Member Reviews

This book is about: navigating the times and raising a generation of men on godly principles—sons who are ready, able, and motivated to represent God during their days of sojourn on this earth. The hope is that through generational transmission, the promises of God will extend to the third and fourth generation…and beyond.

Parents will be equipped to:

Envision their son’s future every day Set his spiritual trajectory Build a home that builds godly men Address the rebellion in their son’s him to face the world and contribute to it Help their son toward a right view of play and leisure Navigate the teenage years
There is an epidemic of grown men with the maturity of young boys. Be a parent who saves your child from prolonged adolescence. Scripture says, “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him” (Prov. 23:24). Children are a gift from the Lord. Read Raising Men, Not Boys to steward the gift of parenting, and shepherd your sons to be men of God.

This is a good book with a lot of valuable advice.

Available Editions
EDITION Paperback
ISBN 9780802416575
PRICE $14.99 (USD)
Available on NetGalley

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This book gave me a great future glimpse in raising sons. I appreciated all the advice, as I'm someone who is very practically minded. I loved that this book told me exactly what to do without a lot of fluff.

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The danger of reading a book like Raising Men, Not Boys: Shepherding Your Sons to Be Men of God after your sons are pretty much grown is that you might end up thinking, "Ugh, there is so much that I could have and should have done differently." The good news for me, whose sons are 17 and 19, is that my boys are godly young men, so I must have done something right. The good news for dads of younger boys is that pastor Mike Fabarez has provided a guide for getting there.

Raising Men, Not Boys gives clear direction without condemnation, lifestyle guidelines without onerous strictness. You can't talk about raising kids without some nod toward rules, but Fabarez makes it clear that he is not a legalist, especially not in a theological sense. "Good behavior as a means to gaining or keeping a relationship with God is offensive to God, but good behavior done to please God by those who are in relationship with him is prized by God."

Besides cultivating a heart that leans toward obedience, Fabarez provides strong, practical tips for parenting boys. Promote physical activity, instill a solid work ethic, promote wise financial choices, learn balance in entertainment choices. All told, Fabarez isn't particularly innovative in his guidance and recommendations. But he provides wisdom and very practical, applicable suggestions that you can immediately implement, all under a broad attitude of living in godliness. One of his themes is that we must model behaviors we expect our sons to emulate. Being a dad isn't easy. Fabarez gives help and hope for shaping godly men.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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How can I raise a true Man of God today? Raising Men, Not Boys: Shepherding Your Sons to be Men of God by Mike Fabarez attempts to answer that question. There has never been a more difficult time to raise boys into Godly men. The author is a pastor and a father of two sons, both grown. He provides general principles of how to train your boys spiritually, teach responsibility, and prepare them for going out on their own one day. I loved how the author gives general principles as well as specific ideas that parents can implement immediately. I highly recommend this book to anyone raising a boy today. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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I love this book for more than one reason. The author is direct. His theology is based on Bible verses and does not speak his own mind.
I think this iS A GREAT resource for parents that struggle to raise boys that become men. We struggle with today's culture and rolemodels, we want to teach tham what God wants from then and show them the reality as it is, so we use every resources we could find. This book is a great tool in raising our boys the way God wants.

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As the mother of sons, and one who only had sisters, I often find myself struggling to know exactly how to go about raising and disciplining boys in a way that is most effective. This book offers up solid advice, as well as the theories behind it, for raising real men. This is a challenge that's especially difficult for single mothers, as most of the book is geared toward dads, but there is advice for them, too. I would have liked to see more advice specifically for moms, but understand that dads play the most crucial role in demonstrating how to be a real man.

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