Cover Image: The Innkeeper Chronicles, Volume One

The Innkeeper Chronicles, Volume One

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If you have not stumbled upon this series before, this a book which contains the first three books of the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews. The books center around Dina Demille who runs a quaint Victorian B&B in a small quiet down in Texas. But that's as normal as you get. Because Dina isn't your average human. She is an Innkeeper and within her domain her powers are supreme. Dina's purpose is to revitalize her Inn with guests and find her missing parents.

Of course nothing goes exactly to plan and Dina's empathy and need to help usually lands her in tricky situations. With an impressive assortment of sidekicks including a serial murderer guest, a werewolf and a vampire, Dina handles everything that comes her way with aplomb, steely determination and absolute confidence in herself.

If you are like me and you couldn't resist reading the Innkeeper Chronicles in it's serial form then you've already read all three books in this first volume. Reading them in serial format was the highlight of my week and I looked forward to each installment avidly. Re-reading all 3 stories in one long book was purely delightful for me. I re-read the first one in a day with almost the same greediness and thirst I had when reading it for the first time. I still got irrationally upset with George and wanted to smack him in the second one and I still cried buckets for the Hiru in the third one. Ilona Andrews have a gift of building new worlds in their books almost effortlessly and for me, without creating huge info dumps. I just absolutely adore their writing. It never fails to captivate me.

I got to review this in it's ebook format obviously but I am really curious about the hardback version. I imagine it would make a very lovely gift to any loved one that is a serious fan of Ilona Andrews. I am extremely disappointed though as the beautiful images that accompanied some of the chapters when it was shared online, are black and white in this ebook version. I don't know if that is an error on my copy from NetGalley (it has happened before) or if its on purpose. If it's on purpose then it's a crying shame as the originals are so beautiful and vivid in colour. Much more striking in my opinion than in black and white. If you are planning on purchasing the hardcover version make sure it's in colour, I would. The black and white illustrations do have their own charm but in my opinion they do the artist a great disservice as her play with colours and shades is quite beautiful in the originals I saw. I reviewed each book separately when they came out in their serial format. My second and third reviews are mostly visual, I used images for each chapter as it was released. In the third book review I used one of the illustrated images direct from the website , it's in colour so you can check it out and see what I mean if you want : Chapter 11 Part 2

To sum up, I love this new world and it's stars to bits. Something about them speaks to me and I cannot wait to see what comes next. And I know if they do a fourth one as an online serial, I would still read it weekly instead of waiting for it to be finished. I cannot resist!

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I used to read a lot of urban fantasy – for a few years, I read it almost exclusively. Needless to say, I got pretty burned out on the UF tropes. I continued to read my favorites (The Hollows by Kim Harrison, Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs), but I didn’t actively seek out new authors in the genre.

All this to say – I can’t believe I missed Ilona Andrews! I am so excited to have found this writing duo through this book (and SO excited that they have so many other books out for me to read!)

This book is an omnibus of three books: Clean Sweep, Sweep in Peace, and One Fell Sweep (as an Innkeeper, Dina has a magic broom, hence the punny titles). Each of the books was released serially and for free on the authors’ website; once each was complete, it was edited and repackaged as an ebook for sale (they currently run $4.99 each). I am desperate for news of when the next book will start being released!

These stories have a lot of humor and a lot of heart. I would often read funny passages aloud to my husband, and he giggled along with me. There is also a bit of romance, but it is not the focus of any book (there is no over-the-top hand-wringing angst, which I tired of in a lot of other UF series. I never wanted to smack Dina upside the head, bonus). But the real stars of the series are the characters. The cranky and overly-dramatic porcupine-like chef, the bloodthirsty, calculating yet charming Caldenia, requisite vampires and werewolves that somehow don’t fall into the usual pitfalls of those beings, the adorable Shih-tzu that guards the Inn, and the Inn itself – Gertrude Hunt is a mysteriously sentient being in her own right. Bottom line: if you enjoyed the Scooby gang vibe in Buffy or the found-family feels in Firefly or Guardians of the Galaxy, you will dig these books. Heartfelt and delightful are the words that most often spring to my mind.

And really, the whole series is worth reading for the alien chef’s take on Christmas alone.

