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Ready to Run

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I loved this book and I love the idea of the topic of this book. I would diffidently watch it if it were a true TV show.
Small towns are something I dream of someday living in. When I drive through one, I just sigh. So I can feel Jordan's need of getting back to one. And Luke is the typical small town Hero that I picture when I think of them.
I can not wait for the next book, where we get a taste of the Jilted TV show.

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Note: I received a copy of this book via Negalley in exchange for an honest review.

It's not secret that Lauren Layne is one of my favorite authors. I was immediately intrigued by the idea of having a series that is The Bachelor meets Runaway Bride. Since LL was the one doing it, I knew it would be good. And she definitely didn't disappoint.

Ready to Run was the perfect mix of light yet emotional. Jordan was a smart, strong female MC and Luke was a perfect counterpart. I liked that Jordan was career oriented and driven. It was nice to see a female MC that wasn't guy crazy or only focused on getting married. And I loved that even though Luke wasn't the nicest to Jordan, he really was the quintessential nice guy.

The tension between these two was awesome, and the romance was a slow build. My only complaint was at the end in how Jordan and Luke fought before finally getting their HEA. This fell a little flat for me and I was disappointed in what happened and how it was resolved. I felt like Jordan let Luke get away with a bit much. However, this hardly spoiled the story or my enjoyment.

Now I find myself anxiously awaiting the rest of the books in this series.

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Ready To Run was what I have come to expect when I pick up a Lauren Layne book. This book was fun, sexy, entertaining and overall swoony.

Ready To Run is the first book in Lauren’s newest Series…..I Do, I Don’t. I can already tell this is going to be a great series. This was definitely a strong start.

This book was engaging and I loved the storyline. I loved the premise of the story is based off the movie The Runaway Bride and the tv show The Bachelor, but Lauren gave it her own special touch to make this story especially unique. I think everyone will fall in love with this book. The characters were great!! They were funny, lovable and down to earth. Lauren made me wish I was living in Lucky Hollow. I thought this story flowed perfectly and that the pace of the storyline worked really well. Lauren kept some secrets hidden throughout the story to keep the readers attention.

What happens when a “City Girl” meets the small town “ Country Boy”??

Well let me tell you…. SPARKS start to fly. Both in the bedroom and out. But I will say this, not everything is what you think. I loved unraveling both Jordan and Luke’s stories. Both were heartbreaking for different reasons. I also loved watching these two characters open themselves up and their hearts up to finding love again.

I truly fell in love with this couple. But I also fell in love with all the secondary characters we met in this story. All of Luke’s friends and family were great supports especially for Jordan.

So if you are looking for that fun, sexy and truly entertaining romance story between two people who are different but so much the same, this is the book to read. If you are already a fan of Lauren Layne’s books, you don’t want to miss this GEM of a story. Definitely one I would recommend to everyone!!!!

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I love this!! I'll post a review closer to release day.

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Such a cute story! The perfect mix of rugged and sweet. Cute plot and character development.

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Ready to Run follows Jordan Carpenter, a producer for a show called Jilted. Jilted is an upcoming show; it’s about men who have left women at the alter looking for love, a.k.a. The Bachelor with a twist. When she finds the perfect candidate in Luke Elliot she decides to drive to Montana to convince him to join the show.

Luke has left 3 women at the alter, and as you could imagine, he wants no part in TV show that would air out all his dirty laundry. He loves his small-town life and his career as a firefighter, he has no interest in being on TV.

This was such a breezy read. However, the characters here were not my favorite. I am so used to falling head over heels for Layne’s characters in her Oxford series and Sex, Love & Stiletto series so I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t in Ready to Run. I don’t know if the story was too short and the two main characters didn’t have time to fully develop or if I just couldn’t connect to them. But something didn’t fully click for me.

I will say I am more excited about the second book, Runaway Groom, than I was for this one. The Bachelor/Bachelorette is my guilty pleasure, okay? Like two seasons ago I decided to watch it because there was nothing else on TV and I got hooked. I hate it but it happened. So I’m excited for Runaway Groom because it will actually take place on the set of the show and follow the contestant of it.

While this wasn’t my favorite Lauren Layne book it was by no means a bad one. This was a very quick and easy read, and it was a nice change of pace from the past few weeks of just reading textbooks for my exams.

