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*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*
I already lost count of how many reviews I've written for Katana but all I know is that this won't be my last. Enforcer is the third installment in one of my favorite series ever. Each installment follows a different romantic duo in the lives of the Harrison Street Crew (run by the sexiest men ever), while at the same time, delving deeper into one of the most suspenseful and intricate plots I've ever stumbled upon.
I was already shredded to the core soon after reading the beautiful dedication for this book. It hit deep and I had to take a moment to compose myself before continuing on. I want to take a moment to say that this book touches upon some dark and twisted subjects so I classify this as a TRIGGER WARNING.
This book follows Ryan, a dark, sexy, lethal crew member, and Megan, the daughter of his father figure. Megan has officially become one of my favorite female characters of ALL time. Her childhood was the worst thing you could possibly imagine, yet she didn't let that break her. She made life her b**** and there wasn't an ounce of her that was sorry about it. I loved seeing her journey in becoming a woman and her relationship with Ryan develop. They both have some character developments that left me fulfilled and proud.
One of my favorite things to witness in this series is how all of these characters are tied together. Sometimes I can never see their connections coming and I live for the ultimate reveal. I know this is something we all do with every book we read but I feel like Katana brings it out of me the most. I usually only care about the 2 main characters but in this series, EVERY single side character has a major role to play and, excluding the bad guys, I found myself treasuring each and every one. The magic of Katana is that if I ever find a character I am not passionate about, she completely changes my mind about them in the next installment. I love it when an author changes my mind or proves me wrong so thank you, Katana!
Collins is a mastermind when it comes to creating delicious men and plots to drool over. This wonderful novel tore massive laughs out of me while the sexual tension drove me off the wall. It lifted me up more than it tore me down so it's a close 5 star!
The only negative comment I have was that I saw most of the things coming at the end. Either way, it didn't steal away from the deep affection I have for every single character Katana chooses to explore and share with us. I can't choose a favorite couple or novel of Katana's so I won't even try to. Also, the very last chapter was the most perfect thing I've ever read and it made me feel warm and bubbly inside as I melted with jealousy that it didn't happen to me. I can't wait for the next HSC novel!
4.8/5 stars

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this title. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to connect to the story because I did not think the third person POV fit the story.. As I didn't completely finish this book, I will not be publishing a review. We do not feature uncompleted books on the blog. Although this title didn't work for me, I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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I could not wait for this conclusion to the HSC series! We met Ryan & Megan in Ex-Con and Outlaw. Intrigued by both characters, I was eager to read their story in Enforcer. We get some background, details of their pasts, and we finally get to understand.

Megan - tough as nails, a take no sh*t kinda girl, yet she has a huge heart. Protective & loyal, she does what she has to do to survive, and to keep her sister safe.

Ryan - so mysterious, quiet, always watching. I wanted to know the mystery behind the man. And I better mention how sexy he is. I believe he is my favorite H of the series.

Enforcer is a well-written story and sucked me in from the beginning. It made me feel as if I was inside the pages and a part of this crazy HSC family. I couldn't help but fall (more) in love this motley crew.

I thoroughly enjoyed this - I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough. It gave me all the feels, made me fall in love with Ryan & Megan, and most importantly, gave me the closure I needed.

Although I don't believe it's necessary, I personally would suggest you read Ex-Con and Outlaw first to better enjoy and to get a better understanding of certain situations that happen in Enforcer.

Another fabulous read by Katana Collins!

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If you are looking for an emotional book check this one.It was great I loved the story even though sometimes was too quick in some themes still was good.The characters were interesting and the plot fantastic.

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This was the first book I've read in this series but not reading the others didn't diminish this book for me.

The book opens with a heartbreaking chapter, one that will literally make you cry and then scream in anger. You hold your breath, waiting for someone to come, someone to help and finally the person you never expect is the one who rides to the rescue.

The next few chapters jump and at times I think a little too quickly. I would have liked to read more about how the girls adapted to their new environment and how they dealt with the aftermath of what happened.