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Ah Ilona Andrews... Je vais leur vouer un culte à ce petit couple ! Ilona Andrews nous pond, encore une fois, un récit extrêmement original. Avant de lire mon avis, il faut savoir que The Inkeeper Chronicles n'était pas destiné à être publié, ils ont écrit pour le fun et ont publié sur leur site internet le premier en trois parties bien distinctes puisque ce sont différentes aventures (toujours avec le même personnages mais en soit ça devait être trop court pour en faire des tomes séparés). Bon après, je pense que les gens ont tellement aimé que c'est parti pour être publié par une ME.

Bref, trève de blabla ! On suit cette fois-ci Dina Demille, une jeune femme qui tient une auberge comme ses parents qui ont disparus. Mais ce n'est pas du tout une auberge comme les autres puisqu'elle obéit aux moindres souhaits de Dina (ouais, c'est super cool). Dina est ce qu'on appelle une aubergiste (Inkeeper en VO, ça fait bien mieux), elle doit accueillir des clients dans son auberge et se plier en quatre pour faire tout ce qu'ils souhaitent/veulent durant leur séjour. Petit soucis, Dina n'a qu'une cliente pour l'instant. Tout change quand elle rencontre Sean Evans, un loup-garou et Lord Arland, un vampire puisqu'ils demandent de rester dans l'auberge pour régler un soucis de voisinage...

Un loup-garou, un vampire, une fille, un triangle, Twilight ? Je vous vois venir avec vos insinuations. Mais, ça ne marche pas ici parce que Dina a déjà jeté son dévolu sur l'un des gars (et pas celui auquel vous pensez!) et n'hésite pas une seule seconde avec l'autre ! Et puis vous allez me dire que des loups-garous et des vampires, c'est pas du tout original, c'est vu, c'est revu et c'est saoulant. Bah oui, mais non, parce que figurez-vous que les créatures surnaturelles viennent toutes de planètes différentes ! Oui, oui, vous avez bien lu, ils viennent carrément de différentes planètes ! En plus, les loups et les vampires peuvent et doivent combattre en armure super stylée pour être encore plus forts ! Et c'est avec ça qu'Ilona Andrews m'a encore une fois éblouie. Et attention, il n'y a pas que des vampires et des loups-garous, il y a une multitude d'espèces différentes et toutes ont des soucis plus ou moins graves.

Dans la première partie, Dina doit affronter avec ses amis une espèce qui utilise une sorte de chien de chasse (qui n'est pas vraiment un gentil toutou) pour attaquer l'oncle de Arland. Forcément, ça ne le rend pas super heureux le Arland et pour protéger son oncle, il s'enregistre dans l'auberge de Dina ! Bref, sans vous spoiler, hein, une nouvelle amitié naît !

Dans la seconde partie, Dina doit accueillir un sommet entre trois espèces qui convoitent une même planète et Dina doit rivaliser d'astuces et de diplomatie pour obtenir la paix sur cette même planète.

Enfin, dans la troisième partie, Dina doit sauver sa soeur et accueillir une espèce qu'aucun aubergiste ne veut accueillir...

Comme avec la plupart des personnages d'Ilona Andrews, Dina est une débrouillarde, elle se débrouille comme elle peut et avec ce qu'elle a, et ça ne l'empêche pas du tout d'user de la ruse pour parvenir à ses fins (Un peu comme Kate, hein!). Par contre, comparé à d'autres romans de l'auteure, on est plus concentrés sur l'histoire de ces créatures et de leur planète que vraiment sur le personnage principal. On a bien entendu, l'histoire de Dina, sa vie "amoureuse" et son auberge mais comme à chaque tome on reste plutôt cloîtré dans l'auberge et qu'on découvre de nouvelles créature, j'ai eu vraiment l'impression que c'est l'univers qui était plus accentué. Ce qui donne au final, un super résultat !

En conclusion, encore une petite pépite pondu par Ilona Andrews. Heureusement qu'elle revient petit à petit en force en France, parce que c'est vraiment une auteure qui vaut le coup ! J'espère que celui-ci sera traduit aussi !

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Ilona Andrews' e-serial comes to print in this special collection that includes the first three books in the Innkeeper Chronicles. Dina runs a magical inn for intergalactic travelers. It's her duty to make her guests comfortable, see to their needs and clean up their messes. Like all of Andrew's books, Innkeeper features strongly written characters full of humor and grace. I can't even pick a favorite character since they are all so engaging. Dina's magic, Arland's reaction to coffee, Sean's humor, all create a magical world that you want to visit. [If anyone actually finds Gertrude Hunt, please send coordinates] If you've read the Edge series, you will also find some familiar faces. Although the collection doesn't have any new content, it would make a great gift for an Andrews fan.

