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The Playboy Bachelor

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

Laughed and cried. Smiled and wished. Wished that Margot could get past her past and fear. Wised to know Brandt more and what happened to make him a shell of a person. Wished that Bentley wasn’t the glue for his family and could feel free. But mainly wished these two would get over the hangups and give in. Give in to the insane attraction for each other and be. Be together. Be friends and lovers.

Bentley on the surface seems to be one that doesn’t care. Deep down though he cares to much and he has so much going on. He is caretaker, fixer and glue for his family. He has been beat down and doesn’t really feel he belongs anywhere but does want to prove himself. One night in the past his world went astray and he just hasn’t been the same since. Now he has the moment to right the past and it isn’t easy. He doesn’t give up and in the process he finds his passion, heart and love for a girl once again. It is this love that has him battle his demons and fear and fight. Well until he can’t fight the battles of the girl and that is sad. he wants so bad to be all Margot needs but she is just so stubborn and willful. But also mired in guilt. Overall Bentley is wonderful. He cares and tries. he will draw you in and have you root for him. You also see his worry for his twin and it breaks your heart.

Margot when you first meet her is mired in guilt and anger. Her fear of all things that she can’t control is staggering. Her anger to Bentley has a life of its own and she doesn’t see to far past it at first. She doesn’t think of anything that others may go through because she is stuck. Stuck in fear, anger and guilt. her distrust is incredible and her low self confidence just takes over with her. Bentley only sees strength and fierceness. Her leg to him is perfect and shows she is a survivor. She doesn’t trust that. She sees it as what makes her not worth it..It is so so sad to see. But dang her anger at Bentley when it flares up is wow...She does have some sass and vinegar in her.

Watching Bentley try to get Margot to let go and be is entertaining and heart breaking but also heartwarming. He shows her he doesn’t care what others think when it comes to her and her looks etc for he sees the true Margot. As they start to become more than just one still in love and the other angry and protecting their heart we get treated to some sweet and real moments. i love how Bentley is the reason behind some of what Margot writes without even realizing it. I also love the surprises Bentley gives us about himself. These two go through so much to be together and at the end I wanted to smack Margot for her silliness and fear getting int the way. It almost took away a happy ending.

This is a wonderful, sassy fun book. We have fear overcome, pasts beaten, trust found and love restored. We have a man grow up and stand up to others. We see a man love and conquer himself and his fears for love. A young women battle herself and it isn’t until someone finally lets her see reality that she wins the battle and gets the happy ending. Great writing, plot and characters. I do hope Brandt’s story isn’t as heartwrenching as I fear but I can’t wait for it.

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4 stars

The Playboy Bachelor was a fun, heartfelt and entertaining read.

I found the storyline well written, the characters were strong, stubborn, funny and watching them reconnect had me turning the pages late into the night.

Margot and Bentley used to be best friends, they also had strong feelings for each other but never acted on them. But after a horrible accident, both Margot and Bentley find life taking them in different directions and both losing touch with each other.
They've both dealt with the loss differently, after being apart for over 10 years I enjoyed seeing them reconnect.
The walls they both had erected start coming down slowly and with time, communication they were able to finally open their hearts to each other.

Overall, The Playboy Bachelor was a good read that will bring out all the feels. I laughed, I swooned, I cried, I was frustrated with some of the actions both Bentley & Margot made, and then I swooned again with their HEA.

The Playboy Bachelor is the second book from The Bachelors of Arizona series, each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them both.

Looking forward to Brant's book next ;)

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*A big thank you to the publisher for the advance copy via NetGalley.*

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When Margot McCleery was younger she had a crush on her best friend Bentley Wellington. Even though they she was the shy bookworm and he was the popular flirt who got all of the girls, their friendship just worked. Until it didn’t.

Now, years later Margot and Bentley haven’t seen each other… until Bentley shows up as the bought and paid for bachelor her grandmother has procured for her. Will the best friends be able to forget their past and move forward… together?

This was another fantastic book by Rachel Van Dyken. With her amazing ability to write an entertaining cast of characters, who are not only well developed and believable, but also loyal and of course, hilarious. I love the relationships between the Wellington family, and of course the scheming old people just top off the already interesting and amusing plot.

Margot was a severely damaged character, who has been through a lot in her life, and Bentley is such a brilliant match for her. With sweet scenes, witty banter and humor, and an interesting and unique storyline, this book is a must read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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Ex best friends being forced to reunite after years of separation. What could go wrong with that?

Lies are told. Secrets are revealed. Hearts are broken and mended. A roller coaster of emotions that had me smiling one minute and then cringing the next.

Margot has lived a quiet life as a loner, for years. She's afraid to put herself out there. She needs a nudge by the right person, to get her life back on track.

