Member Reviews

I think anyone who has had the pleasure of watching "Sons of Anarchy" has been bitten by the MC bug. We now all know about patches and prospects and all manner of biker lingo, not to mention the leather wearing, Harley riding studs who happen to be part of the package. Megan Crane's Devil's Keepers series is definitely a treat for any biker loving romance fan, or any romance fan for that matter. "Devil's Own" is the third book of the series and it is as hot and edgy as the first two!

Ryan "Chaser" Frey is the enforcer for the Devil's Keepers MC. Being the enforcer of a MC is no joking matter. It takes a man with true grit and determination to mete out punishment to the enemies of the club. But being an enforcer is not the only responsibility that Chaser has, he also has a sixteen year old daughter, Keeley, who he spent years tracking down and saving from her junky mother. So when he gets close to a dozen calls from Keeley's teacher he goes expecting to find an old and boring teacher telling him all the ways that he has failed as a father. Instead he finds a young and sexy woman telling him that and more. Even though Chaser is more than a little annoyed by the prissy teacher's holier than thou attitude, he can't help but picture her in more than a couple x-rated fantasies. It seems that the straight laced teacher also has a couple of surprises up her sleeve and things ignite quicker than a match thrown into gasoline.

Lara Ashburn knows all about the MC lifestyle. After losing her father and than having her mother take off, she and her younger brother were left to the care of her MC president uncle. She hates everything that the lifestyle stands for and is determined to save one girl at a time from its clutches. And even though she keeps telling herself that she wants a nice and respectable man in her life, she can't help but he pulled into Chaser's magnetism.

I love Megan Crane's stories and characters, but hated how long her descriptions would run. It really annoyed me and made me lose interest in the story itself. However, it seems that this is no longer the case! I loved every page of this book and not only due to the gripping story, authentic characters and insanely hot love scenes, but also due to Megan Crane's great writing! Can't wait to see who the next DKMC brother will be!

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Excellent contemporary biker romance. Be advised that when reading a "biker" book that there is also violence. The author does an excellent job drawing the reader into not just the story but the characters lives. She give you glimpses of Lara's past and insight as to how she chose to live her life as well as what her life goal is. Chaser is the enforcer of his club. If anyone or anything needs to be done or taken care of it's on him. How their relationship came about was great especially the changes that occurred the further into the book you read. I received a complementary copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I look forward to future books by this author especially about this MC series.

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3.5 Stars

When Ryan “Chaser” Frey is called in to deal with his teenage daughters bad behavior at school, he is surprised that her teacher has no problem standing up to him and arguing about what is right for his daughter. He has met grown men who tremble in his presence, but there is something fearless in Ms. Lara Ashburn.

Lara has seen the biker life and wants to help the young people of Lagrange avoid the MC life spiral she has witnessed one too many times. Too bad when she meets Chaser, she has to fight a consuming attraction she thought she would never feel for a someone in the biker lifestyle...

I enjoyed this book. I loved the encounters between Chaser and Lara... they have one steaming hot love/hate relationship. Lara is tough and doesn't back down from Chaser, which he just doesn't know what to do with. Chaser.

While I loved all the relationship back and forth, I was not really into all of the MC politics. In that part of the storyline I felt like I was always catching up to what happened in previous books, and it just didn't hold my attention that much.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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This is the third book in the series but my first. While I got through it ok, I think reading them in order would have filled in some gaps, especially in regards to the problems within the MC.

Lara was raised in an MC by her uncle who was abusive, verbally and physically. She left to go to college, returning home rarely. After finishing college, she left for good. She relocates to another small town run by another MC.

Chaser is the enforcer for the MC in town. He meets Lara when he shows up to a parent teacher meeting. Within 15 minutes he has her pinned and they’re having sex.

Everything that happens in this story goes down in a week’s time. Lots of sex, not much talking, not much character development or storyline. Lots of inner dialogue from both character’s POV.

I had a problem with Chaser leaving his impressionable 16 year old daughter with his psychotic sister when he was gone taking care of club business and having sex/spending time with Lara. He bought a house so he could keep his kid away from everything that goes on there only to have his sister expose her to those same things.

Didn’t make enough of an impression on me to want to see what happens next with the club or who gets their HFN next.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley.

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3 1/2 Stars.....

Megan Crane continues to be a favourite author of mine, but unfortunately Devil's Own didn’t quite hit the mark as much as previous books in this series.

For me the storyline required more development, especially the reasons behind why Ryan’s daughter was compelled to constantly act out. I also had mixed feelings about the main characters, and would have enjoyed seeing more focus on the growth of a relationship between Lara and Kaylee, as this seemed a little glossed over.

The plus side to the story is the same quick paced, intense and no holds barred writing we’ve come to expect from Ms Crane.

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I'm not your typical MC fan. I prefer a more "safe" read and you don't typically relate a biker book to safe. There are some out there, so I'm always trying out new authors to find them.

I know everyone's version of safe varies but my main requirement is no cheating. I know there are a lot of groupies in MC books and I need a H that isn't going to dabble on the side. What draws me to want to find a safe-ish biker book is that I'm a fan of the dominant alpha's in my reads and you're pretty much guaranteed to find one in a biker.

