Cover Image: The Adventurers Guild (Adventurers Guild, The, Book 1)

The Adventurers Guild (Adventurers Guild, The, Book 1)

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For a middle-grade novel, this book packs a punch. I would definitely say that it's on the more mature side of middle-grade. I'm rating it 4-star for the middle-grade version of myself that would have eaten this series up! It was an enjoyable adventure fantasy, even as an adult, but I'm not the target audience. This is the perfect novel for 8-13-year-old dreamers who wish magic is real and want to run off to fight monsters. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for recommendations on books in this age range!

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There are few that join the Adventurers guild , they usually die young . In one of the last cities left standing after they fell to monsters . There are two best friends who have high hopes for the future . Zed Kagari wants to joing the ranks fo the Mages Guild . His best friend Brock Dunderfel wants to joing the ranks of the merchant guild . As their dreams are starting to come true there worl is shifted , they find that they are apart of the Adventurers guild . The guild is led by Alabasel Frond and they are the last line of defense against the Dangers . Will they come out and survive the dangers and prove that they have what it takes to keep Freestone safe .
The characters in this story are well written and each character has his own complexicity to them . Zed is an half elf that wants to belong and do good for his city . He is your typical kid that wants to help out . When push comes to shove he is there for his friends . He just wants to be part of the mages guild . He didn't really want to be a healer in the Adventurers guild . Brock is a sweet guy who just wants to be a merchant in the merchant guild like his parents . But like Zed he is thrust into something that he doesn't want to really know about . Along with their new friends they met in the guild Jett and Liza . They become a strong team that can do almost anything .
This story is a great read for those of us that love a good adventure . Yes before you start saying but its a children's book . That doesn't really matter the author will take you on an adventure with a group of friends that are doing the best to survive . There is a great mixture of suspense and humor that is through out this book. I gave this book to a friends daughter and she couldn't put it down. There are moments in the book where you just want to wrap everyone up in blankets and hold them close and say everything is going to be ok . This is a great start to a great new series . If you have a tween that is bored , get them this book . They will be lost in an adventure of a life time . Great summer read for those who want a good adventure

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People have asked me what is the hardest part about writing book reviews and it's an easy answer ... reviewing perfectly average books. Books that are outstanding and books that are terrible are easy to review because you can go in-depth on why you think they are outstanding or terrible. But there is almost nothing to say about a book that is incredibly average.

This is just such a book.

Zed and Brock are friends. Both are coming of age and their futures will be determined soon as they learn where they are to be accepted to study and train. Brock hopes to be a part of the Merchant's Guild while Zed is wanting to join the Mages Guild. Instead, however, they are both enlisted into the Adventurers Guild - a dangerous guild lead by the eccentric and frightening Alabasel Frond. As Guild members, they are the last defense their community has against beasts from another dimension, which is difficult in itself. But Brock and Zed discover a plot to undermine all of Freestone (their community).

There's nothing 'wrong' with this book. It's sure to be an exciting adventure for most who pick it up, but at the same time, there's nothing about this book that makes it stand out in a field full of fantasy adventure books for young readers. I had thought that the characters would be something that I could get behind ... the early chapters of the two of them sharing their hopes for the future definitely had me interested. But it became a book less about the characters and more about the adventure. This is fine, and exciting, but we see this in children's lit all the time.

This is a prime example of a perfectly middle-of-the-road book. It will be exciting for some and just another fantasy for others.

Looking for a good book? The Adventurers Guild by Zack Loran Clark and Nick Eliopulos is a young reader's action-adventure fantasy that doesn't have much to make it stand out on a shelf full of similar adventure stories.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a free electronic ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. This was a better book than I thought it would be before I read it. I was quickly caught up by the main characters, Zed, a half-elf, and his best friend Brock. It is almost time for the Guildculling, when young adults are chosen to join the Guilds of the Freestone. Freestone is one of the few cities left after a (literally) monstrous change occurred in the world many years before. There is a great deal of some truly interesting world-building done for this book. The characters could have been cliches, but the author avoided this, making the characters interesting and letting them grow somewhat throughout the story. I would be interested in reading the next book in the series.

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Let me tell you!!!! The Adventurers Guild is super miraculous!!!! I loved it so much, it has been a long time since I picked up an MG and I'm glad I picked this one. I completely felt like I was back in middle school, staying up past my bedtime and reading under the covers with my barbie flashlight.( well I didn't use my barbie flashlight this time haha) Ah man! This was a great book for sure. There are tons of adventures and loads of magic! I for one was rooted to my chair while I read The Adventurers Guild. I already have a date with my godson to read this amazing story. He loves everything this book is made of. There are amazing friendships from different backgrounds with different wants and needs who find their inner strengths. The world built is something to dream about. I was transported to an amazing world that I was sad to leave in the end. But I definitely can't wait to see how these characters grow and develop in additional books. In the additional, I hope Nick and Zack keep the laugh out loud funny, creepy, frightening and exhilarating read just like The Adventurers Guild was! If you love MG or are looking for books for your kids. This series is definitely a great start, you and your kids will enjoy the important life lessons given, mixed with amazing spell casting magic.

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I have always loved fantasy, and I enjoyed this book very much. Magic, monsters, and a story of friendship. This was an engaging read that ended too quickly. I am looking forward to reading the next in the series!

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The Adventurer's Guild is a very well written middle grade fantasy with great world building. If you are looking for non stop action and adventure then you don't have to look far as this book has it all. I had to read it from start to finish, It reminded me a bit of Harry Potter with the guilds. A fun read from start to finish. I look forward to the next installments.

