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Eye Candy

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cute, ok read

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Fun, hot and sweet. Jessica Lemmon writes great contemporary romance.

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I'd give this a 3 1/2 to 4 stars! It's a friends to more romantic comedy with two leads you can't help but enjoy. I will admit I wasn't a huge fan of the overly crazy games played to get to the end point but you'll definitely smile and snort as you watch Vince try and get Jackie to see he's for her not the anonymous runner she thinks she wants.
This is one of those light, little drama even if they have some drama, with plenty of steam reads to help you smile and escape for awhile. I'll be interested in on Davis though.
This was a complimentary advanced reader copy from the author/ publisher given in exchange for a honest review via Netgalley.

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** contains spoilers **

What I liked

There was a lot I liked about Eye Candy:

Office romance.
Two characters with a tough relationship history (both divorced).
I liked the characters a lot both individually and on their own.
I looove the whole “friends become lovers” trope.
And just in general, the book was a lot of fun. It was also a super quick read. It only took me about a day. Win.

But there were a few pretty key things that kept me from enjoying the book more…

1) There’s this really hypocritical thing…

Jackie starts dating the jogger guy (“J.T.”). They haven’t really defined what they are—they’ve just gone out on a few dates. Then Vince basically says, “Hey, Jackie! Date me too! Like… for practice…” And Jackie is like, “Hmm well J.T. and I are still new and haven’t said we’re exclusive… so okay!!” She starts dating both guys, but keeps Vince a secret from J.T. Then, a few days later, she catches J.T. “cheating” on her (having sex with another woman) and becomes really really really upset and suddenly J.T. becomes the “cheating bastard”. But why was what J.T. did so horrible if Jackie was also under the impression that they weren’t exclusive? This whole cheating incident became a huge part of the book but it was so hypocritical…

2) Then Vince does a really stupid thing…

So Vince has this whole thing where he decides to become Jackie’s “coach” to help her win over J.T., right? (Before he becomes “cheating bastard”.) From the synopsis:

"But what if I set her up with Mr. Steroids? Then, when he breaks her heart, I can swoop in and save her like the nice guy I am."

But then, J.T. “cheats” on Jackie and Jackie goes running into Vince’s arms. They have this awesome night, have sex, yada yada. They’re obviously both crazy about each other. Vince has totally scored because he wanted Jackie, then he got Jackie, and J.T. was out of the picture. But instead of owning that, he’s literally like, “The only way I know how to proceed is tell her it was all for teh lulz and I was just trying to coach her and I just want to be her coach again moving forward to help her score a better guy.” What the fuck? So he got everything he wanted, then he freaks out and decides to brush it all off like it was no biggie and tells Jackie he just wants to be her coach… even though that isn’t what he want. The idiot backtracked.

"I turned over the best way to proceed now that we had some seriously fun naked time, and the only answer I came up with was to keep up the ruse. I was her coach, and as long as I continue coaching her, she'll willingly overstep all sorts of boundary lines she's drawn for herself."

3) Then there’s another hypocritical thing at the end…

Jackie sees Vince talking to his ex-wife and assumes the worst: that they hooked up. Vince is SUPER offended by her assumption. He’s like, “OMG I can’t believe you’d think so little of me! We’re through!” He literally does break up with her over it. Then, a few days later, he sees Jackie talking to J.T. and LITERALLY does the exact same thing. He assumes the worst: that they got back together and turns into a prat over it.


I think the toughest thing about Eye Candy is that it’s built on one of the most frustrating things in romance books: characters who REFUSE to communicate with each other. Even when the other person’s feelings are so obvious, they both still refuse to talk about it and refuse to own up to anything. It’s all brushed off. This is even harder to deal with when you’re given both points of view and you can literally see how much both of them are obsessed with each other.

Despite all the problems I had with Eye Candy, it was still a fun read. Sometimes it's just hard to put up with all the frustration when it comes to people being silly, uncommunicative, and prone to weird mind games instead of being up front.

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While I enjoyed this book, I didn't love it. I was expecting an entertaining romantic comedy, which I partly got, but I didn't fall in love with the characters. Jackie and Vince are co-vice-presidents for a marketing firm and also are close friends. Truly, they seem to do everything together a couple does, except for the sex. Things take an odd turn when Vince offers to help Jackie get the attention of her crush, a sexy guy that jogs past her office at the same time every day and mostly shirtless.

Under the guise of "helping" her, he wants her to get over her rebound relationship so she'll be ready to give him a chance. The jogging guy is pretty, but doesn't seem to have more to offer. However, I was frustrated by Vince's games and "coaching" role with a woman he is so attracted to.

Most rom/coms have some type of push/pull, but this one was over the top and it frustrated me to see the immature way they reacted to problems. Yes, love can make us all a bit stupid, but this was too much, especially between two people that have been such close friends for years.

I enjoy the author's work and loved the concept of this book, but while it could have been great, it was just okay. I look forward to reading more of her books.

