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Hospitality and Homicide

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I love reading and relaxing with a Tourist Trap Mystery by Lynn Cahoon in my hands. The engaging characters and interesting plots draw me straight into the story. In Hospitality & Homicide, several changes are in store at Coffee, Books & More for owner, Jill Gregory, her Aunt Jackie, and their employees and friends. More than one relationship is tested, and I could relate to the conflict and sadness the characters were feeling. Esmeralda and her psychic senses finally receive the recognition they deserve in an emotionally stirring mini-mystery within a mystery. Emma, Jill's golden retriever, becomes a heroine! Jill's sleuthing tactics remain sharp despite the turmoil around her, and the information she and her friends compile tick off a murderer. Excellent story!

I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy from NetGalley and the publisher.

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Hospitality and Homicide is a sweet little cozy mystery, where the coffeehouse/bookstore owner just can't keep her nose out of a murder investigation, much to her boyfriend's (the detective) dismay. Its quite a boilerplate cozy, so if you're not into those, it won't be a good read. But, I found it a fun read, with lots of interesting characters. The plot was a bit too predictable--my only disappointment.

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Hospitality and Homicide is the eighth installment in the Tourist Trap series. I absolutely love this series. My face lights up when I see there is a new book is out. I love Jill and all the characters. Each book seems like a visit with old, dear friends. Needless to say, I can't wait for the next book due out in July. This is one of those series I will read as long as there are new additions to read.

Many thanks to Kensington and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Mystery Author Nathan Pike comes for a stay at South Cove to write his latest mystery novel. But when a murder occurs exactly as he described in his draft copy, he finds himself a suspect. Can Jill and her police officer boyfriend, Greg, solve this mystery and clear him of the murder charge. This story contains two mysteries to solve. Not only is there a murder, but there also is a missing child, one who everyone but fortune teller/police dispatcher Esmeralda, is convinced must be dead. But Esmeralda insists he is still out there alive. While I did not read the first book in this series, it was easy to slip into the characters and their relationships with each other. Jill is coping with expectations of her aunt in managing their bookstore/coffeeshop, while working towards her degree, while coping with Greg's surprise request to move in together. The mysteries kept the reader guessing until the end. The one negative is that sometimes the mysteries took a backseat to all of Jill's daily tasks and angst. But all in all, it was an enjoyable cozy and I look forward to reading the next one in this series. Disclosure: I am voluntarily reviewing an advance reading copy of this book.

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I love this series (A Tourist Trap Mystery) and this is book 8. There are lots of updates from previous story lines but you could read this as a stand alone. Jill and Greg are thinking of moving in together as the coffee shop is doing great and the police department is running smoothly. Jill's classes are keeping her busy and Aunt Jackie is moving ahead with her life. A great mystery to solve along with the locals.

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This is one of those series where I cannot say that it is my favorite, but I do find myself going back every time there is a new release.

When mystery author Nathan Pike arrives in South Cove looking for a peaceful and private place to take on his next writing project, no one knew that an integral scene would be played out in real life. As fingers are pointed and gossip spreads, there is more going on in the background than the people of this sleepy tourist town know.

Lynn Cahoon is trying to move her regular characters forward, but I am confused when she has the main character Jill Gardener taking what are supposed to be graduate courses in business but sound more like undergrad type of work. Then again, I do tend to get caught up in the minutia.

Esmeralda is still reeling from an old case where she was wrong in her prediction and now another boy is missing and no one will take her seriously. She cannot survive another disaster and there is nothing that Jill can do for her since Jill has her own problems with both school and trying to run her book and coffee shop with an ever-decreasing number of employees and deciding if it would be a good time to move her personal relationship forward.

This is a story of bad blood. The past seems to be getting in the way of each of the characters in different ways. Who will be able to move forward and who believes that revenge is the only way out?

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Hospitality and Homicide: The Tourist Trap Mystery
By Lynn Cahoon
Lyrical Underground Kensington
May 2017

Review by Cynthia Chow

If not for an unexpected inheritance, former attorney Jill Gardner would never have had the opportunity to become the owner of Coffee, Books, and More in South cove, California. A former attorney, Jill is now in the process of attaining a Masters’ Degree in Business in order to help her book and coffee shop succeed in the tourist-dependent town. Part of her plan to lure in customers has been hosting events and party for returning bestselling thriller author Nathan Pike. Less delighted with the writer’s presence is Jill’s boyfriend detective Greg King, who finds Nathan’s ceaseless pratter, messy eating, and intrusive curiosity exceedingly irritating. A few potato chip crumbs and messy fingerprints will be the least of their problems when the body of a local bed and breakfast owner murdered, in exactly the same manner portrayed in the draft of Nathan’s latest book.