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When I first saw this book available to review, it sounded like a good one to read with my now 9-year old son. It's a book published with Disney, how colorful and exciting this book must be! Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the adventure I jumped into would be!
My son and I read aloud most nights as part of his bedtime routine. The night I downloaded this book, I started reading it to him but he didn't like the first chapter, it didn't hold his attention. Either that or he just fell asleep in exhaustion after a long day.
Regardless, I was compelled to keep reading without him, so I did and I could not put the book down! I had to force myself to put it down so I could get some rest and I somehow stretched out reading for a week or so.
The images fresh on my mind throughout my days. Colors in my imagination vivid and kept me curious what will happen next. Zed and his friend Brock had hoped to join different ranks in their community, but they end up with the Adventurers Guild, Brock voluntarily to support Zed. They heard those who join the Adventurers Guild never return. This strikes fear in both boys who are now permanently in this rank that no one seems to want.
The Adventurers Guild turns out to be a challenging adventure neither expected. They learn more about the world around their city walls, a world that their little city knows nothing about and probably shouldn't ever. Until something from outside finds itself inside the city walls and penetrates the very core of the city security.
This book is exciting, fun, adventurous, and will have the reader eager to find out what's next. Young readers around 3rd-6th grade will thoroughly enjoy this story. This book was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Solid middle-grade fantasy adventure. Nice complexity to both plot and characters. Good blend of humor, danger, friendship, resourcefulness. Formulaic in some ways, but different enough to make it appealing to kids who love this genre.

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In Zed’s world, your guild is your destiny—which is why he has his heart set on joining the Mages Guild, even though he knows the chances of a half-elf getting in are slim. So when he gets plucked by the very worst guild, the famously perilous Adventurers Guild, Zed is crushed. The only silver lining: The Adventurers Guild has also conscripted his best friend Brock.

Zed, Brock, and motley crew of new recruits quickly discover that being part of the Adventurers Guild is even worse than they’d imagined. Ever since the monsters took over the outside world, walled cities like Freestone have been the only safe places—but keeping them safe is a full-time, non-stop job. When a new danger threatens the city, Zed and his Guild-mates will have to venture outside the city to save it.

This book is written by a couple of long-time Dungeons and Dragons players, and it totally reads that way—and I mean that as a compliment! It’s playful, action-packed, and peopled with all kinds of unusual characters. The backstory is complex enough to leave room to explore but simple enough to follow without a lot of exposition, and lots of magic and magical creatures keep things interesting. Highly recommended for fantasy fans from about 5th grade and up.

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It was an amazing read!! I loved all of the characters and the plot was amazing!! Can't wait to read more!!

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There is some good world building in this so obviously from the opening pages first book of a series. I am totally okay with some of this book being easy to predict such as Zed being so much more than a week half elf. This book was a fun ride with several very exciting battle scenes and some seriously creepy creatures. The espionage in this book will keep readers guessing throughout the rest of the series. The characters have some familiar traits, but also some distinctively compelling features as well. Readers will want to know what happens to them in book two.

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A fun adventure tale for the young reader--not overly frightening, but also not too laid back. Readers who are wanting something fun but not filled with political overtones, romance and nonsense will enjoy this tale. The pacing was good and I would pick up the next in the series.

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I happen to love middle grade more than any other genre. You can have so many adventures that aren't ruined by the overwhelming romances you find in YA sometimes. This book was about adventure and I believe it would leave a child breathless by the end. Let your child pick this up and they will put it down again fully in love with the power of reading.

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Zed and Brock both have different ideas about what the best guild is for them in Freestone. Brock has his eyes turned to the Merchant's Guild where his own parents make their money. Zed is a half elf and his mother has been in the Servant's Guild his entire life. All Zed wants is to make it into the Mage's Guild so that he can give his mother the life she deserves.

Everything changes when the Adventurer's Guild invokes their draft and Brock and Zed and told that their lives will exist outside the walls and protective barriers of Freestone. Few ever ask to join the Adventurer's Guild, their members often die young.

The Adventurer's Guild is an engaging new book in what's looks to be a promising new series. The book is filled with a dynamic cast of characters, and around every corner is a mystery that needs to be solved.

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Highly recommend this story to anyone. This was a quick read that was well written with you rooting for the characters. It was great seeing how they learned to work together to pull through situations. Definitely can't wait for the next story especially with the ending.

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I enjoyed this book and thought it would be great for fans of "The Adventurer's Guide to Successful Escapes." Fun and full of magic. A great book to prepare a child for one day reading "The Hobbit."

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This is a great children's book with appeal to a variety of ages. Intended as a middle grade book I think there's appeal for a YA audience as well as lower elementary kids as a read aloud. The story is compelling and you get invested in the characters enough that you want to know how the story comes together in the end. I can't wait for the next installment!

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Brock and Zed are on the edge of a new life. At the guild culling they hope that they will be chosen for the guilds that they prefer and begin their adult lives. But things go terribly wrong when Zed is picked by the Adventurer's Guild and Brock volunteers to join as well to protect Zed.

But the Adventurer's Guild is dangerous. That guild is in charge of protecting the city by venturing out of the walled and protected city to face the Dangers - monsters that roam and have destroyed the rest of the world.

I was totally drawn in for the first half of the book but as the plot got thicker and the page numbers smaller I realized that the book would not end and was setting up for a sequel. Because of that I felt that some of the character development was lacking. For readers who don't mind the wait I think this is a promising series.

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This book takes the YA formula of throwing together kids from differing backgrounds and giving them an adventure & purpose that transcends the social structures around them. It's done well enough that I'd recommend this book to friends. The world is plenty different from ours, but with enough stereotyping/prejudices/class-structures that we recognize the struggles these kids face. Looking forward to reading more!

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