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The Mad Countess

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I had to dig around a bit for something to fit the “We Love Short Shorts!” prompt this time around; I know I don’t have to follow the prompts in the TBR Challenge to the letter, but I was short of time this month anyway, so a quick read was just about all I had time for. As it was, I probably spent more time searching through the hundreds of books on my Kindle than I did actually reading! In the end, I found a novella I’ve had sitting around for a while by an author whose books I’ve enjoyed in the past; The Mad Countess by Erica Monroe, which is billed as an edgy, atmospheric Gothic Regency Romance that’s not for the faint of heart. Sadly, however, it was about as edgy as a bowl of cold rice pudding, and seemed to be suffering from an identity crisis.

The romance is a friends-to-lovers affair, the two protagonists being childhood friends who have long been in love with one another but are afraid to speak up for fear of losing their friendship. And in the case of the heroine, Lady Claire Deering, there’s another, far darker reason for her reticence. Her aunt and her mother both died mad as the result of being cursed, and she is terrified that she will end up being committed to an asylum as her mother was. She loves Teddy – Theodore, Earl of Ashbrooke – far too much to want to saddle him with a potential madwoman for a wife and has therefore determined never to reveal the truth of her feelings for him.

Teddy had been training to be a barrister before his older brother died and left him the earldom. He’s a sweet beta-hero who loves Claire desperately; he knows of her fears but is determined to prove to her that they are unfounded and is, at last, ready to tell her how he feels.

Claire has arrived at Castle Keyvnor in Cornwall in order to attend the reading of the will of her late uncle, and Teddy is in attendance with a group of friends (who I’m guessing are the heroes of the other novellas in this series). In spite of her determination to keep her distance, Claire can’t help being delighted to see him, and they quickly fall back into their established pattern of friendship. But that all changes the next day when they’re caught in a rainstorm and make it to the conveniently dry, comfortable folly/summer house and Claire decides she can allow herself an afternoon of passion (just the one, mind you).

But Teddy doesn’t just want one afternoon – how can he prove to Claire that the curse isn’t real and that they can make a life together?

Quite honestly, the pair of them were so bland I couldn’t become at all invested in the outcome and had I not been reading this for the TBR Challenge, I probably would have abandoned it. The characterisation is one-dimensional, the atmosphere is flat as a pancake and the gothic elements are weak and terribly disappointing. I read paranormal and fantasy novels fairly regularly, so having a supernatural element to the book didn’t put me off; the problem was the complete lack of world-building or preparation. At one point, I thought the author was going to explain away the aunt and mother’s “madness” as a form of post-natal depression (there’s overt mention of the fact that both women didn’t go mad until after they’d had children), and that the curse wasn’t real, but she doesn’t do that, instead veering into a badly prepared episode in which Clare locates a trio of local witches and enlists their help in lifting the curse. This whole section is so different in tone to the rest of the book that it feels as though it’s been added as an afterthought.

The writing is just average, and there are quite a few jarring word choices that took me out of the story – such as when one character asks another “are you fine?” In that context, “fine”, doesn’t mean the same as “okay” or “alright” (not in British English, anyway).

Novellas are generally hit and miss for me (more often they miss the mark), so this disappointment wasn’t unexpected. Ms. Monroe has produced better books than this, so forget about The Mad Countess and check out one of those instead.

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It's lucky that The Mad Countess (Gothic Brides, #1) by Erica Monroe was a novella because there wasn't too much of a plot to keep our interest. It's my understanding that Hestia, a local witch, claimed to be the daughter of Lord DeLisle and placed a curse on his two daughters when he refused to accept a patently false paternity. First Aunt Evelyn Brauning and then Lady Claire Deering's own mother went mad. Madalane was placed in the Ticehurst Asylum whose treatment ended with her unintended fatality. The loss affected both father and daughter with dad removing himself from society as much as possible and Claire being dubbed the Mad Daughter. She accepts this label convinced that she can never marry or have children because she is destined to meet the same fate as her mom. Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, her childhood playmate, has secretly been in love with Claire, and follows her to Keyvnor Castle in Cornwall for the reading of Lord Brauning's will. She reveals her inner most thoughts and he tries to logically explain that her fears are nonsense, but some supernatural phenomena convinces him that perhaps there's more to the story. Together that find a way to reverse the curse so they can be together.

