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Bridges: A Daphne White Novel

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I don't have access to the book anymore. I have been using a new email for kindle for the last year. I will focus on new books instead of digging for the old files. I apologize for the inconvenience. It's not my intention to not review like this.

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Three best friends at a turning point in their lives - a good read if you want something light. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC,

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The Three Musketeers are together again. Skylar, KC, and Daphne are together in the Big Apple celebrating Skylar’s big news. Of course, each of the ladies have news to share.

I love these ladies. They are the perfect best friends. The year since they went to the Caribbean has only strengthened their friendship and showed how much these ladies need each other. Daphne sorta drives me crazy. I feel like she is the most needy and whiny. Her life is not as bad as she thinks it is yet to her it is always falling apart. Yet, I think everyone has a friend like her and you just accept it and do your best to show her the positives in the world.

Murnane has an amazing talent. The writing style and dialogue is perfect. There are emotions, fun, and serious moments that are all exactly as they should be. This story is so realistic to the real world. The characters are relatable and realistic, the storyline is true to life, and the setting is beautiful.

I recommend picking up Bridges as soon as possible. This is a book that you will not be able to put down.

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Sadly, Maria Murnane’s Bridges just wasn’t for me. I couldn’t get into the book.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Such a fun, light-hearted novel that highlights lifelong friendship, makes your heart happy, and doesn't discount the hardships of women's lives.

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Though I liked the book, I made the decision at the time I finished not to review it on my site. Maybe in the future I will include it in a book list post or another article.

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Here we are with another adventure for the spunky, fierce, and simply lovable trio we first met in Wait for Rain, only this time, the venue is NEW YORK CITY! Woo hoo, right? Well, it is and there is much to celebrate...but there is also much to uncover. You see, although they are the closest of friends, they're still human so insecurities, fears, and doubts rear their ugly heads from time to time creating tiny rifts that when put under increased pressure tend to explode in spectacular ways. Let's just say that between Daphne's attempts at being published, and the secrets that both her besties are hiding, we're looking at a relocation for Mount Vesuvius. Good thing true friendships are built to last...supporting us through our hard times and bringing us together to celebrate the best of them...and these ladies are about as true blue as you can get.

It was a pleasure catching up with the gang again and seeing the sights that the big apple has to offer, even when it's a whirlwind of a short stay. I won't go into too much detail because the secrets are half the surprise, but I will say that each one harbors it for their own reasons, and, once out, are better for it. I was surprised by Daphne's intense interest in keeping the results of her publishing quest silent after all the soul searching and revelations in book one, but then again, it went with her nature. Still, I wanted to give her a big hug and the clichéd "it's going to be alright" speech because seriously, she was in pain! Speaking of pain, our girl K.C....OMG! What the hey! I could instantly tell something was up as she just wasn't herself, but goodness! Trying to keep that in with all the emotional tidal waves she was about strength. It IS good to be able to lean on other sometimes though, and I'm so glad she has these two. Last but not least, the girl of the hour...Skylar! Her news is probably most surprising, given her personality and past, but you can't help but be happy for her. The growth she shows (and we're not talking monetarily) is heart warming, truly.

In the end, another checkmark in the WIN column of my book for this author. It was a short but wonderful read, perfect for a summer vacay pick up or weekend indulgence. Recommended for Chick Lit, and Women's Fiction fans in the older teen and adult age ranges....not for content, but for the maturity of the story.

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I was so excited to read this novel, it sounded like such an intriguing story. And with its high rating on Goodreads I figured I would fall right into it.

Unfortunately, I didn’t. And I’m not sure WHY. This book is well written, the characters have depth, and the story is definitely well thought out. I can completely understand why it’s so highly rated on Goodreads. But for some reason I felt like it was pulling teeth to get me to read it.

This crime novel is filled with deceitful characters, lots of actions, and twists and turns. But it didn’t speak to me.

Nonetheless, if you enjoy crime novels this may be just right for you. So despite the fact that I didn’t enjoy it I still think the right reader will. Is that reader you?

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great read awesome writing i really enjoyed this author and this book i would reccomend to other for sure

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This is the second book about Daphne White and even though you can read it as a stand-alone, I think it's a good idea to learn more about Daphne's life from the first book Wait for the Rain.