Nathan never becomes a serious suspect, so the real puzzle is who had access to the novel and why the by-all-accounts very nice Walter Knicely was so brutally killed. Jill is someone who loves solving puzzles, and with her record of getting involved and solving crimes there’s little doubt that she will immersed in the investigation. Greg’s disapproval is actually welcome compared to latest snafu thrown into their relationship, namely his asking to move in together. When the town starts a betting pool on the date of the move – or whether they will just break up – Jill finds herself studying the commitment statuses of those closest to her for guidance. A new boyfriend’s influence may be mellowing her Aunt Jackie’s obstinate attitude, but the professional ambitions of a barista may cost her a boyfriend. Considering that Toby is Coffee, Books, and More’s “Barista Babe” and a local attraction, his being single may be good for business, but bad for romance.

Despite this being the eighth in the series, new readers will be able to quickly catch up and become invested in the lives of the unusual South Cove residents. As Jill acknowledges, a new very weird business owner should fit into the town just fine. As the city council business liaison, Jill negotiates between a clock store named Killing Time, the tea shop Tea Hee, and bakery Pies on the Sky. Despite the gruesome murder, a humorous tone is maintained through Jill’s witty narration and complacent acceptance of the town’s eccentrics. What does unsettle Jill is the obsessive wanderings by her neighbor, the police dispatcher and fortune-teller who refuses to believe that a missing child has drowned at sea. This is a thoroughly fun novel, dominated by Jill’s romantic ruminations, forthright questions, and search for a new hire. These unusual but delightful characters will have readers returning again and again to this satisfying and often surprising series.

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I just love Lynn Cahoon's Tourist Trap Mysteries and 'Hospitality and Homicide' didn't disappoint! I have come to care about South Cove's inhabitants with their endearing quirks and realistic characterizations. When a murder occurs at a Bread and Breakfast in town it hits close to home for Jill. The number one suspect is an author she had come for a book signing at Coffee, Books and More. With her insatiable curiosity she starts investigating with predictable results. A touching side story about Esmeralda and a missing child is a highlight of the book. Relationship issues abound with Greg, Toby and Sasha and even with Josh Thomas. Again there is just the right touch of mystery, suspense and romance. Lynn Cahoon has expertly left a tickler that makes me very anxious for the next book in the series.

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Wow. This is the eighth book in the series, but the first I've read. I have been missing out!
I was able to enjoy this book, but will definitely read the previous ones!
I really enjoyed the setting of South Cove and Coffee, Books and More.
The characters are realistic and well written, especially Jill.
The whodunit kept me guessing right until the conclusion.
I highly recommend this book.
I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I enjoyed this installment of this series. I have not read these in order but each so far, has been a standalone mystery/story with the characters developing in each. I did pick out the killer but was not sure of the motive until much later in the book. There were a few twists on who the killer was and their relationship to Walter. I also enjoyed the subplot of Thad. This book was a good read and all the characters have real life issues albeit not all are show stoppers. Just like real life. I received an ARC of this book and am freely giving my review. Good book, good characters, and a fast read.

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There are so many things that I liked about this book! The first being that it features a book/coffee shop. There isn't really anything like that where I live so it's always nice to read about them in books. That's the perfect idea of a hangout for me. I also really liked the characters. They are fun and interesting and keep you invested in the story. I enjoyed the relationship between Jill and Greg. The mystery really drew me in.

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Welcome back to South Cove! A beautiful little seaside town in California. This is the 8th book in this series. And things are coming along very well.

Jill Gardner, owner of Coffee, Books and More, is getting ready for Nathan Pike to return and do a signing at her shop while he is in town shadowing her hot cop boyfriend, Greg, for a week while working on his newest novel.

There are a lot of changes going on at the shop as workers come and go and Jill is still trying to finish up her business degree, run the shop, interview new employees and now it looks as though there is going to be a murder to solve. As well as answer a question posed by said hot cop.

Someone has killed a local B&B owner in the same manner as a character in Nathan's new book. Who wanted this man dead? And who knew what Nathan was writing?

In this close knit community there is no shortage of odd citizens. And of course our girl Jill isn't one to sit quietly on the sidelines whiler her man handles the detective work.

I really enjoyed this one! The characters continue to surprise me and are very well developed.

I have no problem recommending this book to all of you Cozy Mystery fans!

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Fast-paced mystery with interesting characters and sub-plots.

Jill Gardner has life decisions to make: Sasha is moving away and finding her replacement at South Cove's Coffee, Books & More isn't easy. Greg's lease is up and after 2 years of dating he's asked about moving into Jill's house.

Can Jill get beyond her traumatic past and how will she cope with a cop in residence 24/7 but keep her investigative urges from interfering?

Putting the pieces together to solve the murder of Beal St. B&B owner, sit two final exams in her business classes, juggle her business demands and host an author night kept this book moving quickly.

This is book 8 in the series. I've read a few but not all of the previous books and could follow this even if I hadn't read one of them.

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Having read all of the Tourist Trap Mysteries, I was looking forward to #8, and Hospitality and Homicide did not disappoint. At this point, Jill and the people of South Cove have become old friends, and it's gratifying to see the lives of the characters becoming even more intertwined. Of course, Jill is drawn into another murder mystery that doesn't completely unfold until the end of the book. Along the way, there is also the matter of a lost boy and Esmeralda's psychic connection to the child. Relationship beginnings and endings abound, including a big will they or won't they decision about the next step for Jill and boyfriend Greg. A fun, satisfying read.