Teddy has remained a virgin saving himself for his beloved Claire. After getting caught together in a storm in the middle of a maze, Claire decides to allow herself one moment of passion as long as Teddy takes precautions. He kind of knows what to do and gets some sort of satisfaction, but it certainly didn't seem to set off any major fireworks for her, and honestly, it wasn't too exciting for the reader either. His method of birth control also left much to be desired.

The best part of this Regency Romance was the ceremony of the Bocka Morrow Coven of witches who want to undo the harmful spell which the now deceased Hestia inflicted on the innocent sisters.

The plot moved forward mainly through the reflections of the two main characters, often repetitive. Better to have used the space to develop the secondary characters (or give some more depth to Clare and Teddy), many who I assume will be players in future novels in the series. There were a few apparitions who make a brief appearance that also might be of importance later. Referring to the movements of a few unexplained ghosts and revealing a raving woman with dementia locked in the attic does not make this a gothic novel, especially when these random acts are disconnected from the central story.

Luckily the book was short enough for a quick read without getting too annoyed by Monroe's style of employing numerous means of expressing the same sentiment. This title was previously included in the Mystified Anthology.

Three stars and a thank you to Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This review also appears on my blog, Gotta Read:

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Teddy and Claire have been friends most of their lives. However, they both live with fears. Teddy is afraid of heights, of spiders, nature in general, and afraid to tell Claire that he loves her. Claire is afraid of becoming mad like her mother and aunt before her, and so afraid of hurting Teddy in anyway. They both end up at Keyvnor Castle ready to face their longings and their fears. The majority of Erica Monroe's books take place in the Rookeries of London. This is a much different setting for her, with a very different type of storyline. As much as I enjoyed the Rookery Rogues series, I also enjoyed this novella very much. It is part of the Haunting of Keyvnor Castle series, which gives you a hint that there is something supernatural going on. I would like to see the author write more in the Gothic setting, I think she is on to something here.

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I already read a book by this author, "I Spy a Duke", and really enjoyed it, so I had high hopes for this.

I'm glad to say that this was a great read! Although I didn't know this was a novella until I opened the book and it was mentioned there, which actually made me kind of sad, since I was very excited and wanted to spend a lot of time reading this story! But I still enjoyed it a lot and was very happy by the time I was done reading. It didn't feel rushed or forced, the pace was just right and it didn't leave me feeling like something wasn't explained or told.

So Teddy and Claire have always been best friends and, as they grew up, they started having feelings for each other, but none of them told the other. Claire didn't think it'd be fair to tell Teddy, since she was cursed to become mad in the future, just like her mom and aunt, and she just couldn't hurt him like that. Teddy, on the other hand, didn't believe in the curse, but was afraid that Claire wouldn't want him and that he'd lose his best friend for ever, at least by keeping quite he would be able to stay by her side.

Both main characters were great, I especially liked Teddy, it was such a joy to read a book with a hero I liked, God knows I've been having such a hard time liking heroes in my books lately.

Teddy is very rational and precise, he has many fears he's trying to get over and wants Claire to stop believing in that curse, because, according to him, if you can't see it or explain it in any way, then it's not possible or real. He's pretty adorable actually, and thank goodness he's nothing like his brother.

And Claire is such a sweet girl, I felt so bad for her, it must be exhausting having to worry every day that you might not have a future, and that you might start going crazy when you least expect it. That's no life.

I think I can easily say that this is one of the cutest couples that ever lived. They're so very adorable it hurts, and I can't believe Teddy never realized Claire had feelings for him, she did suspect Teddy wanted to be with her, but she wouldn't allow it because of the curse, because she thought he deserved happiness, and not a potentially crazy wife. Not what her mother became.

And can we appreciate how he's 25 and hasn't even had his first kiss yet, because he only wants to be with Claire? It was so common for men back then to frequent brothels and keep mistresses, and he didn't do any of that, he was waiting for Claire. Although let's be honest here, he's the only one to blame for it taking so long. Seven seasons, Teddy?? Really?!

Anyway, this is a man to be admired, that is serious commitment there. Some other man might not have done that.

And not only that, but he was also ahead of his time.

"He did not understand society's fascination with the virginal states of women - it was a double standard he found distinctly illogical, for men were allowed to cavort with as many women as they wanted, whenever they wanted."

Take note, gentlemen, this man is dreamy.

He also even considers servants his equals, because he says we're all human beings and titles and money shouldn't make a difference.

And I was very surprised to see how much I liked this couple, since I'm not a big fan of stories where childhood friends become lovers, I don't know, I'm one for first meetings and such. I like seeing the exact moment someone falls in love with another character.

