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As much as I enjoy V.C. Andrews, Donna wasn't one of my favorite stories. I just didn't like her and could never connect with her. She came off as a know it all and I could totally understand why she was teased and picked on at school. The whole book just seemed rushed and I feel there were parts that needed expanded upon.

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This book was was a quick read but nothing that really grabbed me.

I loved that Donna was made a smart character. She unfortunately deals with what a lot of smart people may encounter. Being hated for being too smart. Thinking if you dumb yourself down, it'll make everyone like you better. Luckily Donna didn't give into that kind of pressure.

For me, it was just not long enough as I would have liked. I loved the overall idea of the book, but it just didn't give me that on the edge excitement.

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As is expected of a VC Andrews book, this follows a unique young girl and the drama that unfolds in her life. Short and sweet. Just a taste of what will come in this future series. For the most part this one was nothing particularly special, yet easy enough to read all the same. It was intriguing enough to make me want to read the others, so there's that.

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"Book Two of the Girls of Spindrift. From the New York Times bestselling author of the Flowers in the Attic and My Sweet Audrina series, now Lifetime movies, continues a haunting new series featuring highly intelligent teenage girls who struggle to survive a specialized high school and find their place in a world that doesn’t understand them."

Anyone else in for some V.C. Andrews?

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The thing that these girls have in common is their intelligence and the fact that they get picked on. Interesting how much they just try to either fit in or not be noticed. It saddens me that they get bullied because they are smart, but I know that is a jealousy thing on the others' part. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the girls when the reach this new school - Spindrift.

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A long time fan of Virginia Andrews, I jumped at the chance to read these short prequels to Bittersweet Dreams. I really enjoyed Corliss and then Donna, the first two 'Girls of Spindrift'. They really help set the scene for the main story, which I now cannot wait for! Although I obviously know they are not written by the actual Virginia Andrews, they are very much in the style I would imagine her to write in, in today's society. Four stars from purplebookstand and eagerly awaiting the main book!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy. Donna is the second book in the Girls of Spindrift series, and one of the four prequels to the Bittersweet Dreams novel, which was previously published. I haven't read Bittersweet Dreams, but don't think that's necessary in order to read the prequels. Sometimes, I find that reading the prequels first helps me understand the thoughts and actions of the characters in the main novel.

Having been a reader of V. C. Andrews since the very beginning with Flowers in the Attic, I have seen a change in the tone and content of the books with the current author. I have also aged quite a bit since then, so it's understandable that the newer books don't strike me as being as fantastic as the earlier stories. The new books don't draw me in like the Dollanganger, Casteel or Landry series once did.

It is nice to read a book about intelligent young women, it's just a shame Donna and others are ostracized for being smart. All in all, this prequel is a quick read that might make reading Bittersweet Dreams more interesting with the fleshing out of each of the main characters.

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An avid reader of V.C. Andrews books I can say I've read all the books by this author since the start with Flowers In The Attic when I was 13. Say what you want about these books but you either love this author's books or hate them. There is no middle ground here. All the books involve teenage girls involved in some sort of drama that makes you want to keep reading to see how it's resolved.
Pub Date 14 Aug 2017
Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books for a review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I was always a fan of V.C. Andrews books so I was interested when I saw they were still being "published:. This book goes with the themes I connect with V.C. Andrews. My only complaint was the story was a bit rushed and short (especially compared to the other books) but it was still well written and interesting.

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While the book was ok, I didn't realize that it was more of a short story/novella, and aimed for a younger audience. I read it mainly because of the author. I always hope to get the original V.C Andrews feeling when I read the books. I will continue to read them to chase that feeling, even though they have fell short in past few years. It is a book worth reading, and you d not have to read first one in series. I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading Corilyss I was very eager to get my hands on the next book in this series so I basically dived into Donna as soon as I possibly could and I love it . We follow Donna a girl who is very intelligent, so intelligent her school literally cant keep up with her they just have someone assign her work to do . However, on her first date something truly horrible happens an this is really what leads her to Spindrift. I loved this story and I think in many ways we all can connect with Donna, while she very intelligent she has a hard time fitting in and I think like teens is searching for to find out how she fits into this world . I loved that we actually got to Spindrift in this book and I cannot wait to find out more about this place . After reading this book Iam so very eager to get my hands on the next Girls of Spindrift novella.If you are wondering if you should pick up this book the answer is yes Iam so excited to find out more !