Bentley has lived the life of a manwhore to cover up his true feelings. He's not actually happy to live like that, but he's content in it. But when he's coerced into staying a month in his ex best friends house, he discovers that he wants more out of his life and he want it with Margot.

Of course things don't go smoothly. In fact, I think they spent more time fighting than they did talking. But in the end, there was a breakthrough and one more Wellington is off the market.

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I am going to be honest, I enjoyed this story, but not as much as the first one. It is another modern day fairytale but I felt like the Beauty in this case was our hero why the Beast was our heroine. I really liked that aspect, but I just felt like our hero was...unexpectedly cruel. Bentley just seemed so cold and unfriendly...yea I loved it when he did flirt but I really felt bad for Margot though. I wish there was more sweetness in this book like there was in the first book, I think that is why I only give it a 3 stars. I still VERY much love this series I just wasn't into this book like I was with The Auction Bachelor. I still am excited about the next one though and can't wait to read it. Miss Van Dyken does a great job with writing, so I still recommend this book because I know me not enjoying this one as much is on me, not on the author.

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I'm just not sure how I feel about this book. I've never read Rachel Van Dyken prior to this and I'm not in love with this book. While I loved the blurb, I just didn't like the main characters. Now, the story of them as teens and what happened for them not to see each other for years was very interesting. When he showed up at her doorstep, that's when I just didn't feel it. She knew she was frigid, he knew he was an asshole. Boy, was he an asshole!! He pushed, she ran. It was just an OK story to me, not sure that I will read the series

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The Playboy Bachelor was one hilarious, sexy and emotional read, and of course, just like the first book of the series, The Bachelor Auction, it also has a fairy tale element, now it’s time for Beauty and The Beast.

Bentley and Margot were best friends when they were teens, but the most tragic event set them apart for what they thought was going to be forever, but ten years later he ended at her door because her grandma bought him in a charity auction, so he’d spend an entire weekend with Margot, but thanks to the crazy and awesome old people in this series, Bentley’s grandfather, his girlfriend Nadine and Margot’s grandmother, they ended up spending an entire month that changed their lives forever.

I loved Brock when I read the first book and I knew I’d love the twins just as much but I was wrong. So. Wrong. Bentley is just amazing. Bentley stole my heart. He’s funny and cocky and awesome, but he was also so broken, my heart was aching for him so much. And of course, his match was just as amazing. Margot’s body scars matched Bentley’s soul scars. They were both so scared and insecure and it was infuriating but that made them more real and for that I loved them so much. Perfect fictional characters are overrated, right? These two flawed characters won my heart from the first chapter of this book, knowing how they felt and how little they could expressed had my heart aching for them, and despite I yelled all the time, saying: Oh for fucks sake, just tell her/him now! I knew they would find the right time to do so and they totally did. Thank God this book was written in dual POV because otherwise I would have hated either of the main characters, but since I could read each and every one of their thoughts, I could love them both so much even when I was mad at them.

Now, please, Rachel, write Brent’s book fast because I know he’ll be my fav of the three Wellington Brothers.

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3.5 Stars!

THE PLAYBOY BACHELOR is the second novel from Rachel Van Dyken’s THE BACHELORS OF ARIZONA series. The premise of the book is good and the emotional scenes are quite meaningful. In addition, Ms. Van Dyken does a nice job of bringing about the many facets of the characters.

Romance author Margot McCleery is a recluse. She lost her parents and half her leg in a tragic car accident when she was in high school. Due to guilt and all the stares, finger-pointing, and hushed voices, Margot has not left her mansion in years. So imagine her surprise when her ex-best friend from high school, wealthy womanizer Bentley Wellington, shows up on her doorstep. Margot’s grandmother, in cahoots with Bentley’s grandfather, purchases Bentley at a charity bachelor auction for the sole purpose of matchmaking.

Bentley has many regrets, and not keeping in touch with Margot is at the top of his list. He deserted her when she needed him most, even though his mental stability during that time was iffy. Bentley wants more than just a platonic friendship with Margot, so he has to work really hard to overcome his demons while gaining Margot’s trust. Once they are both able to forgive each other and themselves, they can forge a future together.

I liked this novel. However, I found the pace to be a bit on the slow side. Margot and Bentley spar with clever banter and their discoveries about each other are pleasantly unexpected. The secondary characters are unique in their own right and add a lot of importance to the present happenings. Overall, this is a nicely written story and I am looking forward to reading more from this author. This book can be read as a standalone.

LJT, Romance Junkies, 3.5 Hearts. I was given a copy of the book for an honest review.

