Member Reviews

I loved this book. I love this author and her books about the Amish. I kept my attention and I wanted to keep reading.

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Joel and Heidi open their home to teach individuals how to prepare Amish dishes. Six people come to their classes, and in time, delicious meals, friendships are made, a romance begins, and healing can begin. What a sweet, heartwarming story bringing individuals together who may never have crossed paths.

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I have enjoyed Wanda E Brunstetter's Amish genre books in the past.
I look forward to one day actually reading this book.

I received a free copy from NetGalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Love this story about healing through cooking. I love all Amish books and I love to cook so this was a perfect read.

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Wanda Brunstetter does not disappoint with the third book in her Amish Cooking Class series. Heidi Troyer now has cooking classes for kids, and just like adults she taught in books 1 and 2, the kids have problems of their own. Through the classes, the kids finally overcome their issues and so do some of the parents. Love is the theme for everyone. This was a quick read and an enjoyable one.

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This is an incredible Amish novel!

I loved getting to visit with Heidi and Lyle Troyer again. I thoroughly enjoy this couple because they have a strong marriage in which they support and encourage each other. Their marriage is the strong foundation for how the interact with the students in Heidi’s cooking class.

The new batch of students is varied and very entertaining to get to know. Each one has their own set of problems to work through over the course of the six classes. Even while she is trying to encourage her students Heidi herself is dealing with personal heartbreak.

I loved the appearances of Kendra and some of the other people who were in the first set of classes Heidi held. Their lives have progressed and it is a lot of fun to check in on them.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. I have chosen to write this review to express my personal opinion.

Disclaimer: *Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of this book for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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There's a reason why Wanda Brunstetter is one of my all-time favorite Amish authors and this book is once again a favorite book. Heidi continues to teach her cooking class as a way to heal herself, after her husband suggests it might give her peace. The class helps the participants as much as it helps her.
I give this book a rating of 5 stars and highly recommend it to readers. This book would be appropriate for teen readers as well as adults as it is a clean, refreshing book.
I received a copy of this book from netgalley, the author, and Shiloh Run Press in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is the second book in The Amish Cooking Class series. Heidi Troyer is heartbroken because the adoption she hoped for did not work out. She decides to conduct another Cooking Class. Nicole, a teenager whose mother is an alcoholic., was my favorite character. Todd, a food critic, is the least like able character, as he is impatient at times with the other characters.
All of the characters in the book grow through Heidi’s spiritual guidance and encouragement. The characters bond together to help each other as well. Readers will enjoy the scriptures as well as the recipes provided in the book.
Heidi and her husband wrestle with the decision to become foster parents. The next book in the series will reveal the outcome of their decision. A refreshing read that leaves the reader hungry for more.

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This is an excellent book. Even though it is part of a series you don't feel like you are missing anything from not reading them in order.
Heidi wants children so bad she can taste it. Lyle is right there with her. To help distract her Lyle suggests she start another cooking class. She has 6 new students and possible some romances. I love how there are a couple students that you don't really care for, but by the end of the book they have redeemed themselves.

I highly recommend this book. You will be glad you read it.

Thanks you Netgalley and Barbour Publishing for allowing me to read this title for an honest review.

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Amish cooking class – blessing has done it again – it has run away with my heart. The author truly makes the characters come to life and that you end up so in love with the characters and what's happening to them because you care for them so very much . In this thing have you have three men and three women with Heidi leaving the class as she opens up to them and they do that to each other. It is such a special book I just love it each person has a story and they each meld into each other beautifully.

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Normally, I enjoy Wanda Brunstetter's books, but this one was different and I just couldn't get into it. I think the stories stand on their own and you don't need to have read the first in the series. However, most of the characters were troubled "Englisch", and I guess I read Amish fiction to forget about typical problems. I skipped through parts of the book. Although the characters were likable, it just wasn't what I was looking for.

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Read my review here

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Amish Cooking Class - The Blessing

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Shiloh Run Press

Christian , General Fiction (Adult)

Pub Date 01 Aug 2017

I am reviewing a copy of The Amish Cooking Class-The Blessing through Barbour Publishing Inc, and Netgalley:

Lyle and Heidi once again open their Ohio home up to those seeking to learn more about Amish cooking, despite the stressful changes that have been occurring in their lives. This time around it is a teenager looking to help teach her divorced father how to prepare meals for the family, a caterer her needs new recipes, a food critic, a hunter who take the class hoping to impress his buddies. A wife who was given the class as a gift, a gift she did not want, and a mailman lured in by the aroma of good food.

During every class, Heidi teaches Culinary skills, but it is her words of wisdom brought by her life, her experiences.

I give Amish Cooking Class-The Blessing five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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Heidi and Lyle opened their home to a troubled teenager who was expecting a baby after she agreed to let them adopt the babe. But coming toward the end of the pregnancy, her parents asked her to come back home and offered to help rear the baby too. Heidi was heartbroken, and so was Lyle, but he saw a way out of the grief and that was to get Heidi to give another one of her cooking classes. There are six characters who show up to learn what Heidi has to teach.

Todd is a food critic with no time for God
Lisa is a caterer wanting to expand her repertoire
Bill wants to impress his hunting buddies
Nicole is the teen daughter of a single father who expects her to cook for him and her siblings
Allie was given the class as a gift from her husband
Lance just wants to learn what Heidi teaches because he smells her cooking every day when he delivers her mail.

