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The Hidden Secrets of Water

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*I received this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Water has been a known vital source for human life since the beginning of time. It is so important, that when scientists look at other planets one of the key things they search for is if water is there because if it does, then hypothetical, life could as well. However, how can a simple molecule of 2 parts Hydrogen to 1 part Oxygen hold such my weight in the world? In the Hidden Secrets of Water by Paolo Consigli, the author delves deep into the power of this simplistics yet complex molecule and gives readers an eye opening experience into how impactful water is in our everyday lives - not just literally but also figuratively.

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Very interesting book. Although I know how important water is to us, I never really thought about it in the way the author explains. It is so vital to our health and spiritual health as well. Highly recommend it.

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At the moment I will only give a rating to the book and I hope it is possible for me to write down my reviews on Amazon. Barnes and Noble and Goodreads. I am very grateful to you because your publications are great, especially in the topics that interest me most. Thanks and blessings.

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A heavy read about the secrets of Water. Discussing Water from its molecular, scientific, and spiritual states was at times like reading an encyclopedia about a topic that is at its core- undefinable. Explaining Water in all these states leaves the reader with an appreciation of this elusive element. Talks on our Aquatic ancestors, big bang, dowsing, physiology, and countless others was an extremely deep and rich exploration of something that is so ingrained in our being- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and beyond. Water is everywhere, it’s ephemeral, wise, needed, wanted, mysterious, and un-explainable. The Secret History of Water was a passionate and poetic analysis of this strange and yet beautiful substance. The more we learn about ourselves and the universe, the more we will be able to unlock more of its secrets.

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A very practical and informative navigation of the ever elusive understanding of water and life itself. A comprehensive study of probably the most mysterious substances in the universe. 6/10

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Book: “The Hidden Secrets of Water: Discovering the powers of the magical molecule of life,” by Paolo Consigli, MD

Book Review by Mary Mikawoz

I feel as if I am reading the author's Ph.D dissertation. It is extensive and long on such a subject as water. It covers nearly every possible angle and objective. It is interesting to read such an extensive account of water. There are many things one does not think of.

The book covers chaos theory and string theory. It covers quantum theory to ancient Chinese medicine to Ayurvedic philosophies and systems. It covers the fact that the Earth as well as the body is 70% water. It covers fractals and other patterns. It covers how water is related to the Aquatic Ape - possibly a predecessor to human beings in the past. It covers consciousness and how it is found in all of the body and not just the brain of the person even though 80% of the brain is made of water.

Here is an interesting quote from Felix Franks: “Without water, it is all chemistry. Add water and you get biology.” There is much more information regarding water and DNA and other biological functions available in this book.

It continues to discuss Masaru Emoto and his photography of water at minus 20 degrees celsius. Depending upon the source of the water whether clean or polluted determines if beautiful crystals appear. As well, even simply writing a positive word on a paper beside the water or playing nice orchestral music determines a beautiful crystal as opposed to violent, negative words and jarring music. It is as if the water has a conscious soul. As we are 70% water ourselves, Emoto is convinced our bodies go through the same reaction to positive and negative energy and so the mind-body connection is made or psychophysical health is made.

Today's physicists see the world as composed of “minuscule vibratory entities that resemble strings which augment the complexity of information, and of probable events that mutate and evolve uninterruptedly.”

Further “Intelligence needs experience in order to become wisdom. And wisdom needs the word in order to be transmitted.”

Lao Tze teaches: “It is a simple prescription for those who feel lost, without any purpose in life, drowned by existential doubt: establish a relationship with water.” It is soft yet can go through something hard like rock. It is fluid. It is all encompassing. It is organic and yet inorganic. It is unitary in nature. It is one.

Water is incredible. Water is used to heal the body both internally and externally. The Appendix covers this topic at length. Thassolotherapy is the use of sea water for healing. It is a good book and well thought out. It is, like I said before, extensive. I enjoyed it but am glad I have completed this nearly 400 page book.

Tags: water, chaos theory, string theory, quantum physics, Masoro Emoto, water crystals, Lao Tze, thassolotherapy, hydrotherapy, DNA, dissertation, vibrations, molecules, atoms, H2O

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