Cover Image: Traitor in Her Arms

Traitor in Her Arms

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for a review.

This is the first Shana Galen book for me. I'm on the fence as to how I feel about it. It's likeable enough. The characters are good and there’s an interesting adventure, but there were some odd discrepancies that keep me from liking it more.

The book is about to jewel thieves, Gabrielle and Ramsey, with different motives for their thievery. They also have a shared romantic past. Gabrielle has always been off limits to Ramsey because he didn’t want to taint her with his dishonest past. She eventually married his best friend, who has since died and left her to deal with paying his debts. She steals to keep the creditors at bay. He steals to pay someone who is blackmailing him so that his past won't be exposed.

They run across each other while trying to steal the same piece and their previous attraction is reignited. They encounter each other again on the way to France. Gabrielle is going on a humanitarian style mission. She was handpicked by the Scarlet Pimpernel, because of her sticky fingers, to steal a bracelet to be used as a bribe to get a mother and her child released from prison. Ramsey is going to France, on a mission from his blackmailer, to find out the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. On the way to France, Ramsey discovers that Gabrielle might have the answer he seeks so he decides to help her in her mission.

The book starts to get a little weird for me at this point. They enter France during the Reign of Terror and hysteria is high. There also seems to be a lot of blood lust. Speaking of lust... Even though Gabrielle and Ramsey are doing something that can get them killed they take to time to have these massive make out sessions or in one case, bed down for the night and have sex is some underground cavern. It just seemed a little odd to me. There are these graphic scenes where people are beheaded or beaten and Gabrielle and Ramsey feel comfortable, in their adventures, taking to time to take care of business. I guess danger heightens passions.

There's a scene in the book that I'm still a little confused about. Ramsey, Gabrielle and a co-conspirator, Alex, are running through tunnels, evading capture. They decide to split up so Alex can draw their pursuers away from Ramsey and Gabrielle. Alex tells them to run until they reach the split, then stay to the right, there will be a ladder for them to climb. When they get to the split they go left. Of course there's no ladder so Ramsey lifts Gabrielle up and she moves whatever cover there is and the guy who is supposed to be there is there to pull her out. Hello? They went the wrong way! How can he be there? Shouldn't he be hovering over the correct opening in the road? It was also never addressed that they went the wrong way. So, I don't know if this is just a continuity error or what. I'm still scratching my head a little over that one.

Besides for that little bit of snark I did enjoy the book. I really liked Ramsey. Even though he was in a bad spot personally, he stayed honorable. Gabrielle was a fair heroine. Sometimes she got a little annoying, but I liked her independence and ingenuity. I enjoyed the adventure and overall story. I will more than likely read another Galen book.

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This book was not the authors finest. The characters didn't connect for me and fair warning there is a lot of violent scenes in this one. Not your typical book by this author. I was very disappointed.

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First I want to say shana galen books are amazing and I will always preorder here books. I love Gabrielle, she was so brave to do what she did in the book. Sorry no spoilers. I can't wait for the sequel.

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If you like your historical romance with a strong dose of history, Traitor in Her Arms may appeal.

Set in the France’s days of Madame Guillotine, this is the story of an English couple who travel to Paris to play a part in the escape of French royalty from the Revolution. There is plenty of fast and bloody action to accompany the love story, but a love story there is indeed, and it is a believable and entertaining one.

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I've read all of Shana's books, enjoyed them all, and this is her very best. The story is riveting; I couldn't put it down, and the characters are so well-developed within the intensifying emotion of the unfolding plot. My congratulations to the author. I remain a fierce fan!

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Only read this book about half way. Could not get into the story or the characters. Topic was good but the author just didn't coalesce all the parts together.

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For all of you readers that do not mind the plot being center instead of the romance ... then this is a good read. however, for those of you like myself that would like the romance to be in focus..... this is a skip. I have read this author before and have truly enjoyed the stories. However, with this book it is more about being a thief then being in the middle of a romance that was twisted. I just could not get into this story. I struggled to finish it. I was given this book in return for an honest review.

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- I received a free copy from NetGalley; this is my honest review.
- The main and secondary characters are all likable, even the bad ones, because you understand why they do what they do and some are just desperate in their own hell.
- The suspense starts early and doesn't let go until the end; once, you think you're done with the fast palpitations of your heart but no, you're wrong, the author brings yet another twist and there you go again.
- There are lots of description about everything: senses (the smells will bother your nose), emotions (the fear will rise goosebumps on your arms), buildings (how beautiful or dark they are), outdoors (the noise in the streets, the people, etc.), scenes (some to the point of gory leaning to a horror show which I could have done without, quite frankly).
- If one would like to follow these chronicles, it would probably be better to read the series in order even though they each have their own HEA as the sideline story will continue in the next one.

