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Eye Candy

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This book sounded SO CUTE when I read the blurb. Who doesn’t like a lil workplace swirl story? Unfortunately, I think it peaked in the blurb. It turned out to be largely frustrating.

Jackie Butler has a crush on the Golden God who runs by her office everyday at the same time, but she just wants to look. You see, she’s given up on men and love since her ex-husband cheated on her but her friends keep pushing her to ask him out and she caves.

Vince Carson is Jackie’s best guy friend and they share the title of VP. Vince is also divorced, though not cheated upon and he’s harboring a crush on Jackie.

Good love triangle thing happening here that I thought would be fruitful.

Vince offers to “coach” Jackie in her efforts to ensnare J.T. a.k.a. Golden God. He makes a lot of assumptions about J.T. thinking he’ll be their to reap the Jackie rewards when J.T. inevitably disappoints her and it comes with the added bonus of spending more time with her. For wooing presumably.

This actually was working for me until they had sex. Without a condom. I’ll come back to this shortly. After they do the deed he’s still perpetrating like he’s “coaching” her.

Thus began this endless loop of them continuing to spend all this time together, him not wanting her anywhere near J.T. yet coaching her in all the ways that will have him coming back for more, Vince pushing her away, because baggage, Jackie pushing him away, because baggage leading up to big, contrived conflict that requires their friend’s interventions.

Remember all those times when I said I didn’t have a problem with non-communication? Well, I’ve found my limit. I’m not sure if Hallmark makes a card for this or not but if ever one was warranted... Now is the time. They make so many assumptions about each other rather than just talking that I had trouble believing they were ever “best friends”. It was just asinine. Some game playing is cute and can add intrigue to a narrative, but this went on and on and on.

Jackie's thing with J.T. is casual and it turns out he’s seeing others which she inexplicably equates to him cheating after like 2 dates?!?!? I appreciate sisterhood solidarity but what Bethany did to him is beyond comprehension.

Now the sex. It is relatively hot, but sex without a condom in MF reads unless the people have discussed beforehand that that’s how it’s going to be is beyond stupid. I can overlook one in the heat of the moment time, but these two just take each other at their word that they’re clean, that she’s “covered” and without any sort of commitment? No. Just no. Not when there’s a 9 month bullet that doesn’t deserve to be caught in the middle of these two nincompoops. Seriously, what sort of idiots just believe what someone tells them? You know how many crazy trains are out there? Crazy trains that’ll lie to your face?

By the time the story was over I was more relieved to be rid of the juvenile games they played than happy they'd finally decided to be together forever-n-ever. However, I can’t say that I hated the whole thing. There were cute moments and I am intrigued by Davis whose story is next in line, but I’m not sure I can take anymore statements like this:

She’s not the fucking type. She’s the making love type, and I’ve started wondering if Jackie might be a girl I’d like to make love to.

Is she gonna have to wear a girdle under her dress after she quits her job to stay at home and make sure dinner’s on the table by 6 o’clock after a day of bridge and day drinking with the girls wondering what the hell happened to her life too? Just wondering.

Not recommended.

An ARC was provided by NetGalley.

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I found myself putting this book down often & picking something else up. I was really worried that I'd give up permanently on it but I kept at it & it wasn't until I got a little more than half way through it that I really got into it. I really enjoy Jessica Lemmon's books & was determined to give it my best. What I ended up with was a sweet story of love that neither Jackie or Vince saw coming. They're both divorced & not sure how to fit back in. Jackie watches a hot runner every morning wishing she could approach him. Vince jealous of hot runner decides to teach Jackie how to win hot guy, only it backfires to start when Jackie actually does start to date hot guy. Vince isn't giving up & continues to coach her but starts using showing as well. After one kiss both are floored & thrown off kilter that they can't believe that they both feel the same. Nothing is ever easy though on the path to true romance & Jackie & Vince will have to deal with a few problems mostly of their own doing. Will love prevail? Definitely recommend.

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This was an absolute enjoyable book with two amazing characters, a steamy storyline and a mind blowing friends to lovers relationship. Jessica Lemmon never fails to amaze her readers with breathtakingly gorgeous stories.
Full reviews to come close to release day.

