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The Legend

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I was dreading the third book of the "Sons of Texas" series thinking that it would be the last book. Hopefully, there will be more books to come. The Loughmans are a force to be reckoned with. All strong, determined and protective, these men excel in their respective fields. They are still searching for their father and fighting the Saints. I have to say that even though, like the previous books of the series, this is an exciting and great book, you really have to read the first and second books to understand the story and be able to fully appreciate it. In "The Legend" we finally get to find out Wyatt and Callie's story.

Wyatt Loughman is the eldest Loughman and a Delta Force Colonel. Out of all the Loughmans he is the one who has been most effected by the brutal murder of his mother and has never been able to forgive his father. Now with his father being kidnapped and his whole family in danger from a dangerous and secret organization that seems to be everywhere, Wyatt is determined to fight the Saints to the end. What he can't seem to be able to fight is the attraction that he has for Callie Reed. An attraction that he has been fighting for as long as he can remember. With enemies closing in on them from every side, they really have no one to trust but each other.

Callie's family is filled with thieves and liars. She ran away from them when they beat her to within an inch of her life. She has been with the Loughmans since and is now a hacker and sharp shooter. Orrin is like a father to her, but her feelings for the eldest Loughman are far from being sisterly. They once had a fling, and after years of being apart Callie is still far from being over the sexy colonel. Will the Loughman boys finally be able to find their father? Will they be able to put an end to the Saints? Will Callie and Wyatt finally get their happily ever after?

Another fast paced page turner by Donna Grant. Don't get me wrong, your pulse will not only be racing from the constant chase but also from the intense chemistry between Wyatt and Callie! Hope that there will be more books to come in this series!

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I love Donna Grants books. This was a good story and I'm sure I would of liked it more if I'd read the first two books. This is definitely not a stand alone book. I will definitely be going back and reading the first two books.
The two main characters Callie Reed and Wyatt Loughman are thrown back together after years apart to prevent the use of a bioweapon by The Saints. They decide to hide out in a remote cabin to draw the Saints away from the ranch where the weapons being hidden. Unknown to them there is also others headed their way, Callie's corrupt family and a villain from Wyatts past.

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Reviews Shared on Goodreads, B & N, Amazon and V's Reads:

THE LEGEND is the third book in the Sons of Texas military romance that features the Loughman family, a father, Orrin, and his three adult sons, Wyatt, Owen and Cullen, who are all military operatives. Orrin was on a SEAL mission when his wife was executed nearly two decades prior, shattering their family. Wyatt uncovered his mother's body, and has hasn't recovered from the shock.

He's now a solitary man, moving from mission to mission with the Delta Force, having loved only one woman in his life: Callie Reed. But Wyatt walked away at 18, and has hardly ever returned. Well, only returned to keep Callie's criminal family from troubling her, and now because his aunt and uncle were executed and Orrin had been kidnapped. THE HERO and THE PROTECTOR both give important background regarding the mission Owen, Cullen and Wyatt are undertaking to find their father and protect the biological weapon Orrin had stolen from a Russian base.

This book features Wyatt and Callie, who works for Orrin as a tactician and computer hacker, trying to pinpoint Orrin's location, and also learn more about the shadowy Saints organization which seems to have put the hit out on the Loughman family this time. It's a complicated story, but at the heart of the intrigue is Wyatt and Callie reconnecting. Callie's been frustrated in love by Wyatt as a teen, and the years apart haven't brought her past the anger she harbors for him. Working closely with Orrin for all these years, she's seen how he suffered watching his sons turn away from him and go their own way. Callie thinks of Orrin as her surrogate father as he's a principled man who fights the good fight, unlike her grifter family, and she thinks Wyatt has been too hard on Orrin all these years.