Daphne, KC and Skylar meet in New York City to celebrate Skylar's engagement. They all have big news - Daphne has submitted her just completed first book to 36 agents, KC is pregnant and Skylar after years of being single is engaged to the perfect man for her. As the friends tour NYC and talk with each other - the reveal their worries to each other. Daphne has been getting rejection letters, KC is worried about being a mother in her 40s with a child the same age as her step-grandchild and Syklar is concerned that she will be unable to settle down in married life despite how wonderful her fiancé is.

This is a wonderful book about friendship between long time friends. It's always refreshing to read book with main characters who are over 40 and this one fits the bill!

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I don't want to give a negative review. This book just wasn't for me, but i appreciate the chance to read.

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I’m joining in again with Throwback Thursday which was created by my good friend Renee at It’s Book Talk . She started this weekly feature as a way to highlight old favorites and read books that have already been published. I have so many older books on my TBR that get ignored in favor of review copies and I figure participating in Throwback Thursday will help me to read at a least one older title a week!

This is the second book in a series that follows three college friends, now in their forties but still with strong ties to each other. I fell in love with Daphne, Skylar and KC when I read Wait for the Rain, I just loved their unique bond and how authentic their friendship came through thanks to Murnane’s realistic writing style. It was awesome catching up with these ladies and seeing what they’ve been up to since the last book.

This follows them during one weekend in NYC to celebrate the fact that Skylar is engaged. Much as in the first book there was plenty of humor and heart. There’s a lot of inspiration to be found here, tons of female empowerment and as much as Daphne has grown since Wait for the Rain she’s still figuring out how to navigate through life as a single woman who’s daughter is about to head off to college. This was another light, breezy read that’s perfect to settle down with for an afternoon. I hope Murnane has plans for another book because I’m really enjoying seeing these characters learn and grow!

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My Review: 4/5

This is a story about friendship. Three best friends from college (Daphne, Skylar, and KC) are reunited again when Skylar gets engaged. They meet in the Big Apple and have a “non-bachelorette” girls weekend. A weekend full of adventure, secrets, and fun awaits them.

What fun, light-hearted, fast read. It’s the perfect book for that weekend getaway. The characters, now in their early 40s, are well-liked and I think everyone can identify with at least one of them.

First there’s Daphne, a single-mom living in Ohio, is still recovering from her divorce. She has decided to finally make her love of writing into a career. Her novel is out to publishers. She is somewhat of a pessimist, but very likeable.

Skylar is living the dream. She is a successful career woman, living in a very posh apartment. The one who her frineds thought would never settle down just got engaged. But, along with her fiance comes a setp-daughter that she is at odds with.

KC loves fitness and is a yoga instructor in California. She’s married and is already a grandmother. She has the biggest secret of all.

While I found the story to be a bit predictable, and very similar to the Sex in the City movie, I enjoyed it. As mentioned earlier, it is a fast read and the characters are all very likeable. I loved the scenary in New York (one of my dream places to visit), and I felt as thought I was right there with them exploring the ins and outs of Central Park. (I might need to book that trip sooner rather than later!)

The best thing about this book was the aspect of friendship. It’s almost twenty years since they’ve graduated college, and the three of them are closer than ever. Being a woman in her 40s, I could identify wih KC, Daphne, and Skylar. Their friendship was a delight to read, and it brought back fond memories I have with my best friend. An enjoyable read that every woman should experience.

***Thank you to the author for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Sex and the City meets Pretty Little Liars! You get the big city life with the small circle of friends. Us girls know and understand the circle of friendship with our special group of friends that are like sisters. An enjoyable read for a beach getaway with your girlfriends!

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The sequel to Wait for Rain and I completely recommend starting at the first book in this series because this book may not make complete sense without it.

The three friends Daphne, Skylar and KC are reunited in this one as they celebrate the out of the blue engagement of Skylar so they head to Skylar's in New York City. Of course when these girls reunite they egg each other on and its just fun.

The thing that I didn't love in book one was the many times that Daphne was in her head and how distracting that was, that didn't happen in this book, which made me love this book SO much more! I loved how the girls interacted in this book so much more, it seemed as though since this wasn't far after the reconnection in the first book they just seemed to bounce off each other so much better.

