Cover Image: The Goblins of Bellwater

The Goblins of Bellwater

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The Goblins of Bellwater is based on Christina Rossetti's poem, Goblin Market but taken into a modern setting. I've not read the poem but I think The Goblins of Bellwater. manages to stand on its own -- you don't need to know the poem to read the book.

I was drawn in by the premise and the twisty plot. The idea the goblins have a liaison which impunity to steal for them is a really cool idea, made all the more interesting by how much Kit doesn't want to be involved. I really liked the goblins -- named for the first things they've stolen like Redring and Slide (for 'Slide to Unlock' on an iPhone) -- they were so quirky and inhuman. The scenes in the goblins woods are wonderfully atmospheric and well-written -- I could absolutely imagine myself being lured into those dark woods by a trail of shining mushrooms.

Unfortunately, I definitely enjoyed the setup and earlier sections of the book, I found myself losing interest as we went along. I just didn't really connect to any of the four main characters -- although I did appreciate the effort the author went to give them each their own interests such as art or cooking. Maybe because I wasn't sold on the characters, the romance(s) didn't particularly work for me either -- although, again, I appreciate we had older-woman-younger-man relationships that weren't treated as something funny or unusual (they're not a big difference though if that concerns you, just a couple of years).

Ultimately, this book just wasn't for me.

This review will be posted on my blog, Foxes and Fairy Tales on 7 Dec 2017.

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I came into this book with my expectations pretty high, but it still managed to surpass them. Wow! I haven't read ANY books with goblins before but this is exactly what I imagine goblins to be: sinister, mischievous and way more powerful and clever than they look.I read Christina Rossetti's poem 'Goblin Market' when I was in school and adored it, and I found this adaptation of it to be superb. It's set in modern day too which made the book even more fun!

I loved basically everything about this book and it's a top contender for favourite read of the year. The story was gripping, full of plot twists and turns that kept it moving. I never felt bored. I liked how Ringle imagined the curse would change Skye, and it's side effects were very clever The introduction of Kit and Grady was great, and I liked them both a lot. Ringle really developed all of her characters well and it made for an interesting read. The story is present-day and Ringle expertly blended magic with a contemporary setting. I could literally picture everything that she wrote happening in my head and I loved that she introduced rules for the Fae too. Also - thank you Molly Ringle for not turning this into a 'girl falls in love with a goblin' story. Much appreciated.

I have no real niggles at all with this one. Everything flowed perfectly and I smiled from beginning to end. Perhaps Livy's reaction to Kit when he told her about his situation struck me as a little off. I don't think anyone would really jump to 'serial killer' more 'wow, this guy is a bit superstitious and weird, oh well laugh it off and move on'. Still, when that's literally the ONLY FAULT I can find with a book, I call it a winner.

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I tried reading this a bunch of times and could never finish the first chapter. I really wanted to read it since I was disappointed in Shadowsong since it was also about the Goblin King. At least with Shadowsong I made 75% in it.

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I first heard the poem this novel is based on in high school and loved it. I found this book to be enjoyable, if a little short. It captured the essence of the poem with the powerful, wicked goblins tempting a beautiful girl into falling under their curse.

Occasionally the language felt stilted and awkward, I think in trying to make the voices of the characters relatable it just came off as simple. Overall, the novel was a sexy, dark and a quick read

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I'm a sucker for Pre-Raphaelites, so a novel based on Rossetti's "Goblin Market" really called to me. And I enjoyed the author's imagery and also the chemistry between KIt and Livy. Any talk of Grady's cooking also sent me running to the kitchen for a snack, too. Flaws - the trials that Livy had to face felt rushed, and most of the battle between the fairies happened "off screen." But I did like the idea of the goblins being an invasive species. Overall, it wasn't a perfect book, but it was a fun, fast read.

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unfortunately this novel was not one that was for me. I didn't really understand the concept and felt a bit confused throughout the novel. I think that this novel just isn't one for me, but if you're looking for a cooky, fantastical read, then I definitely think you should pick this novel up.