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Very cute concept of a story and I loved both the main characters and the rest of the sub characters as well. I'm looking forward to reading more of the I Do, I Don't series by Lauren Layne. Ready to Run was well written and scored high on my list of favorite books of the season so far for me. This author is quickly becoming an auto buy author. I wish there was slightly more angst towards the end only because that's my personal favorite category but it was probably the right amount for most readers. I appreciate the opportunity to read the book and thank Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a honest review. Goodreads review link to follow soon.

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Ready to Run is a fun, sweet read! It is one of my favorite books I have read this year.

Jordan travels to Montana to try to recruit firefighter Luke for her new reality show Jilted. She thinks Luke would be perfect for the show because he is known as a runaway groom with 3 failed weddings. Luke is resistant to being on Jilted and annoyed that everyone in town seems to love Jordan.

One of the best parts of this book is the dual narration. I like getting to see the guy's perspective, and Lauren Layne did a great job with Jordan and Luke's personalities/internal thoughts as they deal with their own struggles and attraction to each other.

While I know the next book in the series focuses on the show Jilted, I am would love to see more stories focused on the town of Lucky Hollow. Luke's friends and family added a lot of fun and hilarious moments.

Definitely recommend Ready to Run if you are looking for a book with humor and romance!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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i love every book written by this amazing author. This story did not disappoint. just the right amount of romance and wit.

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Wonderful start to a new series from Layne. She is becoming one of my favorite authors with each book. Never lost interest in any of her books. Impatiently waiting for the next one to see what it will bring. Im sure that it will bring a lot of laughs and romance.

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Oh Lauren Layne, how I love your heros. Let me count the ways.
1. Hunky Firefighter
2. Sexy and sweet
3. Willing to take one for a friend, and then another one and another one
4. Jaded, but hopeful

And then there is the heroine.
1. Beautiful (of course)
2. Genuinely nice
3. Driven and ambitious, but full of heart too
4. A small town girl at heart with real pain in her past

These two are a HEA waiting to happen and Lauren does it up right. There's a bump or two, but this one is worth the ride.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGallery, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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A really sweet, funny summer read.

My first Lauren Layne read but most certainly wont be my last.

I've read a few books with this trope this year and I have to say this is one of the best. Jordan isn't the most likeable of characters, but I did feel she did a decent job of redeeming herself by the end of the book.

Overall a great read that left me smiling.

4.5 stars

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This was yet another great book by Lauren Layne. I've read many of her other series, so I jumped at the chance to read this one. Although the premise behind the book didn't draw me in right away (I don't like The Bachelor or reality shows involving matchmaking), I'm glad I gave it a fair chance.

Jordan Carpenter is a former small-town girl living in NYC and working for a TV network. They're trying to start the next big realty series that puts a spin on The Bachelor - this time with a guy who has a history of leaving women at the altar. She caught wind of a hot firefighter from Montana, Luke Elliot, who has failed to marry 3 women on his wedding day. He ignores all of her emails and phone calls, so she ventures off to Montana to try and bring in her prey.

Now, I didn't particularly like Jordan at first. She was kind of pushy/aggressive in her pursuit of Luke. I know she was just doing her job, but she took out the compassion and feelings part of the equation. It wasn't until she became entwined with the town that she remembered her small town roots and learned some manners and tact. Of course, it didn't hurt that Luke was hot and she wanted him.

Luke was quiet and reserved initially. He wasn't willing to budge at all when Jordan started pestering him. I admired his strong convictions to not throw any of his exes under the bus or rehash his past. But he kept mum for so long that he ended up hurting Jordan in the end (I really hated him during his big blow up scene since he said a lot of hurtful things). He eventually gave into his attraction to Jordan and they began a relationship for a short while. Then he gets angry and she leaves, no surprise there. It was nice to see that he wasn't such the bad guy after all and was a really sweet and sensitive man (unless Jordan made him mad).

Of course, they get their HEA and it's sweet and completely predictable. I loved how the townsfolk embraced Jordan and made her feel like one of them. The ladies were sweet and added some humor to the book with their meddling ways. And who can forget Simon - he was awesome and a breath of fresh air!

I'd recommend this book if you're looking for a feel-good story with a HEA set in small-town America.

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When I pick up a Lauren Layne book, I automatically know I'm in for something good. Ready to Run was no exception. Luke Elliott made me tingle. I loved how down to earth he was. He was such a gentleman, I found myself falling in love with him right along with Jordan. I wanted his breakfasts and runs by the lake and mornings with him. Jordan wanted them, too. She just had a hard time coming to terms with that. I'll admit, there were moments where I wasn't crazy about her, but other times, I wanted to be friends with her. Great start to a new series. I'm looking forward to more.

