Member Reviews

Entertaining and great characters, but very slow pace. Once you get invested in the characters, you don't care about the pace anymore. Grace is feisty and adorable, Davis is kind. He has issues and at times comes across like a jerk, but overall, he is always kind.

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I just wasn't feeling this book, but I'm obviously in the minority here. The book was predictable, as expected, but I really didn't like Grace and I think that is the reason I gave this 3 stars instead of 4. This was my first Jessica Lemmon book, so I obviously didn't read the first book in the series, but this can be easily read as a standalone.

Grace is a red-headed bartender with two divorced parents who are/were divorce lawyers. Her dad took off after her parents divorced and has been estranged since then. Needless to say, she hasn't exactly had the best role model for how a relationship should work.

Davis is a successful stock analyst that works from home and still wears his nice suit and tie to work every day (you have to respect him for dressing the part even when no one sees him). He was left at the altar years ago and hasn't wanted to deal with that heartache again. He has these 'packages' that he offers women as a way to set expectations before they even get involved and all of these packages are offered to blondes since his ex was a redhead. Yes, the whole package thing is a bit shallow and odd, but it works for him and at least he's honest with the ladies in advance.

Davis has been coming into Grace's bar for a long time and he finds her incredibly attractive and intriguing since she's not exactly his type. But she is a redhead and he still has a thing against them. Grace dares him to ask out the next non-blonde and she'd give him $200 if it was a redhead, so of course he asks her out.

Their relationship is anything but the norm for Davis. The packages are forgotten, the sex is hot and their relationship is sweet. I loved Davis, once you got past the packages part. He was cute, thoughtful, loved his grandmother and was generally a very nice guy. Davis was a great guy for her and put his heart on the line again, but felt she was the one for him. Of course, Grace screws things up, believes her bitter mother and breaks things off with Davis. Grace was just way too wishy-washy and a coward for my liking. Why let someone else tell you how you should feel? She ended up miserable, Davis was miserable, but yet he was still the bigger person in the end, despite her breaking his heart.

They get their HEA and it doesn't take too long for them to figure out they can't live without each other. The epilogue was a nice touch as well.

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**Advanced copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I was so intrigued when I read the blurb for this book and I was hoping that I would dive into it and it would be one of those books I couldn't put down. While I did enjoy it, it just wasn't that kind of book for me. The characters were likable, however the story line was fairly predictable and I feel like I've read this kind of book many times over.

Grace Buchanan is what she has termed a "beer mistress" or in layman's terms, a bartender. She has always lived with the pressure that her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps by becoming a lawyer, but Grace is more than happy doing what she's doing. She's also sworn off any kind of relationships and when she's asked out by patrons at the bar she always turns them down. She blames all of her reluctance in relationships on her parents and how their marriage crumbled. Grace is very intrigued by one of her regulars, but she doesn't want to be.

Davis Price is a suit wearing guy who likes to spend his time sitting in front of Grace at her bar. He is terribly intrigued by the redheaded bartender, but she is also the exact opposite of the women he normally goes after. He also is a one to hook up with women, but he's not into relationships.

When Davis and Grace end up embarking on a sex-only arrangement, sparks fly and the two realize that not only do they have wicked chemistry in the bedroom, they also enjoy doing "normal" things together like watching television and eating chips. Could this be a situation where opposites attract? Can these two people with complicated pasts fill the void the other has?

As I said before, I enjoyed this book, however it just seemed so predictable to me. I struggled to connect with the book for quite awhile and finally once I did, it was a predictable ending. I really wanted to love it more.

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This is a new author for me, and I really had no idea what to expect. However, I was so charmed by her writing style from the very first paragraph, I was hooked! I can't wait for more in this series. Incidentally, this is book 2 in the series, and it was pretty obvious I'd missed book one, but it wasn't a bother. I will read it as soon as it's available. Her style is almost in your face, but it's not abrasive in the least. It sets a very authentic, conversational feel. She alternates the POV between the two main characters, and she skillfully makes sure they both have their own voice.

The characters, Davis and Grace, are well defined and are very likable people. They are both a bit of a surprise. The secondary characters are also well fleshed out, though not all of them are likable at all! This makes for some excellent conflict. The book is somewhat light on plot, but that worked for me. It wasn't full of contrived drama found so often in this genre.

All in all, I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC given in exchange for my review.

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I’ve become a fast fan of Jessica Lemmon! I’ve read at least 10 of her books in two months.

Arm Candy is Grace and Davis’s story. We were first introduced to Grace and Davis in Eye Candy and I knew their story would be exciting and memorable. I was right!

