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Faking It

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This was a quick and easy read, and a sexy romance, but it didn’t give me all the feels. I thought their first meet was actually kind of cute and sweet. I liked how Max was so considerate to Grady when Grady wasn’t at his best, and I liked how Grady really noticed Max and appreciated his kindness. They fell in lust and love really quickly. They were attracted not only to their looks but all their personalities, but they didn’t talk a lot about their personal histories. I felt that their backstories were glossed over, including Grady’s drinking problem. He got drunk once in the book, at the very start, and by the end, he was an alcoholic? I didn’t see it, and I didn’t feel it. Their journey felt too easy and too quick. Grady’s turnabout in the end also felt a bit rushed. I enjoy fake engagement romances, but this one didn’t quite win me over. I also couldn’t follow their break-up fight. The dialogue was so confusing I honestly didn’t understand why they were fighting.

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Max Tremblay should be happy. His nightclub, Frantic, is one of the most popular gay clubs in Toronto, and his childhood refuge, Ringside Gym, is well on the way to reopening. But when he finds yet another drunk in the alley beside the bar, Max isn’t sure this is the life he truly wants.
Grady Barnes has it all. He’s rich, famous, and wants for nothing. Well, nothing but a good relationship with his father. When he discovers that his father is going to force him into an arranged marriage, Grady has had enough. He tracks down Max, the man who got him to safety after a night of overindulgence, and makes him a proposal: pretend to be his fiancé for two weeks and he’ll invest in Ringside Gym.
When the pair travel to Vancouver to attend a family wedding, the flames of their mutual attraction ignite, and they discover that the only difference between pretend and reality is how well they can fake it.
Source: Advance electronic copy in exchange for an honest review.

Faking It is a fun fake fiance story. I love these stories - the couples in question are always to clueless and while the stories are often predictable, I find comfort in them. And their silliness. I hadn't read Working It, when I grabbed Faking It, but they can be read as standalones. Max and Grady come together at a time when they are both are examining their lives and finding them wanting. Grady's got some angst, but together he and Max find something worth fighting for.

Faking It is an entertaining story. It's not my favorite in the Ringside Series, but definitely enjoyable. Making It is my favorite. I love that book so much. Book 3 - Making It released last week, you should check it out while you are at it.

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This book was hard... Hard in that I was frustrated by the characters quite a bit. Hard because I wanted to shout at them most of the time. Hard because I'm not exactly a huge fan of the fake relationship because it lends itself to a kind of instal-love that is, I think, unnecessary. I dunno...

BUT. I liked it a lot. I think what got me out of the bad vibes zone was the fact that there are actual and viable changes that take place with each character individually, especially in the case of Grady. If the character remained static in their personality, and in the way they saw themselves or tried to make positive changes, I would have really had a problem finishing. Instead, each man takes a look at what's going on, who they are, what they want to do. They listen to the great advice given to them. They each take a moment to look inside themselves and see what it is that they can do to make a bad situation into a better one. They open themselves up and let down the walls.

Without all those individual changes, there is no way there relationship after and in the future would be improbable, and/or they'd never last.

So for me, the changes that Grady and Max go through made this book all golden sunshine and cookies.

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Faking It was one of those romances that made me seriously fall for the characters. It was refreshing to read a MM romance where the parent knew and was OK about their child being gay. Every character had a great roll to play in this romance. And honestly I want to see what happens to a few more of these guys. Grady and Max did NOT have the best start and it remained a bit off center for a little bit. But not because their wasn't attraction. These guys had it in spades. I loved the writing and the attention to not just detail but the emotional states of all the guys. This book was fantastic and I can't wait for another book in this series. I want all the words, all the guys! I highly recommend this book.

