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Through Your Eyes

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A very well written book with a good plot and characters that I fell in love with. This is a good fast read.

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Deirdre Murphy leaves her home in Ireland to visit cousins in the United States. While in Chicago, she will be working in a bakery and trying to help out her aunt. Deirdre works for the family pub back in Ireland and has had a boyfriend that she is sure will end up being her husband in the future. Suddenly her plans change course after she meets Tommy O'Malley, tattoo artist and hockey player who is tough and "good with his hands". His past is full of one-night stands until he meets sweet and innocent Deirdre. Perhaps his "type" of woman is changing, now he needs to convince Deirdre. An honest and realistic contemporary love story that proved to be engaging and mesmerizing. A four star recommendation for anyone who loves a good, solid love story.

Through Your Eyes by Shannyn Schroeder will be available May 30, 2017 by Zebra Shout. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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this was a good story. It dragged for a bit which made me want to skip pages, but I kept on reading and it ended well. Opposites certainly attract in this book.

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This one sucked me in from the start, it was so darn cute! Deirdre was a bit of a fish out of water, but once she let herself enjoy being in Chicago she seemed to bloom. She found a job she loved and started to build relationships. I loved that Tommy was smitten with Deirdre, loved that he had a crush on her and didn't give up in pursuing her. He wasn't creepy about it, just clearly let Deirdre know where his feelings were and gave her the support she needed. Their relationship grew just the way that it needed to, slowly and by starting out as friends.

I felt like a lot of what was happening with Deirdre's family in Ireland was predictable, Deirdre needed to have that happen to her. She needed to decide that she was first. Her impulsive decision with Tommy was the best thing for them both, as was the big blowout at the end. Deirdre needed to write out her list and see how Tommy really was the one person to have her back all the time.

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Shannyn Schroeder won me over some time ago with all six of her “The O’Leary’s” books. Through Your Eyes, book 3 of a spin-off series, seemed to keep a slight touch of that great Irish pub owning family tradition going. However, it does focus mainly on Deidre’s passion for working in a bakery, as she seemed to detest working at her family’s pub, and Tommy, the hero, working as a tattoo artist.

It also served as a reminder why I don’t like to give up on a series. With books 1 and 2, not particularly a good fit for me, I stepped right into book 3 and saw what a great, sweet couple Tommy and Deidre made. It felt great to be back home with the O’Leary’s, folks. This experienced, handsome, quiet, dirty talking, sweet natured guy pretty much was head over heels the very first time he laid eyes on Deidre in the previous book. Having never had the chance to ask her out, he was now over the moon at her sudden, unexpected return.

Deidre has had quite a dilemma, folks. She’s been spinning her wheels unhappily back home on the Emerald Isle but equally dismayed at not tying the knot with her long term/family friend/pushed together/childhood sweetheart boyfriend who is reluctant to pop the question. What’s a girl to think when the guy who insists they wait for marriage to get smexy seems perfectly content not just to keep her at arm’s length, but thousands of miles away, as well?

Yes, there is a long distance love triangle that goes on very briefly. Once the truth is exposed, the main couple start to fully explore their attraction guilt-free, but relationship angst lingers until the very end, in one form or another, especially after Tommy’s bold move to give them more time together. Some will likely feel it is putting the cart before the horse, folks. It definitely took me by surprise. Frankly, I love it when an author does just that.

With lots of family weighing in, heroine hand wringing, reluctance to call it love, and last but not least, a very smitten, determined leading man who doesn’t want to let go of his leading lady, Through Your Eyes has you looking at their relationship from several different perspectives.

Here’s to hoping my review has been helpful in someway in helping you decide if Through Your Eyes looks good to you.

Title: Through Your Eyes, Series: For Your Love, Author: Shannyn Schroeder, Pages: 320, stand-alone but part of a series, conflicted/wishy washy heroine who starts off with a boyfriend, sweet natured/likable/good guy hero who hasn’t been a saint, VERY graphically steamy with lusty language, HEA, brief love triangle, OW hits on hero in heroine’s presence, no cheating.