Then the story stabilizes in the present and your dealing Ryan and Megan and the attraction that has been there for years. They battle their pasts and the current troubles all while denying their feelings for one another.

A great story with true redemption at the end (again by the character you don't expect it from).

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I loved this book. I have not read the other books in this series but I do have to say that I am very interested in them now and will be looking them up. I really liked Ryan and Megan. I loved Megan for being the type of woman to know what she wants & not give up on it. Even with all she has been through she is still tough.

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Enforcer is the third book in the sizzling hot, amazingly written, sexy, suspenseful, and full of bad boys, Harrison Street Crew Series. This time, Ryan and Megan are featured and both have a connection to Boots. Megan as his daughter and Ryan has always looked up to Boots as a father figure. With Boots gone and Megan now a full grown woman, the feelings they had for one another have come to the surface and Ryan can no longer hold back with the woman he has always admired. Megan was determined to lose her V card to the sexy crew member since the first time they met – when he rescued her from her mother’s home and the dark things that happened there. Now, they come together for the better of the club and to fulfill a promise Ryan made on that day he brought her home.

While this is a well written book, I found the story to be not as engaging as the first two in the series. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the writing, the characters, and the action going on in this book. Remy is still out to destroy the club on his climb to the top of the political ladder. But, for some reason the story didn’t hold my attention as well as the others.

Katana Collins has created an amazing series! It feeds my need for a sexy biker book (but, with cars instead of bikes). While not my favorite in the series, it still is a fantastic read and I look forward to more from this series!

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I'll admit to feeling a bit lost while I started reading Enforcer, but only because I haven't read the previous books in the series. It's mostly a standalone, though, and I was able to get the gist after awhile, so it didn't take away my enjoyment too much.

Megan and her sister Shannon have lived a really tough life. Their mother is a junkie, and her boyfriend abuses Megan. When Megan and Shannon's father realizes just how bad his daughters have it, he and Ryan, an enforcer in their crew, the Harrison Street Crew, come and get the girls out. Since the day of their rescue, Megan and Ryan have had an intense connection. Unfortunately for Megan, Ryan won't let himself give into that connection. Both because her father, Boots, is like his father, and because he doesn't think he's good enough for her. Megan is strong, and determined, though, and is determined that she will have Ryan. And have him, she does, finally, when he can't resist their pull any longer. But, if they want to stay together, they'll have to get through everything that will come at them because there are forces out there that just might want to take the Harrison Street Crew down.

I really like Megan. She's strong, fierce and independent, and will do anything for the people she loves. Ryan was a little hot and cold with Megan, and it irritated me sometimes, but I could see where he was coming from, so I gave him a pass.

Enforcer has lots of action, gritty suspense, and steamy chemistry that help this fast paced story along, and make for an entertaining read.

I'd like to read the rest of this series now, because the world Enforcer introduced me to made me want more!

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I have been waiting for their story, and it's my favorite out of this series!!! I hate that it's over, but loved how it all ended. You could feel the chemistry between these two throughout the other books and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this story. It was just as hot as I was hopping it would be!

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In regards to overall plot the tension in this book kept ratcheting up chapter by chapter. I thought the characters were fairly well developed with Megan being a little difficult to like. I'd like to say I thought her headstrong and independent but instead she kind of came off as foolish and weak. The big big issue I had was the dialogue during sex. It wasn't sexy. In fact it was over the top ridiculous. I laughed out loud at one point and I'm not sure that's what the author was going for! Over all I didn't like it and I didn't hate it.

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Super story with amazing characters and I just couldn't put it down. Can't wait to read more by this author and would recommend this book as you won't regret it I promise. Left review on

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***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Enforcer by Katana Collins
Book Three of the Harrison Street Crew series
Publisher: Swerve
Publication Date: June 6, 2017
Rating: 3 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

Summary (from Goodreads):

Worse than bad. Hotter than hot. These are the bad boys of the Harrison Street Crew, and they answer to no one. They take what they want. And what they want is you.