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First off I should admit that I did read this online first as a serial and I'm a fan of their other series. That said, this feels like a vastly different story than their other offerings. Similarities are their excellent world building skills and witty dialogue with believable and engaging characters. However, it had a lighter feel than their other series; more playful., at least until the final book. This versiin did not sugnicantly duffer from the online ci tent, but I did like the combined 3 book format. It was a satisfying conclusion, yet did leave the reader open to more books. Most readers are put off by cliff-hanger endings, aka blatant extortions to purchase more books. I admire that they rarely indulge in this behavior, or at least give enough concluding storylines, while leaving some threads to entice you back. It's a fine line and these authors walk it well. I'd highly recommend this series to a wide audience since I think even fans of some other genres would get a kick out of it.

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I have read the individual books before and find that I prefer this version of the stories because it helps me keep the continuity of characters and events in my mind. Excellent stories. I can't wait for Volume Two!

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An eARC of this book was given to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Firstly, I would like to say that I wish I could have done a review of each book (there are 3), but in the eARC that was given to me there wasn’t what you would really call an end and a beginning of each book. I couldn’t tell, and I though that the names that showed up were the names of each part ( I didn’t know it was a series until I looked on Goodreads).

Anyway, I don’t really have many words to say. I was amazed, loved the plot, loved the writing, couldn’t really ask for anything more. The story is an interesting way of viewing supernatural beings. I mean, it has a twist – like a bit of Star Trek and Star Wars with its space stations (inns) and the aliens, and a Red Rising feel to it (the superhumans as the Innkeepeers) and some Twilight with the “vampire x werewolf love conflict” – that only makes the story a million times better.

I wish I could say something really bad about it, but nope. The only bad thing I have to say is that it reminded me of way too many books. What does that mean, you might ask? It bordered on “a mashup of fantasy/sci-fy books” that weren’t that publicized – weren’t really famous. An example: A Walker Saga by Jaymin Eve. It was an amazing series, but no major magazine/journal spoke of it, therefore, not that well publicized.

Another thing: the way the third book ended was the worst cliffhanger. What kind of way of ending a book was that? It could have had a small phrase after the character’s last speech, but no. It just ended. No “WTH is this?” or “Now, the search really begins” or ” What do I do now? Literally follow it?”. Frustrating, but necessary. Seeing as I didn’t know that if the series was already finished I went after the fourth book as soon as I was done. It was one of those ” I NEED to know how it goes” kind of reactions.

I seriously recommend this series up to now (can’t know how the next book/s will go).

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Absolutely loved this! 3-books-in-1 and I am now dying for more.

To start, one thing I found interesting was how this was just a fun project for the authors at first where they were posting one chapter at a time and then letting people read it. Very interesting how amazing things start out :)

Now to the book, just.... wow. Okay, this is definitely more sci-fi than many books I read AND it has aliens which I'm not a big fan of, but here I think it was done really well. Vampires and Werewolves are aliens with their own planets, but so are Hiru, Ku, Othrokar (?), and so many other types that it made it fascinating to read about. They aren't all gross, not all beautiful, but I feel they were all really fleshed out and made their own.
side note: Ilona Andrews always takes vampires and changes them into something so different I love it.

I thought the concept of the Innkeeper was very interesting and my other thought while reading the third book was "For someone who never leaves the Inn, she sure leaves the Inn a lot" lol in the grand scheme of things she doesn't, but the little adventures are fun.

Now, besides the characters, the plots are super interesting (to me, at least). Assassins, peace summit, protecting a dying race, all very different and enthralling. The romance was pretty meh to me because it is so obvious, but better than a love triangle, I say! The second book was a bit annoying about it--but I can forgive it because of how it ended. It is a slow build romance for sure, even though the feelings are there. I am interested to see where they will go.
Also, another thing I totally like in a series is an overarching mystery with tidbits shown and given throughout. The main mystery here is Dina's missing parents. I also think Klaus (Dina's brother) adds to this mystery considering what we learn about him in the prologue/first chapter of the second book. Great stuff. UNfortunately, CLIFF HANGER with this mystery at the third book!! I'M DYING.