In close quarters and under fire, Wyatt and Callie recognize their mutual attraction didn't end in high school, and the dire straits they find themselves in could become their final moments. It leads to some sexytimes, but there's more battle cry than booty call when the Saints crawl out from their hidey-holes. The book includes POV from Wyatt, Callie and Orrin, as they navigate the path to redemption and forgiveness. Expect a lot of dead bad guys, some double crosses and a love (or two!) to outlast the danger. I liked the story, and was a little surprised that the entire series didn't conclude. I suppose a fourth book is in the works, this time with Orrin finding both love and revenge, as he and his sons, now reunited, look to destroy the Saints once and for all. Yee-haw! I read a review copy provided by NetGalley.

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4.5 Stars

Everything from the first book in this series has been leading up to this, as the Loughman brothers search for their missing father and try to understand what they are working against and it definitely was worth the wait!

THE LEGEND is filled with twists and turns, danger, action and a slow building suspense leading to an epic final stand against an organization that spans the world, where no-one can be trusted. While the questions from the previous books have been answered, there are more raised in this one that I hope will get answers in a follow-up book.

Wyatt Loughman's life took a different turn the day he found his mother's body twenty years ago and since then, he has earned a reputation as a formidable warrior with a stone heart, ready to take on the enemy at any time. With his family at risk, there is nothing Wyatt won't do to protect them, especially Callie Reed.

Callie and Wyatt are very interesting characters with a lot of shared history, but their choices long ago determined their future or lack of one. Wyatt's every decision has been determined by that one event and Callie has her criminal family to fend off, but with danger bearing down on them, this might be the perfect time for them to reassess their feelings for each other and take a chance on love and happiness.

The Legend focuses more on the overall bigger picture than Wyatt and Callie's relationship and I liked that when the story focused on them, there was minimal drama between them and they were both aware of how high stakes were. My only issue with them was how hard they fought admitting their feelings for each other, when everyone within a mile could see how they felt about each other.

I really loved Callie because she was quietly competent in everything she took on, from computers to weaponry and was really an all-round asset to the team. Wyatt comes across as a cold and without feeling, but the opposite is actually true. If anything, he feels too much and burying his emotions deeply is the only way he can function in his chosen role.

This one book I won't recommend reading as a stand-alone because the overarching story-line can only be understood by reading from the beginning of the series and also because the story catches up with characters from the previous books that won't make sense without first reading their story, but it is definitely one that should be at the top of any TBR this summer.

If you love a lot of flash and bang in your books, or just enjoy spectacular world-building in a story, this is a perfect series to read.

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3.5 to 4 stars

Wyatt and Callie have a history that comes with a few great memories and lot more painful ones for her. Callie's own family is comprised of a bunch of thugs and criminals, but she wanted no part of it and was grateful when Wyatt's dad offered her a chance to prove herself by working at their ranch. When she met Wyatt, she was enthralled by him and the few months they spent together showed her a side of him that he didn't often allow others to see. Their time was short-lived though and Wyatt pushed her away in a painful way when the memories of his mother around the ranch became too painful after her murder.

Callie has no idea the lengths Wyatt has gone to in order to protect her, and leaving her was the hardest thing he had to do. He has kept tabs on her despite his distance over the years and has often stepped in to remind her family to let her go her own way. He never thought he would be back on the ranch again and in such close proximity to her, but his father's disappearance has brought him home and to the sweet torture that is working side by side with Callie on a daily basis.

It's obvious she is still hurting over the way he left things, and she has never gotten over him despite her best attempts so she tries to match his cold and unaffected demeanor with a little bit of snark and sass thrown in. She soon comes to realize though that his cool mask is just a front to hide how much he actually does care- both for her and the family he left behind- and to try to keep his heart safe from further damage. Wyatt has never allowed anyone but Callie to get that close and he is quickly losing the battle to stay detached when he sees that same desire reflected back at him in her eyes. Troubles from his time overseas have followed him home thanks to the shadowy group called the Saints, and his presence is putting Callie in danger but he knows walking away is not an option. The Saints seem hell bent on destroying the Loughman family, including Callie by association, and the fight looming on the horizon is getting more complicated by the minute as the Saints throw every possible obstacle their way.