I'm happy to report there is no cheating in this book. You do see the wilder side of the MC's and the groupies but Chaser, our H, does not touch anyone since meeting Lara. I can't say the same for Lara, however, she already had a date scheduled when she meets Chaser. She still goes on the date since Chaser and her encounter wasn't exactly sunshine and roses but she does not continue to see the other man after the first date.

I actually really enjoyed this book. It was maturely written and I loved the way these two met. Not only do I like a strong alpha in my books but I also like a strong heroine and you get that with Lara. Their first meet had them verbally sparring which made me excited to see where the author was going to take the story.

I do wish Lara held out more with Chaser and made him work for her more, especially after that explosive sparring they did. I enjoy the chase the man has to do with a stronger heroine so I expected it more in this one. Even though she caved too soon for my tastes, I still felt she was a strong character. I will definitely read more from this author. ARC provided by Netgalley.

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I loved this one and I thinks it's the best of the series so far. Megan Crane has built a fantastic world deep in the Louisiana Bayou where the Devil's Keepers rule yet strong women can bring these men to their knees. This is the third book in the series but each of these can be read standalone although there is a thread of the story that goes through each book. The author does of good job of catching you up on that plot line in each book.

Chaser Frey has his hands full with the MC. Something isn't right but he can't quite figure it out. Add to that a teenage daughter that is giving him fits and a teacher who is blowing up his phone wanting to talk about his daughter. Lara Ashburn knows all about bikers and the life. After all she spent the first 18 years of her life with bikers all around her. She got away from that life so being sucked back into by Chaser Frey isn't going to happen. Until it does....

I highly recommend this one.

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I was given an ARC in exchange for a honest review by NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept.
Ryan "Chaser" Frey was nothing but a dedicated father to his sixteen year old daughter. Until she gets in trouble for coming into class drunk.
Lara Ashburn is trying to start a new life for herself away from her old life. In trying to help one of her students she meets Chaser.
Sparks will fly and chemistry will sizzle .

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Devil’s Own by Megan Crane is the third book in the Devil’s Keepers (3 book series). It was hard, raw, dirty and hot! This book is written in the motorcycle club world in Louisiana bayou. The main characters are Ryan “Chaser” Frey who is an Enforcer in the motorcycle club and a school teacher Lara Ashburn. These characters couldn’t be farther apart until Chaser discovers that Lara has a unique background in his world. Lara also discovers the caring side in Ryan that he keeps hidden.

This book was a rough and dirty ride into a world that I was unfamiliar with. It was interesting to glimpse a view of this in her unique style of writing. Be warned that this book is dirty and graphic with the storyline, sex scenes, and characters.

NetGalley gave me an ARC for my honest review.

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I usually enjoy Megan Crane's books, but this one was just not for me. I did not care for the main characters in this story. I cannot stand the male lead and the female lead was not much better. When I didn't like the main characters, or just cannot connect, then it affects my reading of the story.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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Devil’s Own by Megan Crane
The Devil’s Keepers #

I stayed up late reading this book because the story wouldn’t let me stop to sleep. I had to find out what happened so I stayed up and found out.

This morning, while walking my three miles for the day, I thought about the book and decided that this is a book about:
* finding oneself (at least for Lara).
* family. Sometimes family is based on blood relationships and sometimes it is based on something even deeper than being related.
* determining what each individual deems right or wrong – and the decisions made were not always in keeping with the laws of the land
* conflict: internal, parent-teacher, parent-child, sibling-sibling, within the MC and between two MC’s … and also romantic.
* drugs and the impact they can have on a life.
* decisions and their consequences.
* justice – as perceived and enforced.
* love: all kinds of love.

I felt that Lara and Ryan were characters I could relate to in that they were honest and in keeping with the construct of the story. Lara had a lot to come to terms with in accepting things about her past, her brother, her and what she really wanted for the future. I really liked Lara. At the same time, Chaser had some growing to do, too. I don’t think that the MC lifestyle would work for me but I do like a good MC romance and this is very good.

I would recommend reading the first books in the series before reading this one and will also say that there is a bit of a set-up for the next book that for some may feel like a bit of a cliff-hanger that is fine with me since I have read the previous books and plan to continue with the series. I am not sure how many books are left in the series but am looking forward to reading each and every one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House – Loveswept for the ARC. This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars

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Lara Ashburn is in way over her head. Bikers and MCs were things of her past until she moved to Lagrange, Louisiana. Here in biker territory she was bound to crash into a world she had crawled out of on her hands and knees. The first Ashburn to finish college and have an honest career, she was proud of her accomplishments. She was a high school teacher and was determined to save girls from a life she knew so well. Ryan “Chaser” Frey is a busy man. Between club business and raising a sixteen year old girl on his own, he has his hands full. He certainly doesn’t have time for some prissy teacher to tell him how to do his job or how to be a father. True he is no father of the year, but who is she to tell him who to be or how to take care of his kid? Except, when they meet, she is nothing like he expected. She is petit, gorgeous, feisty and clearly knows more about the life than she is letting on. Getting caught in all that is Chaser is not what Lara had in mind, but her body seems happy enough to comply with his every demand. With him around she comes alive and begs for more. But as club business threatens this already rocky relationship, Chaser will have to decide if he claims her or pushes her away. The Devils Own is a sensual romance between a biker and a teacher with a secret that makes her perfect for him. Full of sex and rough around the edges, it rocks some club politics and family issues too.

