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A Reference to Murder

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Book two in the Book Barn Mystery series. After the events of the first book Charli decided to stay in her hometown and help her daddy run the bookstore known as the Book Barn Princess. A yearly rodeo event is gearing up to happen which brings lots of new people to the area. When a bull rider comes up missing Charli's friend Scarlett is thought to be involved which makes Charli have to investigate what really happened much to Mateo's dismay and Cade's too for that matter. No matter how many times she is scared to back off Charli just does not know when to quit though she does flush out the murderer before it is all said and done. I have to admit the very end had me laughing so hard my stomach muscles hurt for a good hour. I give it 4/5 stars.

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Fun cozy ! Charlie Rae and Scarlett are quite the intrepid duo in this second entry in a series- which you could happily read as a standalone. Small town stuff and rodeo are bonuses but this never gets too madcap or twee. Roberts has a breezy writing style and the book zips along. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Thumbs up!

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I enjoyed this although it has some issues going on. Charli verges on the too-stupid-to-live at times and the way the author has set the plot up makes the characters do a lot of about faces. I liked the setting, I liked the idea of the heroine even if not always the execution and I was fascinated by the bull riding set-up because we don't have that over here. And the pet Armadillo was a nice touch. I'll keep an eye out for more, but I won't necessarily be running to find them.

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This breathtaking mystery is second in the Book Barn Mystery series; A Reference to Murder surpasses the first in series with non-stop action, fascinating characters, and a layered mystery full of surprises. I thoroughly enjoyed this cozy mystery.

Charli Rae manages The Book Barn Princess with the companionship of her dad’s pet armadillo Princess and her father, Bobby Ray. Charli’s best friend is the greatest hairstylist in Texas. Scarlet is owner of Beaus and Beauties, a full-service hair and nail salon.

The annual Cowboy Ranch Auction and Cowboy Ranch Invitational is beginning. The auction and rodeo benefit the rodeo stars at the Ranch with career and life altering injuries who need assistance. One of the bull riders is Dalton, a blond-haired, blue-eyed local star bested only by his brother Wyatt, who disappeared seven years earlier. Scarlet and Dalton immediately become a “thing”, and go dancing at the Tool Shed Tavern days before the rodeo starts.

Something was wrong with Dalton, and the promoters come to pick him up when he appears falling-down drunk after only a couple drinks. The promoters claim he has a pain pill problem that began with a back injury. Dalton was supposed to return to Scarlet’s that night, had even left his backpack at her place. A national TV news reporter was at the Tavern with his cameraman and was more than happy to take footage of Dalton and Scarlet. Liza, news woman from the local station is prepared also, with Aubrey, former employee at the Book Barn in tow as a summer intern.

Dalton was a no-show and didn’t call or send word where he was. Charli was attacked twice – first by a maniac outside her store attempting to apply a red-hot branding iron to her face, then at the rodeo grounds where she was dumped into the stall of a bull she suspected of being drugged. The worst was the grisly find of two graves outside town, one very recent, with one bearing the buckle that had been Wyatt’s, the recent one with Dalton’s.

Charli is very well-defined, and other characters are described as necessary. I like Charli and Scarlet. They are uniquely different in many ways, but Scarlet had believed in Charli when she first return to town and was accused of murder, and Charli will stand by her through her challenges. Scarlet is an amazing artisan when it comes to using repurposed, damaged books to make beautiful works. Bobby Ray is a pretty cool dad, demonstrating his love for Charli despite that she had left without looking back years ago. The cowboys are an interesting bunch of guys. At first they seem competitive to the exclusion of helping each other, but Charli begins to see several of them for who they really are.

This has been a ride almost as exhilarating as a bull rider’s turn on the beast! It is a fast-moving without wasted words. There is so much to rodeos and the bull riding than one would anticipate; so many people can profit – or lose – through each venue that there is a passel of suspects. I admit, especially with the plot twists that brought this reader through a myriad of emotions, I didn’t see coming who the bad guy(s)/ gal(s) would be. The ending is satisfying, leaving no West Texas cacti unturned. I highly recommend A Reference to Murder to those who enjoy well-written cozy mysteries, the rodeo, romance, or bookstores! A great read for any time of year.

From a grateful heart: I received this eBook from the publisher and NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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An entertaining cozy. There frequently is a pet in a cozy mystery. No dogs or cats here, but an armadillo. Our delightful protagonist is in Texas after all. Rodeo excitement, missing persons, murder, and romance all add up to an enjoyable read.