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Ready to Run is the first of Lauren Layne's new series about a reality TV dating show about men who have left their brides at the altar and I am here for it. As the producer of Jilted, Jordan Carpenter thinks she has found the perfect man to be the star of her new TV show. There's only one problem: Luke Elliot, a ridiculously hot (pun intended) firefighter from small town Montana, wants nothing to do with the show...or her.

Luke has everything a good romance hero should have. He's smart, successful, kind, and strong enough to hold Jordan up against a wall when he finally kisses her. For her part, Jordan is a former Kansas girl who has given up small town life for NYC and Louboutins, but she can still beat Luke at the kissing booth at the county fair.

Listen, if you don't appreciate a good enemies to lovers troupe like the one in Ready to Run I don't know what to do with you.

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Luke has been a reluctant run away groom three times. This is why Jordan has been sent to the small town he lives in to get him to participate in a new reality TV show called Jilted. Luke is a private person who just wants the City girl to leave him alone but there's something special about that girl.... Sweet romance.

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**Advanced copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Ready to Run is a great start to Lauren Layne's new I Do, I Don't series. The book is lighthearted, fun and the writing is great. I was drawn into the story from the very beginning and I'm really glad I took the chance on this one!

Television producer Jordan Carpenter and her colleagues feel like they have come up with what will be the next great reality show hit. A cross between The Bachelor and The Runaway Bride, they are ready to move forward with the concept, but first they have to find a lead. After reading an article about a fireman in Montana who has left not one, but three women at the alter, Jordan is certain they have found their guy. After reaching out several times via email and voicemail with no response with her co-worker Simon in tow, Jordan heads West to find the man in person.

Luke Elliott has had a rough love life to say the least, but he's trying to put it all behind him and move on with his life. He's concentrating on his work at the firehouse, he's hanging out with is friends and enjoying what has become of his life. When Luke encounters the towns newest visitor, he quickly realizes this is the woman that has been trying to get in touch with him that he has been purposely ignoring. What he can't ignore when he comes face to face with Jordan is how unbelievably beautiful she is and how incredible she looks in those stiletto's she's always wearing.

While Luke wants nothing to do with Jordan's offer, which he makes very clear to her, she keeps showing up everywhere he is. While they are in a small town, it seems like she's constantly in his face and he just wants to put everything behind him and move on, not be the subject of a national television show. Will Jordan be able to wear Luke down and get him to do the show or will she realize that there might be more to the story?

I really enjoyed this book and as I said before it is a great start to the new series. I am really anxious to read the next book in the series based on the tease we got at the end of this one!

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4.5 stars.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Any book written by Lauren Layne is a no-brainer automatic YES read for me, as I love her writing so much.
She especially has a talent for these fun and lighthearted romances-and this book is a great start to the series.
Loved the storyline- about a reality TV producer seeking out and falling for her would-be star, a Montana heartthrob who wants absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming show. Which is sort of a hybrid version of "The Bachelor meets The Runaway Bride".
Loved the chemistry between Jordan and Luke- it was perfect reading, so satisfying.
Most importantly though for me is that- there are ZERO scenes of said (sappy) reality show and that this is in fact more a small town romance where a city girl meets a small town boy and it definitely has all the "feels" I associate with and love about this sort of romance.

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I love a good, easy romance and this little story definitely filled those blanks for me.

Jordan heads to a small town in Montana to persuade local boy Luke to be on her television show to help Luke find the one...considering he's left three brides at the altar. Luke just wants Jordan to go away, but the whole town loves her and she's determined to stay until she wins him over too.

The banter and chemistry in this book is great. They are both clearly attracted to each other, but not in an insta-love kind of way. These are two adults with some issues to work through and some truths to be told.

I loved reading Jordan's POV as she learned things about Luke, especially learning them from his exes. While Jordan still has her own thoughts about Luke, you can see how her heart changes toward him. It's the same with Luke as he gets to know and, eventually, fall in love with Jordan.

Things do get steamy, but not raunchy. After, Luke and Jordan obviously grow closer and the whole town seems to be rooting for them. There's drama, of course, but in the long run everything turns out okay. The story is sweet and the two of them really seem to get each other.

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This book was sweet and a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the next in the series.

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