To wrap up, I absolutely love this series and how funky it is. I can't wait to read more. At this point, Ilona Andrews is a auto-read for me. I love the books so much. I swear, I read these books in like 2 days.

Recommend to everyone who like Ilona andrews, or interesting species, weird magic, and UF without a lot a sex (only one sex scene so far!). Please read this and let me know what you think about it ^_^

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Anyone that knows the writing greatness that is the duo Ilona Andrews knows that when you open up on of their stories you are in for a treat.

I am so glad I read these three books as a whole because it would have been so hard to wait until each new one was released and of course, after finishing the third, I'm already anxious for the fourth.

Andrews gave us a treat in this series. It is a bit of something different, something other, a bit of something dangerous, and a bit of something completely all its own and I just couldn't get enough of it.

I loved the play on the “traditional” versions of supernatural species with a whole new twist and spin and then the whole sci fi aspect, which admittedly doesn't usually work for me, but so did in this series. I truly had so much fun with it and I want more.

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Ilona Andrews takes you on a whirlwind of possibilities and adventure. I absolutely love "The Innkeeper Chronicles." I couldn't possibly find another story as unique as this one. I really am quite amazed. I never would have thought about growing a magical inn to board different species for a safe place to stay on other planets. You are immediately captivated by Dina and Beast when unusual things start happening in the neighborhood but don't forget about her trusty broom and what she can do with it. You just might find yourself on the wrong side of the lawn when you get cocky like, Sean Evans. And don't forget about vampiric Arland who makes your heart flutter in obvious joy with his unique ability to set Sean off and prowling around staking claim to Dina's heart. The series gets better with every book you read and you can't help but stay up all night long just to read the next page.

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The world of The Innkeeper Chronicles is probably one of the most captivating I've encountered. You don't get many sentient inter-dimensional inns or heroines who are innkeepers in the sci-fi and UF world, but it really is a perfect launch pad for a colorful, action-packed intense series. The inn is a way station at a cross roads for other worlds and other dimensions allowing for myriads of adventures and stories.
I love, love, loved this. Apparently 760 pages still isn't long enough when you love the author and the characters this much! If you think the ideas of Vampire Knights (did I not mention them?), dramatic alien chefs, werewolf ex-military types and a sentient B&B sounds seriously cool then you are in for a treat!
These three books are different to the Kate Daniels world yet they bear the same Ilona Andrews hallmarks: a great plot that drags you in as soon as you start reading; a heroine with amazing powers; brooding heroes; fantastic world-building; and a host of vividly drawn characters who have lives and stories of their own, from the local cop, to Dina's dog.

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I was completely hooked on the world and storyline from the beginning.

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ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

It is no secret that I am obsessed and in love with everything that this writing duo creates. IA is truly a tier about all urban fantasy, and I recommend any and everything by them if you love the genre or are just getting into it. IA is maybe the only author(s) that I can say whole heartedly that I love everything they've created, not like, not think is okay or worth reading, LOVE.

Not only do you receive the first three volumes of this series in this bind up, it is also filled with jaw dropping gorgeous artwork by Doris Mantair. The art that was in these novels were also something that I looked forward to, but seeing them in full, and completely perfected, was amazing.

You can preorder this gorgeous bind up of all three novels in the Innkeeper Chronicles here for a limited time!

And if $75 is a little steep for you (and for me, let's be real), this series started out as something IA posted serialized on their website. I'm not entirely sure if you can see find these books for free online, but they are about $13 each on Amazon, and so very worth reading.

Also, go request this on Netgalley while it is still available! Seriously, you get some breathtaking art work and three of the best PNR/UF books, by the very best PNR/UF writer(s), on the market! If I hadn't already read this series, it would have been the best approval Netgalley has ever given me.

I'm going to break down each novel with their individual reviews and ratings, and also with links to their individual reviews on Goodreads. Again, I loved this series, this world, and these characters. Each book just gets better and better, and I hope and pray they continue on with this series until the end of time.

➽ 1.) Clean Sweep ★★★★
I loved this new world and expected nothing less from this amazing writing duo. I was not expecting all the sci-fi developments, so that took me for by a very pleasant surprise. The concepts in this book were so unique; I've never read anything about "Innkeepers" before. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a completely new concept they created. Basically, if you're looking for a good PNR/sci-fi love child, I can't recommend this enough.