Ryan Gallagher is the one who does the dirty work. The brute force in the Harrison Street Crew, he lives to have the club all for his own one day. But the one thing he can’t have is Megan Mahoney—the one woman he’s loved since she was a teenager who needed saving.

Megan never forgot the all-consuming passion she felt for Ryan, her larger-than-life, wild teenage love. But coming from a hard, shocking past has left her broken and scared—and untrusting of the Harrison Street Crew. Ten years later, she’s back in Ryan’s world to claim a promise he made to her years ago. And even though she knows she shouldn’t fall for him, Ryan still has an explosive, sensual pull on her that she can’t ignore.

Ryan’s powerful love for Megan is the only thing that could ever soothe the tempestuous beast that roars in his soul. And when she comes back to him to aid her in a dangerous quest—a deadly revenge plot he swore he would be a part of years ago—Ryan can’t say no. He lives to protect this woman. He will die loving this woman. And as the stakes get higher, the love that they have kept hidden all these years explodes and goes further and deeper than either of them expected. But with a dark threat from Megan’s past thrust headlong into their lives, can their love win out?

What I Liked:

Out of the three books in this series, Enforcer is easily my least favorite. It wasn't bad, but it just didn't have the same zest that Ex-Con and Outlaw had. Sure, I loved the bicker and banter between Ryan and Megan. But when it came down to it, I wasn't sold on the romance overall, and the climax and ending had way too much drama. I really enjoyed the series as a whole though.

We meet Ryan and Megan in the previous two books, and we get hints of a past connection between the two. It turns out, Megan has been in love with Ryan since she was sixteen (ten years ago), and Ryan has been in love with her for just as long. On her twenty-first birthday, Megan decides to make a move on Ryan... and he rejects her. For Ryan, it's because Megan is Boots' daughter - and Boots was a father-figure to Ryan. But now Boots is dead and Megan is all grown up, and she is demanding that Ryan make good on this deadly promise that he made to her, ten years ago. He has protected her for all these years, and he'll keep doing so, even if he can't have her. But Megan is a fighter and she doesn't quit - and in this case, she won't give up on Ryan.

I loved Megan - she is so tough and gutsy and she goes after what she wants. She survived a cruel and heartbreaking past, and she is stronger than ever. I like how she knows what she wants and follows through - not just with Ryan, but everything she puts her mind to. Megan argues with Ryan and HSC about everything, and doesn't let them push her around. Sometimes this could be a little annoying, but for the most part, I love how she never took no for an answer.

Ryan is the enforcer of HSC - the guy who roughs up people for HSC, and does the dirty work for the club. He's been around the club since he was eleven, and his commitment to the club is respectable. As is his desire to protect Megan, and somehow stay away from her as well. I liked Ryan and I think he deserved the best (which, to him, is Megan). I didn't like the whole "I-can't-date-you-because-of-your-dad" thing, but I'm glad he dropped that after a while.

Ryan and Megan are good together. They argue and bicker a lot, and it's not forced or over-the-top. All of the bickering felt natural and perfectly appropriate, given both of their volatile personalities. These two are like fire and fire in terms of personalities and tempers, and chemistry too.

I also liked that this book furthered the conflict between HSC and other gangs, and went deeper into several issues (Boots' murder, Remy's dealings, Megan's past). My heart broke for Megan, but also for Ryan too.

Overall, this wasn't a bad book. And if it's the end of the series, not a bad ending. Just not that great either, compared to books one and two.

What I Did Not Like:

I think most of my issues stemmed from Megan's personality, to be honest. Which, if you recall, I loved, but I also hated. Most likely I just didn't connect with her very well.

Megan seriously could have cut Ryan a break. I felt like she was constantly too hard on him and never once put herself in his position. She almost came across as selfish - yes, she goes after what she wants and is very hard-headed and doesn't let HSC or Ryan push her around. But at the same time, she almost never thinks through what she is being stubborn about. She always steps into more trouble because she is too determined to be Miss Independent. Sometimes, it's smarter to listen to what someone else is telling you, man or not.

