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The Girl Who Was Taken

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Compelling thriller about a kidnapper who takes young girls. An exciting read that I would thoroughly recommend.
Livia Cutty's younger sister Nicole disappears after a beach party along with Megan, another girl in her class. Megan escapes two weeks later but Nicole has not been seen since.
A year later and Livia is a qualified doctor training as a pathologist. Megan has written a book about her experiences although she recalls little in truth and is seeing a therapist to try and overcome her trauma.
Livia is still looking for answers and when she is asked to look at a dead body pulled from the river it sets her off on a road to discovering her lost sister. She begins her own investigation and gradually pieces together what happened.
With flash backs to the time leading up to the kidnapping as well as chapters from the perpetrator's point of view this is a complex novel with many twists and turns.
It was a book that I had difficulty putting down- in fact I reluctantly went to bed last night desparate to find out what happened next and I eagerly picked it up this morning to continue reading!
There were many twists and turns in this dark thriller and I certainly did not guess the outcome. Livia amd Megan were great lead characters and the authour generated a lot of sympathy for them. Both suffer from guilt- Livia because she was not there for her sister and Megan because she was the one who escaped. Neither can carry on their lives until there is some sort of resolution which gives them a close bond.
This novel has a great plot and it is perfect for fans of Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay. I defy you to put it down once you have started reading it.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Megan McDonald became a national celebrity after her abduction and return home, thanks to an inspirational book written mostly by her psychiatrist. She hated the interviews and the publicity, but went along with everything to keep the peace with her parents, who were desperately trying to make everything as it was before the abduction. Nicole Cutty, an acquaintance of Megan’s, also disappeared that night, but the interest in Nicole’s case died down once Megan had been found.

Nicole’s older sister, Livia, was weighted down with guilt for not answering her phone the last time Nicole called her. Livia threw herself into her training as a pathologist, wondering every day if Nicole’s body would turn up on her autopsy table, providing closure and the answers to Nicole’s absence. Livia was assigned a “floater,” a body pulled from the bay, but she quickly determined that he had not jumped from the bridge nor drowned, and the strange set of holes in the back of his head puzzled her. After he was identified, he was found to have ties to Nicole, and Livia was even more determined to find out what had happened to her sister.

This book definitely captured my interest, and kept me guessing throughout. I admit I didn’t guess “whodunit” but enjoyed the clues given, which could have matched a few characters in the story. I applauded Megan for her strength and for her determination to find out exactly what had happened to her, and Livia for her expertise and her willingness to do whatever was necessary to give a voice to the missing women. Fascinating story with an ending that has several possible outcomes.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

My boss says I read too many books with the word "girl" in the title. My only complaint is that typically, said books are also quickly compared to Girl on the Train, or Gone Girl. So I was excited that this book didn't include that comparison!

That being said, I read a lot of books where terrible things happen to women. This book definitely fit that mold.

However, I was hooked! I found myself reading this whenever I could find time. I definitely suggest this book. Fast paced story, that will keep you wanting more!

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In the small town of Emerson Bay, North Carolina tragedy hits hard one summer night when two high school senior girls, Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald, disappear from a beach party. After two weeks Megan escapes from a bunker hidden deep in the woods and manages to flag down help but after being rescued she gets asked one question, what happened to Nicole and Megan just doesn’t have the answer.

A year later Megan on the surface seems to be recovering from her ordeal becoming a best selling author with a book about what had happened to her during her kidnapping. With Nicole still missing her older sister Livia is training to be a forensic pathologist to be able to get answers for others and maybe help heal from the loss of her sister.

When another body shows up in Livia’s lab she finds herself being tossed back into the middle of her sister’s case when it turns out that the man was connected to Nicole’s past. During the investigation Livia reaches out to Megan hoping the girl can finally help bring answers to what had happened to Nicole that fateful night.

I will admit for me The Girl Who Was Taken had a somewhat slow start to it as I tried to decipher exactly what was going on with Megan and Nicole. It seems at the start of the book that Nicole had escaped that night and Megan taken but then Megan turns up and Nicole never had…. confusing? A bit. With jumping ahead in time and switching the point of view here and there the book took a while for me to settle in and get truly invested in the story but I was quite glad I stuck with it in the end.