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A Reference to Murder
Author; Kym Roberts
Publisher: Lyrical Underground

Charli (Princess) Rae Warren is back home in Hazel Rock, Texas after many years. Working in her father’s bookshop, The Book Barn leaves her a lot of free time to buy and sell, as well as read book. She takes over the running the bookstore with gusto and is happy for most of the time, except when there is a murderer on the loose.

Charli keeps busy with a fundraising auction and the big rodeo event that’s come to town. All of this means dealing with big egos, including that of the favorite cowboy Dalton Hibbs, a blond, blue-eyed bull rider who gets drunk and disappears.

Dalton’s brother vanished seven years ago, and it looks like Dalton is following in his footsteps. She comes across two graves in the middle of nowhere while looking for him, she along with everyone else believes the bodies to be those of Dalton and his missing brother. But when fingers start pointing at her best friend, Scarlet she teams up with the local sheriff to find the killer.

Kym Roberts has crafted a fast-paced, easy to follow the story. Her characters are rounded and developed and very believable and a good representation of the town and the main focus of the plot. Charli gets into more trouble than anyone could even imagine and this makes her very likable. She also puts her nose where it doesn’t belong and almost gets it cut off for the effort. The interaction between her, Scarlet and the principle characters is full of action

It is difficult to figure out which of the men in her life, Cade or Mateo is the real love interest. Although both characters are interesting, they are both equally hard to understand where Charli is concerned. This situation is a real problem for Charli as she tries to figure out which man she wants to be with if either or any. Although the killer was somewhat obvious the villain's motive was not until the very end.

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Initially I grabbed at the title based on the premise alone – I can’t resist a book-loving heroine, and with the pet pink armadillo, I was all in. And Princess the armadillo, with her penchant for eating books and generally being an armadillo was adorable. But, this is a story of Charli Rae and her return to her small Texas hometown to help her father run the Book Barn, the family business. Not having read the first in the series, I was grateful for the author’s ability to give a bit of background on the characters without overtaking the current story, and everyone is in the midst of preparing for the big town event, a rodeo with an auction that brings proceeds to help support aging and injured rodeo cowboys. Together with her best friend Scarlett, owner of the beauty shop, have been running classes for ‘book art’ to provide items for the auction.

The big day dawns and everything is moving along despite the usual hiccups, and her friend Scarlett is upset since Dalton (a bull-rider she’s had her eye on for a while) seems to have disappeared without a trace, leaving her feeling abandoned. But there is opportunity for worry as well since seven years earlier Dalton’s brother disappeared at the same event in the same way. Charli is incensed for her friend, and intrigued by the mystery – so she just dives in and starts looking. Soon, she’s in over her head, and everyone, including the local sherriff and her ex-boyfriend the mayor, is worried for her safety.

Twists, turns and laughs galore, Roberts infuses the story with plenty of unique characters who are all up in the local gossip, each with their own view of things and people. A solid friendship between Charli and Scarlett is clearly presented: while the two are supportive, loyal and above all, cleverly portrayed. Descriptions and presentations of scenes, people and moments are cleanly written and the mystery thread is perfectly twisty with plenty of options for suspects, tension and drama. A clever small town story that will provide a few hours respite and several laughs.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=”” ><a> I am, Indeed </a>

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Sometimes you have to just accept you’re a Princess and move on. Such is the case for Charli Rae Warren in the latest Book Barn mystery, A Reference to Murder. Charli has been trying to get the town of Hazel Rock to quit calling her Princess since she moved back. In this novel she finally realizes the futility of that effort and lets herself be the Princess they’ve always thought her to be. Though the road certainly isn’t easy. It is her involvement in the local Cowboy Invitational Rodeo that finally sets her on this path and not surprisingly there is a body or two along the way. I’m really enjoying this cozy series by Kym Roberts. It’s got great characters, fun characters, and a barn bookstore (how can you go wrong with a bookstore?). As a Colorado girl, I loved the amount of detail Roberts included about the rodeo; it the Cowboy Invitational isn’t real, I really wish it was. If you are looking for a great escapist read, this is a good place to start. I know I can’t wait for the next installment in this fun series.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.

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I am on a roll with good cozies and A Reference to Murder kept the streak going! Charlie is still trying to adjust to moving back to her hometown and is trying to repair her relationship with her father. Her days are busy working in the Book Barn, participating in a fundraising auction, and keeping her pet armadillo from eating the stock. Throw in some tangled feelings for the mayor, Cade, and the sheriff, Mateo, and her plate is more than a little full.