This book is shorter in length and after meeting the characters in the first book, this one read so quickly. I still say start with book one because there are things from that book that you need to know to better enjoy this one.

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Bridges in the second Daphne White novel by Maria Murnane, picking up where Wait for the Rain leaves off. However, Murnane provides plenty of backstory so you can easily read Bridges as a stand-alone novel. In the year since Daphne and her best friends Skylar and KC celebrated their 40th birthdays on the Caribbean island of St. Mirika, she has moved on from her divorce and embraced the promise of a new beginning at this stage of her life. She is in a long-distance relationship with Derek, who also is a divorced parent, but more importantly, she has embarked on the writing career she gave up nearly two decades ago when she became a wife and mother. Daphne has written her first novel, sent it to three dozen agents, and is eagerly waiting for her career as a published author to take off.

She is reunited with Skylar and KC in New York City for a girls’ weekend over the July 4th holiday to celebrate Skylar’s recent engagement. The news came as a shock to both Daphne and KC, as Skylar was always so focused on her career and never planned to settle down. But KC has a surprise for them as well. Meanwhile, Daphne begins to again question her future when the rejection emails start coming in, especially as Skylar’s success and wealth is on full display.

Once again, Murnane has crafted an enjoyable story about the power of female friendship. This time, she added more tension between the women to emphasize the ups and downs in every relationship, the insecurities we all feel from time to time, and the healing that comes with heart-to-heart talks and forgiveness. She brings back some of the secondary characters from the first novel and adds Skylar’s NYC friend, Krissa, an attorney who enthralls them with her hilarious online dating stories, and Sloane, Skylar’s intimidating soon-to-be-stepdaughter. Murnane does a fantastic job keeping these stories lighthearted, humorous, and, most importantly, believable. I really hope there is a next book in the series, as I’m not ready to let go of these characters just yet.

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A while ago I was contacted by the very pleasant author of this novel, Maria Murnane, to see if I’d like to read and review her novels – BRIDGES and WAITING FOR THE RAIN. I had a tbr list of 35 titles, but said yes and Ms. Murnane has been quite patient in awaiting my thoughts on her novels!

This appealing story covers a long weekend in NYC when three best friends from college get together for a girls’ weekend. Each woman has something on her mind and challenges she is facing.
The women in this story are all around 40 years old, and that really appealed to me, because personally I have trouble connecting with free-wheeling 20-somethings that often are peppered throughout books like this. These women’s challenges are familiar and their relationship is one that has gone through the test of time, reminding me of my own friends. While certainly problems exist, this is a light read, perfect for summer, with likable characters and an uplifting and positive ending. I really enjoyed it!

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I haven’t been single in decades, and I don’t count as young anymore, but there is something universal about Maria Murnane’s trio of women friends, Daphne, Skylar, and KC (Krissa). I didn’t feel too old while reading this novel, nor did I feel out of touch. Instead, I enjoyed a funny, sweet, sometimes poignant novel about a trio of women who truly represent what friendship can, and should, be.

Author Murnane is particularly adept at differentiating the voices and personalities of each woman: free-spirited Skylar, KC who’s dating woes inform her life, but don’t define her, and Daphne, the aspiring novelist. Even though this trio was new to me (this was my first introduction to Maria Murnane’s work, so I never read the first book in this series), I didn’t feel like I was missing crucial information. Their stories come out organically.

Writing believable dialogue is always difficult, and I’ve read comments from readers who felt the dialogue in this book was its weak point. I disagree. My friends and I often use our own vocabulary, that’s at times more formal or more casual (depending on the situation) than whatever is perceived to be the social ‘norm.’ Do Murnane’s characters talk like everyone else? Not exactly. But I felt this made their personalities and their friendship more distinct, more specific.

Overall, I found this to be a great story of love, triumph, struggles, and perseverance, and through it all the friendship of this trio of women was both a unifying thread and a lovely bridge between past and present, present and future, what we thought we wanted, and what we actually need.

Goes well with endless cups of coffee and chocolate chip cookies.

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Grab your girlfriends or closest womenfolk! Start a book club! This book is laugh-out-loud funny and a great book to bond over with a glass of wine and some chocolate.

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This book was a quick read but it was fun. It was great to see how these decades old relationships played out and how the three main characters changed since their college days. I enjoyed it

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