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I didn’t really know what to expect before reading Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon. I knew it was going to be a romantic comedy and probably have some decent smut. I mean just look at the cover model… There’s no way in the world that there won’t be sexy times between those covers! It’s scientifically impossible! What I ended up getting was a surprisingly funny piece of book candy. You know… book candy: its sweet, quick to consume, and it leaves you with a good taste in your mouth. Was it ground breaking literature? No. But, was it fun to read? Absolutely.

Eye Candy is a friends to lovers office romance between Vince and Jackie. Vince has it bad for Jackie and Jackie has it bad for Vince. However, both of them are completely oblivious to the fact that there is a mutual attraction between them. I think both of them are probably a bit gun-shy due to the fact that they both have already gone through a divorce. If I’m going to be 100% honest (which I always am) it was unbelievable to see the extent to which two people would act against their own best interests. It’s like if someone gave them the wonderful love cupcake that they’ve always wanted and once they took a bite they just spit it out on the ground. Seriously, these two are the most awkward daters I have ever seen. Either date each other or don’t because this back and forth behavior is exhausting!

Vince has this elaborate plan to win over Jackie that involves tutoring her in the art of seducing her crush. In fact, his plan goes so far as to actively encourage Jackie to date the other guy while going on “fake” but not really “fake” dates with Vince on side to “learn.” When he finally gets Jackie, he immediately goes back to the whole date coaching pretense rather than just being together in a relationship with Jackie. I cannot find any apparent logic in his machinations. It would have been incredibly easier if he just told asked her out on an actual date and then pursued a relationship with her, you know, like a normal person. Instead he decides of this ass backward approach that is so complicated it could only end in disaster. I just wanted to smack him upside the head and ask him if he really wants Jackie or not? Every time he got her he decided to push her away immediately after. You can’t have your wonderful love cupcake and eat it too, Vince! However, throughout all of his schemes Vince remains utterly charming. He’s funny and adorable in a dorky kind of way. So, while I find his methods insane I still found him strangely endearing in his earnestness.

Jackie on the other hand wasn’t nearly as endearing to me as Vince. She spent so much of the story either clueless or whining. I wish I would have gotten to see more of her fun side that Vince is in love with. There was mention of a time they spent together where Jackie got drunk and toilet papered a horse. (You heard that right, a HORSE!)When I was reading in her perspective I just didn’t see her the same way that Vince did. I’m not 100% certain that having the perspective change between her and Vince was really necessary. I did enjoy getting her side of the story but she so much less engaging than Vince that I couldn’t wait for her parts to end so that I could get back to Vince.

As for the smut, it was believable. There weren’t any crazy scenarios or positions that weren’t doable in real life. Regardless of whether the smut was something that could happen in real life or not, it still remained adequately steamy. There definitely was some passion between Vince and Jackie. Also, side note, all of the sex scenes were from Vince’s perspective so I was actually really pleased with how they came out. HA! “Pleased with how they CAME out” … get it?

There’s nothing worse than a romantic comedy that isn’t funny. Luckily, Eye Candy was laugh out loud funny! I was really impressed with Jessica Lemmon’s sense of humor and comedic timing. Maybe I’m biased because I adored Vince so much but the way his brain worked was hilarious. I just want to throw in one quote as an example of how funny and dorky and adorable he was:
“How am I doing?” Jackie whispers as I close the front door behind me and flip the deadbolt. “Do you have any pointers now that I’ve successfully lured a man into my house?”

“Yes, but every one of them involves you stripping naked while I watch, which is probably less about my coaching and more about my boner.”

Overall, I quite enjoyed Eye Candy. It was a fun little book candy delight. I’m excited to go on to the next book in the series Arm Candy.

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Eye Candy
By:Jessica Lemmon

Vince and Jacqueline two co VP at the same company. True best friends. Both divorced and helped each other to get over the loss and betrayal of their past relationships. Attractions to each other have always felt forbidden not only to not jeopardize a perfect friendship but also a job they both love. Well what happens when they take a chance?

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Let me start by saying I think I just read a book that had everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks you Netgally for letting me read and review.

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3.5 stars

Vince and Jackie are good friends. BFF's. But Vince has been friend zoned and isn't happy about it. So when Jackie shows interest in another guy, he comes up with a plan to push them together and then pick up the pieces when it doesn't work out. I kept wondering-but what if it works out??