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Faking It by Chrtistine d’Abo
Book #2: Ringside Romance Series
Source: Purchase
My Rating: 4/5 stars
My Review:

Max Tremblay is in a funk and helping one more sloppy drunk outside his club isn’t helping the situation. Unfortunately, this particular sloppy drunk is worse off than most which is how Max finds himself not only escorting the drunk back to his hotel, but ensuring he makes it into his bed (ALONE!) and has plenty of water to combat the coming hangover. Max thought his good deed would go unpunished until the well-dressed man with photographs, a bad attitude, and a threat showed up.

Grady Barnes isn’t just any sloppy drunk, he’s a very wealthy sloppy drunk with a father hell bent on ruing his life. While that sounds overly dramatic, it is nonetheless true. Grady’s father sees nothing beyond his business, money, and success and his latest scheme has Grady marrying the son of a potential business partner. While Grady is gay and isn’t opposed to making new friends, he has no interest in marrying a fresh out of the closet kid who hasn’t even had a chance to explore his own sexuality yet. The only person this marriage is going to benefit is Grady’s dad and the only way Grady can get out of it is a scheme just south of miracle territory.

Max has never considered himself a miracle, but he does consider himself bored and in a funk so when the cleans-up-well sloppy drunk, Grady Barnes tracks him down and propositions him, Max is willing to go along for the ride. Since the suggestive (though totally innocent!) pictures already exist, Grady suggests Max pose as his fiancé just long enough to get Grady’s dad off his back and the arranged marriage off the table. Nothing can go wrong here, at all.

For two weeks, Max and Grady will live in Grady’s family home and with any luck, will convince everyone of the authenticity of their love and engagement. The passion won’t be hard to fake as Max and Grady both have that in spades for one another; it’s the real feelings and emotion which could cause problems and Grady’s father is a shrewd man. When they’re alone, Max and Grady begin to develop a real connection, but in public, with the family, Max has to sit quietly and watch as Grady withers under his father’s attention, harsh words, and abysmal treatment. But, every man has a breaking point and there comes a time when Max just can’t keep his mouth shut any longer. Turns out, when something more than sex is involved, it’s hard to stand by and watch the one you care about be abused.

The Bottom Line: Faking It is another Christine d’Abo hit! Max is absolutely the star of this show and it is so satisfying to see him go from a burned-out state to once again loving life and finding pleasure in the world he’s built. Though he and Grady’s relationship begins as a fake engagement, real feelings develop and Max isn’t the kind of man to ignore the obvious. Getting to the HEA isn’t at all easy and there are some unexpected twists and turns along the way (I can still be surprised!) but it is all worth it in the end. Though this book can be read as a standalone, I would highly recommend reading book one, Working It first as there a recurring characters and locations that will simply make more sense if you know the back story. In all, an enjoyable M/M read with a strong cast, excellent dialogue ( I LOVE good dialogue), an interesting plot, and the promise of more to come.

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Faking It is the second Ringside Romance and it's a good one. Not as good as Working It, but still good. Max is Zack's (from Working It) best friend and owns and runs his own nightclub, Frantic, plus is a silent partner in Ringside (Zack's gym). It's at his club that he meets Grady, a poor little rich boy. Yep, standard issue rich boy with lots of issues. But, underneath Grady's rich boy exterior is a good man, one who just wants the love and approval of his father. Max, too, has father issues, and it's a common bond the two share as they get to know each other. When Max takes care of Grady after finding him puking outside his club, and doesn't take advantage of his drunken state, either by robbing him or selling pictures of him, Grady knows he can trust him for the little scheme he comes up with to get his father off his back: play his fiancé at his brother's wedding, to head off his father's planned forced engagement to a business associate's son, and in turn, Grady will invest in Zack and Nolan's gym, Ringside.

It seems like a good idea on paper, and it turns out to be a good idea for awhile. Max and Grady have lots of chemistry, and their trip to Lincoln's (Grady's brother) wedding, allows them the chance to give into their chemistry. Unfortunately, it also brings Max headlong into Grady's dysfunctional family, and Grady's issues with his family and places him in some uncomfortable scrutiny. Grady's father is a real piece of work, and he and Grady have had issues for years. Unfortunately, Grady allows these issues to cloud his head and ultimately it will send Max running.

