Member Reviews

I always look forward to these Buzz Books. They provide an invaluable preview of the best books coming up soon. Such a great idea to be able to read an extended excerpt.

The Buzz Books editions are a great way to read book excerpts and also get excited about upcoming books!

This was a good preview of the all the books that were going on shelves in July 2017. Comprehensive and I found a lot of the books I ended up loving through this one! Worth the read.

I tried a couple of these monthly Buzz Books but they were a bit too short for my liking. I'm always very excited for the seasonal Buzz Books, but this format works less well for me.

Fantastic as always! Sorry I forgot to rate this earlier, but I am still working off the list and enjoying may of the titles!. Keep them coming! Thanks!

I have just realised that I have a number of Buzz publications that I haven't reviewed. They are holding back my Feedback Ratio, so I thought I should 'review' them.
I used to enjoy these regular updates on new authors and publications but I guess times have moved on and we now have the e mail version.
Miss you Buzz Monthly, RIP.

The July 2017 book buzz was a lot of fun. I found many books that I ended up purchasing and reviewing and loving. It was really a great look into what was to come for July.

I must say, I didn't realize I still had this book in my tbr pile on my kindle.
Naturally, now that I have read it, my list has grown.
I have already read Final Girls by Riley Sager- which- if you haven't, and you love suspense, do it. It is edge-of-you-seat-fantastic. And while you are at it, pick up Fierce Kingdom! I had no idea that I could find myself getting nervous reading a book that takes place in a zoo, but goodness was I scared for that mom!!!
The book that most held my attention in this edition of Buzz Books was Goodbye, Vitamin, which, likely you have heard of. This book has been on my radar for a while, so I was thrilled to read the preview. Interesting, attention grabbing first sentences are often enough for me to decide that I need to read a book. This was no exception. "Tonight a man found Dad's pants in a tree that was lit with still-hanging Christmas lights". And it just got better from there. I love family dramas and this promises to be a juicy one. I am excited to read all about Ruth's experience taking care of her father (and his crazy tree pants?!)

I appreciate being able to preview upcoming titles and the ability to request digital copies. Thank you.

This unbeatable resource showcases fresh new emerging writing talent as well as those we already know and love. The excerpts are exclusive and it is easy to request a title via the links provided.

Thanks for putting this together. Great compilation of upcoming books. I always appreciate these. I love that you include excerpts of a selections of books.

Great sampler, thanks for the opportunity to see what's coming up.

Always look forward to reading this monthly and finding out what is coming up!

What’s not to love about Buzz Books? I only discovered them this year and do I wish I could go back in time and access prior year editions. Well, yes I do! I read the Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer editions and then saw that monthly editions would now be available. So I said to myself while jumping up and down for joy, who could ask for anything more! This is by far the best way to get a sampling of new books, new authors and even new genres that I probably, foolishly, skipped over before. I just finished reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips which made my TBR list thanks to this edition of Buzz Books. A great story that I thoroughly enjoyed. Run don’t walk across the internet to get ahold of Buzz Books! I don’t think you could possibly be disappointed.
Thanks to Publishers Lunch and NetGalley for this edition of Buzz Books in exchange for an honest review.

This series has become my favorite "series"to read. I love getting a chance to meet new authors and getting to read an excerpt of their book. I always find more than I should books I want to read. The book pile beside my chair is growing. If you haven't read this yet, do. You don't know what you are missing!

This is a great collection of excerpts of upcoming books for the month of July 2017.
It contains an introduction followed by a section with a list of anticipated debut fiction, commercial fiction, and nonfiction titles. Then it has a section of "Week by Week" title releases and at the end some book excerpts that were originally published in Buzz Books 2017: Spring/Summer. I particularly enjoyed the excerpts for FINAL GIRLS by Riley Sager and GOODBYE, VITAMIN by Rachel Khong.
Overall, a great list of upcoming books for the month of July 2017.

I absolutely love these book buzz previews. Helps to preview what is coming and quickens my pulse as I look forward to some of my anticipated reads. Keep them coming!

This guide to the month's latest releases is always useful!

I wish there were more excerpts that hadnt been published before. There was nothing new for me this time around.

I am in love with Buzz Books monthly. Not only do you get to read exclusive excerpts, there are also details about a ton of other books be published the same month. This made it easy to make a list of books that I want to check out. I really enjoyed reading the excerpts and found some new authors to look out for.