Vince doesn't count on his jealousy. Jackie was a great friend to Vince when he went through his divorce, but she still sees him as someone who has her back and nothing more. Will he ever come clean about his feelings?

Good read.

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I enjoyed this book a lot! Jackie and Vince both have gone through tough divorces and became best friends finding their way through it. A great best friends to lovers story. I look forward to more from this series!

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4 Moving On to Real Love Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free
Finding Trust is Hard. Holding on to it, knowing it is there and you will always be safe in giving it... is even harder....And if you have been betrayed, your trust with another broken...then Serious Damage is done. It can take any number of ways to work through it... and it ain't easy.

This is where both Jacqueline and Vince are in there lives. They both have come through losing trust with their past spouses... Jackie's cheated on her... and Vince's no longer believed in him when his business collapsed during the recession. Both went through their major pain periods at different times and Vince was lucky because Jackie was there for him as a good friend and co-worker.

Jackie's marriage ended when she was shocked to find out her husband was cheating on her. Cut her to the quick and she went through a very hard time. She felt insecure...thought there had been something wrong with her, when she was fantastic. Jackie came out of it and decided she was going to go it alone for a while-no dating or dealing with any of that stuff.

Instead, good friends and hard work.

Vince's divorce hit him equally as hard and since Jackie had been there, done that already.... she came to his house with Buckets of Fried Chicken, Beer and Movies to watch. Vince and Jackie had an easy relationship... a friendship.

Solid, nothing fake...

We have these two smart people who have a bond of real friendship. Both have seen each other at their worst. Both know how hurt and insecure they were when their ex's did what they did. They also share the title of Co-VP where they work....each using their strengths on projects and working together.

So that is good, right...
Well, sort of...

Because Vince has realized Jackie is someone he would really like to get to know...and get to know by kissing her and seeing where this could go.... because Vince has a thing for Jackie but she has stopped dating.

That is not good. How is Vince supposed to start kissing Jackie and having her like it if she won't even think about dating someone...

Which brings us to the daily Eye Candy which runs by Jackie's office everyday at 11:45 AM...He is this collective sigh all the women have when watching him... bare chested, muscles flexed and an ass hard as a rock. He has become this fantasy all of the women, especially Jackie, focus on...and he is in the way of Vince's plans...

Vince has decided he will figure out a way for Jackie to date this fantasy guy who can't really be anything but an asshat and then be there for Jackie when she needs him... Opening up the opportunity for him to get out of the friend zone and be in the place he really wants to be...the boyfriend zone????

This has all the makings of a friends to lovers hit. It has Vince as a really good guy who has crossed over and wants to have a real relationship with Jackie... build on the friendship but also knows he doesn't want to scare her off. I liked Vince for the most part. His intentions were good and he only had a few hiccups - overall he was a winner.

Jackie is a woman like many who have been done oh so wrong. Having an ex cheat on you can destroy one's self confidence... and be very hard to get over. Jackie was strong in many ways and very capable in work and friendship. These two together worked on many levels.

Jessica Lemmon knows how to hit all of the bases and she has already set up the next book. Vince's best friend has a dark love past... lots of pain... and he has an interest in the opposite of what he has been drowning his sorrows in... lots of blondes. He is sure to be the next subject she tackles in Arm Candy in the Fall of 2017.

A gifted copy was provided by LoveSwept via NetGalley for an honest review.

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I had a really hard time getting into this book. When I read the blurb it sounded really good and I really thought I would love it. I tried to love it, I really did. And there were parts that I truly did love and that made me laugh. But on a whole, it just didn't do it for me. I was really annoyed with how the characters couldn't truly act like adults and just talk to each other. There was always something holding them back. Whether it be distrust or just being afraid. And just the games he played with her to make her see him as the one, yeah I didn't like that. The sex scenes were really hot though! I don't know, it just wasn't for me. Although I think some people will really love the book, it definitely didn't hit that level with me.

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Eye Candy is a fantastically written friends-to-lovers romance that will have you smiling the entire time you're reading. Jackie and Vince are co-workers that became close when he divorced and Jackie, already a divorcee, helped him get through it. But now Vince is stuck firmly in the friends-zone and he wants out something fierce. He comes up with a plan to get Jackie back in the dating field and then swoop in to save her from the horrible dates he thinks she'll go on. He just wasn't expecting the insane jealously that takes over the second Jackie goes out with someone.