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I liked this one better than Corliss.
I found the story original and unlike anything I read before.

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Being released this summer from Pocket Star eBooks are the first two books in the all-new e-novella series "The Girls Of Spindrift" by V.C. Andrews, the New York Times bestselling author of Flowers in the Attic and My Sweet Audrina. There will be four e-novellas in the series, which will all form a prequel to the novel Bittersweet Dreams (2012).

CORLISS, Book One of the Girls of Spindrift, was released today! It centers on an incredibly intelligent teenager named Corliss. Despite her high IQ, she doesn't have very many friends, mostly due to her shyness and her difficulty of fitting in with the other students at the Los Angeles high school. Though she has always been known as the 'good girl" in school, Corliss gets in a bit of trouble at a school party, where a group of girls spikes her drink.

After a trip to the emergency room, which scares her parents to death, Corliss decides to get even with her classmates.

DONNA, Book Two of the Girls of Spindrift, will go on sale on August 14th! It centers on a half Latino, half Irish teenager named Donna, who is the most gifted student at her high school. Her teachers have no clue what to do with her, as it seems she always has the correct answers to every test she takes. Of course having a high IQ comes with a price, as Donna isn't very popular at school.

Out of nowhere, a boy becomes interested in Donna, which leads to her stepping outside of her comfort zone. Everything in her life seems to be perfect, well, that is until a violent confrontation rocks her world.

Final Thoughts: I vaguely remember reading Bittersweet Dreams by V.C. Andrews (aka written by the ghost writer, Andrew Neiderman). I had to go back and reread my original review to refresh my memory. Let's just say my thoughts weren't exactly kind about the novel, though I was probably nitpicking a bit too much at the time. The novel centered on a gifted teenager named Mayfair Cummings. Despite being smart, she was the outcast of her class. She never really felt loved, well, until her teacher, Mr. Taylor, started to give her some romantic attention. The novel ended with Mayfair being sent to a private school for the gifted called Spindrift. There she's introduced to a few other students, including Corliss and Donna.

Like Bittersweet Dreams, The Girls Of Spindrift are written for a Young Adult audience. The Gothic-tone that filled the pages of the 'real' V.C. Andrew's writings are long gone now. However, both CORLISS and DONNA aren't exactly a waste of time to read. At under 70 pages, both titles are really quick reads. Both are written in the point-of-view of the titles' characters, making the narrations flow nicely. Yes, the plots are thin, but that's to be expected with the shorten page count. Basically, you get a brief background story about the other girls at Spindrift. I wondering if there is going to be a future sequel novel (or novels) that takes place at Spindrift, as we (us readers) only get a glimpse of what life is like at the school.

Overall, The Girls Of Spindrift Books 1 & 2 are average coming-to-age stories. While diehard Flowers of the Attic fans might be slightly disappointed by the way these two stories are written, young readers and/or fans of Bittersweet Dreams will be probably enjoy them more.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Erica – ☆☆☆☆☆
5 Gimme More stars

Reading Donna on the heels of Corliss added to the overall experience. Donna's introduction flowed more smoothly with the added information from the first serial in the prequels.

Donna is other. That's the only way to describe it. Her mind works so differently than what society calls the norm, that there is no gauge of understanding. Legally obligated to go to school, Donna does independent study all day in a private room in the library, in what used to be the in-school suspension room (from what I gathered). She is more removed from her peers than Corliss was in this regard, as she goes all day without interacting with anyone.

Added to her otherness is the fact that she is mixed heritage – a Latina with an Irish mother. Not only is she fighting the fact that she doesn't have the foundation most teenagers do with their peer group – friends and classmates – she's not enough of either heritage to fit in, and is bullied because of it. Donna's classmates think she feels above them, but she doesn't. Her intelligence is a cross she bears – a curse.