Heartbreak has been a very real and tangible reality for them both. Maybe only someone who’s been through that sort of pain can bring someone else back from it. Davis wears a suit everyday, even though he works from home. He always looks the part, but looks can be deceiving. Grace with her tattoos and tight jeans thinks she has Davis figured out, but she has a lot to learn. They both do. As they discover things about each other, they learn a bit more about themselves as well, including how to let go and how to move on. It’s a great read and a wonderful HEA!

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGallery, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Jessica Lemmon has a great writing style where the characters feel like real people. There are scenes of just banter that feel incredibly organic. It’s a real talent to be able to write a scene of just average everyday dialogue and have it feel compelling. It also helps endear me to the characters and really care about their fate. For me, I will put up with a whole lot of bad plot if I genuinely like the characters. Luckily, in the case of Arm Candy I didn’t have to. I loved both the characters and the plot immensely. I’ll be honest, Arm Candy is pure book candy. It was delightful and sweet but doesn’t have a lot of substance. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I LOVED ABOUT IT! It was light and ever so funny with well-rounded characters. I would read a phone book if those components were all present!

Our romantic leads are Davis and Grace who we were introduced to in the previous book Eye Candy. I’ve got to say… I loved Davis and Grace even more than I loved Vince and Jackie. They had a wonderful chemistry between them and I really enjoyed the moments where they were just “being” with each other watching zombie shows or eating potato chips. It was so sweet to see their friendship growing alongside their romance. Also, Davis is just plain wonderful and I have nothing but hearts and rainbows in my soul for him! He’s totally my new book boyfriend. Sorry Grace!

So, according to Grace she “has some issues.” The whole problem with their relationship was the idea of self-sabotage. You know the adage of “if you don’t get attached then you can’t get hurt.” The problem with that thinking is what do you do when you do get attached? Self-sabotage is a hard cycle to break and I was glad it wasn’t the main focus of the story. Yes, it was always there as a niggling little thought in the background but for the most part they were able to move past it. When the inevitable breakup came, it felt rushed but thankfully it was easily resolved. I actually liked that it wasn’t drawn out over several chapters of the main couple being miserable. It was only about one real chapter of misery and then by the end of it everything was great again! Thank you Jessica Lemmon for not dwelling on the misery! In the time she didn’t dwell on misery, she infused the story with so much humor that I was literally laughing out loud.

As for the smut… wow! The steam factor here is off the charts! (Slight spoiler ahead) Davis does this kind of sex hypnosis thing that so hot. He basically tells Grace he’s going to count down from 5 and when he gets to 1 she’s supposed come. AND IT WORKS! Davis is some kind of sexual wizard! While the smut was (obviously) fantastic and incredibly hot, it also had an air of believability. Yes, Davis and Grace are having mind blowing sex but there isn’t any cliché “romancey” talk about how it’s the hardest they’ve ever come or something. The excellent smut speaks for itself and doesn’t have to rely on hyperbole to sell it. So maybe this comes down to the whole rule of “show me, don’t tell me”? …I mean that in the least pornographic way. I swear!

So like I said, Arm Candy is book candy but in its best form. It’s short, sweet, to the point, and filled with smutty delights! I’m so glad I found this series! I can’t wait to get my hands of the next book Man Candy but it looks like I will have to wait until next year! I WANT IT NOW! P.S. GRANDMA ROSE IS A GANGSTA!

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Jessica Lemmon has just been added to my must read list. Arm Candy was a delightful read full of everything you could want in a rom-com novel. Humour, angst, hot steamy sex... you name it, Davis and Grace and their "package deal" provide what you're looking for!

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This is the second book in the Real Love series and it can be read as a standalone. I actually enjoyed this book more than I did the first book. This story was sweet and the chemistry between the characters was undeniable. I finished this story in within a few hours. I was totally hooked once I started reading it and I loved this story from beginning to end. Grace "Gracie" and Davis are still emotionally hurt from things that happened in their life, and it makes them question what they have and if what they have is worth fight for. I loved the way their story played out because it wasn't instant lust and it wasn't predictable. The only thing I disliked was how Grace let her mom get in her head and make her question things going on in her life. However, this was a sweet romance read that I think a lot of readers will enjoy. I look forward to reading more books from this author.

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Arm Candy was the story about Davis and Grace. I liked most of the story between Davis and Gracie. They had a lot of cute moments together as well as some hot, steamy moments. Some of the story was predictable but I still enjoyed it.