When Dalton Hibbs strides into Hazel Rock, charms Charli's best friend Scarlet, then disappears leaving nothing but questions just like his brother did years before Charli has no choice but to get involved. I have no interest in bull riding and have never been to a rodeo but I did enjoy the tidbits that were in this book. It was fun to get a look inside the business. I doubt I'll ever go to a rodeo but I think I have a new appreciation for bull riders. I liked the town of Hazel Rock a lot. There are a few quirky characters and quite a number of likable and interesting people. I'm curious about the direction Charli's love life will go and how she continues to make her adult home in her hometown.

The mystery was entertaining and there were a lot of different threads. What happened to Dalton? Who attacked Charli with a branding iron? Who broke in to Scarlet's trailer? What happened to Wyatt all those years ago? I think I changed my mind about a dozen times while reading! I was surprised by the reveal but I thought it felt a little rushed. All the questions were answered but I would have liked a little more time to get everything resolved.

Overall, this was an entertaining mystery with a likable main character. I'm looking forward to visiting Hazel Rock again in the future!

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Charli Rae is back! She has settled back into the nuttiness that is Hazel Rock. She is still wondering why she cares what Cade gets up to, when he has ignored her for months. Then there is Mateo, a man who makes a brown cop uniform look good! He seems to be interested in her but at the same time is keeping his distance. So at the moment the only man in her life is her dad. He helps around the store, helps with the craft classes and generally makes her life easier.

The Cowboy Ranch Invitational is a big deal to the town and a much needed way to raise funds for a local charity. When Scarlett takes up with Dalton, one of the rising stars, she sets the town gossips jaws wagging. But not as much as they do when Dalton goes missing, just like his brother did after being seen with Scarlet several years before!

Charli is quick to defend Scarlett and sets out to find Dalton and tear him a new one for what he has done to Scarlett. But has he really vanished? Is he hiding out? Is it a media stunt? As the story unfurls we learn that not every one is what they seem. Charli also seems to find herself with another potential beau to muddy the romantic pool further!

I love this series so hard! Princess the armadillo is such a character herself! Eve's gate continues to weed out the bad eggs and Hazel Rock, population 2000 odd souls continues to rack up the dead bodies! Charli is in such a quandary over her love life, she just can't seem to decide what and who she wants. One of my favourite scenes is near the end of the book where 3 certain clowns entertain Charli and the masses. I just loved that even though they may have different opinions on what Charli means to them and how she fits in their lives, they are willing to work together to keep her happy, safe and cherished!

I'm dreading the wait for book 3!!!!!

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A Reference To Murder
A Book Barn Mystery, Book #2
Kym Roberts
5 Stars


Charli Rae Warren is back home in Hazel Rock, Texas, spending her time reading, collecting, and selling books—at least, the ones that don’t get eaten first by her father’s pet armadillo. Running the family bookstore is a demanding job, but solving murders on the side can be flat out dangerous…

The Book Barn is more than just a shop, it’s a part of the community—and Charli is keeping busy with a fundraising auction and the big rodeo event that’s come to town. That includes dealing with the Texas-sized egos of some celebrity cowboys, including Dalton Hibbs, a blond, blue-eyed bull rider who gets overly rowdy one night with the local hairdresser . . . and soon afterward, disappears into thin air.

Dalton’s brother also vanished seven years ago—and Charli is thrown about whether Dalton is a villain or a victim. After a close call with an assailant wielding a branding iron (that plays havoc with her hair) and some strange vandalism on her property, she’s going to have to team up with the sheriff to untangle this mystery, before she gets gored . . . (Goodreads)


The characters are well rounded, well developed and three dimensional. Charli is smart and feisty and is not afraid to stick her nose where it might not belong. She is a hard worker and has good business sense. Scarlett is the perfect best friend, she will stick up for you and also comfort you when you need it. I just love the friendship that they have and I think we should all have a friend like Scarlett. Princess, Charli’s father’s pink armadillo, stole the show and is one of the best pets ever. I have to say that I would really like Charli to decide on which of her male suitors she likes best and move on.

The author is very talented is her descriptive writing and through most of the book I felt like I was right there watching all of the action taking place. I felt like I could see the bulls at the rodeo and smell the smells. I loved the small town feel of Hazel Rock and how neighbor’s helped each other out, and also how everyone knew everyone’s business. It seemed like a real small town to me.

The mystery was carried on well throughout the story. There were enough suspects to consider and enough twists and turns and red herrings thrown in to make it difficult to solve the mystery, and I did not figure out the whodunit until it was revealed at the end. I like when that happens.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy mystery. With quirky likable characters, a small town setting and a well plotted mystery, this is a book you do not want to miss.