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I received this ARC copy from NetGalley for an honest opinion. Even though it took me a long ass time to finish(life happening), I enjoyed this book. I never read books about fae well if you don’t count TMI/TID/TDA series by Cassandra Clare. I loved someone wrote a book about how evil fae can be & not just the good fae because like who doesn’t want evil fae! I liked everything that happened in the book & I hope there more in the series if not this book is awesome!

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Be forewarned: this book is odd and full of sex, and will mess with you. It's not a usual kind of novel, and definitely not contemporary romance as it's being advertised. All this aside, I think I loved this novel, but I'm left unsure because of just how strange it was. Ever see the movie "Dark City," or "Labyrinth"? Even "Pan's Labyrinth"? A bit like that. 

This book falls more under the umbrella of "Magical Realism" than contemporary romance, in my opinion. The fascinating world of the goblins is explored, and boy does it put you on edge the whole way through! The author has an incredible talent for drawing you into the story, all while making you feel simultaneously attracted and repulsed by what you read.

One of the biggest complaints I've seen in reviews has been that the romance(s) felt forces, and the sex was terrible. I think that was the point, and if so, then I really, really appreciate it. It was so different from what I'm used to reading! The relationships are toxic and odd,  so... human. These four people are linked by blood, love, or by lust, and it ties them together in such a way that their lives depend on each other. It's surreal and unusual. All in all, don't come into this expecting a meet cute and romance, prepare to feel uncomfortable as heck.

The atmosphere is so macabre. I loved feeling dragged into this world, and the idea of goblins in the forest, stealing your iPhones, felt like a refreshing update on a tale as old as time. The challenges Livy faces at the end completely encompass the adventure of a fairy tale hero, and I love that the love of her sister brings her through.

So long as you're willing to read a book that will leave you feeling icky and uncertain, then you should give this book a try. Do not go into it looking for romance: get ready for the disgusting side of magic, and especially, for the Goblins.

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I'm not gonna lie-- my decision to request this book was based on the cover.
I mean, I read the description and it sounded interesting and then I read Goblin Market and was super compelled and disturbed.
But like, that cover is so strange and appealing I wanted to read it.

It was refreshing to read a more new adult genre.
I think the paranormal aspects mixed with the contemporary setting was well done.
The concept of the novel itself is so strong.

However, I felt that there were too many lacking elements to give it a higher rating, despite how entertaining I found the book to be.
The plot felt sort of awkward to me because the characters were pretty helpless most of the time.
I wanted to like them, but they just sort of went along with whatever was happening with little resistance and it was super frustrating, but not in a good way.
The character development and relationships were pretty predictable too.

Overall, this is a fun read if you're looking for a quick paranormal romance book about creepy goblins and just random people that somehow get sucked into the plot.
Give it a try! Why not :D

Comparable Titles:
Vassa in the Night

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That was what she hated most about this spell, sometimes. The goblins had taken her love of the forest and tainted it, bound it up with their magic.

Goblins starts off so strong; the goblins right from the beginning are reminiscent of actual folklore, being creepy, horrible little critters. They’re greedy, grotesque, carnal, and violent. Reading their treatment of Skye is downright painful, as every move they make is laced with cruelty. Unfortunately, though, the book goes downhill fairly quickly beyond that point, and by the end, I think I was just ready for it to be over as quickly as possible.

→ what i liked ←

“That’s why the locals called them weeds.” Livy sounded glum. “They actually are an invasive species.”

This book is so incredibly atmospheric. The settings are described so beautifully that you find yourself feeling as though you actually are in a damp, dark forest at night, surrounded by mushrooms and critters. I’ve never even visited the PNW, yet even the daytime scenes had me feeling as though I could blink and find myself transported into a beautiful, wet, misty land of greenery and coziness. Not to mention, the descriptions of the goblins themselves are so creepy and perturbing!

Mental illness is handled beautifully in this book; Skye’s silence is mistaken for a deep depression, and her sister is so loving and concerned. The Sylvain boys, despite hardly knowing Skye before the events of the story, are nothing but understanding and caring – especially Grady, which leads me to my next point.