I still wonder why the witch had to curse her sisters because her father wouldn't take care of her. Really? They did nothing wrong, get back at him, not his innocent daughters, who could've easily been you. Ridiculous woman.

I was glad they found a way to fix everything, and that Claire finally felt comfortable, well, living life!

If you're a fan of historical romances and nice guys, then I really recommend this :)

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I fell like I'm being generous with this rating. This just wasn't good. The characters were one dimensional, the writing was mediocre, and the plot was oh-so flimsy.

Novellas are often meant to entice readers into buying other novels by the author. This story didn't do that. Maybe other books by this author are good, but I'd need to see some stellar reviews before I gave them a try. This was just bad.

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Erica Monroe's novella The Mad Countess is about Lady Claire Deering who fears she’ll succumb to the madness that has destroyed her family as a result of a witch's curse. Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, have always been her best friend and they are very much in love. She is so afraid of the curse that when a death brings her family to a haunted castle it just reinforces her belief that she is destined for an inheritance of madness. Theo is at first reluctant to marry Claire after all he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship, but he does love her and he’s is determined to conquer her fear, a witches curse and with the advice of one of the castle ghosts to conquer the woman he loves. Thanks Erica for a truly enjoyable read!!!
This is my honest opinion and review from the ARC copy I received from the publisher and the author.

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Couldn't get into it. Thanks to the Publisher for the review copy!

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The Mad Countess by Erica Monroe is set in Cornwall in the year 1811. This is my first read by Erica Monroe and it won't be the last. This novella is the perfect " read in one afternoon by the pool" book. It's light with a touch of the paranormal and romance.
The main characters are Lady Claire Deering and Theodore "Teddy" Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke. Teddy is just adorable with his scholarly innocence and sweet temperament. Claire is held back and reserved because of her fear of turning mad like her mother and aunt. They are childhood friends that have a hidden love for each other. Teddy is reluctant to confess because he thinks she'll turn him down and Claire is dead set on becoming a spinster because of the madness. Teddy's refusal to give up on her is pretty much the heart of the story.
I'm excited to see what's next in this series and until then I will be reading more books by Ms. Monroe.

A copy of this novella was given to me by the publisher via netgalley for the my honest, unbiased review.

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'The Mad Countess' by Erica Monroe is book One in the "Darkest Regency" series. This is the story of Theodore 'Teddy' and Claire and is about 130 pages. In addition, this book has appeared in the 'Mystified (The Haunting of Castle Keyvnor Book 3) ' series. So just wanted to make you aware of that. If like me you haven't yet read that book then you too are happy to see this book on its own. As a fan of Ms. Monroe books I was happy to see this by itself.
Claire and Teddy are childhood friends that have now grown up. Teddy loves Claire and wants to marry her but is scared to go forward at first because he doesn't want to hurt their friendship. Claire to loves Teddy but keeps it a secret because she fears she will fall victim to the madness her mother and her aunt fell into. "My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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I originally read this novella in the Mystified Anthology, I loved it then and after re-reading it, I love it even more - I would give this novella 10 stars if I could.

I LOVED it! Claire and Teddy have been the best of friends for years and each loves the other - but they don't share their feelings for each other for very different reasons. Claire is cursed and is certain she will eventually go mad like her mother and her aunt. She loves Teddy with all that she is, but she will not condemn him to life with a mad wife. Teddy has loved Claire for as long as he can remember and she is the only woman he would even consider spending his life with, but fear of rejection and the loss of her friendship have kept him quiet - until now. Teddy is ready to put his fears behind him and win the woman he loves - all he has to do is convince Claire that there is no curse - or is there?

Awesome story, loved Claire and Teddy. Teddy is sigh worthy - for so many reasons but the biggest is because he waited for Claire - she was his first everything and probably his last as well!! I swear this going on my very short list of books to read again!!

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Publisher's Description:

Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, has been in love with his best friend, Lady Claire Deering, for as long as he can remember.
Claire too harbors a secret desire for him—but a witch cursed her family with madness, and she’s terrified she’ll only hurt him if they act on their feelings.
When a will reading at a mysterious castle in Cornwall brings them both together on All Hallows Eve, they’ll work to break her family’s curse…and find true love.