Each character in the book gets to tell the story from their own point of view, which makes the book so much more interesting. The other character is Kendra, the pregnant teen who sees something in Heidi and Lyle that she wants in her own life.

Wanda Brunstetter includes the recipes at the end of the book that Heidi teaches her class. I have a couple of them I want to try for myself in the coming week. Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and a piece of apple cornbread for a snack.

My thanks to Shiloh Run Press for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Heidi is offering another set of Amish cooking classes at her home and her 6 students each have their own set of problems. Although they are interested in learning to cook delicious food, she also plans to feed them with the Word. Will she be able to speak into their lives in just a few classes over the course of a few months? Will any romances bud like last time?

Thankfully, I really enjoyed the beginning! I read about 40% of the book thinking, "This is good writing, I feel like I know the characters, they each have their own voice and I care what's going on in their life." And then it happened. It suddenly became dull and uniform and the characters started using the same phrases even though they're all different ages, and even worse the cheesy thoughts that I so disliked from the first book, such as:
"The only thing that could make Lisa's life any better right now would be if God provided her with a Christian boyfriend."
"Kendra's stomach fluttered as she clicked off the phone. I hope someone's available to babysit Heidi for me. I'd sure like to spend more time with Brent (emphasis mine)."

I think this was the most overused phrase/sentiment by all of the characters, as they each had thoughts that were, "I'd sure like to xyz..." and for me it just came across like they were all "golly gee, it'd sure be nice..." instead of showing real anger, frustration or anything that makes them seem like real people, especially since this is set in Ohio, not the south.

BUT...I made it to the end! And while I wouldn't read it again, I think it's a nice, wholesome book that's good for all ages, especially if you don't need a lot of character development or a story line with excitement and thrills.

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A nice Amish story that brings your more insights into the Amish culture and way of life, but also weaves in the stories of several other characters who are enrolled in the Amish cooking class. The story encompasses the variety of characters well, and teaches Amish phrases through the writing.

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This is book 2 in another great series by Wanda E Brunstetter. She has a way of painting quite a written picture and is one of my favorite Amish authors. This book is primarily about another cooking class that Heidi has decided to hold at her home. Teaching people recipes of things she likes to make herself is a passion for her. The people who sign up for her class, all varying in age, are the people we follow throughout the book and each person has a life story being unfolded. I love reading through and following each person’s story and how their lives have been and are being worked out and intertwined. There are many twists and turns and it keeps you reading. You’ll want to pick this one up.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

Also posted on Amazon, B&N, CBD

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Firstly Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy.

This is the second book in this series and this time we Heidi is teaching another six students with different issues. We also see at the start of the book Kendra living with the Troyer's awaiting the birth of the child she intends to give them.

The classes start with the six new students Bill a hunter, Nicole who is doing most of the work now her mother has left, Lance the Postal courier, Todd the food critic, Lisa a cater and Allie who's husband paid for the the cooking classes. Each has issues and and Heidi hopes to be able to help them like she did the first group of students. It is interesting to see the interaction between the different students.

One think I loved was seeing the characters from the first book either mentioned in what has come of them or in different ways. We also see Heidi's struggles with desperately wanting to become a mother.

Yet another really good read and I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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The Blessing by Wanda Brunstetter is the second Amish Cooking Class novel. Heidi Troyer is married to Lyle, an auctioneer, and they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kendra’s baby. Kendra is living with the couple (after her father threw her out when he discovered she was pregnant), and she has agreed to let Heidi and Lyle adopt her baby. When things do not go as planned, Lyle suggests Heidi hold another cooking class (keep her busy). Six people join Heidi in her home and each of them have a different reason. Lance is a postal carrier who has lost his wife, Nicole is a high school student who has struggling since her mother left, Todd is a food critic who is going to write an article about the class, Allie is a housewife with two kids who worries about her policeman husband and their marriage, Lisa is a local caterer who is hoping to learn new dishes for her business, and Bill who wishes to learn new dishes to impress his camping buddies. Heidi will teach them Amish dishes and share some of God’s wisdom with them through Bible verses. Heidi knows this group of people were brought together for a reason, and she looks forward to the experience. It will help Heidi deal with her own heartbreak. See what God has planned for each of these individuals and what the future hold for the Troyer’s in The Blessing.

The Blessing is well-written and engaging. I was immediately drawn into the story and I did not want it to end. I was captivated by this novel (which rarely happens). The Blessing contains characters that could be my own neighbor, relative, or mail carrier. Each of them have problems or situations that individuals experience every day. I thought the characters were well-developed and thought out by the author. I like seeing how each of the characters change over the course of the cooking classes. I was glad that the author updated readers on the individuals from The Seekers (they are nicely woven into the story). My rating for The Blessing is 5 out of 5 stars. I do recommend reading The Seekers before starting The Blessing (you will not regret reading either book). I found The Seekers to be heartwarming and uplifting. It is the type of novel that fills me with hope (which is desperately needed in our mixed-up society). I really appreciated the Bible verses the author included in the book. The enhanced the story and were meaningful. There are recipes and discussion questions at the end of the book. If you like to read Amish or Christian novels, I recommend reading The Blessing. I cannot wait to read the next book in the Amish Cooking Class series.

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Another winner by Ms Brunstetter...I have read many novels penned by her....and I am amazed at her wealth of imagination...her creativity...and her gift of storytelling. I always enjoy her work. And I always enjoy sharing her latest publication w/ all of my reading friends.

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