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The Dangerous Billionaire

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If there was any doubt, Jackie has done it again. Fantastic story. Can't wait for the next one.

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This book was a different take on a very popular billionaire story.
This author did an amazing job with the tale that she spun and brought a steamy yet explosive book with a lot of dirty sex.
She took this book to new heights. I can't wait for what she writes next.

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Great book! Can't wait to read more by this author!

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Fantastic story you can not put down! This author knows how to craft characters that leave you wanting more and more

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Navy Seal Sullivan "Van" Tate prefers heart-pounding action over a Wall Street corner office. But when his adoptive father dies and his business rivals move in to overtake his empire, Van has to take on that corner office is order to save the company and protect the one woman most forbidden to him.

Chloe Tate is as ambitious as she is gorgeous. With a newfound independence, Chloe is no longer a prisoner on her father’s ranch. But everything changes when losing her father may also mean losing her life. Even with her survival on the line, Chloe can’t deny the burning attraction she feels the moment she locks eyes with Van, her rich, rough and ready, foster brother and the new head of her father’s company. Tall, dark, and muscled, he's the one man who she has no business being with. But she finds it hard to resist a Navy Seal Warrior when he’ll do anything to protect her.

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This one is your standard contemporary romance with a few new twist to it. The writing is good and the. pace, plot and characters really make the book stand out.

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The Dangerous Billionaire is a fast paced and sexy read. At the center are the "siblings, foster and other" of the recently deceased patriarch Noah Tate. Lots of long held secrets come out in wake of his death. He leaves instructions that changes everything they ever thought they knew about him.

The two most impacted by Noah's death are Sullivan "Van" Tate and Chloe Tate, foster siblings who haven't seen each other in at least a half dozen years. We learn early on about the history of the Tate clan, the 3 foster brothers and how these men have dedicated themselves to military endeavors. But Chloe is perhaps impacted the most. Revelations come to light that mean Chloe is in danger, and Van is called to protect her. She's summoned from the Wyoming ranch to New York, and she and Van begin to battle it out. Van is an Alpha male with his own secrets, ones that color his reactions to Chloe.

Ashenden does a wonderful job creating tension, both in the threat facing Chloe and the sexual draw between she and Van. Van is clearly in denial about how he feels and it's fun being in his head as his thoughts contradict almost every word he utters. I'll admit it took a bit to connect to Van and Chloe, but once I felt their connection, it was a fun and very steamy read. There's some push and pull between them as Van has a few hang-ups from his past, but it doesn't take long for him to see the error of his ways. 4 stars and recommendation

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Van is called home and must help his foster sister Chloe when danger threatens. Interesting first book in the series and will continue to read.
Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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This was unfortunately, and most surprisingly, a miss for me. I LOVE this author and have read all of her books, but this one missed the mark somewhere. Jackie is still an auto-click author for me, and I'm excited to read more of what she has to offer, but this title wasn't for me.

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When I hear Navy SEAL - I come running - I just have to read those books!
And this SEAL - or rather these three SEALs are pretty adorable! ....

BUT ....
This book had the potential to be a great, interesting story - just what I like - a sexy romantic suspense. And I kind of liked parts of it. BUT - I just had way too many problems with the book to enjoy it. I almost DNF'd twice.
I prefer books told from the first person POV. I don't HATE others, but I just prefer it. And this one was told in the 3rd. And in the first few pages alone I read the name Van a million times, which bothered me extremely - no idea why. Would not have happened with a first person POV!
But that was only the beginning of my dislike for the book. But I got off to a 'great' start that way. ☺

It's the first time I've read this author. And I hate those moments when you find out that persons from books - or rather, from book #1 in a series, have been in other books before. In this case the sons of the 'bad' guy used to have a series - that's why they were all mentioned a few times. But, that's not really all that bad, it's not necessary for this story, but I still hate it. I need to read all books in the right order! Grrr.