Callie is my favorite type of female lead character. She is strong, independent and has a spine of steel, and she doesn't let Wyatt's detached aloofness deter her from telling him exactly what she thinks whether it is good or bad. And that is exactly what Wyatt loves about her most! He loves that she has never been afraid of him or hesitant to put him in his place when needed, and as one heckuva alpha badass who has earned his reputation as a man to be feared on the battlefield, she is exactly the type of woman who could stand by his side without being overwhelmed. When they finally give in, their chemistry is undeniable with some sizzling moments, but they definitely need some lessons in clear communications.

I thought The Legend was a great story. The suspense was plentiful and the action was great once the buildup to the fight was finally over, but without reading the prior books in the series I was pretty lost at times despite it being advertised as a standalone. There are so many moving parts and names being thrown around without context for their relationships that I had to struggle to connect the dots and it really detracted from my enjoyment of the book more than once.

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Wow, the next chapter in the Sons of Texas series has it all, action, adventure, and romance. It is a perfect next chapter and since I have been waiting for Wyatt and Callie's book since the beginning.

Wyatt was never going home - after 15 years away his anger towards his father is as strong as ever. He left everything behind, his brothers who he doesnt know anymore and Callie the love of his life a girl he still loves. Then when the unthinkable attack his family and kidnaps his father he knows he needs to go back and face his demons once and for all.

Callie has been in love with Wyatt almost all of her life. When he broke her heart and then left she was broken but Orrin took her in and gave her purpose. Now Orrin has been kidnaped and a threat has brought all the brothers home - including Wyatt. Now paired off together can she keep her feelings in check since they are stronger than ever.

The Legend takes place immediately following The Protector. Wyatt and Callie has a rich history that shines through the story with the way Ms. Grant writes their backstory and dialog. Told in 3rd person dual POV's is such a difficult style to write in and Ms. Grant does it so well. The story is complicated full of intrigue and could get lost in exposition and pace both are executed will - there is so much action I was amazed that everything takes place in a very short amount of time and that is for all three books. The big battle towards the end got a little confusing for me but was did have some great climatic moments. We do get to see Cullen and Mia and Owen and Natalie again along with Kate who is going to be perfect for Orrin along with some other secondary characters that we met in the other books and have a moment to shine in The Legend. I would recommend reading the previous books in the series first - I would not say this is a true standalone.

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Wyatt Loughman has avoided going home for years because of his hatred towards his father. Now he is back and working with his brothers to find his father after their aunt and uncle have been killed. He and his brothers have separated and paired off while they untangle who their enemies are. Unfortunately he’s now with the one person who has always held his heart, Callie Reed.
This is the third book about the Loughman’s and I enjoyed it just as thoroughly as the other two. This book had my full attention right from the beginning. I had been waiting since the end of the last one to find out how this courageous family would finish their story. Everything between Wyatt and Callie was heartbreaking. The one thing I love about the books from this author is her ability to write strong women and men that make them stronger and not weak. I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it.

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This is the third book in the series and boy is it a good one. It grabbed me right from the beginning and had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It's non stop action, excitement, and suspense. The bad guys are getting closer and closer while they're getting smarter. Wyatt and Callie are in their sights and they're coming at them everything they have. Wyatt and Callie being stuck together once again brings long ago feelings flaring back to life. Wyatt has some big life decisions to make, but first priority is to survive.

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I loved Wyatt and Callie, they were great together and the story was great, full of action and suspense. This is the first Sons of Texas book I've read, but even not having read the previous books, it wasn't that difficult to figure out what had lead to this story.

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Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

The Good: Awesome romance and hot, hot sex scenes. The final battle of good verses evil was Epic.