Now as for the story and answers to what happened that night overall with the girls I actually found that I enjoyed the outcome to the book quite a bit. One of those twists and turns and intricate plots that took a while to uncover but when I got there I was quite satisfied that my random guesses throughout the book were no where near the mark and it was definitely a page turner once it got going for me.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you liked Summit Lake you will love this book, it has "darker" undertones and is a quick read. The story is based on Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald, both girls were abducted but only one comes home safe, the other remains missing.

Nicole's older sister, Livia is a medical examiner. She decided to go into this profession to make sure everyone is treated and researched the way they should be. One day, Livia examines a man who has a connection to her sister and clues begin to surface in what happened to Nicole. Livia takes the case on and goes all over to try to solve what happened to her sister...including the help of Megan McDonald, who she soon realizes may have more in common with her sister than she originally thought.

I really enjoyed this book and could even see the movie rights being purchased, it is one that I would love to see on the big screen. This book is suspense filled and a quick easy read, would recommend! If you like books by Mary Kubica, Heather Gudenkauf, or Chevy Stevens, Charlie Donlea would be a great author for you to pick up and read.

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I want to thank the author/publisher/NetGalley for a digital copy of this book, in exchange for an unbiased review.

MAJOR round of an applause to Charlie Donlea on his second novel. This one was an easy 5 star rating. I loved EVERYTHING about it.

As you read from the synopsis, Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald go missing at a beach party and are nowhere to be found. Almost all hope is lost, until Megan escapes the bunker where she was held.

A year passes and Nicole is still missing. Her sister, Livia Cutty, a fellow in forensic pathology (with a punny name like cutty-I see what you did there Charlie), wonders every day if Nicole's body is going to through the morgue doors. As she patiently waits, another body surfaces that leads to clues about Nicole's past and soon Livia finds out more girls are missing. She enlists Megan for help in digging deeper to find out what is going on and how, if possible all the cases are connected.

The Girl Who Was Taken will keep you biting your fingernails and reading every minute you get! Donlea keeps you guessing and takes you on a rollercoaster of a ride that was well worth the wait!

HIGHLY recommended for all mystery/suspense lovers out there!

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This book grabbed me from the first page but as the story went on it started losing its grip. I absolutely hated Livia but I cant put my finger on why. It ended far too abruptly for my liking and yeah yeah I know...sequel. But blah.

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I did have to finish this book to see how it ended and who did it. I did not like all of flashing back to the past and then flashing to the present, it really detracted from the story line. The mystery was very good and I did not figure out who did it

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The Girl Who Was Taken is the first book I've read by Charlie Donlea. A smart, chilling thriller with an ending I never saw coming. I loved the way the story was told through the different POVs and switching between time frames. I also enjoyed the fact that it seemed to be more forensics and profiler than the straight crime thriller. I would highly recommend this book!
Thank you to Kensington and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wonderful entertaining novel. The book always keeps you guessing and thinking about the characters even when you are not reading it. Gripping read and smartly structured.

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Copy furnished by Net Galley for the price of a review.

A secret cult of those whose imaginations are completely taken with kidnappings is abuzz with a recent rash of missing girls. These people are obsessed. They meet to study, read, discuss, and even reenact possible scenarios that have resulted in abductions. The point is made that the act of kidnapping is that of <u>stealing</u> a person. Never thought of it in that way, but that is exactly what it is.

The underpinnings of the art of forensic science are in full array here. The post-mortems and ride-alongs are fascinating. I realize there are two schools of thought regarding the ending. I liked the rather abrupt curtain drop. A very good read!

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Title: The Girl Who Was Taken
Author: Charlie Donlea
Publisher: Kensington Books
Genre: Fiction; Mystery; Thriller; Suspense; NetGalley; Goodreads;
Date Published: April 25, 2017
Date Read/Completed: April 2, 2017
My rating: 4/5 stars
Plot: Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald are both high school seniors in the small town of Emerson Bay, North Carolina. When they disappear from a beach party one warm summer night, police launch a massive search. No clues are found, and hope is almost lost until Megan miraculously surfaces after escaping from a bunker deep in the woods.