Full Disclosure--Net Gallery and the publisher provided me with a digital ARC of this book. This is my honest review.

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South Cove’s Coffee, Books, and More's nosy owner, Jill Gardner, gets involved with a murder investigation when one of her guest authors is taken in for questioning.....the murder scene bearing too strong a resemblance to a scene in the new book he was writing.
No one could figure out a motive for Walter Knicely's murder as everyone liked the quiet man....And in the middle of this a young boy was missing, the local fortune teller insisting he was still alive, stirring up his parents. Just when everyone started blaming Esmeralda for torturing the parents, Jill and Emma, her dog find his location.
Jill decides to look into Walter's life uncovering info that was crucial in solving it, almost getting her killed in the process.
Wonderfully written descriptions of places and people written so realistically they're easy to envision.

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When I open one of the Tourist Trap books, I feel like I'm catching up with old friends.
Jill Gardner is fiercely independent, however, she is working on her commitment fears in this story.
When author Nathan Pike visits their quiet town, Detective Greg King isn't excited that the well-known author will be his shadow.
For the next Mon, Nathan Pike will follow Greg while on the job. The author prefers to experience what his characters will go through, it keeps the creative juices flowing.
What Nathan doesn't expect is to be smack dab in the middle of a real life murder.

The story flowed smoothly and I read this book from cover to cover in a few hours.

I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.

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Hospitality and Homicide is the eighth book in Lynn Cahoon’s wonderful Tourist Trap Mystery series and is a well-written story, with well-developed and relatable characters, that moves along at a steady pace. Ms. Cahoon’s writing style flows smoothly and she provides good background information about the characters and town. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading well-crafted cozy mysteries.

Jill Gardner is the owner of Coffee, Books, and More in the small coastal town of South Cove, California. Coffee, Books, and More is a coffee bar and bookstore and sounds like an ideal place to hang out, read a cozy mystery, or participate in a book club. Jill loves South Cove and in addition to running her shop, is the city council’s business liaison, and is studying for two finals for the business courses she’s enrolled in. She enjoys loves running on the beach with her dog, Emma, spending time with her boyfriend, Detective Greg King, and her best friend, Amy. Nathan Pike, a famous mystery author, is in town and will be shadowing Detective King, work on his upcoming book, and making a guest appearance at one of Coffee, Books, and More’s book clubs. When Walter Knicely, the owner of Beal Street Bed and Breakfast is murdered the same way as portrayed in Nathan’s unpublished book, Jill wonders if someone is trying to frame him and, against Greg’s wishes, launches into her own investigation to find the truth before Nathan is arrested. Jill is also concerned about the mental state of her neighbor, Esmeralda, who is a police dispatcher and part time fortuneteller. Thad Coltrane is a young boy who is missing and presumed dead but Esmeralda says the spirits are telling her he hasn’t passed over yet and she’s frantic to locate him, often placing herself in harm’s way. Greg wants to take their relationship to the next level and move in with Jill but she’s not sure and trying to overcome her commitment issues.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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I really enjoyed Hospitality and Homicide! The latest in Lynn Cahoon's Tourist Trap Mysteries, it again features Jill Gardner of South Cove, California, running her bookshop/coffeeshop and getting involved in a murder now and then.

In this book, a famous author, Nathan Pike, has come to town to write his latest thriller. A local B&B owner is murdered in the same way plotted in his new book. Nathan is making a pest of himself tagging along with Jill's boyfriend, Greg, the police chief, and the murder is difficult to solve. Jill gets involved and helps break it all open. The ending was interesting and tied up the story well.

I especially love the characters in the books. Jills's employees have their own dramas that she has to deal with, and her Aunt Jackie, friends and fellow shop owners are interesting and fun. I especially enjoyed the sub-plot that involved Esmerelda, her psychic neighbor and the police dispatcher. South Cove sounds like a wonderful place to live and work.

I highly recommend this book. It's a great cozy mystery and you'll enjoy it even if you haven't read the other books in the series.

Thanks to Lyrical Underground and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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First I want to thank Netgalley and Kensington books to allow me to read this advanced copy.

This series was initially recommend to me through Amazon and I am so happy I bought the first book to read. I quickly fell in love with Jill and South Cove, my dream job would be to have a bookshop/coffee shop.

In this latest story a local B&B owner is found murdered, Jill is her nosy self and starts finding clues that help find the killer. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of having to go to work I could have easily read this book in one sitting.

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Great cozy, fantastic series, one of my favorites! Jill is a big city lawyer who chucked her fast tracked career for what she thought would be a slower paced life as owner of Coffee, Books, & More in the sleepy little town of South Cove California. This lovely little town is full of history, quaint shops, a great tourist trade, friendly town folks, and a murderer, as well. As a naturally curious, amateur sleuth, Jill just always seems to stumble upon real mysteries that always involve murder, much to the dismay of her family and friends, especially her hot love interest who just happens to be the local police detective. Read it to find out what exciting predicaments transpire in this exciting cozy. Thanks NetGalley and publisher for arc. Great read!

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