Book 1 - Under Your Skin, 6/28/16, Pages: 320 (Norah & Kai)

Book 2 - In Your Arms, 12/27/16, Pages: 320 (Sean & Emma)

Book 3 - Through Your Eyes, 5/30/17, Pages: 320 (Tommy & Deidre)

(I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for a fair review which was distributed via NetGalley. No compensation was provided to me, nor do I have any affiliation with the author/publisher/NetGalley. It will be posted on Amazon, Goodreads, NetGalley, and Barnes & Noble.)

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She's back in Chicago visiting her American family after the Christmas gift from her longtime boyfriend turns out to be a flight from Ireland to the States (so she can find true happiness) instead of the proposal everyone expected. Much of her life isn’t what she wants for herself, but she’s loyal, grateful for her parents sacrifices, and utterly stuck as a result. Or is she? Once back in the states, in walks Tommy, the hot tattoo artist she met during her last visit from Ireland. He’s pushing all her buttons (in the best possible way). What she ultimately learns is that life is what you make of it and happiness is the prize for those who are willing to fight for what your heart wants.

This is a solid romance with likable characters and a loveable, rowdy, buttinsky family.

I received an ARC of this book, via Net Galley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This is my first read by this author and i fell in love with her! Such a great story. Love the Irish Catholic roots and expectations. Tommy and Diedre were just perfect together.

I will be picking up more of this author's work in the future!

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Such a sweet heart-warming romance! Deirdre is visiting her family in the USA and wants nothing more than a way out of returning to work at her family's pub in Ireland. Tommy lives across the street from Deirdre's aunt, and he hasn't forgotten Deirdre's last visit to America. What harm can a little romance do when there is a built in end date to the relationship?

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I really enjoyed this story. Tommy is a tattoo artist and a hockey player. He’s been enchanted by the Irish beauty living across the street. He doesn’t know her name but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to know more about the red-haired spitfire.

I like Deirdre’s character. She’s complex yet simple. Flirty, yet shy and I really liked her. I thought she and Tommy paired well. I also liked that their relationship went through some real ups and downs and I enjoyed watching them fight for the happiness they both deserved.

The only criticisms I have are superficial. The covers to all the books in the series do not match those of the characters. That always seems to bug me. And The titles don’t seem to fit the stories. I would hate for this to be a deterrent to readers because the series is pretty good.

***I voluntarily read a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All conclusions reached are my own***

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Through Your Eyes, Shannyn Schroeder

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  Romance, 

I'd not read any of Shannyn's novels before so wasn't sure what to expect.
Sadly in this case it was one of those "its not the book it's me" situations. I just couldn't get into the story, didn't really like the characters.
It's the third in a connected series, one of those where each book is complete but there's an overall story arc via the people within it. 

I don't think it would have made much difference if I'd read the first two books. It wasn't so much that I didn't understand the setting and situations within it, more than I just didn't like the settings or characters.
I found they acted IMO like teens, and just didn't feel like adults. I found the Rory situation difficult to believe, sometimes I wanted to shake Deidre for not seeing what was in front of her ( though top be fair I didn't get it quite right!!).
Then there was Tommy, he was so polite, so clearly wanting her and happy to do whatever she wanted, and she was just blowing hot and cold on him, and could be so rude in her conversations ( I mean as in uncivil, not nudge-nudge, wink-wink rude...) At times I wanted to say to him, C'mon, Spell it out for her. Stop being her doormat....

Still though, the book is written perfectly, plots play out properly and of course it will be exactly what other readers want, as evidenced by the many fans of the first two books. 
Its really is just a subjective choice, I thought I'd like this but didn't. That doesn't mean its not a good read for you, just that its not a good read For Me. 

Stars: Two, I read first half, skimmed second half as I just couldn't get into the story.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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