I really liked the connection that Jackie and Vince had throughout their friendship and seeing how close they were. It was fun to see that they had so much trust in each other and when it turned to more and Vince acted on his true feelings it was even better.

I found Vince's plan of helping Jackie with her dating skills very interesting and it kept me intrigued the whole time. I was waiting for that moment that Vince couldn't keep his feelings to himself, and I was not disappointed when that scene came. Vince was just really likable and I wanted to see him finally get the girl he wanted to desperately.

I did have one issue near the end when I felt Jackie was being a little too hypocritical but it wasn't anything that made me hate the story. It frustrated me a little but once Jackie and Vince moved on from that I didn't let it bother me so I could finish the story on a happy note.

Overall, if you like friends-to-lovers romances than this is a book you definitely want to pick up. The characters are all very intriguing and I think anyone that reads this book will love them as much as I did.

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I have loved this author for a while and this book just reaffirms my love for her words. This book touched my heart and I’m really glad I read it! I look forward to more from this author!

Seriously completely adore this author!

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Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon is Book 1 of the Real Love Series.

What a fab start to a new series. This rom-com is sure to delight with its friends-to-lovers and second chance themed read that has a HEA. A win-win by any definition. Vince and Jackie have the right chemistry and connection that really does this storyline justice. With the beautiful writing style, dual POV’s, heat, a titter angst and a steady pace, Ms. Lemmon knocked it outta the park with this Eye Candy...pure perfection!

Please note that an ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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I knew I was in for a sweet treat with this one, but wasn't prepared for all the antics between these two. They were hysterical. I like a good friends to lovers story and this one covers all the bases.
Jackie and Vince work together, both VP's in a marketing firm, both divorced; Vince longer than Jackie. So Vince has played coach of sorts for Jackie and they grew to be great friends. Vince also grew himself a nice crush on Jackie, but he's a man with a plan.
Jackie is fed up with the dating carousel and her big thrill every day is watching this delectable piece of man meat jog by her window. She's in total lust. So Vince, in his infinite wisdom -NOT- comes up with a plan for Jackie to meet this runner and have a date or two and when things fall apart he'll be there to pick up the pieces and take care of her. Yup, he's a man. Pretzel logic.
So she goes on a few dates with JT, sailing along and Vince says hey you can date me too. Omg. These two and they banter, they're relentless. Cute as hell and crazier than hoot owls. Yes they both annoyed me a couple times, I didn't think it was real bright of Vince to suggest she date them both. What man wants that? Nonetheless, readers know if these two yahoo's would have just had a little more communication and a little less run around they'd have solved their problem a lot faster. But hey, it's not my book. I also thought a couple times, wait...these two are adults. Not young kids. Old enough to know better. But then age has no limit on goofy.
I loved the story, the premise was cute and as always Jessica delivers a great story.
Bring on Arm Candy, I'm rubbing my hands together because I'm soooo ready for that one.

**arc from NetGalley and publisher in exchange for a fair review**

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I received this book via

3.5 Stars
I really enjoyed this book. It is the first in the series and I look forward to reading more in this series.
Jackie and Vince have been friends for years. Jackie divorced when she joined the firm. Vince was her happily married best friend. He helped her through many breakdowns.
Then his marriage fell apart and Jackie was there for him as the supportive best friend.

Enter the Eye Candy. Jackie is fascinated by the shirtless jogger that passes her office window. Ready to get back into the dating pool she allows Vince to help coach her on dating. But Vince knows that he wants Jackie, so he has other motives for helping her. When Jackie realizes Vince's feelings for her, she worries that this will forever change their relationship. But when Vince shows her the other side and how good they can be together she must decide to pursue Vince or her Eye Candy.

Jackie and Vince are a great friends to lovers story. I really wanted to kick Eye Candy, J.T., in the nuts because he wasn't exactly what he seemed. The push and pull of the relationship is amazing and throw in the love triangle it just makes your head explode at times.

I can't wait to see more of these characters.