I enjoyed Faking It. Max is a sweetheart, kind, protective and caring, and hot too! Grady, at first glance, is kind of a loser, but once Max gets to know him a little better, he (and the reader) come to realize that Grady is a good person who just has a few issues. I like that Grady did a bit of character growth toward the end, and that he found his way in life eventually. Faking It is low on the drama and angst, high on the sweet factor, and it has a cameos by Zack and Nolan. Can't wait for Eli (the third friend in the Zack, Max and Eli trio) and Devan's story!

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This was enjoyable.. it was sweet.. i liked the characters and the storyline and it was well written. overall i am glad i got to review it because it was a fun story

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This story is book #2, in the Ringside Romance series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. To avoid spoilers, and to better understand the series, I recommend reading this in order.

Grady has reasons for being far from home. He is helped by a stranger one night, a night he barely remembers. What does impress him, is how little the stranger cares about his celebrity status, money, or h is family.

Max has his focus on his club, his friends, and keeping Ringside open. When he meets Grady, some of that focus is off. He cannot help but be attracted and quickly smitten with someone who needs him so badly.

This couple is obviously meant to be. It is a joy to read about men who can be both strong and sensitive. This book is packed full of lots to enjoy. There is heat, heart, and some hot sexy times.

***This copy was given in exchange for an honest review by Netgalley and its publisher.

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I'm really loving this series. I've also got to admit that I've been really curious about Max since he was introduced as Zack's best friend and business partner in Working It, the first book in the Ringside Romance series.

The description sets things up well, but there's so much more between Grady and Max. There's especially a lot more to Grady than the spoiled brat he first appears to be. I went into Faking It already liking Max, but it didn't take me long to really like Grady too. So much so that I almost got aggravated with Max near the end.

Grady wasn't perfect. He felt like he was fighting a losing battle. His father's expectations were the polar opposite of what Grady wanted. Ignoring his father didn't work because he seemed to have eyes everywhere. Seeing first hand what Grady was up against convinced Max to go along with his crazy plan. Spending time with him not only made him realize Grady's potential, but it brought them closer than either one of them expected.

Getting to spend time with Zack and Nolan from Working It was an added bonus. Like I said, I'm loving this series and Making It, the next book in the Ringside Romance, sounds like it's going to be just as good as the rest. ;)

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Post goes live 18 JUL

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3.75 Stars

I absolutely adored Working It and I loved Nolan and Zack, so I couldn't wait to dig into Faking It. The beginning was amazing and I loved both Max and Grady together on first sight. Drunk Grady was funny, sweet and adorable, although a puking Grady is kind of gross. Then the next day he comes back to Frantic to thank and apologize to Max. He smiles, it rubbed me the wrong way and it all went down hill from there. I can't stand poor little rich boys. Is daddy trying to control your life? Well, if you are 28 and living off of daddy's money with no aspirations to make anything of yourself, I can't feel all that sorry for you. I loved Max, but I wasn't sure what he saw in Grady. Grady gave him nothing to work with, in my opinion.

The story is well-written and the characters had a wonderful chemistry. The sexual tension sparked between them and when they fell into bed the spark caught fire, but by the time the book was over and Grady came around and decided it was time to grow up and stand on his own two feet, well, frankly, I found myself not really caring anymore. It was all a little too late for me.

I did love the glimpses of Nolan and Zack and I'm really hoping the series isn't over. I found a couple of secondary characters that I'd really love to see get a story. All in all, this was a good book, I just wish Grady had been a bit different or come around sooner, but hey, you can't love them all. Still, and enjoyable and recommended read!