At times, it almost felt overwhelming, how Megan pushed Ryan away when he tried to tell her to do this or that (and he was almost always right! Goodness!). Megan should have respected him enough to at least hear and understand him, instead of getting mad at him for telling her something, and then she goes and does whatever and people get hurt. It's kind of ridiculous.

There is a lot of miscommunication drama during the climax and the ending of the book. None of it makes sense to me - both Ryan and Megan fly off the handle on several separate occasions, and they act like they can't come back from these arguments and blow-ups. Megan was definitely being irrational and she overreacted a lot. Ryan, he was more level-headed and I could also see why he reacted badly to a few scenarios. In those scenarios, Megan was being childish and stupid.

And the romance -- yes, there was chemistry between these two. Lots of arguing and passionate tension between them. But somehow, I just wasn't feeling this romance like I was in Ex-Con and Outlaw. I didn't really fall for Ryan and Megan as a pair, even though I wanted to see them end up together. AND there is only one real sex scene in this book! Two, but the second one is a bit hasty. For all of their chemistry, there was a distinct lack of sex. So. There's that.

In general, this book seemed lackluster compared to the previous two. Not bad, but just not up to the same speed as the other two books.

Would I Recommend It:

Eh, I don't not recommend it, but I think Ex-Con and Outlaw were better and I recommend those more. If you read those two and want more, this one won't be terribly disappointing. But you could also stop after Outlaw (mmm, that book was good). If you like motorcycle club romances (this is more of a car club romance novel), then you might enjoy this series in general.


3 stars. I wish I had loved this book more! I didn't hate it though, and I'm not too disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high, given that I'd been dying to read Ryan and Megan's book since meeting them in the previous books. I wouldn't mind reading more from this series though!

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Ryan is the Enforcer for the Harrison Street Crew and handles anything he has and needs to. Megan is a tough girl but has a big heart. She is the daughter of a former Street Crew member. Megan and Shannon were sisters and had a bad childhood with a drug addicted mother- Cindy who had a drug selling boyfriend Rodney who had no problems touching underage girls. Megan was the older sister and protected Shannon from Rodney’s unwanted advances. Megan and Shannon’s father was Donald “ Boots” Mahoney and Ryan at that time had a mission to monitor the girl’s daily activities. Boots was President of the Harrison Street Crew and Ryan at that time was a member. When Megan was sixteen Boots had finally learned enough to get his two daughters out of Cindy’s home. Ryan was there when they got out of the home. Ryan made a promise to Megan to help her get revenge. Ryan was now the Enforcer of The Harrison Street Crew. Ryan always put his crew brother first. Ten years later and Megan was back to have Ryan keep his promise to help her. Ryan had secretly loved Megan since she was a teen but out of respect for Boots did nothing about it and turned away from Mega. But now had to protect her because of his feelings for her. Megan had loved Ryan for a long time also.
This was one emotionally twisting story. I liked this a lot but it was really dark at times when talking about Megan’s and Shannon’s childhood. I cringed as Megan’s and Shannon s past was told. I had never read about a car crew before but have read a lot of MC stories and loved them. This was gritty and raw but had to be for the story being told. This had a good plot and a lot to it such as : child abuse, violence, addiction, murder,, street crews, a thirst for revenge. Love and so much more. I didn’t like it when Ryan was a butt to Megan. At times this story made me smile and at others it brought tears to my eyes. I liked the twists and turns of this book and I recommend.

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I liked a lot about this book, I did. Unfortunately, at least for me, I thought it was too hard, too harsh. I liked both of the characters, but I felt so much time was spent on the harshness of their life, and of the characters themselves, that it was hard to get lost in their story without feeling a little sad for each of them.

The writing was strong, and I definitely believed in both of the characters and I thought they seemed realistic.

I guess I like my romance a little more romantic than this was. And, part of the issue was that the harsher scenes were so real that the softer scenes seemed off to me.