So what's the deal with this innkeeper and her inn? Well, first off the inn is a sentient being that gives immense powers to the Innkeeper when they are on its property, and even some powers when off of it. Just like inns in our world, people check in to stay for however long periods of time and the innkeeper will see to their needs. In this world, travelers come from all over the universe and have some pretty peculiar wants and needs. Our main character and innkeeper, Dina, came into the profession because her parents were also innkeepers so she grew up with it and loved the lifestyle. Unfortunately, her parents and their whole inn disappeared, so she's now made it her life mission to find them.

But what would an inn be without guests? We have a sexy neighborhood werewolf that doesn't know how powerful he really is. We also have a vampire full aware of his power, who is a warrior that is pretty swoon-worthy. Yes, that combination does equal a love triangle. Then my personal favorite, a cannibal alien that's on the run, with a strange appetite for Mellow Yellow and Funyuns. Then we throw in a very dangerous alien called a dahaka with his stalker beasts at his side, and we have a full paranormal/sci-fi cast.

I'll be honest, I didn't love this book as much as I did the rest of the Kate Daniels series, but it was still a good read. It just wasn't un-put-down-able like how I find Kate Daniels. It still has the super witty writing that makes you laugh out loud and feel silly giggling to yourself. It still portrays Dina as a strong independent woman character that more girls would strive to be like. Most important, it still had an engaging story that makes for a wonderful read. This book might not be five stars, but it was still one of the better books I've read in 2015.

“I have spent my spare time studying literature popular with young women of this planet. One should always study the battlefield."
Sean glanced at him. "And?"
"I suggest you give up now. According to my research, in a vampire-werewolf love triangle, the vampire always gets the girl.”


➽ 2.) Sweep in Peace ★★★★
Apparently, Jack, George, Gaston, and Lark/Sophie are all from IA's other series The Edge. I haven't read this series yet, but going off my friend's reviews this is either going to make you very happy or completely turn you off of this book! I am kind of scared to read it, but I loved Sweep in Peace so maybe I'll dive in one day when my stacks of "to reads" isn't touching my bedroom ceiling.

Oh, and I also think you will be able to read this for free on IA's website, but I don't think all the chapters are up yet. Or maybe they took it down for the actual book release? Either way, I think you will eventually be able to read it for free, which is pretty neat.

Ilona Andrews has a gift that most authors do not have; every book they write makes me want to be a part of that world. I remember being so young while reading Harry Potter, and I felt the same magic after I finished every book. That crazy longing to want to live in that world, and be a part of that story. Maybe I'm just crazy, but that's what Ilona does for me that most other authors will never be able to achieve, and for that they will get my never ending applause. Hell, Kate Daniels is post-apocalyptic and I still want to live in that world! Seriously, my fan-girling has made me sick, but I'm too far gone for any cure.

Sweep in Peace starts right up from where Clean Sweep left off. Honestly, you could probably just jump in and read this one; you just might not appreciate it (or Sean) as much, but this book does a wonderful job filling in the blanks without making the reader feel overwhelmed with information. Dina and Gertrude Hunt are still the same, while Caldenia is still the Inn's only guest. Well, that soon changes when Dina accepts to host The Summit for three factions who are at war over a planet. The planet, Nexus, contains large subterranean reserves of Kuyo, which is a liquid used in production of "pharmaceutical asset of significant strategic value". So it's very valuable and everyone is fighting over it.

The Three Factions:
1.) The merchants of Baha-char represented by Nuan Cee's clan (cute little fox people). (view spoiler)
2.) The hope-crushing Horde represented by Otrokar (aliens that form their bodies for their jobs).
3.) The Holy Anocracy represented by House Krahr (vampires). (view spoiler)

So needless to say, Dina's Inn is very full in this book. So she has to hire a chef to cook for all these people while she is constantly making sure Gertrude Hunt stay neutral and safe for all the new guests. The chef she hires ends up being my favorite character. Basically, he's an exiled giant porcupine, who's a former Red Cleaver chef, who is obsessed with mangoes and named Orro. I'm not really sure I have to say much more than that, but I can promise you if you read this book you, too, will fall in love with him!