*Copy provided to me via NetGalley for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.*

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In my own world, good book means that the book can be able to stop me from doing anything except read. And cannot stop before I finished it, well, stopping when things getting better (or worse) and I don't want the story to end. Double standard, I know.
That's what happened with this book. I really enjoyed Max and Grady. Especially Max, I liked him from the start and Grady is definitely met someone he need.
I won't bother you with spoiler of this book, you need the experience this yourself. LOL.
I enjoyed Grady and Max, the chemistry between them is strong. I even enjoyed Justin, I think he need his own story if not from this one, probably another stand alone? With Ryan? *hints*
I was entertained and happy I picked this book on weekend. All in all, this is really good, I liked the writing style, I like the fast pace, and definitely never boring.
The sex is sexy without too many details on page, and I found that I liked it. A lot.
I haven't read about Nolan and Zack yet, I think I'll be devouring them soon!

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While I love a good fake engagement story, this one had some

pluses and minuses for me.

On the plus side:

I absolutely loved both Max and Grady. Their banter and

flirting was fun and definitely kept me engaged.

I loved Grady's brother and sister-in-law, too. They were his

only true (known) allies against his controlling, vindictive,

asshole "Father." That man gave me the serious creeps.

The sexy bits. Hot. 'Nuff said.

On the minus side:

When it suited the story and Max was supposed to come

across as more innocent, he was supposedly not into hook-

ups, nearly at all. Then as soon as Max was supposed to be a

sexy and confident Alpha-type, he was suddenly no stranger

to the hook-up, having been with 'many' men. Which is it?

Also, Max's ability to hold to his convictions in regards to not

sleeping with Grady seemed to be controlled only by which

direction that the wind was blowing his dick that day.

One minute he was all, "Nope, never, not gonna happen,"

then on the next page he's balls deep in Grady and groaning

out "Yes, yes, fuck yes!" I didn't get it.

Another thing that threw me was where the storyline with

Grady's 'handler', Justin went, which left me simultaneously

open-mouthed and scratching my head.

Then, lastly, when "The Big Public Break-Up" scene

happened, I was utterly confused. I read the scene a couple

of times and still thought, "Dude, he just told you he LOVES

you, for fuck sake, so where the hell is all of this really coming


That whole thing felt forced and more than a little

manufactured, like Grady was doing it for show and would

later explain to Max that it was all part of some bigger master

plan he concocted to get around his hateful Father.

So yeah, while I enjoyed it a lot, I definitely had a few issues

with the story to keep me from fully putting it into the 'love'


Overall, I'd rate this one at around 3.5 stars and am actually

looking forward to reading Eli's story, where he reunites with

his ex and long-lost son.

** Note: I haven't read book 1, but this one seemed fine as a

standalone, although the boxing gym element in this story felt

pretty irrelevant to this particular storyline, unlike Max's

ownership of the gay bar.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Shannan – ☆☆☆☆
The last thing Max is looking for is a relationship. Max is all about taking care of others, the bar, his employees, the gym that he's a silent partner in, but he is always last on that list. When he sees a drunken Grady behind his bar, getting sick by the dumpster, he has no idea who he is, Max just knows he's a customer that needs help. Getting Grady home and safe is his only thought.

Grady makes a point to stop into Frantic and thank the tall dark stranger that took care of him. Knowing that his father is setting up his arranged marriage he has to do something drastic to stop it. The only thing he can come up with is finding a fake fiancé. When he propositions Max, Max doesn't know how to take the offer. Helping this virtual stranger with his father and helping himself in the process?

I really enjoy this series. Max and Grady are complete opposites, but sometimes that's exactly what you need. I loved seeing Nolan and Zack from book one pop up in this one. I can't wait to see what's next.

Sarah – ☆☆☆☆
This is a fun, sweet romance between a billionaire and a nightclub owner. When Max escorts a nameless drunk out of his bar and back to his hotel, he performs the first altruistic act Grady can remember.

The series of events leading up to Max and Grady’s fake engagement are fairly implausible, but I liked the characters enough to want to believe in their story. Max quickly finds himself embroiled in Grady’s privileged life and they both find themselves at the mercy of Grady’s powerful father.