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This book had me the second it quoted Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon!" (And I mentally followed with "What an embezzle. What a nin-cow-poop.") I knew at that moment that this story would be fun, and it was. The character development in this one is outstanding. I liked Vince and Jackie a lot, but at times, I wanted to reach into that book and throttle both of them. I wanted to shake that baggage and those insecurities right out of them. Having had similar baggage in my past, I identified with them and wanted them to be better than me! And they were. But there was a moment there toward the end that I thought they wouldn't get past it all to their HEA, and I was as mad as the Tasmania Devil when Bugs Bunny buried him in the cold, cold ground. Lucky for me, Ms. Lemmon didn't leave me or her characters buried--we all got a very satisfying HEA. This one will go on my multiple-read list.

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Delightful tale of lusting after a drool-worthy jogger who runs past the office window every day as a specific time, and working with a best friend who becomes more than that. Wonderful characters and fun plot.

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Eye Candy is a friend to lover’s romantic comedy that was an okay read for me. Jacqueline “Jackie” and Vince have seen each other through everything and have been friends for years. Somewhere along the way their friendship turns to more. Jackie has seen Vince through his divorce and now that Jackie has her eyes on someone else, Vince is willing to push her to get what she wants but what does he really want? I felt Vince played too many games for me. I was really expecting to enjoy this book more but I just couldn’t connect with it and I’m not really sure if it was the story itself or the characters or their lack of communication. However, I did enjoy Davis’s character immensely and even though this story wasn't my favorite; I still reccommend readers giving it a try.

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Friends to lovers with a whole lot of past relationships that complicate the new one...

Vince and Jackie are coworkers, both divorced and have LOTS of baggage. Jackie wants the dude who runs past her work everyday and looks like a Greek god. Vince wants Jackie, but is too afraid to say something. Instead he is going to "couch her". Really? Aren't they kind of old and been around the block for this storyline?

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A nice romance to read. A good book to read during summer on the beach.

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This book was cute, however at times you wanted to slap them silly. Story is about two friends who are both divorced and have issues that they needed to work on. It is also a friends to lovers story. Jackie is insecure because her husband had cheated on her, and every date she has gone on, has been horrible, so she decides she is no longer going to date. Every morning there is gorgeous male who runs outside of her window at her job, and she makes sure she is looking out of that window, she even sets her alarm. Vince has become attracted to Jackie and would like to become more than friends, but does not have the guts to tell her and feels she needs to go on a date first to give them a chance, so he encourages her to go after that gorgeous guy,even though he hates it. My issue with this book, is that they keep holding on to past hurts, and that sabotages there relationship, and also Vince keeps playing games instead of manning up, that kind of annoyed me, because when Jackie gives in, he is the one holding back. Eventually they figure it out, or atleast that is how it ended. Would like to read what happens with Davis.

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Jessica Lemmon writes fresh characters, who are charming, witty, and sexy. This book is no different! I've been looking forward to this series since it was announced. Jackie and Vince's story made me swoon and root for them to get together. There's just something about a friends to lovers story. You do not want to miss this series!

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Vince Carson tries to convince his best mate and colleague Jackie to go after some anonymous hot runner with the intention of swooping in when it falls apart. But the best laid plans go awry as always and somehow, Vince and Jackie find themselves in a position where their professional and personal boundaries start blurring.


What a tangled mess this is. ‘Eye Candy’ is rom-com in full-steam, as adults (vice-presidents of a marketing company no less) plot, manipulate and go the excruciatingly painful, roundabout way of trying to get back into a kind of dating game that really should be banned from this age-group.

But who knew that adults haven’t quite left this behind?

I couldn’t quite believe that Vince would play such games, though it was admittedly snort-funny to see a man for once, taking on the characteristics of what is traditionally ascribed to the insecure, plotting female protagonist along with the bar-confiding moments with another equally broken friend—all because he was probably afraid to really figure out what he wanted. I felt sorry however, for Jackie, swept along as she was for the ride and not getting everything upfront as she should have been getting, when it appeared that the men in her life couldn’t well, man-up.

I was frustrated more than entertained though, because of the lack of clarity that just didn’t seem to come in places where the sun doth shine. Getting exasperated with Jackie/Vince's lack of communication—and I mean about the topics that bother them and not of the unintelligible kind—when it was going to be the main form of conflict in the book was probably a sign that I could barely tolerate the vacillating indecisiveness of both parties towards the end.

But those who like lighter reads, with the kind of tension and pacing found in rom-coms, ‘Eye Candy’ hits the mark. Jackie’s and Vince’s voices are distinctive enough to bridge the NA/adult contemporary gap, even though I’m not convinced that the whole dizzying set-up (that veers uncomfortably closely to issues like cheating and two-timing and getting back on the saddle to ‘use’ random women) is really suited for me. That said, I do enjoy Jessica Lemmon’s writing and well, even if ‘Eye Candy’ wasn’t exactly a story I could get into, it’s a series I’ll be keeping a sort-of-curious eye out for.

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This was a super light and funny read. Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes and this book does it very well. A perfect read for a day by the pool!

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Jackie and Vince. I loved these two so much. This story, their friends (Davis, especially) was simply wonderful!

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