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Unshakeable Trust

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Man, Joyce Meyer does it again. This is a wonderful book and for me especially appropriate at these times we are all going through. I also received the study guide which was the perfect companion and just helped me get even more from the book

**I received a copy from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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For fans of Joyce Meyer, this book does not disappoint. This book is filled with biblical insight and wisdom. Joyce has a way of explaining things in a very easy to understand way. If you are struggling with trusting in God's word, this book will be beneficial to you. It's not always easy to trust God for things when we think we can do it ourselves, but this book helps the reader to know that trusting in God is not only possible, but it helps you realize you can't do it any other way but to trust.

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Unshakeable Trust Is an incredible book on trust in GOD. As Joyce Myers puts in the book, "he who puts his trust in the LORD will be safe." Proverbs 29:27. Now how can you beat being safe by trusting in the LORD? You need to turn all your worries over to JESUS - HIS yoke is easy and HIS burden is light - HE can take anything you are going through on HIS shoulders - you just have to give it to HIM and then let the HOLY SPIRIT give you a Peace that passes all understanding. When you do this your worries and anxieties go a way. We just have to do it - it is a hard thing to do, but I have faith in you - you can do it - you can!

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What I like about Joyce's books is that she very relatable. She shares her struggles with readers and is down to earth. This is another example of Joyce's gift of explaining/sharing God's word. She iMeyers a true joy to read. If you like daily devotionals, I would recommend "Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotionals" which is also by Joyce . It's my favorite way to end the day.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

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Joyce Meyer is an author who has experience in what she writes. I am learning to trust and seek God in everything that I do. Reading this book has helped me draw closer to him. We were made to trust in God even if we don't understand it all. In fact, we may never understand but we are to trust that he knows best for our lives. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read another encouraging book.

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When you're a young child it is easy to trust. Your innocent, naive, and trusting someone comes naturally. It's not until someone betrays that trust that you begin to adopt an untrusting stance. It's a defense mechanism. You've been hurt before and you do not want to have to endure that hurt ever again. So, you build emotional walls and live a guarded life, trusting no one.

In Unshakeable Trust, Joyce Meyer dives deep into the many facets of the concept of trust, and shows you that there is true joy when you put all of your trust in God "at all times, in all things."

"Trust is dependent on what we know about the character of the one being trusted. If we cannot believe that person is good, just, kind, loving, and trustworthy, then we cannot put our confidence in them."

None of us are perfect. We've all fallen, all sinned, and have all had instances in our lives where we could not trust or could not be trusted ourselves. We live in a fallen world, there is always going to be someone that burns you at one time or another, but there is One that we can put our absolute trust in every moment of every day and He will never fail us: Jesus.

Joyce does an incredible job of reminding her readers just how trustworthy Jesus is. This book is immersed in Biblical references that are on the subject of trust. After doing a quick search myself I realized that the word TRUST in mentioned in the Bible between 150-180 times. We need to trust!

Sprinkled throughout the book, Joyce encourages you to do certain tasks that will help you on your journey to trusting the Lord. With what I'm going through personally in my life right now the reminder of trust is incredibly important. I must remember that my future is secure as I put my trust in the Lord and His plans for my life.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11

I highly recommend Unshakeable Trust for everyone but especially if you are in a season, like I am, where trust can be incredibly hard. It's a wonderful reminder of where to put your trust and that you can find joy, by trusting, even in your darkest times.

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Classis Joyce Meyer...real...raw...and and to the point. Five Stars.

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This book taught me to trust God in a practical way. It helped me remove barriers that were keeping me from truly trusting Him in every aspect of my life.

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I love everything Joyce Meyers and this book did not disappoint. I will be buying a hard copy for my library.

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Joyce always has a right word in season. As always, she shares practical and powerful truths that encourage and inspire the reader and helps clearly define what it means to trust God wholeheartedly in every area of life. This book is a must-read for everyone and would make a great gift idea for the holidays.

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Finding joy no matter what your circumstances is a tough thing to do, but Joyce Meyer is such a gifted teacher and points us back to God and His goodness no matter what is going on around us. This is a great book for anyone going through hard times. Very encouraging and a great reminder that we're not alone.