A year later, the bestselling account of her ordeal has turned Megan from local hero to national celebrity. It’s a triumphant, inspiring story, except for one inconvenient detail: Nicole is still missing. Nicole’s older sister Livia, a fellow in forensic pathology, expects that one day soon Nicole’s body will be found, and it will be up to someone like Livia to analyze the evidence and finally determine her sister’s fate. Instead, the first clue to Nicole’s disappearance comes from another body that shows up in Livia’s morgue—that of a young man connected to Nicole’s past. Livia reaches out to Megan for help, hoping to learn more about the night the two were taken. Other girls have gone missing too, and Livia is increasingly certain the cases are connected.

But Megan knows more than she revealed in her blockbuster book. Flashes of memory are coming together, pointing to something darker and more monstrous than her chilling memoir describes. And the deeper she and Livia dig, the more they realize that sometimes true terror lies in finding exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Review: This book was fabulously written by the author…not too much and not too little. You get glimpses of what could have happened and it seems pretty straight forward. Until it isn’t. Did I guess the ending? Well into the last third of the book I had an inkling of a feeling for the whodunnit but then swept it under the rug. It’s so hard to write a review for this book without giving away the ending so I’ll leave you with a basic little synopsis and you can decide for yourself.

Nicole and Megan are both high school seniors who disappear from a beach party. Megan escapes and writes a book about what happened. ( I think if the reader was able to read this book there would definitely have been more questions about Nicole’s disappearance). Livia, Nicole’s older sister, works in forensic pathology and starts digging deeper to find out more about her sister’s disappearance. The book is mainly told from her point of view as well as Megan. With the help of Megan, she starts connecting dots. From there, it’s like a roller coaster ride with so many possibilities…little hints dropped along the way. Let’s just say there are several players in this game that the author threw in to surprise the reader. An excellent read overall.

Thank you to NetGalley, Charlie Donlea, and Kensington Books for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a well written, suspenseful tale about missing girls and a young Medical Examiner in training who was searching for what happened to her younger sister who vanished two years earlier. The characters are interesting and will hold the reader's attention. The plot so complex I never really guessed who the villain was (I did but didn't believe it could be this person). There were lots and lots of false trails and some real clues in unexpected places. Thanks to Net Galley and Kensington for an ARC for an honest review.Q

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I absolutely love this book!!! I could not put it down. It reminds me of the Kaye Scarpetta Series. Awesome!

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Loved this thriller! Years ago, two girls disappeared and only one, Megan, returned--but with little to no memory of her abductor or the circumstances surrounding her capture. As she begins to write about her experience, Livia, sister of the still-missing girl attempts to delve deeper into the mysterious circumstances that still plague the townspeople and loved ones. As Megan and Livia work together to unravel the threads, we are thrust back in time to see the history behind the gruesome truth. Many twists and turns, secrets, unrevealed passions come into play until the exciting yet heartbreaking conclusion. Not just your "average" abduction tale! Highly recommended!

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Two girls were kidnapped. Megan McDonald escaped the bunker in the woods, became famous, and authored a bestselling book about her experience. Nicole Cutty has still not been found. The focus of The Girl Who Was Taken is less on their kidnapping than on Nicole's older sister, Livia. Livia is training in forensic pathology and waiting for her younger sister's remains to be discovered so that she can finally have answers. It's all a lot more complicated than just two kidnappings and the book, which jumps back and forth from the weeks before the kidnapping to the present and between characters, gets more interesting as it progresses. The autopsies that Livia performs as part of her training are described in extreme detail. I'm not sure I wanted to know so much about decay.

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Okay, this book was amazing. It was a combination of Gillian Flynn, Patricia Cornwell, and had some "Final Girls" by Riley Sager (due to be released in July) sprinkled through.

With a plot like above, I was obviously hooked from the beginning. This one does not take long to get into and starts off with a bang. Reading this was like a firework. A loud bang in the beginning with fiery embers throughout the novel and a sizzle as the end approached.

I would definitely describe this as a thriller with a ton of red herrings, some information on forensics, and a good old fashioned murder mystery. Donlea did a fantastic job of explaining all of the forensic information without making it confusing or boring and too detailed.

The imagery with this one was on point. I almost felt like I was sitting with each character, but remaining silent and watching them and hearing them go through their day. And each character was so beyond well-written that you would think this could pass as a true crime novel. The mystery really builds up as Donlea alternates between past and present and keeps the tension at a max throughout the entire process.