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While I loved the concept of this novel (Scarlet Pimpernel!), jewel thieves (!), ladies getting it done for themselves (!), the gruesome, grisly, and gory details of revolutionary France were simply jarring and took me out of the narrative too quickly (as did the more passionate scenes so shortly after the darker moments. While I thought the romance was intriguing (and enjoyed some of the supporting cast), I thought the backdrop of Paris too much to overcome.

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This book is a complete page turner and filled with adventure right from the first page. It is really heartbreaking to read about the tortures that nobility went through during the French Revolution. The part about France is ghoulish and heartbreaking. I liked how the author has kept our interest in the story without making it too macabre. I really liked the well-written characters of the hero and heroine. They are not perfect and each one of them has their own selfish reasons for working with Scarlet Pimpernel, the mysterious do-gooder, that is helping nobles escape the horrors of France. But the story and romance are so gripping, you just don't want to put it down and ended up reading this one through the night. This is the first book in the series, "The Scarlet Chronicles" and I cannot wait for the rest of the series.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review. This is a well written story with several plots that lead to suspense filled moments. The French Revolution is worked into the storyline along with the appearance of the Scarlet Pimpernel. The book has numerous stories; gambling debts of a dead spouse, a man impersonating an Earl and the rescue of an aristocrat and baby from war torn France. Last but not least, the love story between Gabrielle and Ramsey is a big part of the story. I would highly recommend this book.

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Bit slow. Thanks to the Publisher for the review copy.

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It was boring and I just couldn't find anything about it interesting or compelling. Didn't waste time pass the first 30%. Other than being well written, not worth the time I spent.

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Shana Galen has written another winning historical. Good solid plot. Unique and romantic.

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I tend to like Ms. Galens books, this one was not for me. I love romance books, and even though this was one, the romance was not center stage, it was more about thievery. Gabrielle had to resort to being a thief, because her late husband leaves her in debt. Ramsey has secrets he needs to keep no matter what. They are both tasked with stealing the same item, but thru it they have an affair. But what is more important for Ramsey, Gabrielle or the necklace. The book is suspenseful and intriguing.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

I waffled between 3 and 4 stars. I requested this ARC because I've read a few of Shana's novels before and enjoyed them. Her settings are somewhat new to me, and this was no exception. I don't think I've ever read a romance novel where the setting was during the Reign of Terror, although the romance definitely takes a back seat to the action. This time period and setting definitely added to the dangerous atmosphere. The chemistry between the main two character was wonderful and the cloak and dagger element was spot on.

Upon her husband's death, Gabrielle McCullough is left with an overwhelming amount of debt due to her husband's penchant for gambling. With no other recourse, she beings stealing jewelry and other heirlooms from the ton. Ramsey Barnes, Earl of Sedgewick, is being blackmailed to keep a secret. When the two meet again while trying to steal the same necklace, their relationship is rekindled and things get interesting!

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One of my absolute favorite historical romance writers! She never fails to entertain me and this book is no different. She is a go-to author for me. I recommend her work to anyone who loves a good historical romance.

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"Traitor in her Arms" is more suspense and intrigue than a straight romance. Usually the romance takes center-stage while the setting is secondary. Not so in this book. Gabrielle McCullough has been left in debt by her deceased gambling husband and is forced to thievery to raise cash. Ramsey Barnes has a secret that he will do anything to keep, including stealing a priceless necklace. When these two cross paths trying to steal the same item, their long-ago passion for each other sparks again. When Gabrielle is recruited by the Scarlet Pimpernel for a dangerous mission in Paris, Ramsey follows with the intent of unmasking the Pimpernel, his final task for his blackmailer.

What happens next to these two during the Reign of Terror is spine-tingling, edge of your seat action. No one is safe and because they could be sent to the guillotine at any moment, they allow their past feelings to surface once again. Their love-making is as intense as the times and so there is no slow build-up to romance. There were twists and turns in the book that will keep you turning the pages to the end. If you're looking for a romantic love story, this isn't it, but if you like to suspense and intrigue, you'll thoroughly enjoy this book.

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Net Galley Kindle Copy for Review

Lady Gabrielle McCullough finds herself in debt from her deceased husband’s gambling debt. She turns to stealing in order to survive as she realizes that she has at she is caught talent foe picking locks. But one night by her dead husband’s friend who steals the piece of jewelery she stole.

Ramsey Barnes is also in need of money as he is being blackmailed. Unfortunately, he still has feelings for Gabrielle who he met before her marriage to his friend. Soon their paths keep crossing, as the chemistry heats up between them.

What will happen to them as they face danger in the night? Will they take a chance on love? A sweeping storyof romance and danger all roll in one.

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Another wonderful read by Shana Galen. The suspense in this story kept me enraptured and begging for more. I couldn't put it down. The hero and heroine had me laughing and crying all throughout the story. Look forward to the next one

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