My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this well written and well developed paranormal, historical novella. One of the things I enjoyed the most was Teddy's total innocence in all things carnal. He had actually saved himself for the woman he loved, never having even kissed another.
Claire's belief in the curse makes her character very vulnerable to the taunts of the ton.
Can these two who have been best friends for life turn their friendship and love for each other into a lasting love and passion?
I found this novella totally enticing and the characters very endearing. I gave it 4.5 of 5 stars for storyline and characterization and a sensual rating 3.5 of 5 flames. There is only one true sexual encounter but it deserves some recognition as it is a sweetly written scene.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher to read and review. This in no way affected my opinion of this title and I have left this review voluntarily

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I found this book while looking for something new to read on netgalley. The cover caught my eye – the purple dress is fabulous – and the blurb sounded fun. A little spooky, but still a regency. I also liked that it was the first in the series, so I wouldn’t be missing out on character nuance or inside jokes. I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

And honestly, it was very sweet. True loves, Claire and Teddy, were afraid to tell each other how they truly felt because of the curse of madness hanging over Claire’s fate. With a little prodding, Teddy, ever a realist, and Claire, wanting her happily ever after, set out to break the curse. All of this is set against the backdrop of a very creepy castle, complete with ghosts and disembodied voices, witches in the forest, and the reading of a will. The story itself is a novella, not a full novel, and the pacing and plot move quickly. We get quite a bit of information about Teddy, Claire, and Claire’s mother to a degree, but everyone else is just a rough character sketch.

My only complaint is that, in this setting and with the sweetness of the story, I felt the romantic scene in the folly was unneeded. It could have been very sweet, inspirational, and charming without the love scene. Don’t get me wrong, I’m usually a fan…but in this case, it wasn’t needed or really wanted since their romantic tension and build had happened over a lifetime of intimacies.

In general, if you’re looking for a regency/gothic story in a haunted castle, give this one a go.

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Lady Claire Deering and Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, have been friends since childhood but both are in love with each other but for their own reasons, not telling the other. Claire believes that she is cursed by witches, that lead her mother and aunt into an early death due to madness. Consequently, Claire does not feel that she can reveal her feelings to Teddy. Claire travels to Castle Keynor to attend the reading of a will, only to find Teddy has also arrived at the castle. Teddy is trying to overcome his fears having become the Earl. Soon after his arrival at the castle, strange events take place, making Teddy realise that the curse, may not be what they think it is. I enjoyed this lovely novella. It was well paced with great character development.

I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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a totally enjoyable historical romance. I liked the plot and the characters.

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This novella was a good and quick read. Since the main characters grew up together, they knew each other and the story was able to progress based on that. The novella contains romance and magic.
Lady Claire Deering has been labeled the Mad Daughter due to her mother and aunt becoming insane. This is from a curse put on her mother and aunt by a witch. Claire does not want anyone else to be affected by the curse.
Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, has loved Claire since he was a child and they are best friends. He was a second son who inherited the title due to the death of his brother. Teddy does not believe in the curse and is a logical man. However, Claire does and this interferes with the plans to propose marriage.
Claire loves Teddy but would not want the curse to affect him as it has affected others. She tries to stay away but cannot help the way she feels and neither can Teddy. When the discover a secret that has been hidden, it gives them hope the curse can be broken. However, will Claire and Teddy be able to do what is necessary to break the curse or will the curse destroy them both?

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A little dark and perhaps a little paranormal as well.. however , a cute read that was interesting. It was a little slow at first but the pace did pick up. The story line was interesting if not completely joyful. It had the life overtones of what happened to people that were mistakenly thought crazy during that time period. It felt a little emotional reading it at times due to the horror people were put through. However, curses, passion, life, and a heroine that is a lot naive and confused made it interesting. The hero was one that was loyal and dedicated to being at her side. Really what more could you ask for in a true love setting? Definitely a good short read! I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna

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Not my type of historical as I do not enjoy witches and paranormal type story. I'm sorry that I missed this in the description.

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Theodore Lockwood, Earl of Ashbrooke, has been in love with his best friend, Lady Claire Deering, for as long as he can remember. Claire too has loved him for as long as she can remember, but a witch cursed her mother & aunt with madness, and she’s terrified she’ll only hurt him if they act on their feelings. Claire travels to Castle Keyvnor with her father for the will reading. She didn’t expect to see Teddy but he’s travelled with his close friends, Jack, Michael & Hal. Teddy trained for the law before the death of his brother meant he became the Earl, he has had his fears but is now striving to conquer then but wants Claire by his side. A rain storm, seeing her aunt & a witches coven all have a bearing on their HEA. I found this story to be a little slow to begin with but the pace increased as did my liking for the two main characters. A quick but satisfying read

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book

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