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Love love loved this book! I love Van Dyken's writing and this one did not disappoint! There was just the right amount of ups and downs with burning passion that keeps you on your toes. I laughed and swooned! Highly recommend this one!

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I really enjoyed the first half of this book, it was fast paced and entertaining but the second half seemed to lose a bit of momentum and dragged slightly.

Overall, the plot is good and the writing as ever was excellent but I wasn't keen on the H. He really let the h down years ago and I didn't feel like he ever really redeemed himself.

There is a lot of back and forth between the characters in the book but there wasn't really anything that kept me engaged.

Overall a nice, sweet read but not one of my favourite RVD reads.

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Even better than the first.

Honestly, I'm finding it hard to find words that I haven't used before to describe new Rachel Van Dyken books. I just adore everything about her writing and characters, and seriously can't get enough.

The Playboy Bachelor is Bentley Wellington's story. On the outside he's a fun-loving joker, and playboy. However, beneath the surface there are some darker secrets causing him pain, which are only brought to light more with the help of meddling grandparents.

Like always, this book made me smile. Bentley's humour was on point and his gentle teasing had me laughing. I also loved the second chance element with Margot. They complimented each other well, but also clashed since their issues were similar. It created a good balance of light and dark in the book.

My only complaint it that it ended. I didn't want to come back to the real world and could have easily read another book on Bentley. Overall a definite must read.

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Another great read from Rachel Van Dyken!

Bentley has been auctioned off in a Bachelor Auction to none other than his childhood friend, Margot. He hasn't seen her since the day her parents died. After years in hiding, Margot's grandmother decides to take action and get these two back together again. But Bentley had his own accident that day too and never knew that Margot lost not only her parents and him that day, she also lost her leg.

Now he finds himself locked in her home for the next 30 days if he wants to become the next Marketing VP of his grandfather's company. At first he thought he was there to help Margot beat her demons, but maybe it's him who needs to slay his own instead.

Bentley is sarcastic and arrogant and just the right amount of sweet to make you swoon. Margot is feisty and strong in her own way, but also vulnerable and open to friendship again with Bentley.

A great retelling of Beauty and the Beast - but you'll be surprised who the true beast is.

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I like RVD books. She writes a story that makes me usually fall in love with her writing and story. There has been rare occasions where the book will be a miss for me. This one was a good one.

The Bachelors of Arizona series follows 3 brother who are raised by their grandfather after their parent's deaths. Now that they are all grown, he is playing matchmaker to find them love and ,make them happy.

Margot McCleery and Bentley Wellington were best friends as teens. Then tragedy struck that serrated them. They both went off into 2 different directions. Now that they are forced back together, will things work out the way there are supposed to?

I love second chance romance books... sigh....

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When a life altering accident changes the course of Margot McCleery's carefully planned life she has trouble seeing past it, and struggles to find a healthy way to overcome the loss she was dealt. Instead of facing it head on, she chooses to retreat into herself, and spends her time hidden away from the outside world, working on her romance novels. Her meddling grandmother is constantly trying to drag her out of her secluded little world, but so far nothing seems to encourage her to step outside the confines of her home, so her grandmother decides it is time for drastic measures. She wants Margot to let go of the hurt and experience joy again, and the last time she saw that on her granddaughters face was when her best friend was still in her life, so grandma decides it's time for him to make a reappearance in her life, and finds a very creative way to make it happen!

Bentley Wellington is spiraling down a path of destruction, cycling through countless woman, and tons of booze, and his grandfather can't bare to see him ruin his life any longer, so he decides to intervene. There is a spot open at the family business that is perfect for him, but in order for him to get the job he must show his grandfather that he is worthy of the opportunity. So with the help of a special friend, his grandfather devises the perfect plan for Bentley to follow, not only will it help him clean up his act, but also help him land the job he wants! Now he just has to find the courage to face the girl that has been haunting his dreams for the past few years...

Thoroughly enjoyed this one, it stirred the emotions, made me smile, and touched my heart!! It had everything a good romance novel should have; captivating story line, characters with undeniable chemistry, and lots of blush-worthy moments! This is a well written series, with each book centering around a different brother on his quest to find love. They can be read as standalone titles, but I have a feeling after reading one, you'll be dying to get your hands on the next book! Highly recommend them, their sure to leave you with a happy heart!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title!!

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I had so much fun reading this. Incredibly entertaining and sexy! I was smiling like a crazy person the majority the time. Loved this so much!