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Joyce Meyer is an inspiration. I watch her teachings on television and was excited to read her new book. Speaking for myself, I need the reminder and encouragement she offers in trusting God and God alone. Joyce talks about dealing with hurt and disappointment, about having patience, and being kind to others while placing your hopes in God. She presents the message of trust in her straightforward, tell it like it is, and easy to grasp style. She answered many of the questions we all have and mentors her readers in holding on to trust. I felt comforted while reading her words and a boost of confidence. A great read that I highly recommend.

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A perfect book for this time in our life.
Most people I know are struggling with anxiety, worry, stress and it just boils down to trying to do it all ourselves. We have such issues trusting anyone. Including God. I know I do.

This has been a perfect book/study for me right now. Knowing I don't have to do it all is fine. I just needed someone to remind me of that with scripture to back it up. That's what this book does.
It's easier for me to let go and breath a little knowing God has it all in His hands. I need these scriptures and wisdom in my life to point to when I can feel the anxiety creeping back up my shoulders.

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Wonderful book by Joyce Meyer's to help with one's Walk with God. Very easy to follow and even more awesome with the workbook. Thank you Joyce Meyer's for helping us with our daily walk with our Heavenly Father. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review.

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Unshakeable Trust

Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things

by Joyce Meyer

FaithWords / Center Street



Pub Date 12 Sep 2017

I am reviewing a copy of Unshakable Trust through FaithWords/Center Street and Netgalley:

New York Times best selling author, and popular evangelical Christian speaker Joyce Meyers reminds us of the importance of trusting God in every aspects of our lives, she points out that Trusting God is one of the best ways to honor him.

Meyer points out that Trust enables us to live without weights, burdens or care because it gives us a confidence that another will deal with those things for us. She goes on to remind us that we can drop our burdens at this very moment.

In the book we are reminded that Trust is confidence in the one who is trusted. Meyer's goes on to highlight the importance of trusting God to help us do our best, and then trusting God to do the rest. We are reminded too that God always has our best interest in his thoughts and plans for us. She goes on to remind us that If we cannot have what we want without peace of mind, then it is probably not worth having.

We are reminded too that there is a difference between my being dissapointed and God dissapointing me. We are reminded too that we should plan for something unplanned everyday.

Another important reminder is for us not to assume that just because someone hurt us, that everyone will hurt us. We are reminded too God not only heals us, but he restores the lost years of our lives as well, and that Trusting Hod is the beginning of all healing. We are reminded too that God does not give up on us. It is also pointed out that God only leads those who truly want his guidance. It is also pointed out that a Little obedience mixed in with a lot of disobedience will still equal an unpleasant life.

We are also warned not to make the mistake of thinking we have to many problems of our own to help others. The author tells us that it is through doing good deeds we will recognize that we belong to God. It is also pointed out that love finds a way to agree; it does not for things to disagree about and that love is nota feeling we have, but a choice we make about how we treat people, and that a joyous and meaningful life is not found in what we get, but instead it is found in what we give.

It is wise that we know our weaknesses and lean on God to give us the strength so we do not give in to them. It is also important to trust God through all times. Meyer's reminds us that patience allows us to enjoy life while we wait. We are reminded too that Trust requires unanswered questions.

I give Unshakable Trust five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things by Joyce Meyer is a highly recommended guide to encourage you to trust God with everything.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Joyce Meyer writes in the opening: From the very beginning of this book, I want to emphasize that trust is not an obligation that we owe God; it is a privilege that He makes available to us. We are invited to trust God, and by doing so, we open the door to a life of peace, joy, and fruitfulness. When we mix a healthy portion of trusting God into everything that we do, it enables us to live without worry, anxiety, fear, reasoning, or debilitating stress.

It is difficult to trust, especially if your trust has ever been broken, and without a doubt it has because we have all had our trust broken in big and small matters. A broken trust reinforces our tendency to be independent and self-reliant. That is the root of what makes it a struggle to let go of our control and trust God. The thing we need to remember is that learning to trust God is never going to result in disappointment - people, yes, but never God. And, beyond a very basic general trust we need to strive to trust God in every area of our lives: spiritual, relational, emotional, and financial.