Another thing, the title? Or rather the whole billionaire SEAL thing? Doesn't that sound like the cheapest and oldest grocery store dime romance? Or even a bad porn? When I chose to read the book, I saw the cover, liked it, (especially when I found out that this open-white-shirt scene actually happens!) and I loved that it was about SEALs, the title I could've done without. Or the weird situation Van finds himself in. The being-a-billionaire thing. The stepsister thing. Ok, I kind of hated the idea of the story too. Sorry. I would've loved it more without the step-sibling thing and without the NYC billionaire thing. The story should've happened in Wyoming. NYC was so not fitting for anything in this story.

And now to the worst part of this book. REPETITION!
OMG Jackie! No offense, but did you not send this book to your editor to go over and cut unnecessary stuff out????? Every single fact and thought and event gets repeated numerous times. I almost stopped reading during the first few chapters because it hurt my brain!

So, while this was a nice story, with 3 potentially great SEALs, and a bit of suspense and some sexiness, the writing and editing was horrible. I tried reading all of it, but in the end - or rather - from around the 20% mark on, I mostly only read when people talked to each other.
I'm not sure if I'll read the 2nd book, but I'm kind of interested to see what Lucas and then later Wolf will have to deal with.

I'm sorry I don't have anything better to say - it could totally just be my personal taste - I know I'm weird with many things about books, but I'm always honest in my reviews, so ... sorry. But this one wasn't my kind of SEAL book :/

THE DANGEROUS BILLIONAIRE was pretty adorable & sexy & suspensy romance! There was room for more ... but I don't want to stop you from enjoying it - try it - run to your nearest amazon for your own Van!!


ARC received for an honest review

Navy SEAL - sign me up.

I am a sucker for a SEAL book and this one has 3 - Hello!!

Whilst I wanted to love this book, I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I did like it but not love - this might just be me though.

Firstly - there wasn't much SEAL action, more that the SEALs become office managers :(

The foster brother/sister thing didn't bother me as much as it might have - I know it is an icky thing for some people (and I am not a fan of the step brother thing myself)

Whilst there was lots of things going on, I did feel that it was quite repetitive. Our lovelies Van and Chloe seemed to rinse-wash-repeat the conversations/arguments for about half of the book. I felt that a chunk of dialogue could have been edited out (but again, this could just be me and what do I really know?)

I did like the story of the Tate Brothers and their sister, the dramas that are happening around their family and businesses, though I did feel like we were left wondering at the end of this book. However I suppose things will be continuing through the books of the other 2 brothers.

Whilst I was left wanting a bit after this book, it held my interest enough that I will be diving in to the other 2 brothers stories.

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The dedication at the beginning of Jackie Ashenden’s new Tate Brothers series starter, The Dangerous Billionaire reads:

To the person who picked this up and thought: “Billionaire Navy SEAL? HELL YEAH.” You’re my people.
Personally, I love a good billionaire romance, and novels with military heroes are always on my to-read list, so combining the two definitely works for me. However, there are those who’ll read this and think another billionaire? Another navy SEAL hero? Aren’t we done with these romance trends yet? To you I say, never mind about that, it’s a Jackie Ashenden title! This means you’re in for a sexy treat with a bit of suspense and drama thrown into the mix, regardless of the characters involved. Plus, it takes on a forbidden romance theme. The result is an entertaining and steamy read that introduces the three Tate brothers and delivers a satisfying romance.

Noah Tate, Montana oil tycoon has died. He’d never had children of his own but had fostered three orphaned boys; Van (short for Sullivan), Lucas and Wolf. At eighteen, all three were shipped off to the military and are now active Navy SEALs, but have taken leave to consign their father’s ashes to the East River in New York City as requested in his will. The will has given Noah’s fortune and Tate Oil (headquartered in NYC) to Van and a seat on the board of directors to each of the three men. None of them are happy at the prospect of having to leave military life. Each son has also been given a letter, contents unknown. Van’s letter has to do with their younger foster sister Chloe.