The Bad: Callie and Wyatt circling each other like a couple of junk yard dogs. The endless regurgitation of their high school romance and Wyatt's leaving her heartbroken. This plot does not resolve with this book.

The Really Bad: By the time this book got to the Awesome romance and Epic battle, I just didn't care.

I've read all the books in this series and this one is the best. When Daddy Dearest, Orrin, is sent to steal a bioweapon and is captured his estranged sons gather to find him and secure the weapon. Each of the three sons finds love along the way. This book is about Callie and Wyatt. They were hot and very heavy in high school until Wyatt drops her flat to go to college and never returns. Callie is from a family of cons and thieves and they keep after her to return to the fold even when she tells them to drop dead. Wyatt is haunted by the murder of his mother, hates his father and even though he loves Callie deeply, he tells himself can't have her. The baddies, the Saints, are after the weapon and want to but an end to the Loughman boys too. 3 1/2-Stars

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Wow, this was a shoot them up IL' western style love story phenom. I truly loved the wounded family dynamic but the action and no holds barred attitude of Wyatt is what won me over. He buried his demons along with the men sent to not only end him but his entire family.

Well done Donna on the action as well as the stories within the stories. True friendship, betrayal, love, and a new beginning.

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The legend is a fantastic mixture of action, suspense and that slow burn romance that sparks so hot you can't help but get caught up in that burn. LOVED the burn! You can't miss with Donna Grant!

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Full of spicy romance and tons of heart-pounding action, Callie and Wyatt deliver in this third book of a series. I've enjoyed the entire series thus far, and this was a great entry in the overarching plot. Callie and Wyatt had plenty of history and communication issues to work through, but it was fun watching them do it!

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The Legend by Donna Grant
Sons of Texas #3

The third book in the Sons of Texas series has Wyatt and Callie getting a second chance at love while fighting off numerous bad guys. Callie has worked with Wyatt’s father for over a decade while Wyatt has blamed his father for the death of his mother and stayed away for fifteen years. By the end of the book all three of the brothers and their father Orrin have found women to take into their futures…and also set their course to take down a global group known as The Saints. The story is action-packed and filled with fight scenes and rather horrible wounds to just about everyone. I found some of the things the characters managed to do while badly injured a stretch and really had trouble believing that Wyatt could be so very cold then thaw so quickly and why did Callie hanker after Wyatt for years? I am kind of curious to find out what happens next as the Loughmans, and their team, take on the nefarious international Saints.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3 Stars

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THE LEGEND is the third installment in Donna Grant’s contemporary, adult SONS OF TEXAS romantic, military suspense series focusing on focusing on the Loughman brothers-Navy SEAL Owen; eldest brother Delta Force Colonel Wyatt, and youngest brother/Marine Force Recon Captain Cullen- and their Navy SEAL / Black Ops father Orrin Loughman. This is eldest brother Delta Force Colonel Wyatt Loughman, and computer hacker Callie Reed’s story line. THE PROTECTOR can be read as a stand alone but for cohesion and backstory I recommend reading the series in order as each installment continues upon the events of the previous story line as the brothers search for their missing father.

NOTE: If you have not read the previous installments, there may be some spoiler in my review.

SOME BACKGROUND: While on assignment overseas, all three Loughman brothers are called home to Texas to discover that their beloved Aunt and Uncle have been murdered, and their Navy SEAL father Orrin is missing. The US government (or someone claiming to be) has tasked the brothers in locating their Black Ops agent father; and the retrieval of a biological weapon known as Ragnarok.

Told from several third person points of view including Wyatt and Callie THE LEGEND continues to follow the search for Orrin Loughman, and the people responsible for the death of the Loughman’s aunt and uncle. With the revelation that Orrin Loughman is alive, eldest son Wyatt Loughman begins to focus on flushing out the people h*ll bent on destroying so many lives but Wyatt suspects that that the family has been betrayed by more than one source. His continued hatred of the man he believes responsible for his mother’s death, Wyatt has a difficult time forgiving his father for sins of the past. Returning home to find the one woman that could break through his hardened heart Wyatt continues to push away Callie Reed in an effort to keep focused on the coming war. What ensues is the rekindling romance between Callie and Wyatt, and their battle to stay one step ahead of three different outside factions intent on taking down the Loughman clan.