Bentley and Margot's story was so awesome and I was so excited while reading it. It started off with a bang and I was all in. I loved the storyline, the development, and the emotion (so much emotion!). I loved their verbal sparring and enjoyed their building heat. Let’s not forget the funny… because it had just the right amount of humor. Bentley and Margot were great characters, both so locked into past pain, scarred from past events and working through issues. I loved learning all their ins and outs and just enjoyed their drama even though some of it was rather heartbreaking. Honestly though, the entertainment factor was super high and I just had a fun time reading it. It was filled with so many sweet, sexy moments as well. I enjoyed it all.

I loved the added mix of Bentley’s brothers and their meddling grandfather (he’s rather priceless). There were just so many moments and things that made me smile. I am super excited for Brant’s story next and loved the insight learned about him. These boys with their problems but so full of heart. Is it twisted that I love watching them break down and be built back up? It makes for seriously awesome stories.

The writing was great. It was a fast paced read and I couldn't put it down. It had great details and an excellent pace and I enjoyed the build, the drama, the sexy, the fun... all of it. If you want fun - seriously high in the entertainment value department - with a good mix of sexy and emotion, then this is it! Everything about this put a smile on my face. Excellent read!

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I absolutely loved this book. This is book 2 in The Bachelors of Arizona and I admit I thought the first book was just ok but I enjoyed this book more and I didn't want to put it down.

I am hoping there will be more books in this series.

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The Playboy Bachelor is the second book in Rachel Van Dyken's The Bachelor's of Arizona series, which centers on three brothers and their lovable but meddling grandfather. This book is younger son and twin, Bentley's story and is a cute but also heartfelt second-chance romance.

Margot and Bentley were best friends in high school when tragedy struck and Margot lost bother her parents and part of her leg in one devastating accident. Bentley basically abandoned her when it happened, and they have not seen each in years until Margot's grandmother buys her a weekend long date with Bentley at a charity auction. There's secret plots in play to reunite Margot and Bentley. The problem is that Margot doesn't want anything to do with him; she is was devastated by the accident and by his leaving and ignoring her.

The accident also made her angry and afraid and living as a recluse. She's a romance novelist, but she doesn't have much love in her heart. She's surly and cynical, and she resents Bentley. When he is blackmailed into staying with Margot for thirty days, the manipulation ends up being the best thing for both of them. The time gives them the opportunity to excavate the past and build on a future - a future where they are much more than best friends again.

The Playboy Bachelor is charming, sexy and fun with a dash of angst and touch of gut-wrenching. Rachel Van Dyken can always be counted on to deliver a good love story, and she doesn't disappoint.

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What a wonderful twist on an old trope. Margot was reclusive for good reason, and suspicious of Bentley for even more good reasons. The premise was ridiculous, but still made for a good story. I loved watching them heal and accept each other, flaws and all. Great read.

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The Playboy Bachelor - second book in the 'The Bachelors of Arizona' series by Rachel Van Dyken was such an intriguing story and once I started reading, I was hooked!

The romance between the main characters was passionate, believable, and oh-so-sexy!

I loved how flawed, complex, and fascinating the characters were! Both Margot and Bentley had history that shaped them in such a way that it was hard for either of them to open up to anyone. Pretending, faking, putting up a front was their motto - just to forget what happened.

I went into this book blind, didn't even read the blurb, just knew that I liked Rachel Van Dyken's writing style, love her banter, and always enjoyed her books immensely.

The Playboy Bachelor was what I hoped for but also so much more.

The novel had depth, emotions, layers, and characters that drew me in from the very first page.

Margot and Bentley were fascinating in their demeanor and spellbinding in their flawed personalities. Both wore scars, some on the outside many on the inside and both needed each other to heal. To forgive each other, and themselves.

For me the book was all about forgiveness, and new beginnings.

Margot was such an amazing women. Strong, resilient, but also scared, and broken. My heart ached for her at times and was jubilant at other times. She really deserved a happily ever after and I'm so glad that Bentley came back into her life.

There was so much history between them. Attraction, sexual tension, but also friendship.

Bentley had so many layers. He was a caretaker deep inside his soul. He took care of his twin brother, he was the glue that kept his family together, but that alone wasn't enough anymore. He needed a person that knew and accepted him the way he was underneath all those complex layers. And Margot had always had the skill to see him as who he was.

The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona #2) by Rachel Van Dyken was an utterly enjoyable read, emotional, funny, sexy and sweet!!

It had everything I like in a romance and so much more!!

this review will be published on April 17th on all major platforms and on my blog


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It seems like I'm in the minority on this book.

I had such a hard time reading it . I read until 40% then had to give it up.
I really disliked both characters. I was tired of reading how much Bentley like Margot but he slept with everyone because he liked her so much.
Plus they were best friends for a a brief time then couldn't even reach out to her over the past 10 years to see how she was doing. Again, all the while he was sleeping his way through their high school.

I jumped to the end but it didn't get any better.

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