband auditions that will take place in Turtle Springs all over the country. It works…Men are coming into town from all over. Are they all honest? Do they have the women’s best interests in mind? And what of the ones who aren’t looking for marriage who find their way to town? Can love find them also? These are seven stories that are fun and lighthearted and that will bring a smile to your face.
In Abigail’s Proposal, Mayor Abigail Melton hires Josiah to be the town sheriff after one brief interview. She never bargained that she would find love in the process. As they work together to keep the peace and keep the interviews going as they should, they get a little more than either was expecting.
In The Kidnapped Groom, two young boys kidnap Sam as he is passing through town. They are determined to help their mother find a husband and think he will do just fine. When Sam actually meets their mother, he almost wishes he could be the father they are looking for.
In A Clean Slate, school teacher Birdy Green is not looking for love. She is not even participating in the auditions, except to help her friend find someone. When Drew Cooper comes to the schoolhouse looking for learning, he finds more than he ever bargained for.
In Sunshine of My Heart, Debbie and her family have not lived in Kansas long and are trying to make a go of their new prairie home. When she meets Zack at the husband auditions, they immediately take to each other. Zack comes to their small homestead and assists her father with breaking ground for planting. Will he plant his way into their family and lives also?
In Come What May, Chardy, the local merchant, is at the end of her rope. She has been raising her four brothers since her father died in the war and she is desperate for some help. When the school board comes to her and says the boys can’t stay at school because they are in too much trouble, she doesn’t know what to do. Luke, her former fiancé, who came back from the war missing a leg, agrees to help her with the boys. Can they discover their former love in the process?
In Dime Novel Suitor, Caroline is also unsure how to handle her brothers, sisters, and the inn/restaurant left to her after her father’s death. She longs for help but doesn’t go to the interviews. She is too busy working to attend them. When Britishman Barden shows up at her door, she assumes he is late for the interviews. He is merely looking for employment. However, they soon find that he can work for her and love her.
In Louder than Words, Jane, who is half Indian, wants to find a husband so that her family will return to Turtle Springs and stay. She agrees to show JR Lockhart around town so he can interview people about the husband auditions. As they slowly fall for each other, she wishes that they could have a future. But, he wants to move to California and she can’t. So where does that leave them?
These stories are fun and enjoyable and if you enjoy historical romance, these are a good bet. I received a free copy of this book for my honest opinion from Net Galley.

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Wonderful authors about women finding love in one town.

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I love reading these collections. Each novella is written by a different author and they each have their own unique writing styles. Beautifully written, wonderful stories. Love!!

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A wonderful collection of stories from my favourite authors....loved each & every story. Have shared this novel w/ all of my reading friends.

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