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Love the Wine You're With

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It's centered about three women. All three of them have been successful thus far, though they may not see it, each of them has a story to tell. What people see may not be exactly how they feel.

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I love her books! this one was SO good! Such a fun and enjoyable read

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Holly, Nat, and Jessie are three girlfriends who are fed up with the way their lives are going. Nat has an amazing career but is having an affair with her married boss. Holly is starting to feel like a washed-up actress who can't catch a break. And Jessie's boyfriend just backed out of buying a house with her and then left for an extended business trip. They have met for drinks at a wine bar that they love but is closing because the owners got a deal that was just too good to refuse. Maybe it is the wine talking, maybe it is the fact that they are all ready for a change, but they talk about opening their own wine bar. It doesn't take long for the talk to become a reality. Along with their new bar, there are new men that come into their lives. An incredibly hot wine vendor, an old college friend, and a producer that once saw Holly at her worst. The three friends have decisions to make about their romantic futures. Will they take a chance on someone new or will they "Love the Wine You're With?"

Love the Wine You're With was a fun book to read. All three women are incredibly likable even when they make really dumb mistakes (like dating their married boss). I loved that they just went for it and opened the wine bar, even though none of them really had any experience. It was something they wanted to do - so they did it. I also like all three of the "new" men in their lives. They were willing to take on the friends flaws and all. I think Joe, the producer, was my favorite, though. He was so good to Holly that it was easy to cheer for him. Things worked out the way they were supposed to and they all got their "happy ever after" in one way or another.

Bottom line - Love the Wine You're With is a fun, entertaining book that demands to be read with a glass of your favorite wine. So pour your glass, kick back, and relax!

Love the Wine You're With by Kim Gruenenfelder
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Pages: 384
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication Date: 6/13/2017
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This is a light, easy read that's well-written for the most part but overall it fell somewhat flat for me. Holly Nat and Jessie are 3 best friends going to through some turning points in their lives. I found myself not too invested in any of them if I'm honest and I would've loved to see more of the 3 of them together in the bar. The alternating perspectives caused the story to feel too broken up for me. I did like the many potential love interests and the ensuing drama when they all were together in the bar. For me I just expected more substance and less fluffy chick lit although I know that's the genre this falls into. An average but not exceptional read in the end.

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A great story about good friends opening a wine bar for women. Great story of love, friendships and of course, wine!

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I love this author's books but I was somewhat disappointed with this one. It seems like she recycled her other books into this one. There were even some parts that I had read in her other books. I liked this book for the most part, I just felt like I had read it before. If I hadn't read any of her other books, I would have loved it.

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It was an enjoyable summer reading. Definitely an author to add to the list of people to read when their new book comes out.

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Wow! Love The Wine You're With by Kim Gruenenfelder is one of those books I want to tell everyone they must read. It's a story about friendship, dating, love and so much more. While the struggles of dating and loving someone are part of the storyline, this is really about everlasting friendship.

It's centered about three women. All three of them have been successful thus far, though they may not see it, each of them has a story to tell. What people see may not be exactly how they feel. I have to say my least favorite of the three women is Jessie. I think she's a bit whiny and her jealousy of Nat gets the best of her at times. Although Jessie's monologue may make her seem such a hypocrite and not a genuine friend every now and then, at the end she always comes through because her friendship with Holly and Nat is above all else.

As I read the story I felt for Nat. She's my second favorite character. Her affair with Marc (a married man) is a struggle for her. Even though she's the other woman and in other books this is kind of like a "ugh" type thing, I think Kim Gruenenfelder does a wonderful job in showing Nat's feelings for what is right and wrong. Nat is one of those characters a reader can love and hate then love again. She's a bit entitled and she's funny and cute. My favorite part is when Chris (her long lost love) shows up unannounced. Their banter is fantastic! I still can't picture how Chris looks other than his bald and bold, but gosh. Next to Joe (I'll get to him in a second), he's one of my favorite.

Holly... well, she's hilarious. Her acting gigs and the things she goes through in auditions are if nothing but the truth. I rooted for her all throughout. She's my favorite of the three women. I don't know if it is because she's the most honest one of all or she is more relatable, I can't decide. Her crush on Sven and how awful that turns out is funny (well, at least until it happens to you) but it is such a true thing that happens more often than not in real life. I think many can totally relate, and this mishap makes Holly even more real. Like you want her to be your best friend (really!). It's just too bad she's a fictional character.