This story has hardcore insta-lust, and I would say, even insta-love, but it’s actually for a reason. The curse placed upon Skye has made it so whomever she chooses as her mate must want her back, so you’re never left thinking, “How do two grown adults fall for each other so quickly?” The two of them even frequently consider the aspect that it’s abnormal for them to be so attached. Oh, and did I mention that the men are younger than the woman in both ‘ships? Yeah, that happens, and I never see that, so I couldn’t help but love it.

→ what i didn’t like ←

“You sure? You want me here?” “Want you,” she whispered. The way she said it, gazing at him, choosing those words to echo – an erotic thrill shivered through him.

The writing is quick and easy, but things are just too convenient and predictable, especially towards the end of the book. There is one small twist, and while it’s a fun one, I definitely didn’t find it even remotely surprising (you kind of guess it right at the beginning). Speaking of odd writing, there are a lot of mentions to sex, and most of them feel unnatural and a little bit forced. The discussions and scenes don’t often feel natural to the story. (Speaking of the sex, if you’re turned off by the fact that many reviewers are calling this book erotica, I wouldn’t be too concerned – everything is only implied or done in a “fade to black” style.)

Mostly, the ending was just such a disappointment; while the rest of the book hadn’t been remarkable, I’d have given it 4 stars for fun’s sake, but the ending is so rushed and predictable that it immediately lowered my rating to 3. I felt like there was this obvious desperation to tie up all of the loose ends, while so much of the book had been spent on descriptions of unimportant aspects, such as Grady’s cooking, or Kit’s frustrations over how nobody believed in the goblins’ existence.

→ final thoughts ←

All in all, The Goblins of Bellwater is a quick, fun read, and given the fact that you can nab an ebook of it on the Kindle store for $3 or less right now, if you’re interested in a new adult romance with fantasy and lore thrown in, I’d tell you to go for it. That said, I wouldn’t expect anything overly intense or captivating.

CONTENT WARNINGS: trauma, physical assault, mentions of sexual assault, PTSD, depression.

All quotes are taken from an unfinished review copy and may differ from the final release. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Central Avenue Publishing for granting me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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At the beginning I felt that the book was for a young audienc, but then it switches and it was a bit shocking in it flip so that it becomes for a more mature audience. I don’t believe young adults will stick wi5 it long enough to get to the “juicy parts.” I did not really want to finish it.

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I thought the book was well written. The characters are well done out.

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I received this via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is a story of four people and their battle to stop a group of malevolent goblins.
What I like most about this story was the eerie scene descriptions and the history of the goblins. What I didn't like was the romance between the characters. It wasn't believable and some of the sex scenes were distasteful for me. I wish the storyline would have followed the goblins, as I found them more interesting than the protagonists.
My advice is to skip through the relationship between the characters and enjoy the world building.

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I really liked the concept - I love dark fantasies, and this was very reminiscent of Holly Black’s Ironsides trilogy (as well as her newer ‘Cruel Prince’. This was a really promising concept, but the whole Skye - Grady relationship did kind of weird me out. Skye became so passive - and I get that she kissed Grady & cursed him - but she barely spoke or interacted with him - their relationship was not healthy at all - & it actually kind of grossed me out. The line between consensual and nonconsensual was so blurred - and it made for an uncomfortable read. The book (kind of) tried to explore that - and it did not do the concept justice - and kind of felt icky. Aside from that - I really liked the goblin world and how they were at odds with the other fey - but I felt like too much time was spent on the humans and their relationships - and not enough was spent on world building. Finally - the other fey coming to save the Day was rather convenient and happened too quickly, with not enough context - to feel natural. Not my favourite read - but I hope the author does explore the fey a bit more in a future book. I would love more history!

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Well, where to start?
I am having a hard time here with this.
I'll be honest and say that I nearly gave up a few times as the first 50% was a bit slow for me. Then I started with the over analysing. Was it me? Am I way out the target audience? Was it my mood? I hate it when I do that.....
This will probably be short. Maybe it's best if I list the things I liked and didn't....
What I liked:
The cover (artwork is superb)
The unique premise (goblins are so under used!)
The creepy evil goblins! (they were naughty!)
The romance (although a bit insta-love)
The fae folk!
What irked me:
I was expecting more fantasy (my expectation may have ruined it for me!)
I didn't feel I connected with the characters (in fact sometimes I was shaking my head at them!)
I found it extremely slow until it comes together at around 50% (glad I didn't give up though, I hate to DNF a book!)