Donna has a friend/savior/guy who wants to date her. He's sweet and genuine, and I felt the emotions Donna portrayed realistic and not at all forced in so few pages. But, for Donna, there is a war waging between her mind and her heart. With an intellect so powerful, emotions confuse the teenage girl. Emotions aren't rational. Love can't be measured. In this prequel, that was a powerful message.

Life changes quickly in the blink of an eye, and this is no different for Donna. I was pleased that the reader was able to visit Spindrift for a few pages, as well as see Corliss there.

At the end, the overall emotion I am feeling is gimme more. But the other two serials aren't available, and it's going to take all of my self-restraint not to purchase Bittersweet Dreams, which is the full-length novel these four prequels are based upon. I will be patient. I will wait. I will read the prequels first for optimum reading fulfillment. Maybe.

Young Adult Age-Range: 12+ Kissing and violence.

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The second book in the new series, The Girls of Spindrift, this book introduces us to Donna, another very gift young lady. She is super intelligent. She has a hard time getting along with people, especially the kids at her school. A counselor suggests she attend Spindrift. A good storyline to introduce the new character. The characters in this book are very well developed and are very realistic. I enjoyed this one and am looking forward to #3.

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Better than Corliss!
Though this one also brought both novellas together.
I liked Donna. I like that she's a wiz. I like the sounds of Spindrift Academy too! Sounds like a school filled with the most interesting students and staff alike. So much so, that I can't wait to read more from this series.
A definite good start to the series!

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Donna by V C Andrews.
A fantastic read with brilliant characters. This is a second book in a series. I loved corliss which was book 1. And donna was fantastic too. Donna is a gifted child. At school she is separated from the other girls. Her counsellor suggest her going to a mysterious school spindrift. I loved donna. But not the other girls. Can't wait to read more from this series. 5*. Netgalley and gallery, threshold, pocket books.

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Donna is a high school student has always had it a bit difficult being different from her peers since she has a Latino father and Irish mother. Add to the things for the other kids to hold against her Donna is also very gifted being smarter than all of the other kids and most adults.

Donna has never fit in and often gets blamed for all that goes wrong but she’s taken upon herself to try at least to join in with the other kids her age. Donna’s attempt at being a normal teenager however turns into disaster when a fight breaks out and it’s her word against the others as to what happened.

Donna is the second book in the Girls of Spindrift series by V.C. Andrews. The series is a set of novellas that are prequels to the book Bittersweet Dreams which has already been published. I have not yet read Bittersweet Dreams myself but I don’t believe it would necessary to have done so to understand this novella, it seems to be mainly some character building for what would be coming in Bittersweet Dreams.

As with the first novella in this series Donna’s story seemed to be rushed through to fit into novella length leading me to wish the stories would be a bit longer and more detailed to get to know the characters. I suppose these fit as an OK introduction to characters that will be expanded on in the later book but the stories seem to jump into the event that sends the girls to leave for the school awfully quickly which leaves me wanting more into their lives and who they are.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Classic VC Andrews.

Enjoyed greatly. Donna is another dark, twisty tale that grips your heart.

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**I received an ARC to read and review courtesy of NetGalley

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Donna, the second novella in the Spindrift Series by VC Andrews.

Donna, a naive high school student that struggled to fit in with her peers, was often referred to as a genious. Many picked on her or did their best to single her out because of her intelligence, when all she wanted was to be normal like everyone else. Greg, the one true friend of hers, ends up in a life threatening situation because of Donna, and she makes the decision to leave home so that Greg isn't put in harms way again.

Though this story is fast-paced, I could feel the tension and heartache of Donna. Her struggles were real and relatable. The development of her character is superb and I can't wait to read more about Spindrift, the new school that she'll be attending as well as the others that she'll meet there. I'm also curious to see how, or if, she is reconnected with Greg again as well as the outcome involving Greg's incident at the beach involving Mateo.

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