I'll admit the plot twist with Joe showing up during their bar opening is ingenious. I didn't see that coming. His persistence and then his banter with Holly about an "it's a nondate" is fabulous. At the risk of sounding repetitive, Holly and Joe are my favorite couple. I like that when Holly makes a decision she sticks to it, unlike Nat and Jessie.

There's so much more I can say about this book, but I'll leave you with: If you read anything this summer, read this book. I promise you won't regret it.

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This is a cute, light read. Best enjoyed with a glass of wine, if you wish. Maybe two or three. Don't be like me, stuck without wine even though you're a wine lover, because this book will give you a serious craving! It's heavy with dialogue and pure girl power. Lots of drama and romance. There's also some real substance because one of the characters is dealing with the loss of her father. It's clear from the acknowledgements that the author recently lost her own. I was expecting a happy and fun read, and I did get it. I've recently lost my own father though, and the acknowledgements really hit home with me and made me tear up. I was not expecting that. It's still a feel-good read that'll make you laugh.

In this story, we have three lovely ladies. They're best friends, and they're all very different but are completely and totally supportive of each other. Their friendship isn't without faults, but still admirable. One is a successful accountant with celebrity clients. She's starting to take the next step with her long term boyfriend, but he seems to be getting cold feet. Next, we have an actress who waits tables between gigs. She's been unlucky in love, and has been starting to reconsider her career path as she gets a little older. Next, we have a TV writer who would have a lovely relationship with her boss boyfriend... if it weren't for his wife. Drama city!

Their lives aren't by any means terrible, but they're all missing something that keeps them from being truly happy. What could be better than pooling their money together and opening a woman-centric wine bar?

I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley and St. Martin's Press, thank you! My opinion is honest and unbiased.

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This is a wonderful happy light read! These three women- Jessie, Nat, and Holly- are acing the problems of mid- 30 somethings but they do so without self pity or regret. Each one of them is believable and relatable. In fact, the best thing about this book is that they channel their energies in an entrepreneurial way by opening a wine bar. Good on them! Yes, some of this is too easy (there are lots of guys) and yes it might not have a lot of twists and turns, but if you've looking for a book about three women taking control, then this is for you. Thanks to net galley for the ARC. I'd not read Gruenenfelder before but I'm going to look for her again.

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I have read the authors books in the past so when I saw she was releasing a new one I was really pumped. Overall, this novel exceeded my expectations. It's got wonderful friendships, a lot of wine, and just enough romance to keep things interesting. The author has a knack for writing and I am always entertained by her characters and story lines. This goes for Love the Wine You're With as well and I would highly recommend the novel to those who enjoy women's fiction novels and the authors previous work.

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Great book, easy read… Held my attention and was sad to see it end. Thanks for the opportunity to read it!

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I finished up my beach trip with another great beach book – Love the Wine You’re With by Kim Gruenenfelder. The title, cover, and book jacket let you know this is the perfect book to enjoy while lounging at the beach or by the pool with your own glass of wine.

It is a fun bit of chick lit – made for women by a woman about women. This novel focuses on three friends in their early thirties struggling to discover what (and who) they want in their lives. Each woman deals with her own issues in relationships and work. One woman is having an affair with her married boss, another is now deemed “too old” for the acting roles she is auditioning for, and the third woman is stuck in a great job with a great man but finds both unfulfilling.

People often hear about the quarter-life crisis individuals face in their mid-twenties, but you do not often hear about the chaos of life in one’s early thirties. Since I am there, it was refreshing to hear how these characters faced their own age battles. While I am far removed from their seasons of singledom, I found their relationship seeking adventures entertaining. Who doesn’t love a good story about friends and their romantic pursuits and failures? Haven’t there been entire television series about this same idea?

It is also nice to read something that ends in a pretty cliched romantic comedy fashion. I enjoy romantic comedies; so, it makes perfect sense, that I enjoy a book that ends with the women ending up with the right men all tied up nicely. After reading so many heavy books lately, this was a relaxing way to end my trip to beach – with a glass of my favorite Moscato in hand. I also loved all the wine puns throughout the book. So. Many. Fun. Puns!

My only issue is that three women friends seemed so similar that I often had a hard time distinguishing between characters. About halfway through the novel, I was finally able to identify which character was which.

This is the first book I have read by the author, but it will not be my last.