Several familiar romance tropes swirl through this story. This story has been told many times in many forms but I still found this book entertaining. I liked the Canadian setting and I enjoyed Max and Grady. Supporting characters are surprisingly well developed and not as black and white as they first seem.

This is the second book in the ringside series and it could easily be read as a standalone novel. Characters from the first story make an appearance at the start and again at the end, but most of this story takes place in Vancouver, not Toronto.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book in the series and centres around Max, the bar owner and gym investor.

This is, I think, a quirky story, which has the distinct benefit of having the very hot and handsome Max as a lead. He is a good guy, no doubts at all, and his take on this whole fake engagement is wonderful. It gives him a chance to re-evaluate his relationship with his own parents, and to recognise that Grady means more to him than he ever expected.

Grady is a slightly less perfect character, and we don't really get a handle on his nature or get much insight into his behaviour until quite late on in the story. I do think it is worth the wait, so give him a chance. He is somewhat oblivious of his surroundings and finally gets a chance to grow up.

There are a number of other characters who are important to the storyline, such as Justin. He serves as a very good foil for Grady's story.

Looking forward to seeing whose romance gets told next, and reading about the gym's grand opening.

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The first book in this series, Working It, I reviewed on the blog in February calling it ‘one the best romance books I've read this year’ so as you can imagine, I was very excited to get my hands on Faking It, especially since it was about Zach’s friend Max, who runs the gay bar Frantic.

But. This was just. No. Not for me.

My main problem with it was the absolute change in tone – which, look, is fine, but just rubbed me up the wrong way here. Working It was a workplace romance with a stressed out boss and anxiety ridden assistant. It was very grounded in reality and dealt wonderfully with a romance featuring a character with anxiety. Faking It features Max pretending to be a rich boy reality tv star’s fiancée, so he’s not forced into an arranged gay marriage for business. I mean, what?

It was just so far removed from Working It, that I never really got into it. I mean, I didn't expect it to cover the same topics, but it was such a shift that it threw me. Despite this, I liked Max and Grady, although, strangely, I think I liked Max more in his supporting role in Working It, than I did in this. I liked the emphasis on father-son relationships, and the prickly problems they can cause, but overall, this book didn’t really work for me. I stayed up late to finish it, and then thought to myself that I should’ve gotten the sleep instead.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad book. It’s a pretty solid romance, I suppose though it’s the trope that just throws me – I like my romance believable, and though D’Abo does try her best, and it very nearly works, it doesn’t completely for me. That said, I absolutely will read the next two in the series, as I enjoy the shared setting of Ringside (especially since it’s getting more prominent in each book). Do give it a go if the blurb tickles your fancy, but ultimately this just wasn’t for me.

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A sweet, hot read. The chemistry between the two leads was great and I enjoyed their mutual struggles with their fathers.

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Daddy issues are at the heart of the internal conflicts weighing on both of the main characters in this charming and erotically-charged m/m romance. Add in a difference in social status and readers will find themselves quickly caught up in this angsty tale of self-discovery that has me looking forward to a return visit to this colorful and supportive group of men from the Ringside Gym.

Grady Barnes is a mess. He's the stereotypical poor little rich boy who has no idea what to do with his life. He's full of anger towards his father and happy to goad him at every turn as his father is overly controlling and treats him as a constant disappointment. When a drunken alleyway encounter introduces him to Max Tremblay though his life will be forever altered. With his father's latest plan to sell him off in marriage to a fellow businessman's son, Grady hatches his own plan of a fake engagement to the only man to make his heart race...Max...which takes both of them down a rocky road towards HEA. It's a bumpy road as money becomes an issue along with self-doubts, but it's ultimately a journey well-worth taking as it all leads to an ending that put a smile on my face. Grady was a bit arrogant and self-involved at the start but flashes of a kind heart and loads of charm kept me from hating him. He truly wanted to make Max happy and spared no expense in spoiling him. His constant goading of his father and self-destructive behaviors were frustrating but clearly were a reflection of the hurt he's felt ever since his mother's death. To truly find HEA though he'll have to grow up, trust in himself, and let himself be loved for who he is instead of what his money can do for others.