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So immediately after finishing Eye Candy I was ready to read something else. But when I tried to sit down and read, my focus did not want to leave the characters. So I thought the best thing to do would just be to give in a read Arm Candy.

Just like with Eye Candy, once I started I didn't want to stop reading. I think it helped that the tension between Davis and Grace was teased so much, and was so well done, in the first book that I simply needed to find out what happened with them.

After a horrendous relationship experience with an ex (nope not going to give details, you must read the first book AND this book!), Davis Price as taken a more business-like approach to his relationships. In fact, calling them "relationships" in the first place is incorrect as he typically doesn't spend more than a weekend with any woman. For six years he's been content with this path. That is, until he meets Grace.

The demise of Grace's parent's marriage when Grace was younger really gave her a skewed perception on relationships. It didn't help that her father has been absent from her life since the divorce only making the smallest hints of communication and never actually showing up himself. Plus, all the attempted relationships Grace has tried have ended pretty terribly. But when she meets Davis at her new place of employment, she is definitely interested.

Unfortunately, Grace knows Davis' penchant for blondes and his aversion to sticking around for long, and she doesn't want anything to do with it. Still, she can't deny that there's a spark between them, and when Davis asks her out on a dare Grace would never turn down the challenge. But as things get serious between them, will they be able to let go of their past hurts and move on with the future?

Much like the first book, Arm Candy deals with two people who were hurt in the past with relationships. I like that there wasn't a repeat of the divorced storyline, although Davis' past does include a romantic relationship, I liked that in Grace we see the damage that can be done to us when we're young. The impressions of a child if you will. You get to see how far those feelings of hurt, and often betrayal, carry even into adulthood, and this is ultimately what Grace suffers from.

Calling upon more of an opposites attract trope, I think this helped make the chemistry between Davis and Grace so hot. Jessica Lemmon writes the perfect amount of heat. Not getting to explicit, but also not just giving us a fade-to-black moment either. In every one of her books I've read thus far, the sex and the sweet moments are balanced quite nicely and I think Arm Candy definitely demonstrates this really well.

Now, having finished both the first and the second books in this series I'm suffering from serious book hangover. I'm sad that the third book in this trilogy won't be out, I believe, until early next year. However, unlike with the first book where it was clear Davis and Grace would be our next couple in the series, Arm Candy doesn't, in my mind, really present us with who will be up in the next book, which is probably just as well since the anticipation of NOT having their book yet would be horrible.

Overall, so far, I've been really impressed with this new series of Jessica Lemmon's and I can't wait to read what's next.

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Grace is a bartender at the local bar that Davis hangs out at. He is very guarded of his heart, only dates blondes and never redheads. Grace makes a bet with Davis that he won't ask a redhead out and he takes her up on that bet by asking Grace out. The two start out their relationship as only friends with benefits, but feelings quickly change. This was a good read and part of a series, however, this could be read as a standalone book. The characters are funny and easy to fall in love with.

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*I will leave a review on Goodreads closer to the release date.*

I knew when I read the first in this series that I couldn't wait for Davis' story. This book was not disappointing in the least, considering I didn't enjoy the first one. I loved Davis, and I loved Grace for Davis. I would have liked the reason for Grace's shutdown to be a little more fleshed out, because I felt that she needed more reasons for dumping Davis, but I'm glad he forced the issue. Good story, I'll be looking forward to the next one.

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If you like reading a romance, this is the book for you. It has a nice story that develops quickly and will keep you reading until the very end.

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This is a fun book that I enjoyed. Grace is a bar manager who, even as an adult, remains damaged by her parents volatile marriage and divorce. Davis has pain of his own in his past and is coping by serial dating blonds, but never seeing one more than three times.

Grace, a fiery redhead, challenges Davis to date a non-blond. Predictably, Davis accepts her challenge and asks her out. After their three dates, neither wants to stop seeing the other, but they have to work through their landmine of past hurts as they try to figure out if they even have a relationship.

I loved the characters, especially Grace - I loved her personality and the way she attacks life and lives it on her terms. She's a fun character with lots of depth. Davis is also an interesting character, but didn't seem to have the same depth.

While I enjoyed this book, some parts of it seemed to drag a bit to me, however, I still recommend it as a very good read. Fans of the genre will enjoy this book and want to put it on their TBR list.

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Grace and Davis both have reasons to be cynical when it comes to love. Trying to live in the moment without letting their past define them is a challenge. They dance around their attraction until Grace finally issues Davis a bet. Davis doesn't give up and after their first date it's obvious that they have chemistry. As their relationship starts to become more than just sex, old doubts start to creep in. Grace has to decide if her divorced mother's opinion is correct or should she really put her heart out their and love! This book had it all love, drama, laughter, and romance. I read this book in one day because I simply couldn't put it down!