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Sisters Skye and Livy live on the edge of the woods. Throughout her youth, Skye has heard, smelled, and seen weird things in the woods, calling to her. Finally, she gives into the temptation and follows. Meanwhile, Livy starts getting to know Kit, the local mechanic who knows more about the mystery of the forest than he is letting on.

The Goblins of Bellwater is a retelling of Christina Rossetti's poem, "Goblin Market." The Goblins of Bellwater takes on the overall storyline of the poem, in all of its eerily sensual glory. The author digs deeper into the story than even Rossetti did and subsequently added explanations for the goblins' existences and desires; a double romance between the sisters and two cousins; and a satisfyingly conclusive ending. The story was compelling, creative, and sensual. The imagery was stunning in the contrasts of the grotesque and the beautiful.

I really enjoyed this intriguing story. Despite my prior knowledge of the poem, the story kept me guessing. I loved the imagery the author created, perhaps most of all. I would love to see some of the scenes depicted in art. I recommend this book to adult fans of romantic fantasy.

I received a complementary copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This book was truly magical. Not just a beautiful cover it was a beautiful story. So well written I couldn't put it down. I loved everything about it and really enjoyed the characters and how they changed throughout the book.

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I love Christina Rossetti’s poem “Goblin Market” and whenever I see a retelling that reflects the original poem and its themes of sisterhood and female empowerment, I want to read it right away. So of course, when I came across The Goblins of Bellwater being a new adult, modern-day retelling of "Goblin Market," I knew I had to read it. And you guys, this book did not disappoint. 

The Goblins of Bellwater has the perfect amount of romance and fantastical elements, with a innovative contemporary storyline that parallels Rossetti's poem. I love that the author, Molly Ringle, does not romanticize the goblins. Instead, she provides them a heartbreaking backstory, but they are still ruthless creatures with greedy and uncaring intentions. 

In The Goblins of Bellwater, the four main characters all have their own well-developed personalities. Each of them are ingrained with aspirations, but these dreams are halted by goblin mayhem. I don't want to give too much away in regards to the characters and plot, but the goblins are only appeased when they are given gold or other valuable treasures. If this routine of appeasement is stopped then the goblins retaliate in the most bizarre and evil ways. Temptation is tested in this story, but I love that sisterhood and love are the empowering forces that drive these characters to go against the goblins. 

Overall, I highly recommend everyone to get tangled in this goblin-infested but love-conquers-all book. The overall story is well paced, I loved the characters, and there is a good mix of sensual romance. If you like your contemporary novels meshed with a fantasy twist, The Goblins of Bellwater is the right book for you.

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The Goblins of Bellwater was inspired by the poem: Goblin Market. I've read the poem before and liked it, which is why I was super excited to read this retelling.

While The Goblins of Bellwater contains goblins and fruit (like the poem!) there's also something called a "Goblin liaison" in the book. The goblin liaison is Kit and his job is to basically steal gold for the goblins. In return, they give him the ability to steal and not get caught. He makes it a point to invoke protection for his cousin, Grady, when he comes, but that doesn't really help. You see, the goblins have enchanted Skye, the sister of the girl who will eventually be Kit's love interest and well, one thing leads to another.

This is supposed to be a romance, which is not a genre I read often, but I found this book to be really interesting. It's obviously not for kids or teenagers (though I can't really say how explicit the romance gets because I skimmed (basically skipped) those sections), but I thought that the world building was very well-done and I'm always up for a story involving plots and loopholes and trying to outsmart crafty creatures.

Kit, Lib, Skye and Grady were all well-developed and I really liked reading their story. I thought the romance developed naturally and made sense within the plot.

If you're into fantasy, and especially if you're a fan of romance, then you'll probably enjoy this book.

Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.

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