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This is the third book of this series and probably my favorite thus far. Where I wasn't really a fan of the "chemistry" factor in the first two, this one brings the hot meter up to the scorching level. It didn't hurt that I kept looking at the cover model when reading about Chaser. I mean, helllllloooooo.

Chaser is the enforcer of the Devil's Keepers. We've met him before in the previous installments, but we really get to experience him in the one. I'm not sure how I missed it before, but he's a father of a troubled sixteen year old daughter. Yep, a daughter. Turns out she didn't fall far from the tree when it comes to dealing with issues. After receiving numerous calls from his daughter's teacher, it was time to meet her and find out what's up. But the moment he lays eyes on her, he knew she was going to be trouble for him. Mainly because she's hot, smart, sassy and isn't afraid to talk back to him despite who he is.

Lara is the teacher of Chaser's daughter. She's also had her fair share of run ins with motorcycle clubs and she wants nothing to do with them. Especially not Chaser who's the enforcer of the local motorcycle club. But being a true teacher, she puts all of that aside to help a student who clearly needs help. Turns out that the student isn't the only one who needs help though. So does she help Chaser or walk away from some serious chemistry?

I really liked the story line in this installment more so than the other two. Don't get me wrong. Those were good too, but this one added just a little more drama to the mix. Between Lara's ties with her families MC, her feelings about her uncle and brother and her growing feelings for Chaser, I was honestly pulled in to see how this one played out. Let's just say that the drama within the DK's just got a lot more complicated and the poo is bound to hit the fan.

reviewed by Chris

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One of my fav Megan Crane books to date. I love her angry men and the women who snare their hearts and tame them!

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White hot, down and dirty Chaser with Lara, who is surface priss but all biker sass underneath, burn up the pages from their first look. With club business making things interesting along with some steamy chemistry, Crane makes this couple come alive and keeps you holding on for more. Fabulous addition to the DKMC series, can't wait to see what's next.

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2 1\2 stars
This story failed in so many ways I think giving it 3 stars was generous beyond words. The author seem to lack the ability to created characters who have the ability to do more than have sex and think non stop about sex. Sex doesn't create a relationship that will give the readers a HEA in fact in the real world this relationship would end after a year if not sooner.
Lara is the main problem she constantly says she isn't going be with a MC person but into the first 15 mins of talking to him they have having a graphic sex scene in her classroom. Basically the worst porno scene set up.
A hot for teacher scene not to mention I get its MC book but I can't only read the world P***y so many times because I was completely turned off from reading past the first 10 chapters.
Why can't a MC club member be a good father? What can't Lara just move past her Past?
Things that didn't add up to their actions and words.
The author had almost whole chapters of just inner monologues that seem to stop the movement of the story.
The romance is unlovable, unbelievable and a relationship that doesn't make any since for the way Lara endless inner monologue.

This is the first I have read in the series and will be the last.
Advance Copy from Netgalley

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Devil's Own by Megan Crane was a fantastic book. I love MC romance with drama, action, dirty talk, sizzling chemistry and hot sexy scenes. I was very well entertained by the characters and story line. Chaser is the gorgeous tattooed enforcer for the DKMC. He lives a carefree life full of woman and drinking and loves nothing but his daughter and his brothers. Chaser's teenage daughter has been getting herself in trouble and now that he is back home he has to go meet the teacher who keeps leaving him voicemail's. Lara hates biker's as she blames them for ruining her family and life in specific her uncle who is the president of the Brother's of Goliath MC. .She left that life behind and never looked back. She is now a high school teacher and tries to help all of her students. The last thing Lara expected was a sexy handsome tattooed biker to walk into her classroom. He was everything she hated but couldn't help feel attracted to. This book had me on a wild ride. i can't wait to read more from this series.

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Okay story but I found all the swapping between the third, first and multiple story tellers to be really confusing.

I found this installment had a little more story to it than the first in the series, which made the story more agreeable to read, however the story as a whole spans over too little a time frame to be believable.

All up an okay story, however I dont think I will continue on with the series

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I am bit on the fence about this book. I don't think it can be considered a stand alone. I was lost when it came to all the politics of the club so I skipped that part of the storyline. I thought Lara was a bit too quick to drop everything for Ryan and we never really understood his daughters
reason for acting out and I would have liked relationship development for Kaylee and Lara.

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This was a good quick read about two people who should really clash in many ways but come together to be an explosive duo. Lara is a school teacher and Chaser's mischievous daughter is in Lara's class. He is finally called to the school and it is on from there. They are both strong, smart, and sensual. The chemistry pours off the pages for these two. As with most MC books there is some suspense, grit angst and steam. Both come to rely on each other to navigate through their budding relationship and issues within the MC world. The writing was smooth and each scene was written for us to see it perfectly in our imagination.

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