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Nat, Holly and Jessie are best friends, and they are each at a crossroad in their lives. So they do what anyone would do in their situation... they quit their jobs and open a wine bar! This book had me laughing from start to finish. This is the perfect book if you need a good laugh, are having a bad day, or pretty much any other time either. You can't go wrong with this one!

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I was so glad to see another book by Gruenenfelder and thrilled that I was able to read a digital ARC. I was not disappointed! This book tells of three friends, all at a crossroads in life, who decide to open a wine bar together. I enjoyed reading as the friends, Nat, Jessie, and Holly, find the paths they want to travel. I also liked seeing them find romance. This was a fun and entertaining book, just what I've come to expect from the author. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Kim Gruenenfelder's latest "Love the Wine You're With" in exchange for an honest review.

I'm so very happy Kim Gruenenfelder is back!!! I know the author took much needed time off after her father's passing, and I'm so glad she found her way back to writing the fun, sassy, novels she does.

I loved "Love the Wine You're With" for many reasons. Three women who are best friends, and they aren't perfect - they all have flaws which they are graveling with (careers, boyfriends, family). These three best friends decide to leave successful careers (two of them) to open a wine bar! Their stories are easy to follow (sometimes in a large ensemble cast it is not easy to follow who is who), and their relationships are fun to watch grow. Wine Bar - need I say more??

I would highly recommend this to all my friends who love Chick Lit, Women's Fiction, and Wine!!

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I got a chance to read this book early though Netgalley. I previously read Misery Loves Cabernet by this author and it was one of the funniest books I've read.

Three best friends, Nat, Jessie and Holly are at a turning point in their lives. They're all tired of the status quo and want to make some changes.
Holly is a struggling actress, grieving over her dad and single.
Nat has a job she loves at a game show, but she's dating her married boss and wants out.
Jessie is in a long-term relationship. She's working at a job she hates, trying to save up money to buy a house.

When Jessie's somewhat commitment-phobe boyfriend declines on yet another house. Jessie decides that she is tired of waiting for her boyfriend to make all the big choices in her life. So, she makes a big decision herself. She puts her nest egg into a wine bar that she talks Holly and Nat into joining.

Drama escalates with Nat and Jessie both debating leaving the relationships they are in and both becoming interested in Giovanni.
There are a number of potential love interests to keep straight in this story. The lives of Holly, Nat and Jessie will never be the same after opening their wine bar together.

Cute story. If you can have a good glass of wine on hand when you read it, I'd suggest it.

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I'm a huge fan of Kim Gruenenfelder and was so excited to receive an advance copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This, right here? Is chicklit at it's finest. We meet Jessie, Nat and Holly and follow them through their daily lives dealing with work, romance and, well, wine. After each suffers a slight setback - and too much wine, they decide to go into business for themselves and open a wine bar together.

Along the way they meet some good - and some not-so-good guys, but no matter what, these girls always have each other's backs.

This was a fun, light read. I really enjoyed the witty writing and playful banter between characters. While I know absolutely zero about wine, I also didn't feel that the wine part of the story overshadowed anything else.

If you are looking for something light but extremely entertaining, this is definitely the Reisling for you. (Oh come on, I had to do it!)

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Love The Wine You’re With
Kim Gruenenfelder
Available: June 13, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! A new book by Kim Gruenenfelder is coming! You guys don’t understand what a dork I am. Every 6-9 months, I will sit in front of with my old Franklin Covey organizer that has authors and books written down ( and enter every author name I liked to see If they have a new book coming out. I had already tagged “Love The Wine You’re With” to purchase even before I had the chance to request an ARC copy. Even though it was 4 years in the making – it was everything I expect from a Kim Gruenenfelder novel – cute plot, excellent friendships, a little smut, lots of fluff. I only wish it didn’t have an epilogue at the end so there would be an excuse to re-visit these characters in a few years.
What I loved: In life, I am a Jessie so naturally I loved her the most. While it would have been great to see more of an uncharacteristic freak out from her over Kevin, I still love her entire plot line. I probably could have devoured a whole book of just Jessie pre-wine bar just laughing at her clients and their stupid requests. Holly was my next favorite – her tirade against the director of the commercial was epic.
What I didn’t love: Am I horrible to say that I didn’t really care for Nat? I’m not judging her because of what she’s doing in the book – she just rubbed me the wrong way from page 1 so I was rooting against her from the beginning.
What I learned: I still need to learn something about wines.
Overall Grade: B+

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