Member Reviews

The Memory of Butterflies by Grace Greene was an excellent novel, powerful depiction of a strong woman, and the extraordinary power of a mother's love. Sweeping, tragic events, as a young woman does her best under difficult circumstances, turning into deeply twisted lies, and the heavy consequences when uncovering the truth. Amazing family bonds and love, I really enjoyed this novel. Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for the review copy. All opinions are my own.

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I adore all the goodness that comes in Grace Greene’s books. This one caught my heart from the start. I’m grateful I was given the chance to read this one.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
The synopsis of this book sounded interesting to me so I requested a copy to read.
Unfortunately, I have tried reading this book on 2 separate occasions and during this 2nd attempt, I have
decided to stop reading this book
and state that this book just wasn't for me.

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Hannah Cooper has been keeping a secret about her daughter for almost two decades. It’s a secret that, if set free, may destroy Hannah. So as she prepares to send her daughter, Ellen, off to college to embark on the next step in her journey, Hannah decides to take the next step in her own. She is going to move back out to Cooper’s Hollow, on the old family homestead. Of course, she’ll be building a new house since the old one was destroyed in the fire so long ago, but the memories that she has tried so hard to keep locked away are still there. She’ll either have to confront them once and for all, or let them finally consume her.

Have you ever read a book that was just so very different from so many of the books you’ve read? Yeah, this is one of those books. OH. MY. This book will make you feel. Oh, this was such a wonderful story about love, loss, selflessness, and mistakes. The writing is excellent, the characters are well-developed, and there is so very much EMOTION in this story. Hands down, it’s one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. It’s as if this book has a life and heartbeat of its own. You are immediately drawn into the world of the characters and the story and it just FEELS different from other books. On top of that, I cannot even begin to explain how likeable Hannah’s character is. She’s constantly putting others’ needs ahead of her own, despite suffering some devastating hardships in her young life. Yet, she keeps going. I was entranced with her story and how the author was able to capture and then convey all of the emotions of love and grief and anxiety that Hannah endured. The portrayal of just how strong a mother’s love can be will literally bring you to tears and leave you breathless. This was an amazingly beautiful story that will have you so incredibly wrapped up in needing to know the rest hat you will not put it down. Trust me. You NEED to read this book. I cannot recommend it enough.

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"Hannah devotes her energies to building a new house on the site of the old family home, destroyed in a fire more than a decade ago. But Hannah’s entire adult life has revolved around one very big secret. And her new beginning comes with unanticipated risks that will cost her far more than she could have imagined—perhaps more than she can survive."

A lovely story about Hannah and her daughter Ellen who she has raised alone, apart from help from Gran in the first few years. However, everything is not as it seems and there are so many people that she has been deceiving that she has alienated herself from the whole town. However, things soon come to a head.

An enjoyable book, if a little slow in places. Nothing much happens, but the descriptions of Cooper’s Hollow along Virginia’s beautiful and rustic Cub Creek where Hannah is having her new home built are lovely and very atmospheric. The characters are brought to life with their little idiosyncrasies and the secrets, lies and deceptions slowly unravel for everyone.

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I enjoyed listening to the audio version of THE MEMORY OF BUTTERFLIES written by Grace Greene and narrated by Brittany Pressley. Brittany Pressley's voice seemed to express the moods and "headspace" each character was experiencing at that particular time in the story.
The title drew my attention to this book, and the plot, setting and characters quickly drew me in.
To keep a devastating family secret from being revealed, a young mother's desperate lies could end up destroying everything and everyone she loves. The Memory of Butterflies is a poignant story of family and forgiveness - of knowing when to let go and when to hold each other close.
Hannah Cooper's daughter is leaving for college soon. The change is bittersweet. A single mother since the age of eighteen, Hannah isn't eager to confront the pain of being alone, but she is determined not to let her own hang-ups keep Ellen from the future she deserves. As Ellen's high school graduation approaches, Hannah decides it's time to return to her roots in Cooper's Hollow along Virginia's beautiful and rustic Cub Creek.
With the help of longtime friend Roger Westray, Hannah devotes her energies to building a new house on the site of the old family home, destroyed by fire more than a decade ago. Hannah's adult life has revolved around one very big secret, and her new beginning comes with unanticipated risks that will cost her far more than she could have imagined, perhaps more than she can survive.
When a confrontation forces Hannah to expose her secret, the truth may destroy her beloved daughter. Hannah is prepared to sacrifice everything to protect her family, but can their lives and their bond withstand the seismic shift that's coming?
I hope to "read" more books by Grace Greene and performed by Brittany Pressley.
4.4 GoodReads stars

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book even though I chose to listen to the audiobook version of this beautiful well-written novel.

