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Brothers & Sisters

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Nothing remains buried forever... What would you do to protect the ones you love?

A gripping, highly emotive story of love, survival, dark family secrets and sibling loyalty. Perfect for the fans of Kathryn Hughes and Dorothy Koomson.

When human remains are found on Fitzpatrick Estate, Detective Kelly is drawn deep into the complex web of Fitzpatrick family secrets as Timothy and his sister Rose, now in their sixties, are catapulted into the centre of the investigation.

When the pathology report identifies the remains as that of their uncle, Patrick Fitzpatrick, missing from Fitzpatrick Estate since 1970, they scramble to protect their past.

What would you do to protect the ones you love?

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Brother's and sister’s by Adele O'Neill.
What lengths would you go to protect the ones you love?
When the complex web of dark family secrets begins to gradually unravel, Tim and his sister Rose are consumed by trying to protect their 46-year-old secret, a secret that was never meant to be told.
Faced with an impossible dilemma, they must decide whether to tell the truth or face the consequences.
One thing's for sure, nothing remains buried forever...
I really enjoyed this book. I liked the story and characters. Read in 2 days. 4*.

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Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

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Really enjoyable read. Good characters and a Good story. Well worth a read. Think others will enjoy.

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Another book from my past pile. It’s been quite a while since this was released. This is book 1 in a series.

A lots been written about this book already.

I found this totally engrossing, it shows the limits and depths some will go to for love.

Truly captivating.

My thanks to Aria on Net galley for my copy

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I thoroughly enjoyed the book and even though I don't know setting of the book (Ireland) it was so beautifully written that I felt I was there myself. An intriguing read, and worth the effort. Recommended.

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4* review for Brothers and Sisters by Adele O'Neill. The question "What would you do to protect the ones you love?" is on the front cover and instantly drew me in.

However, this is more than a crime book, it is about a dysfunctional family and the close relationship between Tim and Rose, brother and sister. As a result of not having the greatest parents in the world, Tim has always looked out for his younger sister Rose and would do anything to protect her from harm. The characters are so well written that you instantly sympathise and empathise with them and can feel their connection through the wriiting and that hatred they have for their abusive, lazy, drunken parents and uncle living on the farm in the 1970's.

The story alternates between 2016 when a body is discovered on the farm which appears to be a murder that happened 46 years ago and the present day where Rose and Tim have moved away, moved on and never speak of their time on the farm. When the identity of the body is revealed and the Detectives start digging deeper into their lives back then, they are faced with an impossible dilemma; they must decide whether to tell the truth or keep their vow of secrecy.

The subject matter may be difficult for some to read, but i felt it was a story worth telling and done so in a very realistic and honest way and I appreciated Adele tackling it so delicately.

The book was well written, fast paced and i raced through it. Although i had figured out some of the secret by half way through, i was never quite sure how it would all end, which was just great and kept me interested and intrigued, and the ending was brilliant. The only downside was the silly romance between the Detectives in charge of the case,

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A great story, I wouldn't have called this a psychological thriller though, but still extremely entertaining. The characters are likable and I would recommend this book.

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Book blurb...
Nothing remains buried forever... What would you do to protect the ones you love?

A gripping, highly emotive story of love, survival, dark family secrets and sibling loyalty. Perfect for the fans of Kathryn Hughes and Dorothy Koomson.
When human remains are found on Fitzpatrick Estate, Detective Kelly is drawn deep into the complex web of Fitzpatrick family secrets as Timothy and his sister Rose, now in their sixties, are catapulted into the centre of the investigation.
When the pathology report identifies the remains as that of their uncle, Patrick Fitzpatrick, missing from Fitzpatrick Estate since 1970, they scramble to protect their past.
What would you do to protect the ones you love?

My thoughts…
This story, Brothers and Sisters, moved me beyond description. It was powerful, well written, and a book I could barely put down.
I was so engaged with the main characters, Rose and her brother, Tim, that I felt every ordeal they endured. The author’s telling of some unsavoury elements was so cleverly handled that I knew exactly what was happening and how the brother and sister felt about their early lives without the need for shock factor. Brilliant! Totally captivating. Tissues required.
This story's secrets and lies are bound in a bubble of love that endures the decades. Forty-six years, in fact.
This book should be moved to the top of your to-be-read pile.

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What can I say about this book! It has left me emotionally drained, it was so riveting. It is a family drama, but with the addition of crime, romance, secrets, all which are gradually revealed. I don't think that I have ever found a book that has had me in tears so much that my husband wondered what was wrong. It is a book full of twists and turns and I didn't want it to end. A brilliant debut novel from Adele O'Neill and I can't wait for her next one. Thanks to Net Galley and the,publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book is one of those books that's so interesting once you begin it, it's hard to put it down. It tells the story from the perspective of a brother and sister switches back and forth from the past and to the present. It's a story of suspense from the time that they discover a body of a person who has been killed. It's a great read and action packed story taking place in Ireland and in America. Check it out.

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I absolutely loved this book. It was so emotional. The way Adele wrote this I felt like I was there with the characters feeling their pain. The love that Tim and Rose had for each other was so nice. Even once they had grown up and were away from the terrible traumas of their childhood their bond never wavered. I will be recommending this book to all my book loving friends.