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I went in blind onto the story, but it just felt like the other book in this series..

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Loved it. First time author fir me. I truly wish I'd discovered her before. This book and the storyline itself was so different which is why I loved it. Oh Davis ....give me the platinum package any day please ! I just one clicked a few of her books on Amazon. I can't wait for book 3 in this series. Until then I'll read Jessica's other books.

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Davis has been burned badly by his ex-fiancee but Grace dates him to go out with her. What starts out as a package deal turns into something more. Davis is ready for the next level but will Grace ever be ready? Loved reading Davis’ story!

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Full disclaimer: I love Jessica Lemmon's books. I love her writing style, her sass, her flair, the fully developed descriptions that make you feel like you are there in the scene or watching it take place. The added parts don't feel out of place or just thrown in there, they add to the story. So...Gracie Lou and Davis. I want a Davis. And I want a friend like Gracie Lou- spunky yet vulnerable. We were introduced to them in the first of this series, and you knew then there was a story to be told. I like how the stories intertwine with each other, but not so much that you feel they are repeating story lines. Would love to see the couples have a joint focus from the first two books at some point in a future book- their friendship dynamics have great potential! And note to the publishers: customers want this in paperback form. They are already asking when it comes out and the disappointment from just being electronic format is crazy high. Her fan base grew with the Billionaire Bad Boys series going out in mass paperback- why lose them because they can't get their hands on this series?

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Davis Price is a well-dressed stock analyst with a thing for blondes. Grace Buchanan is a feisty bartender who knows what she wants and when she wants it. They’ve had a steady stream of banter for months now, but it’s not like Grace is oblivious to Davis’ non-stop parade of one night stands. When Grace dares Davis to take out a non-blonde, she certainly didn’t think he’s set his sights on her, but she’d also be lying if she said she didn’t want him too.

I absolutely fell in love with Davis in Eye Candy, the first book in the series. In that book, he was Vince’s best friend, the guy who stuck around through all of the drama and heartaches in Vince’s life, the guy who pushed Vince into the best relationship of his life, and the guy who mysteriously clammed up around redheads. Sure, Eye Candy was a good book, but I was just counting down the days until I could read about Davis.

Though this book is technically a standalone, you’d be doing yourself a huge disservice by skipping the first book in the series. Davis and Grace might be secondary characters, but if you pay attention, you’ll see their relationship start to develop in the background.

This book is, like every Jessica Lemmon book I’ve read, cute and well-written. Lemmon knows how to build her characters so that you’ll not only care about what happens to them but so that they’ll also feel like real people. I feel like I could hop over to a local bar and meet Davis and Vince. They’re not caricatures. They’re not unrealistic. They aren’t multi-billionaires with their own private islands and castles and fleets of expensive cars. They’re regular people, and I love that about her books.

Okay, so let’s talk about Davis. If he were a real person, I would quite literally leave my current life for him. In a heartbeat. Without a second thought. He rivals all other men (real and fictional) for a place in my heart because he is just such a good person. You should see my Kindle notes. Every time that Davis did something sweet or cute or wonderful I have comments like, “swoon” or “heart eyes” or “Where do I find my own Davis Price.”

I’m not sure what’s up with me and fictional men lately, but it’s getting to be a thing.

Now, all the love in the world for Davis cannot make up for the distaste that I had for Grace. She’s not awful. Not at all. She’d probably actually make a great friend. She’s just so immature and wishy-washy when it comes to relationships. And I get it, really, I do. Especially at the beginning, and sometimes even after a few years, relationships are scary. You have to push past your own self-imposed barriers to get to bigger and better things. The problem is that whenever Grace feels an emotion, she shuts down. In one particular scene, she described herself as a pinata filled with terror, and that’s about when I stopped taking her seriously.

All of these contemporaries involve the characters separating and getting back together, so I don’t think it’s really a spoiler to mention that it happens here. I’m being purposely vague, but I don’t think that Grace deserved her second chance at the reunion. She made her choice and I don’t honestly care if she was crying in the back room of the bar over it. You’re an adult and once you’ve made your choices, it’s your job to own them and deal with them.

Honestly, Davis deserved the world and I’m not sure that he’ll get it with Grace. (But, as long as this fictional character is happy with his fictional girlfriend, I’m happy.) If it doesn’t work out with Grace, though, I’m not afraid of commitment. Just sayin’.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

Final rating: ★★★★☆

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