Chloe Tate has been coping with the death of her foster father by throwing herself into her work at their family ranch in Montana until she’s summoned by Van to New York. Expecting the ranch – a place she’s expended blood, sweat and tears on over the last decade – to be left to her, she’s stunned to discover that Van has been received everything. Van, who hasn’t stepped foot on the ranch in eight years since Chloe was seventeen. Van who, ten years Chloe’s senior, was someone she’d looked up to, someone who’d paid attention to her as a child, unlike her cold and distant foster father. Van, whom Chloe had developed a crush on as an older teenager only to have him disappear for years. Her memories of Van don’t prepare her for the hard, dangerous man that he has become, or for the adult sexual attraction that flares to life between them. Van has been charged with keeping Chloe safe as family secrets and a plot of revenge threaten them both. Will he be able to keep her at arm’s length while protecting her, or will they both succumb to temptation? After all, forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest…

So how forbidden is this fruit anyway? Well, to be honest, I don’t think it’s as big a deal as Van makes it out to be. For the first half or so of the story, he really gets hung up on the idea that it’s wrong for him to be attracted to Chloe. It’s natural for him to think this, as he’s the elder by ten years, and his memories of Chloe are from when she was much younger. But it’s clear that there was nothing inappropriate in any of their interactions when they were younger, and they don’t share the same biological parents so they aren’t siblings. Part of Van’s conflicted feelings for Chloe stem from an incident that happened in his military career where he was unable to successfully complete a mission that involved a young woman. It’s colored his relationships since then, and when Chloe appears to be in danger from an unexpected source, he worries that he won’t be able to protect her – and that includes protecting her from him and his desires, too.

Chloe comes off as somewhat intimidated and hesitant at first, having just lost her father, lost her ranch, and been summoned to New York to be under Van’s protection while he deals with threats that are shocking and unsuspected. I liked how her character gets bolder and more determined as the story progresses, standing up to Van and his alpha male protective ways when needed. Chloe isn’t a virgin, but she’s not overly experienced. When she makes the first move on Van, he’s quick to take control of the situation and the result is a super steamy sex scene, but one they both agree is a one-time thing. Of course, that doesn’t last long and things get hot and heavy time and again, even as outside forces are closing in on them.

There are some great scenes between the three brothers that reveal details of their individual characters as well as the complicated relationships they have with each other. Plus, we never find out what’s in the notes given to Lucas and Wolf, a tease to make sure readers want to pick up the next two books in the series. There’s a little bit of everything in The Dangerous Billionaire – drama, suspense, action, sex, and a hefty dose of romance as Van realizes just how deep his feelings for Chloe are, and vice versa. If you’ve read Jackie Ashenden before, you’ll be satisfied with how this story plays out. If you’re new to the author, this is as good a place as any to start.

This review has been posted at All About Romance and feedback updated with the link. An abbreviated review will be posted at sale sites.

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I enjoyed this book. An interesting story with a good amount of drama and steam. Chloe was a bit hard to take at times but overall I really enjoyed this one!

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This is the first book in this series by this author. You are always guaranteed and excellent read with this author and this book is no exception. This is a good story which flowed really well. The characters were well written.I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed and advance reader copy of this book

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For me, The Dangerous Billionaire falls into the “it’s a good story that I neither loved or hated, it was simply a good story”. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that rating, as some seem to imply. This story deals with three men who are not related being adopted by an emotionally distant and even emotionally abusive man – this holds especially true for his only biological child, Chloe. While the foster/adoptive/sister/brother thing was an implied taboo thing – Really? – they are not blood related, a large age gap kept them apart most of the growing years. The fact that they both called Noah father, one naturally, one through adoption did not give off a forbidden feel to me. Noah was like a puppet master, and he’s still pulling strings beyond his death.

There is plenty of steam in this story, along with danger, mystery and rivals we may have read about before. Unfortunately, I could not connect to either Van or Chloe. That might have made the difference to me, but I did not like much about either of them – and that makes it difficult to wish for a happy every after ending for them.

There is an audience that will love The Dangerous Billionaire. Not every reader is going to absolutely love every book they read. The only real opinion that matters is your own. I’ll pick up the next story in the series because there is enough that makes me want to know more.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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The Dangerous Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden.....I loved this book, this author is always fantastic. I enjoyed this story so much. Thank you for allowing me to read and review this book.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

A series with three SEAL brothers? Count me in!