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BROTHERS AND SISTERS Written by Adele O'Neill
July 2017; 364 Pages (Aria)
Genre: mystery, family drama, detective

(I received an ARC from the publisher via NETGALLEY)

Rating: 4 STARS

When I started to read this novel, I was expecting a standard mystery novel, but realized a few chapters in it was more of a drama. I was pleasantly surprised as I continued to read this novel that the drama and mystery elements worked in great balance. The novel opens up with a body being found on a farm. We meet the detectives assigned to the case, and the family that resides on the estate. Then we find out that the body has been there for decades so the previous owners may have ties and knowledge of the identity. I figured out some of the mystery but there was more to the story and I really enjoyed the storytelling and felt satisfied with the ending. I am not sure if this could be turned into a series with the two detectives as leads, but I am looking forward to the next O'Neill novel!

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highly recommend this book the storyline has you gripped from page 1 pulls at your heart strings you will feel for rosie and tim

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Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and Sisters tells the story of Timothy and his sister Rose. Members of the Fitzpatrick family, they have not returned to their family estate for more than forty years. Why, and what secrets lay buried at their childhood home?

This is a tough book to read in places, but it really developed into a great page turner. It's one of those, 'I'll just read a little bit more...and a little bit more...' and before you know it, you've finished the book and are exhausted from how emotionally invested you have become! Brothers and Sisters is a truly dramatic tale of a dark family full of secrets, of their loyalty and of how far they will go to protect the ones they love.

I highly recommend this gripping debut novel; it's full of twists and turns that will leave you dizzy and guessing till the end, 5* from purplebookstand!.

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A totally compelling emotional family story mixed with a crime thriller. The characters are all well described and completely believable. A brilliant debut novel. I loved it

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Geezus! Nothing like entering the book world with a debut novel like 'Brothers & Sisters', is there? A family with a devastating back story. A murder. A dead body. A murder investigation. Enough family secrets to secure a lifetime spot on Jeremy Kyle. It's safe to say that this debut author hasn't written the novel by halves - just look at what the book contains!

So much information crammed into such a relatively short space, 'Brothers & Sisters' is the type of novel which requires the reader to be focused, especially as the storyline switches between 1970 and 2016, concentration is vital where this book is concerned. Usually books like that confuse me. Thankfully I was able to work out what type of storyline I was dealing with, long before I could get confused.

I have to say, this book contains such a devastating topic which made me feel sick to my stomach. I found it incredibly, incredibly difficult to read due to reasons which aren't suitable for this review. I understand that the author needed to create an authentic vibe for the overall plot, I just felt that that situation in particular was written in such a black and white manner, thus lowering the sensitivity level of the topic in question. In my eyes, it was too vivid and extremely hard to switch off from.

As for the murder investigation, I enjoyed getting involved in the nitty-gritty parts of that! Perhaps that portion of the story could have been extended to give the readers more of a feel to the murder instead of the family history. That said, the investigation on its own kept my entertained. Simple, yet effective.

'Brothers and Sisters' kept me on my toes, enabling my heart to jump into my mouth due to its chilling, shocking, and stomach churning timeline of events. Looking at the shell of the novel; I was entertained to a certain degree, as well as being kept guessing about the conclusion, therefore making the overall premise of the novel a promising read.

However, the horrific subject matter within the storyline was too much to swallow, and extremely difficult to read. For me, those parts of the book made me realise that this book wasn't my cup of tea, yet Adele O'Neill shows such promise in regards to her writing.

Looking forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

Thanks Aria.

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This book wasn’t what I expected from the synopsis but after a few pages I found myself enjoying it.
We are transported back and forth between 1970 and 2016 as we are introduced to siblings Rosie and Tim Fitzpatrick and learn what happened when they moved away. The horrific secret that they hoped would never see the light of day.
Brother and sister pair didn’t have the easiest of childhoods growing up on the farm with their mother and Patrick. Their mother isn’t emotionally stable and Patrick was physically and sexually abusive to them. Tim did his best to keep him away from Rosie, but he just couldn’t manage it.
Neither of them wanted to go back to ‘The House’, but as a 40-year-old body has been dug up they have no option. When they go back to what is now know as ‘The Fitzpatrick Estate’ we meet one of my favourite characters the enchanting Eve who looks out for the ‘fairies under the squeaky step’.
Detectives Tony Kelly and Louise Kelly who are supposed to be investigating but seem to be letting other things get in the way. I couldn’t seem to warm to either of them I’m afraid.
You will need a strong stomach for some of the more graphic parts of the story as it makes heart-wrenching reading.

Read for an honest review. Thank you Netgalley and Aria

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Brothers and sisters was a good book that draws you in to family secrets, abuse and the great lengths families go to to keep the past hidden. Great twists and turns throughout.

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Adele O’Neill could develop the characters of Detectives Tony Kelly and Louise Kennedy into further novels. Their characters unfold in such a way that this is only the beginning. The only thing that put me off Tony Kelly was the description of how he needed a shower after an all-nighter following the discovery of a more than 40-year-old body in a bog in Ireland.

The story of how this body ended up in a bog is riveting as bits are added piece by piece throughout the book, ending up like a pot of delightful Irish stew with lots of character.

Naturally, Kelly and Kennedy seek out the brother and sister who lived on the farm where the body was found in 2016. However when they were teenagers, the Fitzpatrick siblings Tim and Rose had left the farm 40 years previously. They had a secret that they hoped would stay buried forever.

It is not Kelly and Kennedy who discover the truth though. The body had to be buried and it was because of the funeral that long hidden secrets saw the light of day.

Adele O’Neill managed to add ingredients of crime, detectives, the media, romance and families into a book that is riveting, heartwarming, compassionate and exciting.

Bonnie K

Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review.

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