I received a free copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for a honest review. I want to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I haven't read the first one in this series, but I will be. Athe book barn is my kind of place! Wish we had a place like it near where I live. I love books with unusual,companions (including crazy bunny slippers) Princess the armadillo just makes it for me. I look forward to more of their adventures.

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What's more exciting than books and a good mystery? A Reference to Murder has Charli Rae Warren back in Texas at the Book Barn, selling books and solving murders. The story begins with a famous bull rider, Dalton Hibbs, having a drunken night of fun before he disappears. Charli has to get to the bottom of this incident, quickly, before someone else gets hurt. A satisfying story of fun and suspense, filled with many great characters and surprises. Recommended for all those who love cozy mysteries.

A Reference to Murder by Kym Roberts will be available May 16, 2017 by Lyrical Underground. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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It’s rodeo time in Hazel Rock, Texas and Charli Rae is looking forward to helping raise money for the local cowboy home. Helping keep her friend out of jail for the murder of her bull riding boyfriend isn’t what Charli had in mind. When Dalton turns up alive and well, more questions arise as to who is really in that freshly dug grave and who is in the older one next to it.

This book is full of quirky, fun characters as any set-in Texas should be. As anyone knows, you can be as snarky and catty at you want about a person, as long as you end your statement with, ‘bless their heart.’ Though filled with all the color and personality that is Texas this book does deal with a murder and the story has its dark moments. Very entertaining. This is the second in the Book Barn Mysteries and is a good addition. You can pick up A Fatal Fiction if you like to start at the beginning of a series.

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This first book in this series is the first book I read during Dewey's 24 hour readathon! I wasn't blown away but thought it was a pretty good cozy mystery. It left me wanting to know more about the characters, especially Charli.

Since the first book was not my favorite in the cozy mystery genre, I started this one with trepidation but hope. I was also hoping that Charli would make up her mind and this would not turn into a love triangle. I understand though, because I would not know who to choose between these two strong, courageous, handsome men either.

What's more fun about this one is that I know some of the characters now so there is none of that first book introduction. There are some characters that are unknown since the town is having a rodeo, but they add to the already eclectic mix of characters from the town. Charli has made some life decisions and with how book one ended, I'm not surprised.

What is funny is her relationship with Cade and Mateo. I wish I could kick them both in the shins! And once again when she starts being threatened they are there for her. Sort of. Both are alpha men that think they know best. In this case, maybe they do, but in Charli's defense it's not like she's putting her life on the line here. She is actually much more reserved than in her first case!

The downside to this is that, like in the first story, many of the clues do not lead toward the killer. And once the killer is outed they go into the reasons why. Stop your yapping and kill people, geez. When are villains going to learn this? Also, I can't remember what they did to the body considering the body could not be identified. They had to do something but I don't think it was ever brought up.

Other than all the talk at the end, which was needed to bring the story together, I felt that this was a really solid cozy mystery. Charli's characterization came out even more and so did the characterization of the others in the town. I found myself wanting to immediately read book three! Sadly, nothing seems to be out there yet about book three, but I'll be here when it is!

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There's a big fundraiser going on to benefit the retired cowboys' home. There are a lot of bull riders and rodeo stars living there. Prize money doesn't last long when you're young. There's going to be a big rodeo event with the current title holders, too. But when one of the stars goes missing overnight, it turns into a hunt for a body...

Kensington Books/Lyrical Underground let me read this ebook for review (thank you). It will be published May 16th.

Charli has come home and is working in the Book Barn with her father. Her girlfriend, Scarlet, has a crush on Dalton and is very upset that he is missing. Charli tries to convince Scarlet he might not be the best boyfriend but she's not listening. She asks for Charli's help in finding Dalton.

Charli gets attacked outside her business by a cowboy with a branding iron. He doesn't get her face with it but he does burn off a good hunk of hair. After Scarlet fixes her hair, they go to Scarlet's trailer and look in Dalton's backpack. They find his phone and they track his Ipad. When they find his location, they head out. What they find are two dead bodies. One was from the past and the other was from the present. They think it's Dalton.

This first body was Dalton's older brother, who disappeared seven years ago. The present day body has been so badly damaged they have to wait for DNA evidence. The killer isn't going to go down easily and the story gets wicked before the end. Luckily, Charli and Scarlet get out alive.