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3. 75 stars

I love a good friends to lovers trope done well and this was enjoyable. It has the feel good best friends to more which can go both ways sweet or painful. For a new author to me, I was instantly attracted to the story. Very relatable how you crush on your friend but she has the hots for someone else. You know you guys could be something but one party is afraid try. In a bit of self preservation you push them towards their crush and hope it leads back to you. Well usually it's the heroine who does this but in this case it's Vince. I still think it's a plan that will backfire.

Jacqueline and Vince are both divorced and that's how they bonded aside from working well together. Jacqueline's good looking neighbor caught her eye and somewhat spurred their friendship forward. What happens now that said crush notices her too? We have a sorta triangle going on. Hart of Dixie reference is win. But it's not the super angsty triangle. They definitely needed to work on the communication part for best friends, that little bit was frustrating. I understand some of that is the residual effects their divorces had on them.

I honestly liked them how they bonded and hang out. I can truly sense the comfort and ease with them. Both are likable characters but I definitely felt the need to shake them. It's not unusual to be confused about in kind of situation for sure and transitions can get a lot of tension. While there are a few bumps on their way the HEA is satisfying and fun. I liked the author's writing and the rom-com feel of this. I get the swoony and the feels of the their romance. I definitely looks forward to Davis' book!

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This is a really fun and easy read!

It took me awhile to get through it since I work for many clients, and am very limited on time.
The story flowed really well, and I enjoyed a plot that wasn't too complicated.
The beginning started off slowly as we are learning about the characters and how they are involved in each other's life, it's the ending where you start to feel the anxiety of the situation!
Great friends to lovers type read - Jacqueline (the main female character) is found longing after the super sexy runner - who jogs by the office each morning. Vince, who is a friend and works with Jacqueline offers to help get something going between her and Mr. hot runner guy.
In the end, the plan doesn't go as expected - but really when does it?

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Eye Candy is the first book by Jessica Lemmon I have read. It didn’t WOW me but I did enjoy it. I will read more of this authors books in the future. My only hope is that they aren’t all as frustrating as this book was.

Eye Candy is a standalone friends to lovers story. It is told in Dual POV and I’m not sure that was a good thing. Normally I love Dual POV, because I feel every story has two sides, but for this one, I think a 1 sided story would’ve worked better. Knowing what both Vince and Jackie were thinking was what made this story very frustrating for me. I just kept thinking these two need to COMMUNICATE!!!

I also felt this story boarder on two of my pet peeves while reading…..cheating and a triangle. This is a book where some will say there is no cheating and some will say yes, the whole date him and date me thing could be cheating. Nothing was ever written in stone when it came to exclusivity. This is just a very fine line to me. As for the triangle, this is where it drove me nuts the most, because while Jackie is pursuing the Jogger Man, in her head she can’t stop thinking about her attraction to Vince. You could tell she was clearly torn between the two men. I wouldn’t constitute this as a normal love triangle but it has some aspects of it and that’s what put me off from really enjoying this story like I hoped I would.

I know that this sounds like a negative review and that I didn’t like this book. I just want you to know I did enjoy it and I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of friends to lovers stories with a lot of angst. I thought Jessica’s writing style is one I could connect with and I really liked the characters she gave us. Vince and Jackie were great characters, their only real flaw, is that for being Best Friends and both having suffered through a past divorce, you would think they would’ve talked to each other more.

I thought the pace of the story was well written and I enjoyed meeting other characters in the story. I look forward to reading Davis’s story in Arm Candy.

So like I said, just because this isn’t a 5 star read for me, please take chance on this book if you like this type of story. You never know this could be an amazing read for you!!!

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I absolutely loved this book. It was so fun and flirty and I want more. I will also be watching Jessica Lemmon to see if Davis gets a book and any new titles she releases.

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I really liked this book.
But part way through it all seemed very predictable.
If you love Romantic comedies this was a perfect read.
This is a great friends-to-lovers kind of romances, but like a said it was predictable and slightly boring.
However, I was happy to have the honors of getting to read this book thanks to NetGalley.

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Vince and Jackie are best friends that work together sharing the same job title. They have been there for,each other as Vince tries to,take his first steps back into being single after a messy divorce. Countless memories shared and knowing one another better than they know themselves. Vince volunteers to help,Jackie enter back into the dating game after she secretly stalks as he runs by her office each day. The lessons are fun, sexy and entertaining as they find the lessons weren't needed after all.

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