This book is filled with Dina trying to keep the peace in her inn, while also trying to get all three factions to sign a peace treaty with one another. Obviously, it's no small task and has Dina constantly working with these very different clans. Some major twists and turns happen, which leaves the reader on the edge of their seat while trying to figure out all the mysteries.

Overall, I loved this installment and cannot wait for the third. Please, oh please give us Klaus in the next one. Dina needs him, and I sure as hell need to know more about him. The epilogue will probably leave you wanting more Sean, even though all I want is more Arland.


“I asked him if he was leaving anyone behind. He said he met a girl with stardust on her robe, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw the Universe looking back.”

➽ 3.) One Fell Sweep ★★★★★
Everything IA touches turns to gold, and this series is no exception. The Innkeeper Chronicles feel so cozy, yet are so action packed and have so much swoon-worthy romance. IA somehow weaves a story with the perfect balance of mystery, filled with high-tense situations, with all these unique concepts, and makes it feel like home. I can't recommend this series, or this writing duo, enough.

This series is written in weekly installments that IA posts for free. I, being the masochist that I truly am, always wait until it is actually published in book form to review, but it is still pretty freakin' awesome that this is a series that they write for their fans out of the kindness of their hearts.

Without giving too much away, and because we are three books into this series now, the first book in this series, Clean Sweep, stars a innkeeper, Dina, who runs a magical inn that allows life forms from all over the Galaxy to stay for whatever period of time they need. Not everyone has the magical gifts to be able to run their own inn, but Dina's parents owned their own inn while she was growing up, so she is very familiar with this magical safe place that is hidden away from the rest of Earth.

Innkeepers also have immense power, especially on their inn's property. On top of being able to command the house at your every whim, because you have to be able to make your guests comfortable, which means constantly changing the rooms and layout to their needs, innkeepers have the responsibility to keep their guests safe, and have a whole magical property at their disposal.

Yet, an inn's ability to thrive and live is constantly syncing with the guests that are needed for it to house. In the first book, The Innkeeper Chronicles, this is very apparent, but now that we are three books in, the inn is prospering, thriving, and very powerful.

Each book deals with a new threat to the inn, or its guests, but the constant theme of the whole series is that Dina's once innkeeper parents have gone missing. Dina keeps a picture of them on display right when you walk into her inn, no matter how the layout of the inn changes, in hopes that someone will recognize them and be able to give her information. So far, her quest results have turned up empty.

“Husbands can fall out of love. Friends can betray you. But when you’re stuck in a hellhole far from home, your family will move heaven and earth to get you back.”

But in One Fell Sweep she gets a proposition from a new alien that wishes to stay at the Gertrude Hunt for information on her parents' whereabouts that she cannot help but accept. Even if that means risking everything and everyone she loves.

And when I said everyone that Dina loves, I truly mean that, because this book introduces a few new characters that would be impossible for you not to fall in love with!:
Seriously, every hiss turned me into a bigger puddle of goo.

“I have run, my lord. And I would do it again, if the circumstances called for it. Honor can’t keep my daughter alive, but I can.”

And if you've been following my reviews of this series, you'll know that Arland is, hands down, my favorite character. (When will I grow out of my brooding vampire phase?) And seeing his character arc take a very unexpected turn made my heart melt and my ovaries swoon.

Can we also talk about how this book takes place during Christmas? Like, this book already feels magical and is impossible for the reader to not want to be staying and living in Dina's inn, but the timeline correlating with our present day was something so amazing. I couldn't help but be enthralled with this book, in this world, and with these characters once again.

“You taught me the meaning of loneliness, because when I don’t see you, I feel alone.”

Seeing Dina grow not only as an innkeeper, but as a person, is so rewarding. I cannot wait to see the direction the fourth book takes, and how Dina and Sean are going to proceed with their new information, regarding the Ripper of Souls.

IA is seriously in a league of their own for Urban Fantasy, but, honestly, they are dominating their take on Sci-Fi, too. With all the different planets and species, and then their greater message of acceptance and love with organisms that are different or misunderstood in this Galaxy, too? Then add in all their original and unique concepts. Like, this wife and husband writing duo are such a blessing to the literary world. #blessed

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I am a huge fan of Ilona Andrews. I love how the couple tells a story. This is not a new book just all three Inn Keeper Chronicles together. I followed the story originally on their website. But when they released it as a book, they added to the story. Ilona and Gordon have perfected the art of having a strong character (especially a female character) with some weakness but not helpless. The main character, Dina, was written so well that she feels real. She knows that she can't do everything and there is nothing wrong with accepting help by others. I try not to post spoilers. I inhaled this book. I highly recommend everyone to read it! I can't wait the next chronicle.