Meyers teaches in each chapter, with numerous examples from her own life and the Bible, that we can set the pain and circumstances of our past behind, delve into the Word of God, and start trusting the Lord with all our hearts. This will result in a life that can withstand difficult trials while filled with grace and joy. Certainly I can give examples from my own life where I placed my situation in God's hands and trusted that He would make all things work together for my good. I have experienced God taking what appeared to be an impossible situation and making it all work out for my good in the end. However, keep in mind that like Joseph, you may still have to go through trials and it may take time. You may also need to ask the Lord to help you trust Him more.

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of FaithWords.

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Every Christian faces doubts about his/her faith walk at some time in life and Joyce Meyer's latest book UNSHAKEABLE TrUST addresses how one can face these doubts, Bible in hand and prayer in the heart. Ms. Meyer honestly approaches the topic and is not afraid to admit that she has faced doubts in her own life and how she has overcome them. But she also admits that it is a daily battle because we must overcome Satan daily. Her advice is practical and Biblical, and this one-of-a-kind book is one that every Christian should have on the shelf to refer to when the doubts come. I particularly enjoyed the definititons of faith as a noun and trust as an action verb. I also enjoyed the life stories that Ms. Meyer shared that made the teachings that she was sharing more real and applicable to life. Each chapter begins with a Scripture and Ms. Meyer instructs the reader how to pray through the lack of faith until victory is achieved. I enjoyed the book and appreciated the chance to read it, since I have difficulty with doubt. I say I have faith, but as Ms. Meyer points out, we frequently have faith for a limited amount of time, and out schedule is not always that of the Lord. Her insight is thought provoking and will stay with me for a long time. I read the e-book for Netgalley, but I would like a hard copy of the book as a reference tool, just to remind myself that I can have "Unshakeable Trust" in an Almighty God who loves me and wants the best for me.

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5 stars for Unshakeable Trust by Joyce Meyer.

Unshakeable Trust does exactly what you would expect of a Joyce Meyer book. It is packed full of relevant Bible quotes, empathy, support and a pinch of loving rebuke. This is a woman who knows and trusts God, and can communicate her hard-won wisdom to her readers. In Unshakeable Trust she talks about the importance of leaning on God and developing a relationship with him, obedience, choosing to have a positive attitude and expectancy that God's promises will be kept, and helping others instead of focusing on oneself; additionally she explores doubt, suffering, and waiting. Helpfully, Joyce shares where she has made mistakes and sinned, and how she has grown in faith; she also gives concrete examples of the kinds of prayer she says herself. The end result for this reader is to feel more clear-headed and to be refreshed.

A great deal of the book is quote-worthy. With the proviso that these quotes are from the Advanced Reader Copy that I read (and therefore might be changed in the final printed version), here are two brief quotes I found encouraging:

'Don't be discouraged with yourself if sometimes you seem to have very little faith; just remember that when we use our little faith, it can become great faith over time'; and

'You really don't have to do it all. The truth is that Jesus has already done it all, and through trust, faith, and belief in Him, you can breathe a sigh of relief and let your burden go!'

I received this ebook free from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I was able to read Unshakeable Trust for free from Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review (this review contains spoilers).
I have watched Joyce Meyer on tv but have not read any of her books until this one. Very happy I was able to read this book, Joyce is able to show the readers her wisdom on how we all need to Trust God.
The things I have learned from reading this book is that as we "learn to Trust God we learn to live without worry, anxiety, fear, reasoning or debilitating stress". We have to put our TRUST IN GOD.

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While I have watched Joyce Meyer teach, I haven't yet had the pleasure of reading one of her books until Unshakeable Trust. I greatly enjoyed her writing style. I tend to be a worrier, and after years of wearing myself out wringing my hands, this book was a welcome rescue. It was a balm to my anxious heart, and gave me practical ways to trust in our mighty God. So thankful for Joyce's wisdom.

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