My advice, is when this title is released on April 25th of this year, wake up and order it ASAP. Hell, I would pre-order this just to ensure you get it as soon as it's released. While, I was provided with an ARC copy from Net Galley, I am guaranteeing you, I will still buy a copy.

Fantastic read with believable characters, tons of red herrings, and an ending that is like a punch in the gut. I cannot wait to see what Donlea does next.

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Twists, turns, and mystery abound in this tense thriller of missing teens and those who seek to hide and those that seek to find. Donlea does a great job of developing the cast of characters with a past and present development of the plot. Your interest will be kept at a peak until the surprise ending.

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Charlie Donlea has masterfully told the story of young woman kidnapped and the shocking 'who done it' will leave you shaking your head in horror!
This should be one of 2017's top books.

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Oh yeah. This was a goodie. My first read of a Charlie Donlea novel and a name I will remember to look out for in the future.

Livia Cutty, our central character, is a fellow in forensic pathology. Her sister Nicole along with her nemesis Megan McDonald went missing over a year ago and, although Megan somehow managed to escape two weeks after she went missing, there is still no sign of Nicole and she is all but presumed dead. Livia is convinced that someday Nicole's body will end up on her table and she will be able to find out first hand what happened to her teenage sister. Instead a body of a man in his mid 20s turns up on her table and provides an unexpected link to her sister. Determined to follow this lead, Livia sets out to find out as much as she can about her sisters past and what happened to her. Spending her spare time following up leads that present themselves, slowly, but one after another once the male body was found and appeared on her table.
She is wracked with guilt over the disappearance of her sister. While they were once close, Nicole became more and more rebellious as a teenager and when Livia moved away to college they had less and less contact. On ththe night she disappeared she had tried to call Livia but she ignored the call, not wanting to get involved in her teenage dramas and rebellion. That decision haunts her and is what is driving her to eventually find out what became of Nicole.

She ends up making contact with Megan, who is now a major celebrity, daughter of the local sheriff who managed to escape her kidnapper, a best selling book recounting her ordeal, the public are both fascinated with the macabre ordeal that she went through and satisfied with the feel good, escape happy ending. Nicole has been forgotten about and there is no room for her in this story of escape.

Livia soon links more missing girls to the same kidnapper and with the help of Megan and access to files from fellow forensic pathologists, soon begins to close in on what may have happened to her sister and the other girls. Who is the person holding these girls and abusing them?

This is a great read. Told in the third person, both in the present and in the past, just before and during the abduction of the two girls, it's a brilliant use of this device(often used) to lead the reader through the story and peel off the layers of mystery. Livia is a fantastic central character, instantly likeable, you have empathy with her and are rooting for her throughout as she tries to find out what happened to her sister. There are some fascinating and detailed segments on autopsys that she carries out, some as plot devices and some just part of her training/work but they really add to the reader being drawn into her world and taken along for the ride.

Megan as well is a very well written character. A reluctant hero, going along with the writing and publishing of the book, more to please others than herself, it's fascinating to read and see both her present and past life. She's an integral part of the story.

Speaking of the story, it's a cracker. Beautifully told, it's very dark and pretty gruesome at times but the pacing is spot on. I didn't find the book dipping at any stage and I was always totally engaged with what was going on. There are a couple of really good red herrings thrown in that are more subtle than I originally thought when reading them. One especially I had to go back and re-read once finished the book, as I was convinced it had told me something concrete in no uncertain terms, and by the end of the book it ended up not being true, so I was a little confused. It was only when I went back to that segment and re-read it did I realise that things were subtlety suggested by the author, very subtlety in fact reading them back, but such was the cleverness of the device that I had swallowed a "maybe" as an "absolute". Very clever by Mr Donlea and I fell for it big time.

The last quarter of the books absolutely flies along as the pace builds to a crescendo and the ending was thoroughly satisfying. Some may feel it ended a little abruptly with the last line but I had no problem with it. The whole thing was more or less resolved by the end.

4.5 stars from me. I really really liked this book. The story, the characters, the writing style were all a winner for me. Charlie Donlea is a name I will look out for in the future and I eagerly look forward to reading his future offerings.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Kensington Publishing Corporation and Charlie Donlea for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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