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I love this series so much. It's everything I never knew I always wanted in a book. It's the perfect amount of real life stuff, cool sci-fi worlds, awesome fight scenes with alien beings, and mushy love stuff. But my favorite thing about the series is the inn itself. Fictional life goal: be an innkeeper!

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This was fantastic! All three of the Innkeeper books in one lovely (and long!) package! Kept me occupied for dayssss! And as we all know, Ilona Andrews is a writing team that can do no wrong. Couldn’t wait to dive into this! Plus – that cover? So gorgeous!
We get introduced to this fantastic world and our lovely leading lady Dina Demille. Who, by the way, is a total badass. There’s also the glamorous yet murderous permanent guest Caldenia. I love her and her cannibalistic ways. I also really wish it was possible to visit Gertrude Hunt for a stay. I bet that good old Gertrude wouldn’t let me trip quite so often lol. Seriously – this house defies gravity and physics. I really loved getting to see the growth of Sean and Dina's relationship. Poor Sean.... whew, he was put through the ringer in book two. But I was thrilled to see our long time favs George and Jack as adults!! So cool!!
And then the third book we got to delve deeper into Dina's family! I loved it!

Can't wait for book four!!

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I thought that was graphic novel of the series but it wasn't. But because this series is one of my favorite, I read my favorite parts again. I really liked the world, the characters and events. Especillay third book is my beloved one. I read some of this author's works before but this is my favorite so far. Waiting for the next one is really hard, I'm looking forward to 4th book, really excited for it! Here in the link I reviewed the series in Turkish.

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I am a huge Ilona Andrews fan and this book does not disappoint.

Dina is an Innkeeper of the Gertrude Hunt Inn in Texas. It is a magical, sentient Inn and hosts guests that are mostly not from this planet. Her neighbor Sean is a werewolf and the two of them end up working together to protect the people of their town and the secrecy of the Inn.

The innkeeper series started as a free serial on her website. The story was posted in parts and when finished it was taken down, edited and released as an ebook. This volume contains the first three novels: Clean Sweep, Sweep in Peace and One Fell Sweep, plus awesome artwork.

I adored this book. Dina is feisty and smart and completely devoted to her Inn and guests. Each book has its own great plot that drags you in as soon as you start reading and there is an overarching plot that runs through all 3 books. The world building is out of this world, literally. And there is the possibility of crossover with another one of her series. All the characters have depth and secrets from the nosy cop to Dina's tiny dog, Beast.

If you have not read these books, this is great place to start.

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Pictures are gorgeous. I've not read this series before. It was so good that I read a book a day.

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This is one of my favorite series so far. I enjoyed all 3 books and cannot wait for the next one in the series to come out. Ilona Andrews adds humor to this series and there were time I could not stop laughing. This series contains romance, action, adventure, and so much more.
Dina Demille runs Gertrude Hunt Inn and she is the innkeeper. She deals werewolves, vampires, and other creatures that come from all over the galaxy. Earth is neutral territory and Dina has to keep these "aliens" secret. There are many innkeepers. I liked Din'a character. She is caring and very compassionate person who puts others above herself.
Sean Evans is an alpha werewolf, who did not know about other aliens until he meet Dina. There meetings in the first novel were hilarious. Dina totally showed him who was boss. Sean and Dina are attracted to each other instantly. Sean protects Dina, but also goes through several trials in this series. He is also a warrior and extremely strong and fast.
Arland is a vampire soldier who arrives at the inn and becomes friends with Dina, but has flirted with her. He respects Dina and she has helped him. When Arland meets Dina's sister Maud, he is blown away by her abilities. Maud was married to a vampire and has a daughter, Helen. She returns to Earth to stay with Dina due to unfortunate circumstances.
There is also Her Grace, Caldenia, who is a lifetime member at the inn. She is quite the character and is very respected, but there are those who want her dead.
This is a great series so far and each novel leads into the other, which is something I like. It is told from Dina's point of view and we see the trials and struggles she has to go through to make Gertrude Hunt a 5 star inn and hopefully finds out what happened to her parents.

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