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A Reference to Murder: A Book Barn Mystery
By Kym Roberts
Kensington Lyrical Underground
May 16, 2017

Review by Cynthia Chow

When Charli Rae Warren left Hazel Rock, Texas, she hoped to leave behind the Princess nickname that was passed on to her parents’ converted historic barn and their albino pink armadillo. Now that Charli has returned to Hazel Rock to run The Book Barn Princess, Charli is finding that memories are long and that it is inevitable that all three Princesses will be sharing space together. Fortunately, the former elementary school teacher adores teaching classes on how to repurpose damaged books into useable works of art, as some of Charli’s pieces are to be auctioned off for charity during the Cowboy Ranch Invitational rodeo. The competition has brought to town a number of swaggering cowboys, with the most braggish being Dalton Hibbs, a handsome cowboy who romances Scarlet, Beaus and Beauties hair salon owner and Charli’s best friend. When Dalton misses a scheduled appearance, Scarlet refuses to believe that he would have done so voluntarily and break her heart. Scarlet’s drunken reenactment of a Say Anything moment with phone doesn’t exactly inspire the police, who happens to come in the handsome form of Sheriff Mateo Espinosa. He has distinctly friend-zoned Charli in light of his being best friends with her ex-boyfriend, Hazel Rock’s mayor Cade Calloway. It’s more than a little frustrating for Charli, to say the least.

It turns out that Dalton wasn’t the first Hibbs brother to disappear from the Champion Bull Circuit, and coincidentally – or not - he was also last seen in Scarlet’s company. Scarlet unwavering supported Charli when she herself was suspected of murder, so Charli feels compelled to return the favor. Rival bullrider Travis Sinclair’s literal mike drop during his “eulogy” of Dalton places him high on the suspect list, but Charli is more than a little distracted by a series of attacks against her, one by a branding iron that nearly redefines her having a bad hair day.

In this second of the series readers will again delight in following the adventures of a heroine who feels out-of-place even within a town of eccentrics. Charli’s mixed-race heritage has given her an outsider complex, yet it is a status that seems mostly self-inflicted. Now that she has returned home, Charli is growing to embrace both her hometown and her Princess name. The humor flows naturally, with the residents’ quirks portrayed so realistically that one never doubts in Hazel Rock’s existence. This would be less of achievement if it didn’t stem from the imagination of an author whose background is a career in SVU law enforcement. Charli’s romantic complications never overwhelm the main mystery, yet the love from family and friends reigns supreme. The conclusion proves to be as unexpected as it is satisfying, and it is delivered realistically considering Charli’s amateur detective status. Fans of the mysteries by Joan Hess and Margaret Maron will find much to appreciate in this series, which highlights the humor of Southern culture while simultaneously celebrating it.

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This is the second book in the series and I loved this one. It read easier than the first book and I was glued to pages before long.
The Championship Bull Riding Rodeo is in Hazel Rock, Texas and everyone is geared up for a week of fun.
The CBR donates proceeds to The Cowboy Ranch, owned by Mayor Cade Calloway.
The small town is filled with fans and tourists, keeping the The Book Barn busy and keeping Charli on her toes.
When Charli isn't busy in the book store, she can usually be found with Princess, her dad's armadillo.
Charli's friend Scarlet has won the affection of Dalton Hibbs, the rodeo star. After a brief night together, Dalton disappears and Scarlet begs Charli to help her.

Charli can't say no, and before long, Charli finds herself close to being branded, tossed in a pen with Twisted Mister and so much more.

I really enjoyed this store, it was well written and there were plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing.

I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.

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I very much enjoyed this second book in the Book Barn series! Not only did it keep me guessing as to who the murderer was, if there was one, but it kept me guessing until the very end. It also had lots of cowboys in town for the annual fundraiser for retired cowboys and girls. Nothing better than a cowboy in a tight pair of wranglers to keep a girl interested!

Charli is fitting back into town well and settling into things at the Book Barn. She is getting local businesses on board for a fundraiser to help out the local retirement home for cowboys and girls. The yearly event of the big rodeo brings lots of visitors to town. When you have the swagger and egos of all those macho guys in town fireworks are bound to erupt. Unfortunately, one cowboy disappears after acting a fool and getting everyone in town worked up. Thing is, this isn't the only time something like this happened. It happened before and Charli's friend, Scarlett was suspected then. Does Scarlett have anything to do with it now? Or is something more sinister at work? Especially when Charli is attacked not once, but twice.

I was given an eARC by the publisher through NetGalley.

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and Kensington books for the arc of this book.

Since this was the second in a series I bought and read the first book prior to this so that I could give this book a fair review. I find it's always easier to start a series at the beginning and then I feel like I know the characters better.

In this book the rodeo is in town for a charity fundraiser and when one of the cowboys, one that Scarlet is involved with, disappears Charli has to get involved to clear her friends name.

I really like the characters and the entire premise of this book, I can't wait to read what Charli gets into next, and who Charli gets into.....

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