I don't necessarily recommend this title, but I didn't hate it...and I would read the next title by this author.

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Pretty Good
This book was pretty good. I enjoyed reading it. This was the first time I had read a book based on a car crew. I have read a bunch of books based off of motorcycle clubs and this book seemed to be right up that ally. I liked the fact that the book started out 10 years in the past and brought us to the present. It was nice to see Ryan and Megan's relationship grow. There were times when it felt like the main characters were arguing over stupid stuff that shouldn't be a huge issue but of course with every book there has to be some drama. While this is a book that I enjoyed it won't be a book I read over and over again. I do look forward to the next book in the series.

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Enforcer is book 3 in the HSC series, and honestly, I really think you need to read them in order. While each book focuses on a different couple, the overall story arc continues from book to book. In this book, we pick up after a major event that ended Patrick's book and so you will be lost if you haven't at least read that.

So, spoilers ahead if you haven't finished Ex-Con and Outlaw!

Enforcer starts by giving us the story of Boots' daughters. They lived with their crack whore mom and her boyfriend who had been raping Megan for years. The girls were starving and desperate for help when Shannon, the younger sister, writes a letter to their father. Being part of a car gang has its benefits and he is able to take Megan and Shannon away. For the next 10 years Megan grows up and recovers with the help and support of the club. Then her father is murdered in prison and HSC didn't protect him. She is furious and wishes she could cut ties with all of them.

Ryan saved Megan from the horror of her childhood when he stormed her mom's house with Boots years ago. Megan was only 16 at the time, but she worshiped Ryan. When she decides she wants to have sex with him on her 21st birthday, she finds him with 2 girls already and he turns her down, thus breaking her heart (and leading to an adorable moment between Megan and the 2 other girls! Such a sweet, kind portrayal of women. They could have been cruel and heartless, but instead they saved her!)

Ryan feels that he can't be with Megan. Boots was like a father figure for him, he worries that she isn't thinking clearly and has some 'hero worship' for him, and he doesn't want to risk hurting her. However, she is 26 now and that excuse was getting annoying. I liked that Megan was a no BS kind of girl. She is still protecting her sister and fighting to prove her father wasn't a traitor. She had such a traumatic childhood that she still hasn't recovered. She wants revenge and Ryan promised her he would help her get it.

The story weaves around the continuation of discovering who killed Boots in prison, why books framed Patrick, and Megan's revenge plan. The heat between Ryan and Megan is insane! When these two finally get together you just know it will burn your kindle. Enforcer blends the brotherhood of an MC club read with the feel of a Fast and Furious movie to create a steamy, dangerous, and consuming read!

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This is Book 3 in the "Harrison Street Crew" Series by Katana Collins. This book can be read as a standalone.

In this book the main characters are Meghan and Ryan. He is the enforcer of the Harrison Street Crew and she is the daughter of a former Street Crew member.

There is a lot of chemistry between them but they will try to resit the attraction they feel for each other. The book is full of action, entertaining and well written!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley

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This is the first time in reading this author with the expert intriguing me. I understood it to be the third one in also but no worries for me curiosity got the better of me. She will wrench and twist at your heart right away with tension also seeing what Meg and her sister must endure. Almost hope less but thanks to a action on her part hope comes through the door along with Ryan. That is the beginning along with a promise and us readers feeling every one of the ups and downs. These characters become vibrant but also at times dark that also has drama unfolding around them daily it seems. It is almost like your part crew and you can not leave. I like how far she takes this winding us tight. By the time you reach the conclusion of this one you are more than ready for what leaps off the pages with the release that comes with it.

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Love! Love! Love! This book❤️❤️❤️ Such a great continuation from book 2.
Awesome romance between Ryan and Megan. I also loved the relationship between Megan and her sister Shannon. They would do anything for each other, even kill.

Lots of sexy scenes between Ryan and Megan that are just freaking hot!!

Such an awesome series, keeps you engaged during the whole book. Can't wait for the next in this series to come out!!

Thanks NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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