Max Tremblay's a truly good man, kind to others, and devoted to work. He's a good son too, but has a rocky relationship with his father that started when he was young. He has a great group of friends and a successful business, but is starting to feel as if he's in a rut. His life revolves around his bar and the gym that's always been a safe place for him which leaves no time for romance. Seeing a young man getting sick in his bar's alleyway might not seem like an ideal start to a relationship but it is a memorable one that changes him and his life irrevocably. His first impression of Grady is one of annoyance but the next day he's charmed and feeling protective when he agrees to play his fake fiancee to thwart Grady's father. Close quarters leads to lots of scorching encounters but also lots of pampering from Grady, which he's unaccustomed to, but which brings them closer together. Long talks also leads to harsh truths as more outside manipulations leads to heartbreak and a showdown between fathers and sons. Max is clearly a caretaker, always there for others at the expense of himself. He's lonely though, seeing his friend's happiness as a couple, and is starting to want that for himself...picturing Grady more and more as his real other half. To get him though Grady will have to finally stand up for himself which makes their hard-fought HEA all the richer.

This was a quick read with a cute premise. The daddy issues, particularly those between Grady and his father, loom large and go a bit over-the-top at times but it does give this couple a feeling of solidarity despite all their other differences. Max is the more mature of the two, more sensible and grounded, and I enjoyed the fun and spontaneous side Grady was able to bring out in him. In turn Grady morphed from flighty and self-doubting into someone more self-assured and willing to sacrifice everything for the man he loved. There was a nice balance between scorching encounters in the bedroom and heartfelt talks outside of it which allowed them to make a believable connection. Grady's father was truly vile and over-dramatic in his edicts that he became a perfect caricature of how to be a villain. Grady's handler, Justin, was also immensely unlikable early on but redeemed himself at the end and became a true friend to Grady which has me wanting to know more about him and if he finds his own HEA after devoting so many years to the unappreciative Grady. I especially loved seeing Zack and Nolan from the previous installment in this series as they're a cute couple whose friendship with Max makes for a unique definition of family as they push and support each other towards HEA. On a whole this was a satisfying tale with a couple who overcame a lot of emotional baggage to become stronger men and a very happy couple and I look forward to the return of famous fighter Eli as he gets knocked out by love.

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Faking It is the second book in the Ringside Romance series and I loved it just as much as the first. You could read these out of order, but I suggest reading them all because they are great, plus the first couple appears a bit in Faking It so it’s nice to know who they are and how they got together.

With Faking It, we got the whole “fake fiance” trope. I tend to see this more in things like Hallmark films than in books. We all know that the book will end with the two characters actually getting together, but isn’t that true of almost all romance books? Basically, the trope didn’t bother me. It wasn’t like Max and Grady had it easy.

I loved getting to know Max more – he’s in the first book a bit – and meeting Grady for the first time. Both of them have very different backgrounds and stations in life, but they understand each other too. Max wants someone to take care of him sometimes, and Grady wants to be the one who is trusted to take care of someone. They both have “problems” so to speak with their fathers, though Grady’s is more long-running and contentious.

I thought it was great how the author showed the two characters getting to really know each other while faking their engagement. The book showed that while it may have been quick, it’s possible to love someone in a short span of time.

I can’t wait for the third Ringside Romance book! Definitely check these out so you’re all caught up for the next release!

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Every bit as good as Working It, the first in the Ringside Romance series. Liked Max in WI, loved him in FI. One of those guys with whom you love spending time. I was back and forth on how well I liked Grady as he was a little "whiney". All in all, a satisfying read.

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