Sullivan "Van" Tate is the oldest of three brothers who were adopted and one much younger sister. Van is with his brothers when they all read the letters that their adopted father leaves them and Van has been instructed to look after Chloe as her life is in danger.

Van having been in the Navy has issued to work out and Chloe has her own issues, but mostly it is Van that needs to let go and get through his past.

Cesare de Santis makes an appearance and he is the father of the brothers in the Billionaire Fairy Tales Novella series.

Chloe takes quite a few knocks and her entire world seems to spin around her. The only person she can really trust now is Van, but can she trust him with her heart?

I really loved this book and cannot wait to read Lucas and Wolf's stories.

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A steamy smoking hot romance book that will leave you breathless and wanting more from author. Great characters.

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I really love finding a new to me author who can write sexy military men! Sullivan “Van” Tate was adopted by an oil tycoon along with two other orphaned boys, Lucas and Wolf. Once old enough they were promptly sent into the military all three Navy SEALs. Van is the oldest, the heir and now the head of the Tate family after the death of their father Noah Tate. Noah’s last request is for Van to protect his foster sister Chloe from Noah’s old friend/enemy, Cesare de Santis. This story is filled with so many twists and turns it will make your head dizzy. I loved the tough as nail relationship the boys had with each other and look forward to their stories as well. The author gives you flash backs of memories from both Chloe and Van, not too much bore you but just enough to help understand their history. Chloe wants to know why her father didn’t leave the ranch in Wyoming to her as promised, but to her foster brother Van. Van wants what is best for Chloe and that includes telling her truth Noah doesn’t want her to know. I enjoyed the close relationship Van and Chloe develop his protective dominance as well. This author had me at billionaire Navy SEAL… YUM!

***I voluntarily reviewed this ARC for an honest review via NetGalley, this is my honest opinion and has not been influenced by the author, Publishers or NetGalley in anyway.***

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Well MS Ashenden has done it again in my opinion written a fabulous emotionally packed story that had me turning the pages as Van and Chloe get closer, the pull between them is strong and has been there for a long time, you see they are foster siblings and now that their foster father has passed away there are a lot of secrets that have been uncovered and a lot to be done to keep the family oil business.

Van was adopted when young and worked hard to be what his foster father wanted sent away to school then into the navy Sullivan “Van” Tate is a SEAL not a businessman and has a lot to prove as he sees it, so when his father dies he is called on to protect at all costs his foster sister Chloe and the family business, he has not been around the family ranch in Wyoming much and Chloe has been running it on her own for some time now so this is not going to be a straight forward task for Van especially with an enemy closing in.

Chloe has grown into a strong and beautiful woman but when she is left nothing in her father’s will and is suddenly told she needs to leave the ranch and go to New York and meet up with the one foster brother that she has always felt close to and with a threat to her life things are going to change for Chloe in a big way. And boy does she show her strength when push comes to shove.

I loved the way that MS Ashenden has put Van and Chloe through the wringer so to speak she makes them jump through ropes the passionate and sensual pull lights up the pages seeing Van come to realize his love for Chloe and the sheer determination in Chloe as she pushes him to the limits and herself is amazing yes I loved this one and am very much looking forward to the next one in the series another two Tate yes please.

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Though this is another foster brother/sister situation Sullivan "Van" Tate doesn't have the same hesitation as Gideon in "Sin for me". His focus is fixed on the completion of his "mission" and getting back to his life in the military. He's willing to do whatever is needed to keep Chloe safe and make her feel secure. But what he doesn't realize is that she's been under his skin all this time and he has been subconsciously ignoring his true feelings. But with the death of their father, many truths are uncovered and lies are revealed. He finds that his feelings towards his father are quite similar to how Chloe feels and with this common ground he soon figures out that Chloe completes him in a way that nothing ever has.

This series also crosses over with the Billionaire Fairytales series and the De Santis characters. I found this really interesting and look forward to seeing how this plays out.

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