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Really enjoyable read. Good characters and a Good story. Well worth a read. Think others will enjoy.

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Beautiful book as usual! I know when I pick up a book by Grace Greene I will be reading straight through to the end. This book was no exception. Here characters are family or dear friends. I preordered as gifts for the women in my family!

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beautiful but heartbreaking story that if you are interested in you will defiantly enjoy and have to read!

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I admit that I almost gave up on this book, and I am so glad I didn't!! This book had me in tears at the end. It was a poignant story about a single mom and the devastating family secret that she carries, which can change her family's life forever.

I highly recommend this book to anyone searching for a family story set in a small town.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of this book.

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The Memory of Butterflies by Grace Greene is a wonderfully captivating story of a mother's love. A mother's sacrificial love full of secrets--lies--from the past that may just destroy her future with her daughter. Lies that were like chains, would they eventually be too heavy to keep hidden? Life is not always black and white and sometimes grey is what is needed to survive and achieve emotional balance. Strong believable characters, a plot with twists and turns, and lots of tension are woven together to bring readers an emotional and heartrending story. Highly recommend it. I received a copy of the book from NetGalley and was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.

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I received an Egalley of Grace Greene’s novel, The Memory of Butterflies, in exchange for an honest review. It’s a very emotional story based on loss, sacrifice, secrets and lies, but mostly on love. It’s about family, and what we do to protect those we cherish most. I think anyone who is a parent can relate to what Hannah, the main character, goes through. This story stuck with me long after I was finished reading. I just kept thinking about what I would have done had I been in her situation. I really enjoyed reading it and would rate it at 5 stars. It just might be Grace Greene’s best work yet!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ecopy for my Kindle.
What a lovely story about how far a mother will go to protect and take care of her child.
This is an emotional story that left me in tears.

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This was my introduction to Grace Greene. Loved this story...her storytelling ability/her imagination/ and her character development. Looking forward to reading more of her work.

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This was he type of book that made me want to curl up on the couch and read all day.

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I'm going to let you in on a little secret.  I sometimes get behind in my book reviews.  And then when it's time to write those reviews, a sufficient amount of time has passed that my memory is a bit hazy on some of the finer details.  Surely that never happens to anyone else, right?  Such is the case with this book by Grace Greene.  Several months have gone by since I finished it.  Several months in which many other books were read.  I'm not going to try to bluff my way through a detailed review.  I'm just going to say that I absolutely loved this story.  It's full of family love and heartbreak, secrets revealed and still hidden.  It tugs at your heartstrings.  So read it.  And don't wait as long as I did to review it!

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I loved how This story was written! Such an incredibly moving story of a mother's heartbreak, choices, & consequences & the unbreakable bonds of family love. For anyone who has gone through the heartbreak that Hannah does, this may be a difficult read to get through in some places, but it is a truly powerful that stays with you when you're done.

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I really wanted to love this book but unfortunately I didn't. It just took too long for me to get into. When the mystery part finally came into play the book got interesting and the plot twist was excellent

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I recieved this book through Net galley for a honest review. This book shook me to the core and it going to be hard to leave a feedback to tell you how wonderful this book is! I recommend this book to everyone! Amazing!! This book is about a mother Hannah and her daughter Ellen and their life from birth till the present. With many lies she told to her daughter has a way of getting bigger and bigger over time till the moment it all comes out in the open. This book has a bit of mystery and secrets that you slowly uncover as the book goes. Its a beautifully written book and a joy to read.

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“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!” (Walter Scott)

This is the story of generations of secrets in one family, the difficulty and impact of keeping those secrets, and the repercussions when those secrets become known. But it’s also the story of a mother’s love for her daughter and the extent to which that mother will go to protect her daughter.

The book takes lots of unexpected twists and turns. The story started out a bit slow, but the pace did pick up eventually. The story then pulled me along to the ending. However, I did not find the ending very satisfying. While I understand why the secrets were kept, I can’t help but wonder what their lives might have been like if the family had firmly stood for truth, even when it was unpleasant.

I gratefully received this book as an eARC from the author, publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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