THE LEGEND is an intense, revealing and detailed story about family, betrayal, revenge and trust. There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Owen and Natalie (The Hero), and Cullen and Mia (The Protector), and an assortment of former Black Ops undercover operators. The requisite evil has many faces-some familiar to our story line couple.

Donna Grant pulls the reader into an energetic, passionate and tragic story of greed and power, and the ultimate battle for control. The premise is engaging, startling and dramatic; the characters are colorful, passionate and inspiring; the romance is seductive and fated. THE LEGEND looks at one man’s struggle to move on from the past, and one woman’s need to save the man that calls to her heart.

Copy supplied by Netgalley.




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This is the third book in this series and really should have read the first two before reading this one because I felt I was missing something at times but I really did enjoy this. It was fast paced and action packed. Not as much romance as suspense but overall it balanced out. Callie and Wyatt are definitely made for each other and even though Callie can take care of herself she finds solace in the safety of knowing Wyatt is there for her.

I think I may have to go back and grab the first 2 books and catch up since I enjoyed this one so much.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

This is the first story that I have read in this series and I would suggest reading the previous books first, as there were characters and relationships that seemed important. Despite the fact that I could guess what was happening, I still think it would have been beneficial.

Wyatt is a hard man to know. He has a way about him that if he goes in without caring if he comes out, then he'll win. He is part of a delta force and seems like the kind of guy you'd want on your side when you're fighting for your life. He has a family that he left because the memories of his murdered mother were too much. He hates his father because his perception was that his dad, Orrin, was not doing enough to find their mother's murderer. The one person that it hurt him to leave was Callie. After she was taken in by his father, her family didn't want to let her leave. One night, Wyatt found her beaten, almost near death and carried her back to the ranch. After that, he became her protector – warning her family away from her for years. He knows that going back to the ranch will stir up issues he hasn't dealt with, but Callie and his family – the human race is in danger and he will do his best to make sure that everyone survives.

Callie is whip smart, she is tech savvy, and great with a gun. She has also loved Wyatt since before she has known. She has tried to keep her family away from her – telling them she doesn't want to be part of their business, but they don't really want to hear that. With people coming after those she loves, she will need all of her willpower to fight and survive.

Will Wyatt and Callie be able to fight their feelings and get the job done? Will they both be alive when the fight is over? The world is in danger of a bio-weapon that could devastate millions and Wyatt and his family are the only force to stand between them.

This was a fast-paced story with a lot going on, but I can't wait to see what happens next.

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3.5 stars

Wow I never read a book from this author and now I really want to read the previous books in this series.First of all these covers are stunning seriously I was drooling while I watching them over and over.But let's go now to the story.

I like the plot and the characters were very good my only complaint is about the ending.Even though it was good it felt a little bit rushed,but overall it was a great fast paced story.
Callie is a strong heroine,Wyatt is good too but it took him a little bit more to accept what is happening.

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I just discovered this author and I am so glad that I decided to read her books because they are so well worth it. Intriguing, with romance thrown in, and you can spend an enjoyable weekend with a great story.

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I enjoyed the book. I really liked Callie as a character. She is a strong female who can take care of herself and hold her own against a lot of the guys. Wyatt annoyed me a little because he was so hard headed about certain situations in the book. I just couldn't see why he couldn't seem to understand where others were coming from and the need to push anything and everyone away. That is the reason I took a star away. The action scenes were really good but sometimes it was easy to get confused because there were so many characters and so much going on at the same time. It felt like there was a lot of back and forth especially later in the book.

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